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  • in reply to: I need to stop taking cocaine! It’s killing me! #15444

    Hi Shazza

    Me and my partner split after her cheating on me again so I had to leave which was awful to leave my child behind and it was from that point my life took a major dip I couldn’t handle life anymore and constantly on the gear my family know this and there is a mixed response as they don’t truly understand what it’s like to be an addict but I can’t worry what they think as I need to concentrate on making my life better.

    I started back in the rooms last night which went well and I know I can’t do this on my own so I need to be around people who are the same as me all fighting for recovery

    Please try and go to a CA meeting and talk to people they will offer support and you will realise you are not on your own.

    in reply to: I need to stop taking cocaine! It’s killing me! #15436

    Hi Shazza

    Believe me I have the same thoughts as yourself but we have to try and make a change we don’t want to live like this for the rest of our lives which if we keep using will be shortened

    We owe to ourselves to try and change I am realising it’s not gonna change unless I make it so

    in reply to: I need to stop taking cocaine! It’s killing me! #15429

    Hi Shazza

    CA groups can be good I failed because I wasn’t ready to let go I am starting back up again and looking to fully commit this time as I can’t carry on I am 39 and it’s time to stop for good

    You can google CA Meetings in your area try and get a sponsor in the meeting to guide you through

    in reply to: I need to stop taking cocaine! It’s killing me! #15399

    Hi just found this site and registered straight away I also feel the same way and it’s destroying me I want to stop just don’t have the will at the moment.

    I have been to CA meetings which were ok but started missing some then I fell back big time.

    One thing I know is addicts understand addicts so if anyone has any advice it would be welcomed


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