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  • in reply to: When the addict leaves #16415

    Thank you , let’s hope the lockdown makes him see sense and you are relieved of all anxieties . X

    in reply to: When the addict leaves #16410

    To Fullmoon,

    Thank you for your kindness , it is greatly appreciated. I totally agree with you . I’ve shed so many tears . I’ve tried to show so much love and support , but my well

    Is empty . Like you , I’ve tried everything. Holding money . Talking , caring . I can’t control his behaviour . I can’t take his lies. Hating on me is easier than looking at himself . I’ve kept quiet for such a long time . I’m a MH professional, so talking about my issues has been very hard . I’m so glad I’ve spoken to someone that gets me . I’m hear if you feel like venting .

    in reply to: When the addict leaves #16402

    Bless you . My husband hates me right now as I have had to put boundaries in place . My dad died in January and I couldn’t deal with anymore . My husbands drug of choice is crystal meth .

    My husband disappeared. Used . Fell apart . I fixed him up . He went back . Like you I feel everything . I’ve tried everything . He has threatened me . Hurt me and I still loved him. Like your partner he had a hard life .

    2 weeks ago I had a total mental breakdown. Ended up in the hospital . But yet it’s still my fault . He has no empathy for me . I’m the problem. I’ve rejected him. I didn’t I rejected the chaos .

    Losing my dad and him has been unbearable .

    Like yourself I feel for him. He is constantly angry . Shouts all the time and yesterday said I’m still using drugs and I haven’t sought help like you want . I said I’m not arguing , I said I love you be safe . The no compassion or empathy for me is a hard 1 . I no longer know what to do and it hurts like hell . Like you I live in hope . I’ve never used a forum before . Stay strong x

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