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  • in reply to: Sick and tired #29103

    Morning ???? ladies, how are we today? Well I went out for food and drink last night with a school friend. I actually loved it and felt alive and not trapped and free.does that sound bizarre, so I decided there and then that I need to do it more often, I mean he goes out when he feels like it and spends god knows how much, I spent less than £20 on food and drink and couldn’t stop laughing all night. I feel like ive been locked away for too long xx

    in reply to: Sick and tired #29083

    Hello beautiful ladies, god there’s got to be a better way of existing cause let’s face it that’s what we are doing. I want to live and enjoy life its too short and im being held back by I’m quite lucky cause hes been on a course all week and then working away next week, I try to be polite on a weekend but you know sometimes I’m not strong for the way he talks to me and acts. I’m also falling further into debt with bills and actually don’t know how to pay them. More 12 hour shifts for me I suppose, all because he prefers that white stuff. Remember girls it’s not our fault, and their words are horrible and cruel but not true, they just don’t like themselves and insecure and weak,so throw it all on to you. And mammy,I would love my partner to go so it’s just me and my boys, so rebuild your life and keep him out your life. Love to you both xxx

    in reply to: And here we go again #29001

    Hey Donthaveaclue,hes a lazy b just like mine. And living on your own you will love it,doing what you want and when you want. Hes just a sad druggie like mine pathetic ???? and weak. Crisps and sugary things,does that mean he’s on a come down? Xx

    in reply to: And here we go again #28979

    Hey donthaveaclue, how are you today? Well as you know I worked all weekend 12 hour shifts. He was off for 4 days, I came back from work last night he hadn’t done a thing and he had gone out and came back high,he tried to be back a long time before me but unfortunately it was about 2 minutes. I was furious,I even said its no wander I have health problems, he actually blamed me. Wtf anyway im glad he’s away this week on a course and I’m at work. Xx

    in reply to: And here we go again #28935

    Hey donthaveaclue, how are you today? Yeh he was vile yesterday,not sure if it was a come down or he needed some stuff.i never spoke to him all day then he tried to be nice and buy me fish and chips for tea.i ate two mouthfuls and gave it the dog.i got up for work this morning and ignored him,he said you carrying it on from yesterday.i said im going to do my 12 hour shift and walked out. I’m not putting up with him or the violence anymore. How are you today? Xx

    in reply to: And here we go again #28920

    Well he we go again, tried to voice my opinion and he runs at me and hits me in the mouth with his phone. So as I hold mouth he tells me it’s my fault again. I’m petrified to say or do anything. Why can’t I just ne strong to hit back

    in reply to: And here we go again #28913

    Morning donthaveaclue, yeh hes vile and you are right im like you don’t have a voice.cant discuss anything, can’t ask about money nothing, otherwise I’m causing an argument again.this Morning I got up early he said do me a coffee, not can you do me one please. Then I did it,didn’t want the argument at 7am not fair on the boys.then he said you know what would be nice, i Kew what he was going to say so I said spoons breakfast. No eggs ,I said im drinking my coffee then boom one big argument from the little 5 foot 5/6 man with a big I did them then took it up to be shouted at don’t fng bother cause I will throw them at you. Hes a idiot who I absolutely hate and detest hes put me off men for life.enjoy your day today xx

    in reply to: And here we go again #28901

    Hello donthaveaclue, I did message this morning but they said there was profanity. So obviously never posted point getting restraining orders or moving away he would just find us.he likes to be in control, not that he is really with us.we just leave him to it now regarding the drugs, and if I ask a question about anything or especially money he just goes like a bottle of working 12 hour shifts on sat and sun so thank god I won’t see him. How are you? Xx

    in reply to: And here we go again #28900

    Hello donthaveaclue, I did message this morning but they said there was profanity. So obviously never posted point getting restraining orders or moving away he would just find us.he likes to be in control, not that he is really with us.we just leave him to it now regarding the drugs, and if I ask a question about anything or especially money he just goes like a bottle of working 12 hour shifts on sat and sun so thank god I won’t see him. How are you? Xx

    in reply to: And here we go again #28889

    Hi donthaveaclue, how are you beautiful? Yeh mine smokes out the window I hate actually working 12 hour shifts the weekend thank god just so I don’t have to be by him.all my boys work but we wouldn’t be able to just leave because he’s been violent in the past and he would be again. I mentioned something about Money a couple of weeks ago and he ran at me like a wild animal. He’s horrendous and unpredictable. I think he’s a sociopath. Yours too .stay safe and be strong xxx

    in reply to: And here we go again #28887

    Hi donthaveaclue, how are you beautiful? Yeh mine smokes out the window I hate actually working 12 hour shifts the weekend thank god just so I don’t have to be by him.all my boys work but we wouldn’t be able to just leave because he’s been violent in the past and he would be again. I mentioned something about Money a couple of weeks ago and he ran at me like a wild animal. He’s horrendous and unpredictable. I think he’s a sociopath. Yours too .stay safe and be strong xxx

    in reply to: And here we go again #28880

    Hi donthaveaclue, I’m at a loss for words to be honest ???? he’s off from tomorrow so off till Monday. This will be fun if he’s spent all his Money. He’s telling me he’s getting paid weekly again from Friday but I can’t believe a word he says,else why would he keep £700 back for himself. Im stressing about running out of food, petrol and paying bills.while all he has to worry about is getting his next fix.something has got to change drastically soon. How are you lovely? Xx

    in reply to: And here we go again #28821

    Rae22,yeh I just am emotionally detached now, im beyond the anger stage.hes still in bed now like a king, ive been to sainsburys and all my dinner I’s cooking. Just a waste of oxygen they are x

    in reply to: And here we go again #28819

    Morning rae22,yeh tried for years there is no help like they say there is. Can’t re home me but can put me in a womens refuge and leave my boys here with him( all over 16) got no chance of that happening. So just got to play the waiting game for him to go or something happen to him .it’s horrendous to think how many people look forward to weekends and yet we dread them xx

    in reply to: And here we go again #28816

    Hey rae22,oh bless you. Will he go quietly though, I know mine wouldn’t he would be so violent its untrue. I pray every night he will just go or something happen to him( how awful is that) not sure how much more I can take xxx

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