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  • in reply to: Worried that I’m losing my partner #28643

    Morning everyone, this site is a is everyone today? Another day but let’s put our music on and smile. I’m not even talking to the cretin today, he will learn that I’m actually done now xx

    in reply to: How to go south. #28642

    Hi mengdie, I’m truly sorry ???? actually heartbreaking reading your story, relating to so many things throughout the different paragraphs and then the death bit,oh my god I absolutely feel for you because you still loved him but Don’t feel guilty in anyway because you tried to help him.i often say to my husband you will od and die from it( he’s reaction, oh well) how selfish I say when you have 4 grown up boys, and they will have to Bury you knowing you did this to yourself. Selfish thats why they are addicts, and obviously it’s not called the devil’s drug for nothing. Sending you lots of love xxx

    in reply to: Here we go again #28641

    Pds, it’s suicide Sunday lol ???? I slept downstairs last night, refused to talk to him and I won’t today. Never been so bored in all my life like yesterday, god knows how he does it just doing f new day im back to my positive self, do a Sunday dinner for me and the kids and my jobs, can’t and won’t live in a crap hole.hows everyone’s night? So was you on the stuff x

    in reply to: Here we go again #28630

    Oh god ladies it just sounds like my life, ive bought his cigs for two days, which was petrol money for me to get to work and back. I didn’t want him nagging the kids for money. So I said earlier are you asking your dad to lend you some money, why he said! Do you want it all like normal, cheeky ……. how dare he.i just walked away and said you are unbelievable x

    in reply to: Here we go again #28584

    Hello donthaveaclue, oh god today I’m currently in my pjs lying in bed eating my tea, I can’t stand to be near him.ive just tried explaining we have no money because he keeps putting it up his nose,but clearly the creature doesn’t want to take responsibility and says I’m arguing ???? lol im talking in a quiet manner, what I really want to do is rip his head off. So I said ok sado I’m going back to bed,oh and do your washing for work cause I’m not and I’m not doing Sunday dinner either. Does anyone know why they normally stay in bed and sometimes eat loads,is it the come down x

    in reply to: Here we go again #28578

    Yeh ive not spoken to him all day and I have no intentions on talking to the sad little creature he is. I look at him and just see a weak pathetic individual. Hows everyone else’s day been? X

    in reply to: Here we go again #28576

    He spent most of the day in bed so I had to pop out so when I got back, guess where I went lol ???? back to bed,by now I’ve cleaned the whole house everything but not today. How one person can ruin your whole day. So hes now currently sitting downstairs alone cracking the cans open

    in reply to: Here we go again #28570

    Suicide Sunday lol that’s good. Mmmm he’s addicted to now hang on, it’s a bit of a list, drink,cigarette,betting and the white powder

    in reply to: Here we go again #28559

    My idiot is still in bed.ate his chocolate and crisps and he’s just lying in is that all about

    in reply to: Worried that I’m losing my partner #28554

    Oh wow, our lives are all the same living with an addict. It’s horrendous constantly walking on egg shells, scared to say anything in case you say the wrong thing. I’m trying to be positive and stay strong but hes a rat and says the most nastiest things ever to me.can I ask a question? Why do they stay in bed,?that’s where he is now. Eating chocolate, crisps.i also noticed Last night he had the to you all x


    Hey audrey, my god you sure you are not living with my husband, sounds just like him.i completely get where you are coming from but unfortunately it’s too late for me and him now. The trust and lies has destroyed us. Xx

    in reply to: Sick and tired #28436

    Hi donthaveaclue, yeh I can relate to that because I was suffering panic attacks for a couple of years on and off,so tried to work it out what was causing it.turns out its him and his drinking and volatile mood swings, so I now try to meditate and relax as much as I can.i had a friend say to me how strong I was because most women would crumble, its made me such a strong independent woman its untrue. So stay strong because you are doing an amazing job xx

    in reply to: Sick and tired #28426

    Hello donthaveaclue,I hope you are well beautiful. My hubby used to tell me I was boring all the time because I never went to the pub and drank alcohol, well im glad im boring cause im not the one addicted to drink and drugs.sad how society are so hooked on the white stuff. Anyway shoulders back,stand straight and strong.let all negative energy go so you can feel positive energy and vibes and remember to smile xxx

    in reply to: Sick and tired #28394

    Also aswell people don’t seem to be shocked anymore when you mention cocaine (like it’s a normal thing to do, clearly I’m not normal)because so many people are actually on the stuff its untrue they can get it easier than getting fans.i have no idea what the world has come to. But we none users are a tiny majority xx

    in reply to: Sick and tired #28393

    Good morning my beautiful ladies. Remember none of this is your fault its theres and its a choice what they are making, I don’t care what excuse they are doing it for, god all ive been through with him over the years I should be on all different drugs.but I’m not its a choice,donthaveaclue lovely, mine doesn’t hide it either anymore I can tell 95 percent when he’s on it too,hands shake,feet keep fidgeting, lip slightly moving at an angle ,clearing his throat and nose, sniffing, I could go on but you all know lol.although I have not told my family I have no problem telling anyone else now he’s on that crap,I mean they all know anyway and it’s not like he’s ashamed, in fact sometimes I think hes quite proud and brazen about its. So like I say beauties it’s not your fault so live each day as its your last,look after your kids and yourself because if you fall apart who will look after them and raise them.stay positive and strong xx

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