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  • in reply to: Two days #28239

    Oh beautiful, I can’t believe it.mine admitted to me on Sunday night he had a problem and that he wanted to stop. Ok I said,think he thought I was going to say more but he knows I’m emotionally done with him and ready to walk away he said he will stop.i said I don’t do words just actions then I did a 16 hour shift on Wed he comes in off his tits, wow lasted 2 frigging days.gone out at 5 said he will be back shortly, we will see. I just think they are absolutely selfish human beings and the white stuff always comes first xx

    in reply to: Friday again #28206

    Some Saturdays stay in bed most the day saying he’s knackered from work. But never used to complain. Says he’s tired.idiot

    in reply to: Friday again #28202

    Mine Don’t stop waffling,talking shit,making stories up.mouth constantly going to one side or whole face making stupid moves.stays up half the night. Do I need to carry on lol oh and either placid or want to fight the world x

    in reply to: Friday again #28166

    Yep alcohol is nasty it changes people. I rarely go out because when I am I can’t relax when I see people getting drunk because they become unpredictable x

    in reply to: Friday again #28141

    If you filmed him hes still verbally nasty so it might shock him on how he talks to you when he’s had a drink. There are a few people on here who can offer advice on the drinking x

    in reply to: Friday again #28127

    Hi suey,I’ve been thinking about this what you should do, I was actually going to do this,film him when he’s drunk, obviously don’t show him the phone, hid it in the living room or his bedroom. Then when he’s sober show him and say would you put up with that if it was coming from you ( mom and brother ) it might shock him. Just an idea xx

    in reply to: Two days #28118

    Thank you Dan x

    in reply to: Two days #28112

    Hey Dan, the challenge lol if I knew what it was doing to me and the effect it had on the family then I would stop. There’s a lady on my messages called sue can you message her please, she’s in despair over her son and drinking x

    in reply to: Two days #28111

    Hey Dan, the challenge lol if I knew what it was doing to me and the effect it had on the family then I would stop. There’s a lady on my messages called sue can you message her please, she’s in despair over her son and drinking x

    in reply to: Friday again #28108

    Hey suey,is it just drink? How often does he drink? He’s violent, abusive( my husband used to be awful on alcohol) domestic violence for many years but now I stand up to him because he’s a narcissus and controlling. He doesn’t like it when I stand up to him because he’s not in control of the situation. But I suffered depression for years but not no more im stronger than ever. Now I just smile and be nice to him.last night drunk and off his tits, stayed in bed all day I was lovely to not stressing anymore and making myself ill because of him.its harder for you because he’s your boy. You need to talk to someone who’s gone through the same addiction as your son xx

    in reply to: Friday again #28102

    Hey suey, it’s horrendous isn’t it? I never signed up for this and my kids definitely didn’t. I just think now he’s the bad apple on the family so what do we do with bad apples? You have tried and so have I? But I have to put my kids ( who hate him) and myself first.he has a cocaine and drink and gambling addiction. Can’t help someone who doesn’t think he has a problem. I actually have panic attacks due to stressing because of him( hows he going to be? Happy? Aggressive? Argumentative? Etc. Ive had many in front of him and he’s just looked at me and gone back to bed. Stay strong, im here 24/7 for you xx

    in reply to: Friday again #28084

    Hi worried sister.i have no idea because some days he’s normal and you can have a conversation with him other days he’s a vile monster. So Last weekend he was lovely for two days and I said how lovely when you stay off the drugs, Sunday off his face. I checked his phone he had some on Friday and sat when he was normal. So who knows. Told him last night he’s a disgrace and it’s embarrassing. I’m not helping someone like that anymore he doesn’t want help.i said you will die soon like whitney houston did, hes reply oh well. Selfish man he has kids. X

    in reply to: Friday again #28074

    God I wished mine would move out, I’d be so happy x

    in reply to: Friday again #28071

    Yeh just told mine im done.he actually looked and sounded surprised when I said how unhappy he’s making me feel. Then had the cheek to say he doesn’t understand cause I don’t want for anything. I just laughed and said really. I’m behind on my bills cause its going up your nose.i have no one to talk to. He said talk to me( that’s hilarious ????) no ive not signed up for this crap I’m done xx

    in reply to: My husband is an addict #28070

    Hi midgetgem, I’m so sorry that this has happened to you. It makes me sick to the stomach because they really don’t deserve us and yet they treat us like shit like we are the problem. I think my husband is beyond help now,I really don’t like him and certainly don’t love him.i have not left because I have no where to go, womens refuge out the question cause I would have to leave my boys and there was domestic violence so no chance leaving my kids with him.i know it sounds awful but I pray he will have an accident, ive just told him he’s ruined mine and the kids lives.and how unhappy we are.*(hes Currently off his tits and drunk) same old.stay strong xx

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