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  • in reply to: Friday again #28064

    Yep just come in and oh my god he’s face,can’t keep still.absolute disgrace

    in reply to: Two days #28057

    Dan, bless you its certainly the devil’s drug as they say and he won’t be happy till everyone in the house is unhappy. It’s awful for the family living in it,its like constantly walking on egg shells,but then I don’t really see it from his point of you because I always say he had an still has a choice to take it or get help. Sorry is that harsh?

    in reply to: Two days #28056

    Dan,if you don’t mind me asking why did you start taking it and what made you stop. And im not ever going to take it I know a few on it and they were lovely people before, but now like my husband I don’t recognise them at all.

    in reply to: Two days #28051

    Dan,if you don’t mind me asking why did you start taking it and what made you stop. And im not ever going to take it I know a few on it and they were lovely people before, but now like my husband I don’t recognise them at all.

    in reply to: Two days #28050

    Hi worried sister, I have no idea, trouble is I think hes not had some then check his messages and he’s had some. Got to be on it the majority of the week I think x

    in reply to: Two days #28037

    What is psychosis? How do you feel now you are not drinking ? I bet its hard for you? You need to stay strong and don’t go back to that lifestyle or though its difficult because so many are on it. I actually feel like I’m not normal sometimes because I don’t do it x

    in reply to: Two days #28031

    Hey,trouble is I have no idea how long he’s been on it for, also drinks every night, weekends are horrendous. Not sure if he has a mental illness or its just the drugs.

    in reply to: Two days #28030

    Hey,trouble is I have no idea how long he’s been on it for, also drinks every night, weekends are horrendous. Not sure if he has a mental illness or its just the drugs.

    in reply to: Two days #28024

    Thank you Dan,it makes perfect sense, he sometimes drinks 4/5 cans of fizzy pop a night. And keeps fidgeting all night. He doesn’t eat some nights yet like you said he binges on food and eats loads one day. I realise I can’t help him anymore ,it’s really helped being on here and reading stories and obviously your advice. I now know hes on the path on his own a self destruction if you like. I can’t delete his dealers number cause he works with him,I keep trying to explain hes not a friend hes your dealer and you are his cash cow buy he won’t have it and obviously says he’s not a dealer. I’m really proud of you Dan,one day as it comes. Thank you for your advice x

    in reply to: Two days #28017

    Hey donthaveaclue, firstly how are you today? Listen to the song better days are coming, that’s for all of us living in this hell. Anyway, everything you have just said is my hubby all over, reading many stories on here they all seem to do the same, strange. I think hes doing crack to be honest, he’s really erratic his behaviour lately, like his changed again. Strange man, but I just smile now and get on with my positive day and keep that negative man at arms length, just cause he doesn’t like himself or his life don’t drag me down. Anyway I wish there was another way we could all communicate lol I keep missing Dan on here and now another man on here who did cocaine. Anyway always here for you ????

    in reply to: My Boyfriends coke addiction #28016

    I’ve just heard a song that I’m dedicating to all of us,( better days are coming) amazing lyrics for us all.hey Dan,I did message you last night

    in reply to: Two days #28002

    Hey Dan,you ok? Im proud of you for being clean and working again. I bet its so difficult for you just the little things walking past a pub etc. Im ok,I.m a bit more positive today. I can’t force him to realise he has a problem, I don’t think he wants to stop using to be honest, he was actually asleep but arguing with himself in bed on Sunday. He’s losing weight big time is that just cocaine or is he taking anything else? The mood swings are awful, what does a come down do to you? X

    in reply to: Two days #27995

    Sorry Danny

    in reply to: Two days #27994

    Hey Damon,that’s good your at work. Yes we will talk later x

    in reply to: Ketamine addiction and a loved one #27987

    Hello and welcome, I can’t relate to ketamine but hubby has a cocaine addiction, also betting and drinking ( obviously they all go hand in hand) also think he has mental health issues too,definitely a narcissus too.sorry not much help am I? X

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