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  • in reply to: Crack cocaine #19850

    I hope you had a nice normal chat and time with your friend as you sound so defeated. I’ll be thinking of you and hoping you get through all of this as unaffected as possible as you deserve much more in life than this- I view my life as a half existence at the minute and I imagine most of the others feel something fairly similar too xx

    in reply to: Crack cocaine #19831

    I did exactly the same thing- I withdrew my statement and support for the case as I believed all the promises and that it was a one off use etc- the police are pursuing it anyway for my case though. im so sorry, I feel we are all part of a club none of us wish to have ever known about. Don’t feel ashamed about this it sounds like you’ve gone above and beyond and blocking him sounds like the right thing to do but please just be careful and safe in the meantime. My ex, (who I still love of course- its a curse isn’t it) is ringing me from prison and sounds like he is really depressed now as reality has hit him id imagine, but like others have said we don’t know where their rock bottom is and until he is no-where near you then your ex may not hit it either? my family are now aware of what my ex has done and don’t hate him despite him having done loads and loads of awful things (not just small stuff), they feel quite sorry for him due to the drugs issue but still feel he should not be near me. you may find others think something similar about your ex too.


    in reply to: Crack cocaine #19810

    is there a court case pending for the assault? my ex kicked my front door in on what I now believe was crack and ended up remanded for a few months and I would never have believed he was capable of that. Can you reach out to the police to say you have further concerns? Im learning fast you must put your own safety first and the man you love is not there when using that crap. Please please be safe and consider doing what you need to do for your own wellbeing? xx

    in reply to: Crack cocaine #19679

    well I have now found out my ex has gone on a crack binge over the weekend and has done criminal damage and assault so is now in prison. I couldn’t even make it up. He’s now ringing me from there despite me telling him not to and Im so fed up and upset I keep having nightmares about it all. I just don’t know who that man is anymore. What Gil was saying about pens, I remember seeing a pen and feeling happy it hadn’t been pulled apart to be used- how sad is that. im glad I found this forum as I feel like im cracking up under all of this, ive never been round drugs I don’t get the appeal or how a normal nice guy could throw away his future for it either but its nice (although sad) to hear all of your experiences too so thank you x

    in reply to: Crack cocaine #19664

    Hi there, unfortunately I found yet more drug paraphernalia last Friday morning and made the decision to leave. He sent me messages all day saying I had drilled holes in walls and put spy cameras in his home and had moved things like a curtain. he then went quiet and ive since found out he was arrested and is now likely to be remanded or sentenced. im beyond heartbroken but still now he will not admit he used (even though im absolutely positive he did) or also that his going crazy are my fault for leaving and therefore not “controlling him”. Its beyond me as he is lovely and thoughtful and kind when he can not use but the stress of looking around the house, wondering where spoons are going, where is his money going, scaring me etc is just too much.

    just so so sad right now xx

    in reply to: Crack cocaine #19601

    Im experiencing something similiar- my partner (ex?) was using crack- I didn’t even know what it was I’ve never been round drugs in my life and he has assaulted me, damaged my car, accused me of climbing out of windows to go sleep with his neighbours, just one crazy thing after another- we now have a court case looming too because of what he has done when using- all from the side effects and paranoia he suffers. Anyway he had stopped (as far as I can tell for maybe a few months) but then I found a telltale spoon hidden the other day in a cupboard and I’ve now left him. Im heartbroken as I love him so much but I cant stand the lies, the fear, the worry about what will trigger him to start again which can be anything from boredom to “not trusting me” which he has zero reason not to. I just don’t know what to do- he has rang me 100x today and I’ve ignored every one as I cant bear to speak to him- I found out the day he used to looked online various sites to “hook up” which he is again denying although I can see the google searches in black and white. I just don’t know what to do- is my life always going to be like this- total doubts, wondering where he is if he goes offline, counting spoons in drawers? does anyone have any honest advice as im heartbroken crying and feeling like an utter mug right now xx

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