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  • in reply to: My 45 daughter is an alcoholic what do I do #24992

    So sad. It doesn’t sound to me like there is any more you can do but encourage her to work on herself in AA. It isnt the program that is failing but she has to want it for herself, not anyone else. You can’t make her see. Take care Mary.

    in reply to: A (cautious) success story to share #24990

    That is great news. Thank you for sharing. May I ask if his behaviour in recovery is still challenging? I met my partner when she was 1 year sober and almost a year on, there are challenges (as in any relationship) from what I see as real mood swings and changes dramatically in her personality and what she communicates/seems to feel. I am trying to understand if this is part of a pattern in recovering addicts, or just the way she is? Thanks.

    in reply to: My 45 daughter is an alcoholic what do I do #24989

    I am so sorry to hear about your and your daughters situation. I can only imagine how hard it is.

    From what I understand the most important thing is to realise that whilst you can be supportive and you obviously are, you cannot fix her by your actions. She has to want to do the work to help regain and rebuild her life. That means joining and doing the work in a sponsored and structured programme. You can’t make her go, you can’t make her do the work needed for recovery. Only she can decide and take those steps herself. If she doesn’t or isn’t, that doesn’t mean that you have failed in your love and supportive attempts. Look after yourself and your own needs too. X

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