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  • in reply to: Boyfriend with cocaine addiction #23122

    Thanks so much. He’s admitted he’s still using but we’ve spoken to the GP now and hes on meds for his mood (low mood is a trigger for use) and we’re seeking therapy. I’m giving him a chance but absolutely I don’t want to be here in 4 years if nothing changes.

    Thanks so much for the support and I’m sending you the same x

    in reply to: Boyfriend with cocaine addiction #22949

    Thank you, I appreciate your reply.

    I feel a lot of responsibility for him and therefore a lot of guilt in leaving when he so evidently needs support. I am also of course so sad because there are many brilliant things about him that I would miss. He’s had a very tough upbringing that’s lead him here.

    Was your ex partner okay when you left or did you have to cut ties completely? I hope you don’t mind me asking.

    in reply to: Boyfriend with cocaine addiction #22929

    If anyone has any advice I’d really appreciate it.

    in reply to: Boyfriend with cocaine addiction #22928

    I’m so sorry to hear about all of your stories but also glad it is not just me.

    My bf of 10 years has been using on and off for 4 years. I found out just before Christmas and he said he’d stop but I’m fairly sure he’s still using. It’s so hard but if he’s not going to be honest I feel like I can’t help him.

    I bought cocaine tests online and he won’t do them, I feel like thats a massive red flag. I don’t feel nice asking him to do them but if he’s denying using and I think he is, I don’t see another way. If he keeps saying no I think I have to leave. We own a house together but luckily I can go to my parents.

    I feel awful abandoning him when I can see he is struggling (he is also on anti depressants). But me being miserable is also not going to help him…

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