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  • in reply to: help ime broken #19771

    thanks to you both. I just got a notification that he just tried to withdraw money out of our account but couldnt cause I have it locked. At least now I know hes alive. just praying for better is all I can do.

    in reply to: help ime broken #19764

    That is GREAT NEWS . I’m rooting for you guys. Unfortunately for myself my husband is still MIS I havent heard from him in a week. noone knows where he is. Im very afraid and dont know if something happen to him or not. I called the jails and hospitals and hes not there. Im not sure if I should go looking for him at this point.

    in reply to: help ime broken #19702

    Hi Kellie,

    Im sorry your going through this and I feel all of your pain as Im going thru the samething. My husband has been a addict for almost a year now he have spent all of our money. It has gotten to a point I believe he has sold our car which was the only transportation I had to back and forth to work. Im now in a position where my kids and myself is facing eviction and the light are about to be shut off due to such as high balance. Im unable to put our home back together as his addiction has cost us everything. I no have to place to go, no means to transportation to get to and from work due to it not being on a bus line. He comes and goes and be gone for days at a time. When I try to explain to him whats we are facing and how he put everything at risk he says im playing victim he lost all of his care and love for anything other than himself and drugs (cocaine) . My heart goes out to you Im always up for a chat if needed ☺️

    in reply to: Wife of an addict #19623

    Thank you

    in reply to: Wife of an addict #19620

    Thank you.

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