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  • in reply to: My husband and his cocaine addiction #20526


    in reply to: My husband and his cocaine addiction #20525


    in reply to: My husband and his cocaine addiction #20524

    He has been clean from coke for just over 2 weeks now, we do tests so I know it is true, it got the the point where I knew he was doing it daily and lying about it continuously. He went to rehab last year but fell off the wagon shortly after. He started drinking again when I was away in hospital having the baby. That stopped again but he does relapse now and then. I’m just so paranoid all the time. I can’t get my head around why he does it but that’s because I’m not an addict and have really strong will power. He too has a good job but has spend fortunes on coke. If I could bottle up how I feel and give it to him he would have to stop I’m sure.

    in reply to: My husband and his cocaine addiction #20521

    Think I did the same ????‍♀️

    in reply to: My husband and his cocaine addiction #20520

    Thanks Lou9976, I hope your husband joins a group and embraces it. I also have 2 older children/young men from my 1st marriage they also haven’t got a clue he has been using again, my younger child would be devastated if he knew. They only know he has had an alcohol problem not about the coke. I’m coming to the point where I know I have got to admit what has been going on but it’s just so hard. He is such a good bloke and really does want to stop I just don’t think he can. Xx

    in reply to: My husband and his cocaine addiction #20517

    I’m pleased to hear that you have a plan b, I so wish I was in the same situation. I feel so disappointed with myself for not telling his family he has relapsed again, I don’t want to hurt them any more than they have been. He has had so much support but nothing seems to stop him. I feel like if I walk away he will die as will have nothing to stop for. I spend so much of my time worrying about him. What’s harder is none of my family have a clue he has ever had a problem as I have always put on a brave face. I really hope you are ok and can get some comfort from knowing it’s not just you.

    in reply to: My husband and his cocaine addiction #20514

    I’m in exactly the same position but my partner also drinks. It’s so hard and I feel so trapped as don’t want to hurt his family as we have already been through so much trying to get him straight. We also have a 3 month old baby. He is such a good person without substance but I am scared he is never going to recover. Thinking of u

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