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  • in reply to: Why can’t I cut him off #27296

    They’re vultures, preying on someone vulnerable, it’s so sad but I think they are the only one who can change it, doesn’t matter what you say or do and as you say when they are ‘having a good time’ they turn their back on people who really care but always come running for support when the ‘fun’ ends as these vultures are never around when there’s nothing to take.

    in reply to: Relapsed. #27289

    How is the flat coming along Dan?

    in reply to: How to be yourself again when your Partners’s an addict #27285

    Hi I wondered how you are doing now?

    in reply to: How to be yourself again when your Partners’s an addict #26111

    Bit of good news update. Partners been trying really hard but the impulse doesn’t go away for long. He’s actually been to see medical professional who has made some recommendations and they are hoping to prescribe him some legal medication for the anxiety and stress at the bottom of the issues. Feels like a bit of hope finally

    in reply to: Relapsed. #25983

    How’s the flat coming along Dan?

    in reply to: Partner in recovery #25982

    How did it go?

    in reply to: Relapsed. #25157

    Well done, you will have plenty to keep you busy now then.

    in reply to: Relapsed. #25149

    Hi Dan, hope all goes well getting your keys today.

    in reply to: Relapsed. #25106


    The zoom meetings he’s been on he just joins and everyone’s talking and then he spoke, I don’t know what he spoke about as I was in the other room, he definitely went on to it though you could tell the change in him. But so he isn’t a part of one to have a sponsor yet. He has been trying a few different ones at the moment though as a couple he said he couldn’t relate to the people but in others the people were in such a similar scenario to him. It sounds like the people were all very welcoming though which is great with him having been so nervous to go on to one originally.

    Yes it really does hurt when he relapses, I know it’s an illness so kind of pointless me being upset but with everything that’s gone on it’s just like a reminder then. He’s been on one tonight where they talked about meditating so he’s thinking of trying that tomorrow, I suppose I’ve just got to keep an open mind really as I just end up feeling hurt and disappointed if I get my hopes up.

    How are you doing? How many days have you done now this time?

    in reply to: My son is a ketamine addict #25105

    I agree with dodo, have you spoken to your son about the issues it’s resulting in for you?

    Has he got any desire to sort himself out now you have already paid all his debts for him? Of course as his parent you are going to have his back but is he also going to help himself as it’s a shame it’s affecting your relationship.

    in reply to: Relapsed. #25094

    Glad to see you’re back. Husbands been on a few meetings now, he even got brave enough to speak on one once he realised the people weren’t so different to him. He was shocked how similar everyones stories actually are. He was the same about the religious stuff, but I said you don’t have to get involved in that if you don’t want to. What’s the big book? he reckons people keep mentioning it on the meetings but noones explained what it is lol. He’s doing bigger gaps without it than he has in the last ten years at the moment. I am proud of him but can’t help that my heart sinks when I know he’s slipped up.

    in reply to: Relapsed. #24987

    It’s great that you always manage to recognise where it went wrong. I know it’s disheartening but you done amazing to be clean so long. The gratitude list sounds like a good idea and hopefully your living situation will improve soon, so I’m glad you have that to look forward to.

    My husband has been watching a lot of YouTube videos so he does try most the things you suggested. He has joined the gym aswell so hopefully thats something good for him as you can go as little or much as you like so there’s never the excuse there isn’t anything sensible to do lol. Plus you don’t need money when it’s already paid on a monthly bill.

    I think that’s the thing with the music etc it’s hard to figure out what you ctually like and enjoy when your senses have been messed with for so long.

    he seems so much happier the days when he’s not done it, it really is just a force of habit for the first few days but he says he’s struggling to get past that hurdle after the few days and then slips up again.

    in reply to: Relapsed. #24971

    I was checking up on another thread for you to reply, wondered where you had got to. What happened you were doing so well? Are you getting back on track now? I know you said about being fed up with the accommodation but you’re only staying there because of cocaine, it’s caused you so many problems, you can’t let it trick you. Since I last spoke to you I had enough and moved out of the family home for a short while, my husband finally went on a zoom meeting while I was away and he said he found it useful actually. He’s a very regular user and so it’s a slow process but he’s been managing a few days at a time, then slipping up. He’s saying he really wants to get better this time and has cut off all his contacts even the ones who are friends. He needs to find some new things to spend his time doing though or he will get bored and fall back into it.the problem is how can you find new things to enjoy when your at the phase where you’re not enjoying anything as it’s coming out of your system?

    in reply to: Relapsed after 4 month #24805

    How’s it going Dan?

    in reply to: Husband blames all bad behaviour on alcohol #24803

    Sorry to hear you are going through this. It sounds very similar to other addictions, my husband is like a completely different person when he takes cocaine or other drugs. He has done things I wouldn’t have thought he would do such as owe out all his wages, taking risks being on these substances while at work in a job he loves and he actually tried so hard to get this job but he would risk it because the addiction is so strong . It certainly is like another person but I guess that’s where he has to come to realisation that it isn’t another person- it is him who’s made those choice and if he wants to fix it I wouldn’t have thought it would be healthy to avoid the blame. I would think it would be hard to move past this if he genuinely thinks he doesn’t need to take any responsibility for his actions. Wishing you luck, will be thinking of you.

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