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  • in reply to: Never felt so low #24630

    She’s definitely destroyed our relationship and shes said before she can’t look at me cos of how hurt I am because of her

    Also when I first told her family how addicted she was , she denied it all and just blamed it on me saying I was over exaggerating and she only did it once or twice because of our toxic relationship …wasn’t toxic until she started using …

    She’s comming out tomorrow after 3 weeks of rehab and I think she’s planting the seed to be the victim again as she had to go to rehab as she finally admitted it to her mum who told her whole family , so she had no where else to turn . But I think she’s worried about comming out hence why it’s time to make me look like the bad guy again .

    She really doesn’t care about hurting me , some of the things shes said to me are things that I never thought she could say after everything I’ve done for her over the years

    in reply to: Feeling distraught #24447

    That hardest thing , is not knowing what the truth is for me . When does the empathy come back after they stop using . Is it weeks , months, years ? She seems worse now shes been in rehab a week .

    in reply to: Feeling distraught #24445

    Yeah she has always had my love and support no matter how bad she treated me and this has to stop now as ive lost my self respect trying to help this girl . I just can’t believe her lack of empthay for me after all I’ve done . She’s changed into someone I never thought she would . This is all an excuse for her as I think she honestly things she can have a relationship with her dealer ! Good luck to her !

    in reply to: Feeling distraught #24441

    No she’s not doing it for me . She said it’s all my fault and she wants nothing to do with me. I think she’s doing it cos all her family know the truth now and she’s for no where to hide. It’s basically all my fault cos we have grown apart ! Grown apart because of the lies and addiction but she can’t see that

    in reply to: Feeling distraught #24437

    I have informed the police about him . Not sure if anything will be done tho . Exactly , not just the addicts either . My life has been runied , lost the woman I love , don’t even recognise her anymore . Lost my house and our future we had planned ,Before all the cocaine using started !

    Like I said she’s in rehab now , but we could only afford 2 weeks …she’s doing well in there , but I think she’s just an addict on holiday

    in reply to: Feeling distraught #24435

    She’s also very close with her dealer , partly cos she has no friends left now. I know she uses there sometimes and I’ve told her to f off and be with him but she always comes home , I don’t understand if she wants to be with him or is she just using him like she’s using me !

    in reply to: Feeling distraught #24432

    Just couldn’t get married because of covid

    in reply to: Feeling distraught #24431

    We got engaged again 2 years ago and I got her the best ring I could afford, and I took her to love bridge in Amsterdam to purpose ….she seemed ok then….????

    in reply to: Relapsed after 4 month #24420

    You know the roller coaster of emotions what’s that like and how long does it last because one week she loves me and misses me and the next week she wants nothing to do with me , when I’ve don’t nothing but support her ?

    in reply to: Relapsed after 4 month #24412

    Yeah she is in the best place . I just hope she comes back to me as the person I used to remember

    in reply to: Relapsed after 4 month #24387

    Hiya . My partner has gone in to rehab . She’s been there 24 hours now .

    She’s basically in a detox center then she’s going into rehab.

    Today I took her some new clothes and things that she asked for .

    She phoned me up saying she hates me and she wants to me pick her up cos the people there are vile .

    Last night she loved it there ! Was talking for an hour on the phone she seemed fine.

    So today she told he people where shouting and having loud music on and arguing …

    So I phoned and tried to get her transferred to her proper rehab and explained how bad it is there with all the noise .

    So I havnt heard off her for a few hours , he her dad rang the place to see if she was ok , they wouldnt tell him anything . All they said is she’s had trouble with her boyfriend !

    I havnt done anything today apart from run around after her and try and help.her ….is this just the withdrawal ?

    So didn’t


    Been in exactly the same situation. My loving partner of 10 years , we did everything together . Were about to get married have our own family , just bought our dream house togther …

    Then she started doing coke and got addicted to it …

    She’s turned into someone I hate , doesn’t care about my feelings , hurts me mentally and physically ..totaly disrespects Me, I can’t believe the monster she has turned into …

    It’s the worse drug on the planet !

    in reply to: Relapsed after 4 month #24293

    Hiya matey ,

    Lived with my girlfriends addiction for 2 years ,

    Finally told her family as she really needed help , basically turned it all round on me to make me look like the bad guy , they have fallen for her lies . It’s easier for them to believe her story than she’s an addict…

    She picks me up when she likes then puts me down when she’s likes , uses my house as somehere to sleep off her comes down . What’s to get bk togther one day then hates me the next . All I’ve done is loved her and we were suppose to get married a yeah and half ago ….

    Best advice for me cos I’m feeling used , and after everything I’ve done for her I don’t deserve that at all . Don’t even know who she is anymore

    in reply to: I think my boyfriend is addicted to cocaine #24280

    When she had a mental health breakdown before she started taking coke . It was that bad we were in the hospital in a private room and she was actually pulling lumps of her hair out crying she wants to die ….

    That’s why I think she does coke cos like you say it gives her a half decent standard of living compared to that .

    But if she ever does come off this devil’s drug , there no saying how bad it’s gonna be . But I know it’s gonna be bad ….

    in reply to: I think my boyfriend is addicted to cocaine #24277

    I have had nothing for this relationship from that last 18 months , apart from lies, manipulation , blame put on me . I know what I should do I really do . It’s just hard when you love who they used to be and when you see them crying for help but a day later they don’t want help.

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