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  • in reply to: Do cocaine addicts change ? #22840

    And yes she does tell me , eventually , basically I know when she’s on it and I will ask her and she will say no I haven’t had any , I just say it’s ok if you have I just want to know so I can sit with you , then she will say yes she has. She wouldn’t tell me if she’s had it and she’s stayed in her mates tho , don’t think she trusts me to tell me everytime

    in reply to: Do cocaine addicts change ? #22839

    I’ve told her parents and they just don’t want to know , as they are basically the problem where the mental health stems from . I’ll always be here for her. But I’m not sure is he’s using me as cover for her addiction as last week she wanted baby and a family and this week she’s told her family that im the problem and she isn’t happy with me , obviously they don’t know about the coke , well how bad it is and not all of them know anything , so I don’t know if she means these things or if it’s the addiction talking

    in reply to: Do cocaine addicts change ? #22833

    Basically I’m saying is not normal for the addict to be so hatful to the person who loves them and cares about them the most ?

    in reply to: Do cocaine addicts change ? #22831

    First thing , mate I’m so happy that you have you life back I’ve seen the damage this drug has done to us and I’m so glad there are happy endings . It’s mad me go crazy at times . Following her , going to see her dealer , taking away her cash card etc.,..none of it worked . It’s just so hard for me to watch her basically destroy her self and I can’t do anything about it . Also when she’s telling her family who no nothing about it that our relationship is bad cos we are arguing , when to be honest we are only ever arguing about coke , which is rare because I know it’s an illness , I’m just thinking am I the problem and if I left would she be better off or is she just saying this to deflect the situation to her family . She went to her friends on Saturday for a drink , told me she wouldn’t be having coke but didn’t come home till the following morning , basically I woke up to a text saying I need you please come and pick me up , so I do. She slept all day just wanting me to hold her. She woke up today and was so cold with me like she forgot about yesterday , I don’t understand any of this , it looks like when she’s used she wants me to be there for her but when she’s craving it she hates me , even tho we’ve been together 10 years and I’ve stood by her and been supportive though all her mental health issues and always managed to pick her back up , I just don’t know if I’m the issues here ?

    in reply to: clinical depression and coke #17157

    she sees a counsellor for mental health but nothing for addiction . when she’s high she’s all up for getting drug help but the following day she doesn’t want to talk about it. I’m gonna have tell her mum and dad this weekend cos I can’t cope with this anymore all by my self …I just hope one day she knows I did it for her

    in reply to: clinical depression and coke #17154

    mine says the same to me as well , that she’s embarrassed . but she have left me 2 times in the last month cos she says she is destroying my life . instead of trying to stop doing coke , addiction is the worst thing in the world

    in reply to: clinical depression and coke #17035

    we’ve been in love since the day we met , not just boy friend and girl friend but best friends , we could depend on each other for anything . no she’s so cold it’s like I don’t even know her!

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