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  • in reply to: Here we go again #28646

    Good morning 21..

    You keep doing what’s best for you n the kids yea.. If he wants to wreck his life after ya trying to help him. Well unfortunately he already loves all that more than you guys. Yea he loves you’s , he just loves that messy life more..

    N hell yea suicide Sunday lol.. used to hate em so I did..

    N Na mate , my drugs of choice was the worse of the worse unfortunately. Heroin. Been clean for almost 5 years now. Built my life back up. But out of it all I feel so sorry for what I put my ex through. When ya get back on earth from stupid arse chemicals you realise how f up you have been..

    N not that it makes it any better , I only smoked the crap. Never went no where near a needle… I kinda kept shit together like fella for a while. But sooner than later shit hits the fan init..

    Hope ya have a SUPER Sunday n don’t let man get you down. You got kids mate. Your one of the lucky ones yea… ???? keep that chin high ….

    in reply to: Cocaine addiction is ruining my life #28640

    Hi mate…

    Ask yaself this….

    Do you wana loose your misses.

    Do you wana loose your job.

    Do you wana loose your mates.

    Do you wana have to tell ya mum or dad you have a prob and by that time are starting to loose all above.

    Do you want to steal from your folks.

    Do you want to wake up I’ll most mornings.

    Do you want to have to go to addiction clinics for help.

    And yes , do you want to top yourself , cause sounds like you come close bro….

    Please put that shit down mate. It really is not worth it. And plus , now a days it’s propa Shit mate. It’s mixed with God knows what..

    Leave that shit in the dealers pocket and spend ya money on ya girl mate.. treat her like your queen mate..

    Good luck fella..


    in reply to: Here we go again #28639

    Didn’t think it was working so pressed send like 7 time lol….

    Hey Natasha 21…

    Do you know what day it is ????….

    in reply to: Here we go again #28638

    Kick em in the arse n tell em to man up….

    Tough love is what I got n did sort me out a bit like…

    Good look ladies. Been reading ya post n feel for ya all…

    Chins up yea… xxxx

    in reply to: Here we go again #28637

    Kick em in the arse n tell em to man up….

    Tough love is what I got n did sort me out a bit like…

    Good look ladies. Been reading ya post n feel for ya all…

    Chins up yea… xxxx

    in reply to: Here we go again #28636

    Kick em in the arse n tell em to man up….

    Tough love is what I got n did sort me out a bit like…

    Good look ladies. Been reading ya post n feel for ya all…

    Chins up yea… xxxx

    in reply to: Here we go again #28635

    Kick em in the in the bean bag n tell em to man up….

    Tough love is what I got n did sort me out a bit like…

    Good look ladies. Been reading ya post n feel for ya all…

    Chins up yea… xxxx

    in reply to: Here we go again #28634

    Kick em in the in the ball bag n tell em to man up….

    Tough love is what I got n did sort me out a bit like…

    Good look ladies. Been reading ya post n feel for ya all…

    Chins up yea… xxxx

    in reply to: Here we go again #28633

    Kick em in the in the ball bag n tell em to man up….

    Tough love is what I got n did sort me out a bit like…

    Good look ladies. Been reading ya post n feel for ya all…

    Chins up yea… xxxx

    in reply to: Here we go again #28632

    Kick em in the in the ball bag n tell em to man up….

    Tough love is what I got n did sort me out a bit like…

    Good look ladies. Been reading ya post n feel for ya all…

    Chins up yea… xxxx

    in reply to: Here we go again #28577

    Haha , glad ya liked the saying haha.

    Seems like ya propa fed up with him then..

    Rather slap him into shape or leave sad sack to it mate. If he want do it for you it shows his true colours…

    in reply to: Here we go again #28569

    Your post made me smile ????.

    But am sorry to hear ya sitch…

    Hope he don’t make you hate even more on suicide Sunday lol…

    in reply to: Don’t Know What To Do #28567

    Hello… If he really wants to do this then that’s a good start… you really have to want to stop. Maybe you could try n help with the amount he has while tappering down. And keep positive and think about the better future. Tell him this , cause if he doesn’t. Can only be 2 endings. Your staying and being unhappy and probably in danger of him getting worse and worse. Or leaving… not a easy thing to do I know when ya love em. But if he doesn’t want to do it for him , he ain’t Gona do it for you or his mum n dad..

    Keep strong and it’s only a bit of pain and a few other symptoms. But he will get through it..

    Maybe also just going to see his own doc for strong pain relief.

    Keep strong yea…

    in reply to: What did I smell? #28546

    Hey. If he us only using heroin then he can provide a clean urine as little as a few days after use. Methadone and other longer opiates stay in the system way longer. But heroin , days.

    Was it a urine test or from the mouth ???

    Both test are usually pretty good as it’s what company’s use to test there employee’s.. But can be fiddled using a clean persons wee if the person new about the test before hand and got hold of clean for the day..

    If he is using. He will be telling you what ever .. But if he is doing it in your house , you will soon catch him at.

    in reply to: How has coke become okay 50? #28537

    Hi mate…

    He needs to want to stop. If he doesn’t want to , well you can not help this man unfortunately. First step is admitting to it and second step is wanting to stop. No body else can do it for him including you. You can try and try. But it’s a very hard one to do. I tried for a ex partner and wasn’t really ready to stop my doc. And I relapsed.

    If he ain’t ready to stop. Then maybe leaving could be on the cards. Obviously kids make that choice harder. But think like this. Would you like to see on of your boys in this sitch. No is the answer. I know it is..

    Think hard but if he don’t want to stop for you n the boys. Then it’s surly time for you n your boys to go. Yep Gona be hard mate. But time will heal that pain of separation. And if the fella does realise what he has last. Witch I hope he would, he would fix him self up to get his family back…

    Hope all’s get better for you in the end mate..

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