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  • in reply to: I feel like I failed #15607

    Hi Kathryn

    I’m so sorry for your loss, you must be heartbroken.

    It is so hard being a parent , trying to decide what to do for the best.

    My partner thinks that we should throw our daughter out but I don’t think that would end well as She is vulnerable and it may push her over the edge.

    We are all trying to do our best in a very difficult situation.

    You loved him and you did everything you could to help.

    Rehab has been offered to my daughter but we know that if she isn’t willing then it won’t work, even if it was forced it may not work.

    My heart goes out to you.

    I hope you find some support to help you get through this


    in reply to: Drugs #15487

    Well done!! I can’t believe he did that…. so inconsiderate. I’ve reported the post to admin????

    in reply to: Drugs #15453

    You are a professional trainer and you sell cocaine, weed and other products!!??

    You sound like a dealer to me … nothing professional about that … !!

    in reply to: I feel like I failed #13337

    My daughter was doing ok until 2 nights ago , went on a drinking and valium binge. Didn’t turn up at work yesterday or today and has been sacked! Was crying to me on the phone “ sorry mum” etc etc

    She rang her 13 year old sister up

    Last night crying saying I’ve taken loads of valium, don’t tell mum! Sister is now worried sick about her.

    God. Knows what she’s up to right now with the new boyfriend. She’s gutted that now she has no money to buy weed etc she will no doubt start phoning her grandma who finds it difficult to say no!

    Oh well ..,. The saga continues!

    Thinking of you all …. we just have to try and stay strong!

    in reply to: I feel like I failed #13272

    Hi ginger , I’m in a similar situation. My daughter 17 started taking Xanax a year ago, overdosed several times and ended up in hospital.

    We really thought that she would die at one point as she had no control over what she was doing. Couldn’t remember what she had done for days on end , didn’t eAt and was covered in bruises.

    The effect it has had on us as a family is huge, I have 2 other children younger than her.

    They witnessed paramedics and sometimes police in the house in the middle of the night.

    One positive thing for you is that your daughter is managing to hold down a job… not easy when you have a drug habit.

    My daughter is ok at the moment. Probably partly because she doesn’t want to take it but also the supply has dried up!

    I guess there has to be a point where we as parents say ( once they are 18) it’s time to move out as the we cannot cope anymore and you are affecting your siblings who really don’t deserve this!

    What drugs is your daughter using?

    We are a nice family and she has brought this dark world of dealers, shoplifting and lies into our world!

    You have my sympathy it’s just good to know that we arn’t alone in this !!

    in reply to: My sister is lost #12058

    Hi , this sounds like a very stressful situation for you!

    You say that she is a danger to herself and others?

    Surely this is grounds for her to be sectioned?

    in reply to: Help I cannot cope with my son #11951

    Hello, this is a very worrying situation.

    I think you should phone the police as soon as you can as what your son is doing is against the law and you sound like a vunerable person.

    He is leaving you powerless and a prisoner in your own home.

    Please get help soon and keep us updated!

    in reply to: i dont know how to do this.. #11938

    Hi , this is a lot for you to take on at such a young age. I think you need to talk to someone and get sone support,

    Is there a drug support service in your area or at your uni?

    It sounds like you and your sister have a lot to deal with and you are both at an impressionable age.

    Get some support for yourselves. Good luck x

    in reply to: My Teenage Drug User #11603

    Hi my daughter is 17 and has been taking Xanax on and off since last May. This has caused our family huge stress. She shop lifts and puts herself in great danger .

    What is your son taking?

    In my experience, yes they say some horrendous hurtful things but really they are vulnerable and don’t know what to do!

    We are at our wits end with it all as you are. This is an ongoing problem for us . I feel for you I really do .

    in reply to: My son is smoking weed and supplying it #11354

    Hi , how are things with you and your son now?

    We are still battling, daughter still taking Xanax and throwing her life away.

    in reply to: Sister out of control #11352

    Hi , this is a difficult situation and understandably worrying. My daughter also 17 started with cannabis and is now addicted to Xanax. A drug I haven’t heard mentioned on here.

    The problem is probably the friends she’s hanging around with, peer pressure etc

    Hopefully she won’t take this any further. Yes it’s worrying she smokes cannabis , if this is all she does and doesn’t progress to anything else then that really is a blessing .

    Hope this helps ?

    in reply to: 17 year old daughter on the brink #10932

    Yes it’s very difficult as they are 17 which is still young and vulnerable. It’s a difficult balance between supporting them and trying to get them to take responsibility.

    We Support our daughter 24/7 but this definitely has an effect on her younger siblings!

    Is your daughter at college or working?

    Sometimes I wonder if for the sake of the younger children it would be better if she didn’t live here but I don’t think she’d survive on her own and we would still worry about her!

    in reply to: 17 year old daughter on the brink #10924

    Hi pat

    I hope things are better for you now?

    My daughter who’s 17 has been addicted to Xanax on and off for about 8 months now. She’s says she takes it as she’s depressed and anxious. Frequently mentions commiting suicide. After 4 or so Cahms referrals she’s finally had an assessment but may not be seen again! We are at our wits end and sometimes feel that there is no help. She’s back taking it and mentally not well at all, not eating and has memory loss.

    It has turned out life upside . Like you I have awful thoughts about her dying . It’s a battle that is certainly not over.

    in reply to: My son is smoking weed and supplying it #10921

    Yes we’ve certainly had many rows about our daughter. She has 2 younger siblings Aswell and this has really affected them.

    Do you have a friend you can confide in?

    Dealing with this sort of problem does make you feel alone and isolated.

    Reading the stories on here makes me realise that I’m not alone.

    There aren’t any support groups in my area, I feel it would really help me cope.

    in reply to: My son is smoking weed and supplying it #10918

    Just to say… you’ve done nothing wrong! We are a decent family and this has happened to us! We have and still go through blaming ourselves, there’s no point ! Weed is so common amongst teens now, they think nothing of it!

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