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  • in reply to: Boyfriend with cocaine addiction #25623

    Hello, I’m really happy I came across this site. I thought for 7 years I was the only one with the same feelings towards this drug. My now ex boyfriend has an addiction to this. Does it everyday. Maybe will have one day when he’s off it. Loves the combination of Xanax, cocaine and alcohol. My personal experience, we have had a lot of cheating and night outs and binges all from his part. Disappears at night comes home at 4-5 A.M. I had the courage to finally break free and kicked him out after taking all that for 7 years. We broke up for like 6 months where in those six months he promised he changed and hadn’t done it and saved money. I decided to give him a chance and let me see what he was all about.

    He was back for about a total of 2 weeks, in which he had NO money, did coke 10 days out of those 14 days (in which he didn’t do that for 4 days due to him getting the flu and felt bad). I started to be bitchy again because I saw it was all a lie. After having a two day binge on the cocaine,Xanax and alcohol, he decided to look me in the eyes and tell me “ I think we can both agree we tried and it doesn’t even work out. You don’t even want to have sex with me. I love you but I’m not in love with you anymore, I have fallen in love with someone else.”

    Pain from thinking he would change was all I felt but relieved because I didn’t have to make the decision for him.

    My experience, they never change and will only drag you until they find the next victim.

    Keep away. Break free.

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