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  • in reply to: Being able to stop #20749

    Ps makes a lot of sense especially the alcohol worse than cocaine comment… And enlightening your confession if taking at work. I agree.

    in reply to: Being able to stop #20748

    Apologies auto correct is tainted on my phone. Will double check moving forward

    in reply to: Being able to stop #20747

    Id encourage not fo split the family up over this. Wife is for life and in times that are tough thats where u step up. Dont think the wedding vows ever say if you are taking drugs to cope im done with you. Pretty sure its lets see how we can support you coping better so that u dont need to go back to black.

    in reply to: Being able to stop #20746

    The cocaine in tgis situation is now a coping drug/process. Its how shes coped in high good or highly bad situations. Its user feels excited tgey take it, they feel alone they take it. Tge fact its come out means she is ready to change and deep down is asking fir care and support. The less freaked out you get the better as she may stumbke as an alcholic will after rehab but if you express belief in her as your son dies ahe will get stringer have better rekatuons and tgat clutch will dissappear. Love will solve this one. She clearly dies care too as its self infliction of pain rather than inflicting otgers… Sadly eventually we all need help and some cannot express as well.

    Much love and good luck with the changes. After every storm tge waves settle and the sea views are stunning.

    in reply to: Recognising alcoholism #20745

    Had a few episodes of blavkout which has scared me. Stress n alcohol are powerfull dark siders. It sounds like you bottle things till nights out and release then rather than enjoying time out with friends. Its normal nowadays to many people but deep down its not a nice feeling. The grey area is supression until bursting and eating before u go out, kniwing that after drinks ur letting yourself loose. Advice is work out ur limit and stick to it. No matter what. Eat a lump of cheese befire yiu go out is an older idea but thibk we drink more now!!? A new hobby would give u something to enjoy discuss with friends and create new memories so that instead if looking back you look fwd into more positive settings. Readuce the booze too, as its a supressent if the life u could lead xx

    in reply to: Crack Addicted Mum #20744

    I had an ex addicted to crack. I usecto think hecwas making it up but his selfishness and crazy life got worse. It sounds hopwfully tat yiur mum is early in the crack stage. My unprofessional advise is get in touch at arms length. She is lost and clearly having a bad time in life and thatvif she wants to have a better life yiud be in it with her, but she must getcaway from anyone who has a drink or drugs habbit. It will be tough but she will get through it.

    This is a really tough one and sorry your going through this. Do not ket it affect your self esteem or life. Its okay to feel uoset about this but keep your head high and sleep well knowing yiure offering an olive branch. Key is to rember its not you and she is lost. If she wants to continue in tge darkness tgis may take longer during which step back with firm belief that if sge wants a nicer life your there.

    Much love xx

    in reply to: Cant sleep, its time to quit and replace with life #20742

    Apologies as quick typed and didnt correct mistakes befire posting as wasnt sure if tgeres a time limit!?

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