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  • in reply to: Drugs alcohol depression #15282

    Oh just to add to that my partner also has alcohol and drug addiction both . Recently he is showing me he has stopped and that’s all just to win me back again . But I know he will go back to it , I’m done with the abuse from him

    in reply to: Drugs alcohol depression #15281

    Hi sorry to hear about your boyfriends depression problem but as I’m in a bit of a hurry so I won’t chat too much about it … all I want to say to you cocaine is the biggest downer that brings on depression.

    Not all cocaine users come clean about it to their partners and it could well be that he was using cocaine before he shared his depression problem to you.

    My partner has been a cocaine addict since his teens and now in his mid 30’s and Iv been with him 6 years now and only found 2 years ago he is a cocaine user.

    He was depressed most days always had an excuse to back his depression … main reason debts I helped him get out of debt but only realised he was getting himself in debt because of his addiction.

    Compulsive liar … hate his guts .. luckily I don’t live with him no more and I’m doing soo well .

    Sorry for banging on about myself but cut the story short you need to dig more deeper in to your partner and to find out how long he has been using and how much he is using and is he willing to get help . There is help out there for users but it all comes down to them willing to accept that help .

    Many users don’t take the help and that’s where it just gets worse and you will also get dragged down with it.

    Good luck

    in reply to: Hook line and sinker #13855

    Sorry to hear … I know it’s hard … same here I’m going through the same shit every day .

    Has he admitted on cheating on you ?

    in reply to: Life after living with an addict #13798

    He is trying to make a change so I think you should give him a chance

    in reply to: Boyfriend’s cocaine addiction. #13797

    Because of the level of stress it caused me I got rid of his tracker completely so now I won’t know where he is. Which is good and bad.

    in reply to: Boyfriend’s cocaine addiction. #13796

    His ex girlfriends have told me in the past he has played these kind of games with them too but there were times where he was actually seeing other women behind their back too ..

    Which he would always Deny and go through any extent proving his innocence, even though he would be lying to them

    I don’t what the hell is going on . Cocaine and alcohol have ruined everything between us .

    He makes me feel bad later saying he was teaching me a lesson for hurting him and how much it got to him the thought of me being with my ex. But he still denies everything about being at that address claiming he has never Heard of that street In his life.

    I don’t believe him . My heart starts poundering when I see his location him outside there.

    Either he has got a new women in his life who lives there or he is mind playing games with me.

    Or it could be he has a friend who lives there. But then who is going on these long drives with .. it’s really killing me inside ,

    It all started on the Friday night when he was to come see me and I let him down .. before that I had never seen his location outside that house.

    Now he seems to be going there a lot .

    in reply to: Boyfriend’s cocaine addiction. #13795

    Yes we are having a lot of problems and arguments over finance …and due to the stress of losing the house I stopped giving him money and I kicked him out and then he went out with his lads for a night out and ended up staying there till early hours of the morning . His phone was off due to his battery … he did call me twice from a private number just to let me know he was alright and after that I didn’t hear nothing till later on in the afternoon.

    But I stopped answering his calls for 3 days then I told him I Was back with my ex that just sent him straight back on cocaine. I just said it to get him back for going out on a bender I guess.

    Oh and I told him I was still in love with my ex and I guess maybe that’s why he went out with his lads.

    He is an attention seeker who always wants compliments and it’s his way or no way. I stopped all contact with him for 3 days. He couldn’t contact me either . Then finally we got talking and he was really happy I called him and he told me he was missing me and wanted to see me. He got ready to come spend the weekend with me but I wasn’t ready for him and at the last minute I called it off which he said it really hurt him and he felt rejected and wanted to get away from me.

    So he stayed out all night again and this time just didn’t answer my calls at all. I kept ringing him because I was paranoid he was with a woman at a house ..because I tracked his location.

    He rang me for 30 secs and told me he was with lads . I could hear his friends in the background but he lied told me he was on his way home but his location was showing me he was still at that same house and after that he didn’t answer any of my calls.

    His location was back at his home address later that morning.

    This baffled my head …

    For few days I kept an eye out for his location whenever I could to see if he would go back there. But I didn’t see him there.

    After I spoke to him on the phone he was really nasty to me told me he had moved on and didn’t want to be with me no more . Nasty words were exchanged and hung up .

    Maybe the fact he crnt contact me because I blocked him to get some space from him I discovered he had a few secret social media accounts.

    That baffled with my head .. maybe he was finding women to meet on there I didn’t understand why he would keep them a secret from me. so I confronted him and he denied everything he just kept banging on about how I hurt him by mentioning my ex … he was demanding answers from me but I wouldn’t answer him so he told me he wasn’t going to answer any of my questions. I know when he is lying ,

    I was worried sick about the house he was at the other night so I mentioned it to him and again he denied it , that got me more angry towards him but I handled it well.

    You see the thing is he knows I can see his location he ain’t dumb , if he wanted he got turn it off but he left it on .

    (Bear in mind he can’t contact me as I had changed my number and he was convinced I was seeing someone else )

    I thought if I come clean to him about my lies then so will he ..but he just kept denying having anything to do with the house I located him and denied cheating on me, so I told him I seen his location that’s how I knew.

    Anyway few hours later we had no contact and again he has popped up on location outside that same house. I rang him straight away. He knew it was me so he turned his phone off.

    After a few hours of him driving around everywhere with his location on him knowing I could track him he allowed it …

    Then he was seen outside his own house where we both spoke for a few mins and he I confronted him again and he totally denied going out anywhere claiming he was home all this time , obviously I didn’t believe him then half an hour later he seen outside that house.

    I rang him out of desperation to know who he is with …but he cut the call off and a few minutes later picked up my call when he was away from the address so I was left baffled.

    He was really sweet loving towards me and we spoke for a while then I cut off ….

    When I don’t ring him he seems to land outside that same house and as soon as I call him he won’t answer the 1st few rings until he is away from that address.

    He is baffling with my head..

    Who is it in that house he keeps going back to . Is he cheating on me . Has he really moved on .

    And then I don’t call him for a few hours and he seems all happy to hear from me .. ramen he crnt call me .

    Can someone please shed some light what’s the f is going on here.

    in reply to: Husband chasing cocaine lifestyle? #13794

    I don’t know what to say

    in reply to: Boyfriend’s cocaine addiction. #13781

    Do you think he is sleeping around with other women.

    in reply to: Don’t feel too good. #13767

    Oh no I was addicted to tramadols about 8 years ago . Forget them you don’t want to be a zombie all your life ..

    Your wasting your time on them. I had an operation and I was given them as pain relief they are very addictive . I know what you mean by the buzz you got from taking them I can relate but as for the speed I don’t know much about that drug and what it does to you but whatever it is surely it’s not safe .

    You need to find alternative ways of feeling confident and happy .. I suggest going to the gym 3x a week , going swimming , getting out often .. even a nice walk with your Mrs?

    in reply to: Boyfriend’s cocaine addiction. #13766

    Put your kids 1st please forget him he is not worth it .

    You will make yourself ill … don’t let him drag you down with him .

    He ain’t going to change unless he wants too.

    Your kids need their mum ,

    I’m going through similar stuff like you and have been through with all the lies manipulation the verbal abuse

    in reply to: Trying to start a fresh #13764

    Wow I can chat to you maybe you can help me with the problems I’m experiencing with my ex husband who is also an cocaine addict ?

    I will try my best to help you and understand you aswel?

    1st of all it depends what’s bringing you down to get high ? That’s one of the reason why you are turning to cocaine and maybe your associates might be getting you on it…

    Find some distraction .. do something that makes you happy .. keep yourself entertained?

    You are saying every Monday you feel like shit afterwards… well my ex usually doesn’t want to know me when he is doing it and turns his phone off if I bug him to much or simply doesn’t answer and it gets me paranoid I think he is cheating on me. (Do you think that’s the reason why he doesn’t answer or is it the cocaine)

    Next day when his phone is back on he is horrible to me and everything I say or do will just get to him , any responsibility I put on him or house chores etc he will snap like it’s a big burden on him .

    Is that the cocaine or is he actually put off me because he will tell me he wants to leave me divorce and I’m ugly etc etc .

    It usually ends up in a big argument because I crnt take that shit I will retaliate and then it gets violent and things gets smashed around the house and he storms off …

    I hope he feels like shit after he has done that

    in reply to: My cocaine addict partner #13763

    I think you got a valid point . I agree with you . I’m taking your advice . I’m going to do it on my own

    in reply to: My cocaine addict partner #13762

    Surprise surprise .. he will help me blah blah but he needs my help 1st … hahaha

    How typical of him . If I do something for him then he will help . To shut him up I agreed lol

    in reply to: My cocaine addict partner #13760

    True Iv just had a txt from him and he is offering to help me .. he asked me to call him so I did and he told me he doesn’t want to be with me but he will help .

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