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  • in reply to: My cocaine addict partner #13759

    Yep I agree I always wait on danmans reply but all your replies are just as much appreciated.

    Thanx . This forum really does keep me alive …

    in reply to: Why does it spoil everything? #13758

    Oh god Elaine … sorry to hear that . Must be really hard ..

    You mentioned drugs but what drugs is it just cannabis or cocaine as well ?

    As far as I know cannabis doesn’t have that kind of effect on a person to make them act out like that .. it’s the drink ?.

    My advice to you is just give him an ultimatum to stop taking the drugs and drink or at least try to cut down and see if it makes a difference or tell him your leaving if he refuses to make changes ..

    And make sure you mean it when you say it otherwise no point because you will end up in a cycle and he won’t take you seriously.

    Have you tried talking to him when he is sober and explaining to him what his drugs and drink is doing to everyone around him

    in reply to: My cocaine addict partner #13752

    Thanks kindredcoyote for you reply .

    I’m sorry to hear about your experience but it sounds like what I’m going through.

    Why does my ex hate me sooo much and blame me for all the arguments. He is holding on to nasty stuff I have said to him about him and his family and he won’t let that go.

    He is using that against me for not helping me in my hard times.

    I stuck by him solid in his hard times and did a lot for him he knows all that but he just won’t show no appreciation.

    So what exactly is going on in his mind ? What is the cocaine doing to him that he hasturned sooo nasty towards me ????

    He told me today not to ever get back with him because if I do take him back he will only cheat on me with other women and treat me more bad .

    in reply to: My cocaine addict partner #13751

    Thank you for your advice and I’m from westyorkshire.

    I will be joining a organisation called together women’s project soon but at the moment I have no time for counselling as I’m going mad looking for a place to live . I’m getting evicted in a weeks time please pray for me and my kids.

    I don’t know who some some families cAn turn their backs on helpless vulnerable people and support their own son Who is an addict and caused all this .

    My family are some what supporting me but are very mad with me at the moment.

    Their words to me are ‘you stole from your children’s mouth and fed your addict husband and lost your children’s home over him,

    That is true , if you look at it that’s what happened.

    I will have to live with this guilt for the rest of my life .

    Forget to mention that he has 28 convictions of domestic violence GBH and ABH.

    I was told that recently by the police when social services got involved with a domestic violence I experienced with him.

    He blamed the cocaine and alcohol for everything and I gave him another chance .

    in reply to: My cocaine addict partner #13742

    Thank you soo much for your advice .

    I spoke to him today and basically he told me he doesn’t want to be with me no more and he has had enough of life with me .

    When I’m at lowest point being evicted from my house and we need him the most he has turned his back on us .

    He is blaming me for the eviction and the break up .

    His parents advised him not to help me and not to be with me no more

    in reply to: New #13740

    I’m here for you sorry for your loss. How did he pass away

    in reply to: New #13739


    in reply to: Sad !!!! #13738

    No your ok you are not rambling.

    Iv been through that stage with my ex husband who also is a cocaine user and alcoholic…

    Don’t give them nothing and let them do whatever it takes .its not your problem .

    Are you sure your son’s marriage didn’t fall apart because of his addiction.

    My ex husband told his family I was abusive and physically and mentally abused him but the actual truth behind that was his addiction that used to cause all the problems

    in reply to: Cocaine alcoholic lying addict husband #13737

    So has he cheated on me last night. I was worried sick with anxiety again.. didn’t sleep don’t know why ?

    I could see on the tracker he was at an address unknown to me all night and Iv recently been watching him on a tracker on his phone and a few times It picked up he was around that same house a few days ago aswel .

    My mind won’t stop thinking has he found another women with a house and is he having a sexual relationship with her .

    No doubt he was sniffing and drinking last night .

    But what kind of life is this .

    He was there from 1am till early hours of this morning .

    His phone went off. 5am and 10am he turned it back on and his location was showing he was back at his mothers house .

    So when he told me to move on because he has moved on too what was he trying to say there.?

    Has he actually moved on or is that some kind of pay back for how I made him feel

    in reply to: Cocaine alcoholic lying addict husband #13735

    He lied to me on the phone told me his friends were going to drop him off home and he was just getting in the car with them ..

    so i did check the tracker and he was seen going away from that house a few yards but returned back there straight away .

    Then my mind started doing over time as to why did he only ring me once he was out of the house and in a car with lads .

    Could it have been a dealers car he went to get some more supply then went back in the house with it or were them his lads his hanging out all night with in a yard/house .

    Please someone shed some light .

    Im going out of my head .

    Now i wish i had just let him come back home as he was really excited to see me and seemed really happy i gave him another chance then last minute i dropped the bombshell and it hurt him bigtime

    in reply to: Cocaine alcoholic lying addict husband #13734

    I made a big mistake of getting in touch with him .

    We decided to see other and he was all excited to come see me then i changed my mind last minute i told him i wasnt ready for him yet and he turned very nasty and started playing mind games with me telling me he might have moved on now and he has found someone else then he back tracked what he said then he was like oh you should move on i dont want to be with you.

    I ring him a few hours later and he is out with his mates sniffing cocaine and drinking.

    Then i tracked his location through his phone and he was at an address im not familiar with.

    Iv been worried sick thinking he is with another women at her house . Maybe he is cheating on me or maybe he is with a few lads having a session.

    Since 1am he has been at that address and is still there now at 8am.

    His phone is off because i was constantly ringing and txting him but he wouldn’t answer or reply to my msgs .

    After a few hours he did ring me and he just told me his phone was on silent and i should move on and he was with lads . I could hear them in the background but i think that was. Just them backing him up for that time .

    I tracked him again and he was back inside the same house .

    Iv not slept all night

    Worried sick .

    Can someone please tell me do they also think he is cheating on me with another women or is he just mad at me and getting wacked with his boys to get me back

    in reply to: My son is waisting his life on drugs #13716

    Let me get professional help

    in reply to: Cocaine – Help! #13715

    8 years old ?

    in reply to: Cocaine – Help! #13714


    in reply to: Cocaine alcoholic lying addict husband #13713

    Thank you guys .. I don’t have any friends to talk to about this and I wouldn’t even dare to speak about this matter to my family ..

    I’m actually missing him today . I ended up ringing him to see how he was but he was really nasty to me , it’s 8pm and he was in bed fast asleep that just explains to me his cycle is still the same sniffing all night and drinking and asleep at this time.

    Maybe he Was getting mashed all night .

    How to stop these kind of days when I miss him soo much. I fall soo weak.

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