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  • in reply to: Cocaine alcoholic lying addict husband #13696

    Hox you are right

    in reply to: At a loss #13695

    Basically your parents are the alcohol addicts and you’re saying they get violent when drunk…?

    Must be really hard as your their only child and I’m guessing all the burden is on you .. you must be worried for them all the time .

    1st of all I personally think your parents should separate if they Crnt control their addiction because them living together isn’t helping them.

    Could you not keep your mother to stay nights with you so you can keep them apart . The alcohol addiction might not go that way but it may decrease the limit of Alcohol they consume and the cut down the risks.

    Sorry to say but they might just end up killing one another.

    Have you tried to get professional help for them both?

    in reply to: Cocaine – Help! #13686

    Best decision I ever made was to leave him .

    in reply to: Cocaine – Help! #13685

    Really sorry to hear what you are going through and you have made a good decision not to be with him no more because it would have only got worse not better.

    Yes cocaine makes you horny and you do end up cheating. Nothing new there and the user will have a 100 excuses for it and even blame you for it .

    My ex husband is an addict ..he took cocaine alcohol and weed all together so I know what you are going through.

    My ex husband took our family car away from me that was on finance in my name and refused to return it when we split . Even though it was him that was making the payments towards it. Still he took no other responsibility with the household bills and mortgage which again the house was mine before we got married so he just moved his lazy arse in my house..

    I took loans out to help him and he never paid me back . I struggled financially emotionally mentally physically because of his drug use .

    I couldn’t sleep at nights in the fear of losing my home (which I eventually was evicted)

    But he did nothing to help instead he put himself and his drugs 1st and moved back in to his parents house .

    You have no life living with a drug or alcohol addict .. they will always put that 1st .

    Ignore his sorrys and his sob stories and block him out of your life and move on because you will be banging your head on a brick wall all your life with this man and your son doesn’t deserve this he needs you,

    You need to take care of yourself to be able to be a good mother to your son.

    Your husband ain’t going to leave his drugs unless he wants to himself .

    You will be stuck all your life in this vicious cycle and you too will be dragged down with him if you stay.

    I know how my ex husband would be sooo nasty to me soo evil use harsh words and even physically abuse me and do anything to get money off me … then later he would be sorry and sobbing to me and promise never to do it again but a few days later we would be in the same cycle again because he had an addiction.

    I can go on and on and tell you more I don’t mind but I don’t want to bore you ..

    Bottom line is get rid of him and stop worrying if he cheated on you or not …he ain’t worth stressing over . You deserve better and so does your son.

    You have a bright future without him so go live your life and enjoy .. give him what is owing to him and move on .

    Don’t ever look back again,

    That’s my advice to you and I’m talking with experience.

    I stuck by my ex husband 6 years . Trust me I did everything in my power to resolve this issue but it was one thing after the other …

    in reply to: I feel like I failed #13679

    Hey love to all you lovely parents fighting a hard battle… I read all your comments and it made me think …

    Thankfully my children are not drug addicts or alcoholic but my ex husband is and my children aswel as me witnessed a lot of abuse from him.

    I was often drained energy totally stressed and anxiety was just out of the roof always worried sick about him and I fought this battle for 6 years ….

    I couldn’t be a Normal mum to my kids because of the high level depression I suffered due to my ex husbands drug addiction..

    cocaine and alcohol..

    I would cover up for his behaviour and actions all the time but there came a time I had to put my foot down and put myself and my kids 1st so I got rid off him ..

    best decision I ever made ..

    Happier than ever but unfortunately that’s something you guys crnt do because it’s your child and you can’t break all ties and stop caring loving them ..

    My advice to you all is sometimes you got to be cruel to be kind .. so therefore put your foot down tell you child to get professional help to put a stop to the addiction and explain to them what it’s doing to you all as a family and if your child still refuses to get help then show them the door and wait for miracles to happen …

    Either way if they still going to continue using it then it won’t make any difference to them if they living with you or not but at least that way you don’t need to witness any of it no more and if they choose to finally get help then bingo the ultimatum has worked …

    Good luck to you all … my heart goes out to you all.

    Stay strong .x

    in reply to: Cocaine and Cheating #13678

    Not sure sorry

    in reply to: Loosing my mind #13677

    Hi rock bottom if you don’t mind can I ask how much you are taking and after how many days?

    in reply to: Constantly fighting the urge #13676

    I wish I could help you but I’m not a user but my ex husband is and Iv left him because of cocaine weed and alcohol .

    Do you get very aggressive and abusive when you are on a come down .

    in reply to: Constantly fighting the urge #13675

    Hi sally what’s going on .

    Are you drunk and drugged up right now

    in reply to: Boyfriend’s cocaine addiction. #13674

    Drug addicts will always put their drug before everything.

    Weather it was a funeral or a wedding or any occasion it was just another excuse for my ex husband to have a sniff and a drink .

    He would use every excuse in the world to sniff .

    I loved it when he was on his backside like a loser pennyless depressed and rattling . That gave me some peace knowing now he will put a stop to it and think hard about it .

    . yesss it worked but for only a few days until he managed to get hold of some money or drugs .

    If we went away somewhere far out of the city to a different city he would even find a dealers number and get hold of cocaine and weed .

    There is no life with an cocaine Addict …maybe if it was just weed and no alcohol and cocaine I would have stayed with him and some What managed to get him off it … but where there is Cocaine involved nooo chance … God help him.

    It’s a killer …torture for all the loved ones of the addict .

    My ex was very abusive and violent towards me with the come down of it . He was evil . I could av killed him myself .

    in reply to: Boyfriend’s cocaine addiction. #13673

    I wouldn’t trust him at all .. Iv left my ex husband and Iv been told he is still using and abusing drugs but that’s something he would never admit to me if I had questioned him on because he used to make excuses to go stay at his parents house few days to getaway from me just to do it and I would find out by the tone of his voice over the phone but he would deny it and say I’m paranoid and I’m this that the other .

    He would make me feel guilty that I’m selfish and I’m not understanding that he has I’ll parents he needs to take care of so he had no choice but to stop there for a few nights. But that was not the case at all I could track him on find my iPhone which he didn’t know of at the time and that would tell me a different story .

    He would be parked up in his car a few streets away from his parents house with his friends who also have an addiction to drugs and drink and they would be at it till early hours of the morning .

    Sniffing cocaine drinking alcohol .

    So plz don’t let him make you feel guilty or manipulate you in anyway .

    My ex in laws lived an hour drive from us so my ex husband would use that as a get away from me. I work full time so he knew I couldn’t stay nights with him at his parents house .

    He took everything from me to feed his drug habit . I did everything in my power to give him a comfortable life . I would do anything to please him and made him my number 1 priority. I spoilt him rotten with expensive designer gifts because he had lost his job and couldn’t continue his lavish lifestyle.

    I guess I felt sorry for him so I would buy him what he needed.


    in reply to: Help PLEASE #13657

    Hi Lauren … i don’t know about cheating on you with other women and going out not answering your calls or replying to your txt when he is out getting high …because my ex husband was like that too and he would do the same but end up coming home same night wacked out of his head in a taxi straight to bed after sex .. I would go through his phone and not find nothing apart from porn websites … he had an answer for everything… it’s the cocaine that makes them horny and the drink … he isn’t worth it .

    Why waste your life and your brain cells with a person like that… just leave them before it’s too late .. it’s nooo good for your health .. in the long run it will hit your hard …

    It happened to me … I was with him 6 years .. went through hell and back to make things work with him but noooooooooooo nothing worked then I had to make a decision.

    in reply to: Boyfriend’s cocaine addiction. #13656


    Please hear me out and don’t be sooo hurt what I’m going to say about your husband ….he is an addict and he ain’t going to change not even for the sake of the baby … Iv been through the same with my ex husband , I don’t want to give you fake hope that yeah yeah do this that the other and your husband will change because he won’t . Clearly he is not doing nothing about it …it’s just going to get worse for you and your baby , I’m only concerned about your health and your baby’s welfare.

    My ex husband used to accuse me of cheating all the time and he was always paranoid when he was sniffing cocaine , I tried everything in my power to understand him and help him but nothing worked .

    I even got him a very high pay job with my family members long hours and hard work so he would be away from his addict friends and keep himself busy and tire him out after a long hard shift but that didn’t work either because he argued he needed a treat for working soo hard and he would just turn to alcohol and drugs then wake up next morning fighting with me arguing moaning about petty things .. I no longer was that patient wife who was going to stay quiet and tolerate any more of his abuse so I would argue back and kick him out . Get rid of him and watch how happy you will be .

    in reply to: Boyfriend’s cocaine addiction. #13655

    Sorry danman I was going to type something but god knows what I got side tracked . I love reading your comments because they really have helped me a lot as I have gathered from your posts that you are a cocaine users and have had help and are still doing your best to come off it and come clean .

    I think you know exactly what the user addict is going through and what on the other hand you can understand what their loved ones are experiencing.

    I’m not a user nor do I drink , but my ex husband had pawned in his wedding ring for money and

    Our wedding anniversary present Which i gifted him (Tag watch ) Can you tell me please do you think I meant nothing to him and our marriage meant nothing for him that he got soo desperate for drugs that he actually dropped soo low and did that .

    By the way I was married to him at the time when he pawned it in and I did not come to know about it until one day I noticed it was missing on him and when I questioned him he got very frustrated and defensive accusing me of behaving like a mother to him always pestering him to wear it etc and questioning him .. then he had many excuses where he must have misplaced it.. even to the extent that he swore on every single member of his family’s life to convince me he wasn’t lying then a few weeks down the line I find the documents of the pawned items.

    It totally broke me .. he could actually do that and lie to me not that it was a first …

    Anyway what I want to know does an addict have no sentimental values for items like that before their drug habit. ???????????????

    He cried and cried to me later and told me how much he regretted it and apologised but it means shit to me .

    He accused me of putting him down all the time for not helping financially and put the blame on me that he did it for us to raise money on a day when we were low ..

    I don’t think so because I worked full time and always had my own money when he was the loser with no job just scrounging off other people to get by ….

    sorry I’m getting a bit carried away now ..,

    in reply to: Advice #13653

    I crnt help you sorry .. I’m not a user but my ex husband is and I lived with him . He never stopped despite everything I did in my power to help him but mentally emotionally physically financially it drained me and I left him . Best decision I made,

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