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  • in reply to: I’m in so deep #14264

    Hey Emma,

    It takes a great deal of courage to admit your addiction as it did for me. I considered myself a very strong and successful person until I met Codeine! Listen, it’s never ever too late to get professional help and trust me it was the hardest thing I ever did. You really have to turn the page and make that move. Go get help either from your GP or your local addiction ctr. Don’t feel embarrassed or ashamed in the slightest because your not stupid or daft. Your just addicted to one of the most common and addictive drugs on the planet. Try and trust in someone and get them to help you and get as much professional support as you can. PLEASE don’t give up trying.

    Your addiction to N+ or anything with paracetamol in is no GOOD as you know and if it was just the codeine you would have a lesser issue. I’ve done them all in huge quantities and ultimately you pay for it. Drop what you are doing and start looking for as much help as you can. This site will help you and I assure you your not alone. Peace be with you. I’m still fighting that devil

    in reply to: I’ve been taking coke for years #14247

    Hey Carlie, don’t EVER feel ashamed because you have only become what coke aloud you to become. You certainly know it’s not what you want so don’t ever think it’s too late to fix because it’s not. Saying you want to stop is the first step and your next step is getting help and support, I would absolutely encourage you to share you problem with someone, anyone, if that person is a doctor then so be it. This site has been useful to many people and many addicts so do not feel this is too late for you. I have been a slave to coke and many other drugs and it was painful to stop. It was like a best friend at times but you know what it is doing to you physically and mentally so get started today. Make that step to get the help you need ASAP. You will have a local addiction centre in your area but please check this site and google support in your area and GO! Your fear is loosing that friend but that friend is not your friend it’s out to stop you. PLEASE make sure you keep up the momentum and try as many directions as you can and don’t ever think it’s your fault. Drugs are made to be addictive.

    in reply to: Sister drinking and not eating and not wanting to go on #14091

    Isn’t that amazing! Fantastic news. Never give up and look forward, supporting your sister will be her best chance of beating this evil. The very best of luck to you both.x

    in reply to: Sister drinking and not eating and not wanting to go on #14069

    Look on the internet for her local alcohol and addiction support group and see if you can get some advise from them? Ring them and the GP is you can but worry about the consequences of how she reacts after but do what you need to to get her some help. Good luck

    in reply to: Sister drinking and not eating and not wanting to go on #14067


    Morning, has she got any close friends that can help in the short term? Anyone that live close to her? Can you call them and get them to help! She really needs professional help and as soon as you can, it’s not something you can do personally because she is probably to familiar with you approach. Do you know which GP practice she is at? She needs to go and visit them or get a call arranged to her house or mobile. If she has a friend that is closer than you can you get them to talk to her and get to her doctors as soon as she can and get help. The only way to fight it is to get some support. I’m sorry for her and you but she needs as much physical and mental support as she can get at this time and she probably won’t do it on her own in this dark time.

    in reply to: Don’t know how much more i can take. #14061

    Morning, your situation sound very similar and unfortunately it’s hard to change and break the cycle without breaking eggs. Both sides of a partnership are at risk when addiction is present. Admitting you have a problem is easily the hardest part, even if your only saving it for a weekend it’s still as destructive to the partnership. Sometimes drastic measures are the only thing that can snap someone into submission and insisting that person gets professional advice is your only way you can escape this death dive lifestyle. Addicts have no self control and are horribly selfish at the moment of consuming the “evil” and although someone can be the sweetest person when not taking, it always ends in tears. You have already realised that it’s not what you want in your lives and it’s not a lot to ask! Happy fun exciting weekend are what make life living. You sound like you want to move forward with life ????????‍♂️ Drink and drugs can’t really be taken in moderation by an addict as you probably already know, so you must make changes in your life to help the addict the best you can. If you genuinely care for that person then try as many safe tactics as you can to help then get real professional help and if they don’t except they have a problem then you need to move to the next stage until you get that lifestyle you deserve. Regardless if you have a mortgage or it’s your only place to live or the last slice of bread in the packet, if you don’t make changes you will blink and 10yrs will have passed. Addiction is a Cancer! It’s a horrible horrible illness and it’s hidden. I know many people who drink 2 bottles of wine every night 7 days and teach a class of kid in the morning and still think it’s normal, well it’s not and the partner in the relationship doesn’t think its normal. Getting help is the most important decision you will ever make and one year of pain now for a life of freedom is a small price to pay. I wish you the best of Luck x

    in reply to: Partner daddy prescription drug abuser #14055

    Yes yes and yes! Children first above anything. My child is my focus and I give my child everything possible to live a normal and happy life before anyone. We owe them that. Look after yourself and make sure you shield them from pain. If he can’t submit to his problem then he’s not ready. Good luck girl

    in reply to: Partner daddy prescription drug abuser #14052

    Ok, firstly you sound like a wonderful mother and I’m extremely impressed with your patience! Your partner is in the grips of complete addiction denial and you personally will NEVER help him I’m afraid ???? his addiction is past the point of family help and he almost definitely needs professional help. Tramadol is the worst EVIL synthetic opioid that I have ever experienced and became one of the worst abused drugs in Ireland at one point sadly killing many. From my own time taking it “large amounts” I was totally consumed by it and did not care what anyone said to me because I needed it like oxygen! Coming off Tramadol is like burning your skin with an iron and that’s only after 8hrs without it. I wanted to die, really I wanted to die!!

    Your partner is an addict and until he says “I need help” then nothing will change. His family sound like they support his lifestyle so don’t try to change them because you never will, distance yourself from them and only facilitate them when you must. As far as custody, you have nothing to worry about and I’m certain of that. Stay focused on your child and keep doing what you are doing as your ONLY primary concern is that child! I know you must still care about your partner and I would never want someone to self destruct but you can only help if he asks for it. Unfortunately he had a genuine reason to take the meds and now it has taken him so aggressively that he needs them to function and nothing will stand in his way. What you can do if you feel so strong about this is talk to the practice manager at his doctors in complete confidence and make sure they record your concerns. This will force the doctors to review him in the event something happens to him they would almost certainly be responsible and they know it. They may reduce his medication in a controlled format and offer him a substitute and treatment advice. I would also speaker to his pharmacist in confidence and make them aware if you can. It’s just my personal opinion and I know this method works but please don’t put yourself in any danger or any situation you don’t feel comfortable with because again, your priorities are with your child as you already know. The long and short is that he doesn’t have the capability to stop and isn’t able to say he wants too so unless someone else stops him he never will ???? keep telling your child what you need to and never feel guilty because every person in the world can judge but only you live in that situation. You take care

    in reply to: Codine #14050

    And I don’t care what comes out of your mind or if it makes sense because your trying.

    in reply to: Codine #14048

    Everything you have said is normal and you are inline with the normal behaviour so don’t think your a bad individual. The doctors reordering trick has been played a 1000x by many more people than I can mention and I’m one of them, it made me feel sick to my stomach doing it but it’s a proses you follow when you need them little pills. I was going on fake holidays ever 8weeks.. please don’t think your not fixable though because you are, honestly.

    Sleeping tablets do help with the RLS especially when you are reducing but realistically reducing is HARD if your doing it on your own and unless your down to a small amount and ready for Cold Turkey then the sleeping tablets are just a way of dulling the cravings. You sound like you know that you want to give it up but telling your doctor is a fear? They will end your supply? Telling your husband will cause a snowball? If you sat down with your husband and let it out what would really happen? Listen, YOU NEED HELP and you need it as soon as you can. What is the very worst thing that can happen if you did tell him? You get a chance at saving your life! I guarantee you can’t do this on your own because it’s not possible without help from someone. Paid rehab is not always the best and is money driven for sure but the doctors can put you onto a free treatment center in your area that can offer an assessment and key worker to help you through addiction. Usually they assess you and give you a substitute if needed. I’ve not been to it yet but it sounds like the government is becoming more aware of opioid abuse after genuine injuries or surgery so my guess is you could get some help. Ring the doctors enormously and find out? Anyway, I’m not a doctor or a trained advisor but I do know that getting professional help and opening up to the people you real can trust is your next best and only move to save you as a person. I wish I could talk to you and others that suffer this disease because we share a common illness. Your mother suffered it and she lost that fight! I’m sure if she knew what was going to happen she would have run a mile. Like us all. please excuse my grammar/spelling but I’m working on the smallest screen trying to put a child to bed and change a light bulb

    in reply to: I need help #14015

    Morning you two,

    It is really difficult for both sides of an addiction and without support you tend to go around in circles beating each other up. The none addict of the relationship tends to feel the innocent party in this hell and they feel as much pressure as the person trying to quit this evil. Cocaine is sadly that kind of drug that is very destructive to the user and the people around you. But, it is beatable so don’t STOP. This sounds really daft and lame but I have seen this work with the most aggressive cases so try anything ????????‍♂️ Both you and your partner wright down how you feel and what you want to happen and don’t hold back at all but be optimistic and emotional in your feelings then swap. When someone that is not taking coke try’s to live with some that is you find it hard to function because your not feeling the same kind of emotions, and the user is feeling completely under the control of an addiction and unfortunately they don’t think clearly at all. If you want your relationship to work you need to set out a schedule for quitting and commit to it “with support” if you don’t then you will go around in circles for years! I know this is easy to say and hard to do but sit down together and commit to quitting. Get as much support from your local groups and family but don’t let it drag on for years because if you do then your not ready to quit. Your addiction is to the pleasure so try your best and good luck.

    in reply to: Codine #14003

    Hi, Silentheart, I totally feel your pain. Your situation is very similar to many others including my own. It’s a little hard to say this but you are an addict and I’m sure you know that but ultimately your mission is to get away from the opioids=codeine. I can’t say what you need to do but what I can say is you sound very proud and determined and that is

    What will get you through the addiction. Telling your partner and your GP is your only option and I can’t stress that enough. His expectations of you are not important but what is is your health and your children! Not telling him and admitting what has happened will see you talking about this again in 5 years time on this very site. You had a genuine medical reason for you medication that snowballed and it’s a familiar story with codeine all around the world so please don’t be ashamed my dear. Your human ????????‍♂️ And I can name 10 of my professional friends that have fallen into this trap.

    in reply to: What do I do? #14001

    Hi Sunflower, your situation is sadly very common. Your son has become very dependent on E that it feels uncomfortable without it. In my experience I have been in circles of people that have take unthinkable amounts on one hit over 15 years and they live to tell the tale. But! It’s a horrible and physiologically harming drug that can ruin lives and yes it feels like your chest is going to explode!!! The most important thing is he’s very young and in his prime to be refocused on recovery. Yes he’s had a tough time with it but make sure you insist on attending as many support groups as you can for him and with him as honesty is the only fix. Try to be as supportive as possible but don’t believe a word that come out of his mouth because he’s addicted and he’s young and as we all know when kids mouths are open they lie!! ????????‍♂️ Seriously, he’s going to try every trick in the book so make sure you have your eyes open and prepare for letdown. It can be turned around and if you have a strong family unit you won’t fail. This is a blip in his life and it happens 1000s of times a year and people recover. Please be strong.

    in reply to: Coping alone #13999

    47.. your a blossoming flower my dear! Listen, whatever you do don’t give up. If Just surviving is your only option at the moment then make sure you do that and don’t let it beat you. X

    in reply to: Coping alone #13996

    I understand, and I understand she’s not wanting change and that’s what all addicts say! She doesn’t want disruption to her addiction and will do anything to prevent it. Your really never going to fix this on your own because you don’t sound strong enough emotionally. Your priority at the moment is YOU and your health so do whatever you need to do and whatever it takes to keep it together. All this is easy for me to say and impossible for you to actually do but you really sound desperate! I don’t know how old you are but I’m sure you remember the happy time? Removing and fixing bad things in your life is difficult and can often be seen as selfish but sometimes you need to make massive changes for the good. I’m sure you visited this site for something and often people get the courage from the strangest places so don’t give up! Try and think of yourself, it’s hard Sadmom23! ????

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