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  • in reply to: Coping alone #13984

    Morning Sadmon23, Cocaine is obviously addictive and I have good solid experience with it sadly. But, it’s not as addictive as smoking and with effort and support she can easily dismiss it. She needs to want to do it and it sounds like she just doesn’t. It’s a horribly expensive drug and very destructive so at 20yr old she is fixable though. I’m afraid you are taking all this responsibility on your own and that needs to stop. PLEASE consider changing your approach with her.???? I really wish I could be sat In front of you and share your pain. Nothing can really help when we are this dark. I wish and hope you can switch directions with her and try a different approach. Sometimes when other people see that you are acting different they tend to listen. I’m not saying that you don’t love her but be very direct with her! Take her into a new environment and give her a last options and an ultimatum. If any of the counselling and supporting groups have had no affect within 12 weeks then I’m afraid she’s not taking it in and she needs to switch gears! If you haven’t already talk to your own doctors or one that will listen and tell them everything! everything! Ask if they can help. Please stay strong. ???? your daughter will always continue to take Cocaine as long as she is given the platform to do so. Sad but true ????

    in reply to: Coping alone #13933

    I’m glad you have said all that to be honest. I believe her too and I don’t know her! but the codeine is so unforgiving and it makes you lie to the people you love the most. Time scales are definitely a good move and I can’t insist enough that if you don’t set out some kind of agenda then she will manipulate the situation with expertise. Anyone I have every spoken to who is addicted to codeine is a master of manipulation I’m afraid. To really break the cycle you need to give her it “all on a plate” ultimatum and timescale for change. I can tell your not in a great place but she’s 20yrs old and easily fixable without a doubt. With the correct support and pressure she will kick it. It would be interesting to know what level she’s at with codeine/others/smoke. I’m sure it’s tough for you and I genuinely feel your pain and opening up to family can be you last stop. Don’t let her take you down though! Your purpose in life is to enjoy what time you have left with minimal pain so take her to task in the most loving but aggressive way you can. Stay strong and focused but don’t trust her until you seen the results. Remember that it’s not your fault.

    in reply to: Just want to be free! #13930

    Hey Laracroft, well done for posting your experience! Although this is anonymous it still takes courage. From my own experience of 20 yrs commitment to codeine Withdrawals usual last for about 5 days on the physical side and psychologically I would say about 4 weeks to feel a little freedom, depending on how long you have been using. I CANNOT encourage you enough to stick with it!!! Yes you will feel like Hell for a few days but 120mg is very very much achievable. I and many other are capable or taking anything up to 600mg a day and more. Your not crazy your just stuck in a grip at the moment and you can do it. The best time to do it is while your not at work and off sick. I suggest you check out a few websites for withdrawal remedies because they absolutely work. TRUST me. Please keep posting x

    in reply to: Coping alone #13928

    Hey Sadmom23, firstly, please let me reassure you that you are not alone in this and I especially understand what you are going through in some kind of way. Please take a breath for a moment and put that “life taking” on hold until you can understand a few things. Your daughter has been gripped by an evil drug and this drug like most drugs I guess makes you lie, cheat and stop at nothing to get that result! In a kind of way She will care of nothing but that feeling of euphoria. This is clearly affecting you as a person and that needs to stop ???? your daughter needs STRONG help and you can’t give it to her so don’t try. If you can’t feel you can tell your husband then tell your daughter this is her only option. 1: get help immediately from your local addiction centre and include compulsory testing. DO NOT sacrifice yourself for something that can be fixed. I would really hope that you can find that final bit of strength to change what is happening in your family circle because this is not your fault! Please find the courage to tell your story because keeping it under the radar is unhealthy for everyone. Yes, it will cause crying but it’s the only way. I promise you. Please

    in reply to: So alone #13788

    Twinkle, I’m glad you have shared your pain. It’s helpful for me and maybe it is for you to talk to others. Try to think of this as a little step forward. Try your best not to drink if you can, I know it’s easy to say that but just try because it’s no better than any other drug as you probably know. Sending a big hug!

    in reply to: Here to help #13784

    Hi Cassidy,

    That sounds really good! I’m currently still stuck in the grip of Codeine and interested to know more about your situation and your ideas?

    in reply to: So alone #13782

    Hey Twinkle,

    Something you need to know is that you are never going to help your partner but you can save yourself! You love him and I can relate to that because I share a similar life. You sound desperate, beat down and at your final step with this life but remember that you will never be alone because millions of us are in this grip and we can help. If you can, ask for help! Any help! Help for him as much as you. You love him that much it’s hurting you both. Please don’t give up ????

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