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  • in reply to: My partner is a Cocaine addict #25137

    Thank you so much for your reply, I will get in touch

    in reply to: I’m so stressed my partner a coke addict #25135

    He is 38 and his cousins live within walking distance, I know how Saturday will turn out just now, he says he’ll be back after the game but he’ll disappear for hours.

    Only solution I can see if he wants to get better is to move away, too many bad influences on our door step. Such a hard situation to be in.

    in reply to: I’m so stressed my partner a coke addict #25132

    Thank you so much for your reply, sounds like you are getting your life back on track, you must be so proud of yourself.

    He said on Sunday that he was finished with it but now he says he is going to football this Saturday and I know where that leads. I really don’t know what it will take to turn it around

    He’s just done a football coaching course which was his way of trying to be healthy and focusing on something else. I know for a fact he won’t cut off family, I’m sure it’s him who buys it for everyone.

    I know he loves me but I think cocaine is a bigger love to be honest. He definitely needs to talk to a counsellor as he has issues from his past but I guess it needs to be his decision.

    in reply to: Boyfriend cocain addiction. #25119

    It is harder being in love with an addict for sure. You are the one trying to keep everything together while they are selfish and think it’s ok to do what they want.

    My ex husband was a heroin addict and I went through hell with him because he was violent. I was so glad when I got out although t took me years. I can’t believe I’m going through the same thing again but there’s no violence and when he’s not using he is the most loving, kind person I know. That’s why I’m trying my hardest to make him see sense and stop. I know we can have a wonderful life together, he’s my soul mate and I can’t imagine life without him.

    When he uses he’s full of bravado and thinks he’s cock of the walk. The hardest thing for me is the prostitutes, that has hurt me to my core and I wonder if I’ll ever get over that.

    Much love to you, you know your not alone in this nightmare xx

    in reply to: I’m so stressed my partner a coke addict #25117

    Hi Danman83

    Can I ask what your decision was to stop and did you go to counselling yourself or did someone ask you to do it?

    My partner has a problem and says he wants to stop and looks at doing it online then the next day it’s like nothing has happened and he doesn’t talk about it. I know the main problem is the people he mixes with and the sad thing is it is some of his family too.

    in reply to: Boyfriend cocain addiction. #25116

    It’s so very hard because you wonder what it is that you’ve done wrong because it always gets turned round to be your fault. My self esteem is at an all time low just now, thinking I’m not good enough for anyone or anything. Wondering what he’s doing all the time I’m not with him. I’m determined though to make him see sense and own his shit but he has to be the one that wants to stop. Addiction is such a selfish thing because it affects the people that love them the most and I don’t think they realise the hurt and chaos they cause. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. This forum is a life saver, you don’t feel so alone and its good to talk to people who are going through the exact same situation.

    in reply to: Boyfriend cocain addiction. #25109

    Hi Kf88

    I am going through exactly the same scenario with my partner of 4 years, cocaine addiction,using prostitutes and speaking to other women online, he lied about it but I found messages, we had it out the other night and he’s promised me he’ll stop and get help. I’m like you, I don’t want to leave him because we have had lots of happy times together and I desperately want to help him even though I’m hurting like I’ve never hurt before. I want to believe he can do it, for his sake more than mine. Its a hard road to walk down, hope you’re ok.

    in reply to: Is he using cocaine ? Denial #25042

    Hi, I am going through the exact same scenario right now, finding little bags all over the house, he says it isn’t a problem but so obviously is, he asked me to leave yesterday saying we were done after I confronted him. He needs help but won’t get it until he admits he has a problem.

    I am so glad I found this forum, you feel so alone when you can’t talk to anyone about it.

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