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  • in reply to: The nightmare begins again #9327

    Thank you for getting in touch. My dad seems to be on track, he has admitted it all now and admitted he can’t take another drink without our being a problem so here’s hoping he can keep his resolve.
    I feel good about it now so long as he is off it but i might pass your details on to my mum.
    Thanks again folks

    in reply to: The nightmare begins again #9303

    That’s really kind of you thank you.

    He did get away and had a nice time it was just a long weekend break so i think it did them good. he was sick for about 13 hours i think and then felt sick still for a few more. You’d honestly think they’d learn eh? ! So it’s now the time to enjoy him sober and try and keep taking about it and helping him stay off it. I understand he has a meeting with the doctor tomorrow again to talk about some councilling so fingers crossed he goes ahead with that.

    I really appreciate you messaging me when i was feeling really down about it all. I expect you understand I’ve hardened myself to it quite a bit so those low points i find quite tough now.

    And i think you are right i will never stop trying to help him even though i know he has to help himself.

    Much love to you and yours. Did you yourself ever see anyone to talk it over? X

    in reply to: The nightmare begins again #9300

    Thank you so much for taking the time to send me a message that means a lot.
    He does know he had a problem only he keeps thinking after a few weeks off the drink that he can handle just one. Every time he comes off it now he says it’s the last time and he’s knows her must so for good. He has talked to a community nurse this week and has made arrangements to see him again next week with the intentions of getting councellingwhich u really hope he does. I think depression and anxiety is also an issue for him abs he wants to battle it on his own when he needs help in truth.

    I have a friend who’s dad died also died from alcohol and he said the same – to never give up trying to help him, it’s just hard sometimes and i would like to step away sometimes.

    I should say of course i am so so sorry you lost your dad, i hope ike you said i think he will be at peace and rest now after such a hard time.

    I know what you mean about being attested and wishing they could keep him, i understand your thinking.

    I might show him this. He is ill today coming off it again. He missed a flight on holiday with my mum because of it and is supposed to be taking a later flight today so fingers crossed. It seems to affect almost everything they do.

    sorry this is a little brief I’m just getting ready to go to their house to dog sit for them. Thank you again. X

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