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  • in reply to: Getting clean – My story #9923

    This is joyous reading indeed, many many congratulations. You must be so proud of yourself.
    This helps me to believe that there is hope for my son too. He has done most of the things on your list, and has just started therapy, finally. Fingers crossed Xx

    So very chuffed for you, onwards and upwards

    in reply to: Wishing for a family bond. #9899

    Hi StephEd, I posted for the first time yesterday as my son is a cocaine addict, so my heart goes out to you, and I do have some idea of how you are feeling. I haven’t got any answers for you as I am relatively new to all of this, and my son does not use weed, however, I have one or two thought on your post, based on my own experiences with Tom, (my son)
    I haven’t ever gone down the ‘stop doing this or I will kick you out’ route .. yet, because I know in my heart that I could never actually follow though with it. This is partly due to the fact that Tom has very fragile mental health which predates the addiction, and he has made at least 5 suicide attempts, I could never live with myself if he killed himself. So my advise to you would be to decide how safe he would be if you did follow through. Then, if you think he would be okay and would be resourceful enough to cope for a while, do it! He will soon realise that he needs clean clothes and something to eat, which if he was ‘sofa surfing’ would be difficult to achieve. It may not be a bad thing for him to realise just how much you do for him, and to have to stand on his own two feet. It is a scary prospect for you though, I totally get that.
    With regards to using different drugs when not living under your roof, I’m not sure what the research shows, but maybe you should look to see what the chances are of him progressing onto different drugs. What I do know is that cocaine is very expensive, my son has thousands of pounds worth of debt, and when you are in the mindset of wanting/needing coke, you access it first, pay later, and then the debts start to pile up. So, maybe your son would have the sense not to do this?
    I have tried everything within my powers to help my son to be drug free, so far nothing has worked, however, I managed to drag him along to my running club last night, and he actually enjoyed it!! I am now very hopeful that with a different focus and the benefits of a natural high due to exercise, he may just start on the road to recovery, who knows.
    Good luck with what ever you chose to do, it is so very hard to know whether what you are doing is the right thing to do or not, I hope that you have family members and friends who can support you too, it is a very lonely place at times.


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