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  • in reply to: Cocaine addiction. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? #20535

    It’s not a nice situation to be in when you love someone and want the best for them. I really do feel for you. I know exactly how you feel. Luckily I think (HOPE) my partner has realised he needs the help & things are improving. It’s not an easy road.

    I haven’t found much support, no. 🙁



    I’ve read that story. Very heartbreaking. Unfortunately not everyone is ready to get clean nor wants too. But some of them do…


    So essentially you are saying any addict out there doesn’t deserve a partner/someone to support and help them? Without hesitation I should walk away from the guy I have built a life with and love ?

    I understand how much addiction can change a person. But my other half has never been violent or abusive. EVER. He is one of the kindest, caring, loving men I’ve ever met. That alone to me is worth fighting for.

    His addiction isn’t his fault. It’s a hard battle. He is actively trying to get better and has come a long way to where he was before he met me. That tells me I’m doing right by sticking by him.

    I come on here to find out if therapy is a good way of overcoming addiction. Or atleast a step in the right direction. After hearing opinions elsewhere, my mind is at rest.

    But thank you for your insight. Some people can’t be helped. And I don’t want years of this. But I know my partner isn’t some monster. And is worth fighting for & I’m confident this won’t be forever. And the person I’ll have at the end of it will have been worth the fight.


    I hear what you are saying & I can relate so much to everything you have said.

    I know & have witnessed the fact that he doesn’t enjoy taking cocaine anymore. He suffers from drug induced psychosis everytime he takes it. I just can’t sit here and believe that that’s the life that he wants to live??? Maybe I’m just finding any reason in my head to stay because the thought of walking away from him absolutely kills me.

    There’s so many men / women who have beat addiction. So what’s the answer if not to walk away?! His shown me in many ways that he wants to get sober. By putting me in charge of his finances and agreeing to therapy. & an addict admitting they have a problem is the first step to recovering, right? But as you said they are good manipulators and I know that.

    in reply to: Can someone quit Cocaine on their own? #20497

    Hi Annie, I was in a similar situation to you. I am with a recovering addict. & on so many occasions he told me that he could beat his addiction on his own and didn’t need help. But after hearing that over and over each time he messed up I realised it was just a way of getting me off his back / a form of denial of how bad his addiction is.

    I no longer believed him & kept expressing to him that he needs help & is in denial. He is currently going to therapy. Still a long road ahead but his finally admitted he needs help & is actively trying to get better.

    in reply to: Cocaine addicted partner #20493

    Hi Billie.

    I’m in a very similar situation. Me and my partner have been together a year & he also went from being a casual user on weekends to just using cocaine on his own. He also will just drive around whilst using, so I can confirm that this is not out of the ordinary.

    Many times I have witnessed him driving around whilst on coke. I’ve learnt that this is due to drug induced psychosis, which can cause severe paranoia so he feels like he constantly needs to be moving because he thinks his being followed.

    There is a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s took a year of alot of pain & arguments for him to realise he needs help. He is now going to therapy every week & I am in full control of any money that comes into the house. He needs to be willing to change hun or unfortunately it’s going to be the same cycle over and over again.

    I hope this helped.

    Much love.

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