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  • in reply to: Feeling conflicted. #18783

    I feel the same way you do, like I’m grieving my sister…. a part of me has died with what happened to her. It is just horrible, it’s so painful. When I last spoke with her, she couldn’t even align two words together that made sense, her behaviour was erratic and crazy and she would just go on rambling, it would just drive me insane. And yes, as hard as it is to accept, we can only do so much… They have to accept, we can’t do it for them, we can guide through things and support but that’s it. I was told many times to not feel guilty. I still do, I can’t help it. I just feel like if I had been there for her more, this wouldn’t have happened, as she was always the vulnerable one. If she had been under my wings and we had not been brutally separated, due to life circumstances, she would not have been down that road, that’s how I feel. She just went with the wrong crowd. But I wasn’t there. Your plan is wise and reasonable. I hope your partner accepts help. I wish you and your family the best <3

    in reply to: Boyfriend has cocaine/alcohol problem. What makes you stay? #18771

    The lies are the worst for me too. I can’t stand it. The deceptive behaviours… everytime he’s about to get high, meet with dealers or other addicts, I can feel it in my bone before it happens and without him saying a word, being with me or not. Even just watching him walking to the bathroom, I can tell if he’s about to snort something or really just using the loo. It makes me sick. I caught him again recently with a straw up his nose; when he pretended he needed to “use the bathroom.” I love him and I’m staying, that’s my choice. I could leave, it would be simpler, but I decided not to. We went through too much already. He just relapsed after several months of being clean. He has been struggling for 10 years now. He was also mixing alcohol before but stopped, except for a few episodes of mixing drugs with liquour, but other than that he does usually stay on his prescribed meds; except for the occasional relapse (which usually includes a cocktail of drugs and liquour). But he has done much better. So recently he just relapsed again. And it is hard to deal with. It ain’t cocaine but it’s the same lies and same abusive behaviour. We don’t have children and don’t want any, long as he is this way.

    in reply to: Feeling conflicted. #18769

    (I mean, if she wants help, I should definitely help her; no matter what… But what I meant was, even trying to help her, it’s up to her to accept it or reject it… in her case, she rejected. Hopefully your partner accepts help; sorry if I sound clumsy with my words)

    in reply to: Feeling conflicted. #18768

    My twin sister got hooked on cocaine years ago, turned her into a living skeleton, she was light as a feather…. you could see every bone. She disappeared for years and in a crazy way I ended up finding her, and she had gone FAR, was homeless. Took her back home with me, tried to help her get back on her feet. I had found a place for her. She said she wanted help. But then left without a word and I have not seen her since. We were back in touch again for a few years, then she quit answering me altogether. I don’t know where she is today… I do know I tried everything I could think of to help her, she said she wanted help but one day she was gone and went right back to it… It just left me heartbroken. Today, I feel like a part of me is responsible for what happened to her.. I feel guilty, like I should have tried more. I feel like a coward, dirty. I should have done more. Me and her were so close and always together before that. Maybe I could help her today but I don’t even know where she is and if she even wants to talk to me!!!! She would reproach me for trying to help her, said it wasn’t the right way….. that I was too harsh… I have so many different feelings right now about this, hard to describe. The gentle way didn’t help, neither did the harsh. At the end of the day, as hard as it is to accept, it’s up to the person… I feel like I have lost her even though she’s still alive, as far as I know…

    in reply to: I am tired and scared #18767

    You’re welcome, love. Yes…

    I would like to post episodic updates, as I find sharing how I feel helps me a whole lot, as well as reading other peoples’ testimonies; it helps make me feel better. I am not always necessarily asking for answers, if anyone feels like sharing something, I’d be happy to read it too.

    __Glenn could not find his meds, that’s the first time he ever lost them, but then again he has been so high for the past week he could not even walk right, talk or even keep his eyes open, most of the time. I had to go in the street several times to find his keys, phone and other belongings which were laid on the ground and would have been stolen too at one point, had I not checked it for him. He even gave me his pills at one point, asking me to hold onto it so he wouldn’t lose them like he lost his keys and phone, but he ended up losing them too yesterday, after I gave them to him back home, and I’m sure someone picked them up by now.

    So yesterday after he couldn’t find them, he called his Dr with me by his side, explaining the situation. Talk about embarrassing. The Dr rushed his new meds overnight so he wouldn’t be back into withdrawals and he has them now, he leaves them at home like he used to do. He is not looking so high now, he’s still working on our truck after coming back from work (he’s been back to work for a while now), as our truck needed some stuff done.

    While being high as a kite this past week, he managed to change the fuel pump, after lifting the bed of the truck, all on his own. He cut his finger to the bone in the process (came home with blood everywhere, scaring me to death) but it’s changed and the truck runs great now. Always amazes me. Truck needed more work done, issue with fuel gauge and something else, well I don’t know what he did to it but the brakes work much better too now, I tested it yesterday, going to feed our horses.

    He feels awful about everything, keeps saying he’s sorry and that he will get off of it but this time the right way, with proper help and support. All I know is he gets up every day before the rooster sings and he’s going to work, (I know he’s not lying as I see his boss picking him up and bringing him back, the same boss who has the mansion; he has been doing remodeling/construction/cleaning/handyman and maintenance work on her property for nearly a year now, except when he was incapacitated from TBIs) comes back home and always stays busy. He has always worked, no matter what. He has not given up. He did have a few relapses where he was hanging out with the wrong crowd (being in the place we are it’s hard to avoid and it will happen) and I caught him with dealers and other drug addicts and it was a mess, but he does know to stay away and staying busy does help too.

    The only time he spent most of our money on drugs and nearly brought us to be homeless was years ago and it was a horrible time, we didn’t have hot water/power for the longest time, barely any food for us to eat and were taking icy cold showers, even in the wintertime, without heat, sleeping on the floor, no bed, in a very badly insulated place. It was tough.

    Our dogs would keep us warm. The animals though, were always fed. They never went without food. He always managed to keep them taken care of. He always helped keeping them healthy, any issues, bringing them to the vet, etc. He has been remarkably responsible when it comes to them. Money stashed for them for food or vet bills, he doesn’t touch it, comes with me to the vet and makes sure they have all they need, goes to the park with them, etc.

    He has a huge heart for animals. 2 years ago he stopped a pitbull fight by slipping his hands in the mouth of one who had a hold of another dog, trying to kill it. The pitbull had locked his mouth onto the other dog’s neck, but I saw Glenn stick his hand right in his mouth and managed to get the pitbull to let go, somehow. He is incredibly strong. The pitbull bit him in the process, not attacking him but still trying to kill the dog so that’s how it happened. He bled profusely and needed stitches so I brought him to the hospital but the other dog was fine, aside from a couple of superficial holes (the pitbull had issues getting to the neck as the dog’s collar was partially covering it) and some blood, the dog was fine. This is how much he loves animals. Anyone needing help, he will stop whatever he’s doing to run and help them too, without expecting anything back, that’s just the way he is.

    As for me, I’m without work now. My permanent contract just ended, they just dropped me. I was working as a bilingual English/French customer service rep. from home, as independent contractor, and the company I worked for recently decided to lay most of us off and replaced us with an automated computer program, to take care of customers. It is not perfect and is not better than real live agents but the company makes enough money to have to worry about that. I’ve started looking for other bilingual positions or something to do with interpretation/translation as I’m fluent in both languages and learning others as well, it pays way better than the average job here so that’s what I focus on. I am still very much depressed but I am pushing myself.

    I am also starting to eat and drink more, gradually. I was eating so little and drinking so little for the longest time (I would not eat breakfast or lunch at all, just usually a small piece of bread and ham at bedtime and some milk) that it would bring me to extreme physical weakness, I’d become dizzy and feeling like I was about to pass out, but whenever that happened I would simply eat some candy or some bread and juice and keep going. I sit at a desk most of the time so I guess by not being very active it did not get worse than just feeling weak, and when I did I would just swallow something.

    Luckily, in spite of intense repeated traumatizing experiences I have gone through in my life, I never got hooked on drugs or alcohol myself. I did try weed, cigarettes and alcohol as a teen as people I knew around me did it and I guess that was the ‘cool’ thing to do at the time, they offered it and I tried, but I turned away from it all rather quickly. I didn’t see the point of it. If I needed to escape, I simply turned to sports. I ran, belonged to badminton club, trained as semi-pro athlete in another one, got on my bike everyday and would also go rock climbling. That is what I did to escape reality when I needed. And it kept me in shape too. At the time, I might have been depressed too, but at least I ate. My twin sister, who went through similar experiences, never stopped cigarettes, weed or alcohol and then turned to cocaine. I never understood.

    She turned into a living skeleton. You could see every bone in her body. Always high. It was very upsetting for me and I had tried everything to try and wake her up, she’d say “I know I need to wake up”, but would just keep doing it. It would stress me so much and worry me sick to my stomach…. it ate me up from the inside, I ended up telling her “look, you want to die, just keep going, because you’re doing a great job at this.” And then she got better, we were still in touch at the time, she seemed to have improved, she had gotten some weight back etc. but then stopped contacting me. I have no idea where she is today.

    I had numerous opportunities to turn to drugs, I have been around this for most of my life. But it was just never ‘attractive’ to me, I guess if I’m trying to describe it. Plus seeing all the horror from it, I just didn’t want any part of it… Even right after my surgery was done, and I couldn’t walk, as I was stage IV endometriosis and the surgeon had prescribed strong pain killers for me, I still refused to take that. I would rather feel everything than turn into a zombie, even if for a short moment. That’s just me.

    I have been eating breakfast for a few days now, can’t remember last time I did that….. Forgot what the taste of coffee was like, and with cream… With toast and juice too! Then I have a quick bite at lunch, not much but I force myself, then I eat something for dinner too. Glenn is gone most of the time, so it’s usually just me alone with the dogs… Also, we just have been offered a house for rent right next to our horses’ stables, literally right next to it (we’re in a flat now) it’s surrounded by pastures, woods and just one close neighbour (a single middle-aged man keeping to himself) and the road, away from the pub, which is definitely the most important thing for us.

    I will lay out a contract first, make it ironclad and have the landlord sign it, sign it or leave it, we are not doing a thing until it’s signed; I’m not signing any other contract than the one I make, that’s the way I’ve done things for us here and it has offered us protection as people do get evicted very easily in this area. We have seen dozens of people moving in and getting kicked out in the last 2 years, renting from the same landlord, around us. The guy has tons of flats and houses and lots of land. We have been staying at our flat under a contract I made and I will keep it that way wherever we go, safety first.

    Whoever read this, have a good day/night. Feel free to share back, about anything you’d like. Love, S.

    in reply to: I am tired and scared #18747

    Thanks for your wishes, Lindyloo.

    Thanks for sharing, I understand the hurt and heartache for sure. At least he’s trying so that is good. ‘As long as there is life, there is hope’, my 91 year old grandfather always says, not for Glenn as he doesn’t know but in general… it does resonate with me so much today though.

    I will keep you, your son & family in my prayers as well. Love.

    in reply to: I am tired and scared #18744

    How is your son doing now???

    in reply to: I am tired and scared #18743

    Also, because I respect his feelings too, I asked him what he wanted to do in general, what he wanted in life, what was better for him, going through this. With or without me, etc. I was just curious. I asked him also if he still wanted to be with me, period. He says my support has always been crucial and he still loves me, nothing has changed, he’s just struggling but and cannot believe I’m still there for him. Many times before, he packed his bags in anticipation of being thrown out after doing something wrong or because he said he didn’t want to put me through this anymore and I was better off without him, I simply replied that was my decision to make and I didn’t want to leave him. It would definitely be easier for me, my life would be much simpler, but like I said I don’t want to just give up. Especially not after everything we’ve been through. Also, this is not criticism for people who do leave their loved ones because of their drug use. I understand how they feel. This is just my story.

    in reply to: I am tired and scared #18742

    Thanks so much. Yes, we’ve talked about these things before. He refused support groups in the past, but he is open to it now. He does want to stop and he does want help as he has come to realize he just can’t do it on his own, so it is an improvement.

    I am not going to lose my sanity, if this was to happen, it would already have happened. I suffer immensely as I’m isolated and had no one to confide in before and I’m really tired but I’m a strong person. I left my mom’s house when I was 15 to escape a cult she was in, so I know about survival. This is the story of my life. I just like to vent. I know you say people care and maybe some do but I know for a fact no one will care where I live. It is meth land, they’re all busy being on it, coming down from it or busy trying to find it.

    It’s also pill land, of course, but meth is the big popular thing. It’s everywhere, you’ll find it in our shared bathroom of the complex, sparkly dust on the side of the sink. ALL our immediate neighbours are either on meth or pills, usually both, and also alcohol, if not just alcoholics since we also live next to a Pub. The police is always around, busting and arresting people. So no, I don’t want to get close to nobody here. I just work, go to the store, walk my dogs, go back inside, that’s it. The landlord’s son himself went to crash on my neighbour’s bed yesterday (door was open), going through withdrawals from meth. He is a heavy user. This is the daily activity here. You just open your door and it’s there, right in your face.

    We have been trying to move to a better place before but couldn’t, we tried hard, also I was the only source of income for a while too, because of his medical condition and going through withdrawals, so we were lucky to afford even the bills to not be homeless…

    I love him. Messed up or not, he is the love of my life. I am not saying this because I’m sick in the head or dependent or have issues. I LOVE him. And I am not going to Ever leave him, because he’s sick. I am not going to give him an ultimatum. Like I said, I’m just tired and a lot of the times disgusted too, of course I have extreme feelings. I guess it’s natural if you’re sane… we’re humans… We all have feelings. To share my feelings helps, I had nowhere to do that to before and also don’t want to confide to anyone I know, period.

    I have started looking at other peoples’ testimonies and will continue, I am sure this will help too.

    Wherever this is going, I am there with him and for him. Nowadays people just quit, find someone else/or not, but just leave. I don’t give up. I truly love him and will help him however I can. He never left a wounded soldier on the battlefield himself. I will not leave him behind. And I will also keep sharing my feelings, because it helps too, even if I say crazy things or just rambling.

    __This morning he woke up, took his pill bottle and headed out the door to the store. Came back, asking me where his pill bottle is, asking me if I’m ‘messing’ with him. I said no, I don’t know where it is. I am not even crying anymore. My heart rate is not even elevated. I am too tired to be mad. I care but I guess I realize, after the initial blow, that going off the deep end is not going to accomplish anything for me at this point.

    A few minutes later, he says he believes I did not hide the bottle, he just had a moment of paranoia. I have no idea where it is. Now he is running around trying to find it. He says he is most concerned because if someone else finds it and takes some, not knowing what it is, it could kill them, and he doesn’t want that to happen. I know he means it. That’s who he is. He will strip naked so someone can have some clothes to put on. He wants it back for him but he also cares about what could happen to someone else…

    If he cannot find it, he will contact his Dr to have more. I am glad at least he wants to get help and not just do this on his own anymore. He is a strong willed person himself. I know he can do this.

    in reply to: I am tired and scared #18732

    Well, he’s now officially back on it now. Been 3 days of hell, I have not slept in 2, just watching over him, worrying. He had decided at 4:00 to go work on our vehicle last night, acting crazy. He would like to stop but he says he needs more support. I agree. We’ll see what happens. I caught him hiding klonopins in his pocket. I’m honestly too exhausted to be mad. My whole body aches, I’ve had a migraine for 24 hours now. I’m just broken. Voilà.

    in reply to: I am tired and scared #18724

    Thanks. I will remember that. God bless.

    in reply to: I am tired and scared #18717

    Thank you, Lindyloo, this means more than you know. I have never been on any forum for support regarding addiction before, I just never even thought about it until now. I guess it’s easier to open up to people we might never meet, inhibitions fall off… I will definitely read other people’s testimonies. I feel silly for not thinking about doing this before, it’s obvious we can learn from others, part of my depression has kept me away from people and my pc though, I have only used it when I needed to work, so I would not even think about reaching out another way; today it just ‘popped’ in my mind…

    Thanks for your prayers.

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