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  • in reply to: can’t take it anymore #16777

    Hi Johno,

    I know this is easier to say than it is to believe, but it is honestly not your fault. He is his own person. Your friend is capable of making his own decisions without being influenced by you.

    My partner always blames his alcoholism on me, it’s always my fault. *eye roll* face and I would of believed him but over this last year I’ve got my confidence back and I now realise I am not responsible for him and will not be anymore. I, like yourself have done everything to help him. He’s even been to rehab, nothing worked. It gave me panic attacks and really bad agoraphobia just from the amount of stress it has put me under. Lock down has probably given me the space and strength to know I don’t want him around me anymore. I know how scary it can be and how guilty they make you feel but if it is seriously affecting your mental health you should probably stop being friends with him. An alcoholic only cares about where their next drink is coming from. They don’t care about who they hurt or upset in the process of it and that’s what you have to bare in mind. His death will absolutely not be your fault, it will be his own fault for drinking too much on a daily basis, you aren’t making him do anything, just try and remember that, if nothing else. He is in control of himself. You are a really good friend by the sounds of it. Not many people would do that for someone but maybe it’s time to give that kind energy to someone who actually deserves it.

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