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  • in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to Cocaine #21504

    Full moon, how are you? How’s things.. I actually have a different story to tell now! Xx

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17509

    Thank you hun. I’ll check in again soon. Stay strong xx

    in reply to: Cocaine #17507

    Hi hun. I’m currently going through this myself. However I have ended the relationship today for good. I cannot do it anymore. The lies are unbearable, when it’s very clear they have taken it but continue to lie it’s so hurtful. My boyfriend did that for majority of our relationship, then came clean, said he wouldn’t touch anything again and prove himself. 2 weeks later I find an empty bag inside the bin (which was today!) Obviously denied it but I know the truth and deep down you know they won’t change but because you love them you try see the good side and believe they will. Without professional help and actually wanting to stop I cannot ever see a way forward. I don’t want to plan a future with someone who I don’t trust. I’m sure you’ll make the right decision for you but stay strong and remember what you deserve. Xx

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17506

    That’s very true. I sometimes think to myself maybe he isn’t addicted and just enjoys doing it every now and then but if your not addicted why would you lie? He clearly is but I think I forced him to stop before he actually wanted to. He doesn’t value our relationship at all because he knew I’d leave but maybe thought I wouldn’t find out. I feel sorry for him as he’s the one going to be left with nothing. But I can’t live for him anymore xx

    in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to Cocaine #17504

    Sorry for the late reply. I decided after several nights away to give him one last chance, to prove to not only to himself, but to me and his family. Well fast forward to now. I found an empty bag last night and could taste a chemical taste in his mouth. Of course he has denied it. But I know he’s lying and it’s broken me much more than before as I cannot go back on my word. I’m devastated and ended the relationship. Not heard anything back. He tried to change the subject completely dismissing the fact I’ve said it’s over? That was 7 hours ago now. Nothing at all. Honestly, do they ever change?

    in reply to: Ex partner with a cocaine addiction #17503

    Hey ladies, reading your stories really does help so much. I haven’t been with my partner many years but I recently found messages which prove he had lied to me for majority of our relationship (taking cocaine behind my back) even going to the toilet whilst im in bed, the lies are unreal, he used to call me paranoid and crazy. He eventually admitted to everything – that was his last chance. Which was 2 weeks ago. Last night I found an empty cocaine bag which he had hid inside the bin bag, I wouldn’t have looked if the bag hadn’t of split ? Maybe someone looking down on me. He has denied it yet again even though I know he’s lying. My hearts broken. I’ve finally ended it today and I know I need to walk away. He promised he would stop and was ready to never touch that stuff again (one night I’m away from him and look what happens). I love him more than anything and worry about him so much. However since I’ve told him it’s over I’ve heard nothing (6 hours ago). Maybe he never loved me like I thought. Very sad but we will get through this ladies, we deserve the world xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine boyfriend #17334

    Hi, not sure when this post was made but just wanted to see how things were? I’m also in the same situation and I’m honestly heart broken xx

    in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to Cocaine #17333

    Thank you for your replies ❤️

    He has become distant, but I am backing off myself as I need space to think about what it is I actually want. I left the day he came clean but he only came clean because I found the evidence – otherwise would he of ever actually told me? Probably not. He made me feel insane, that I was in the wrong accusing him when all along I was right and I knew it. The lies and deceit it’s the worse part. He says he will buy home testing kits, and prove to me and his family. Part of me just wants to run away and the other part wants to give him that one last chance to prove? He’s very manipulative in ways that tries to make me feel bad if I leave. He’s a broken man. Any suggestions on what I could do? ☹️ So heartbroken xxxx

    in reply to: Boyfriend addicted to Cocaine #17315

    Thank you for your reply and insight into your story,

    Sorry that you have also been through this, it’s truly devastating. It’s good that he is attending a rehab centre which seems he may be ready to finally stop? My boyfriend however said he doesn’t need rehab, he can do it himself, but he will look into different things that may help? Counselling maybe but I’m yet to see anything. Currently I’ve moved back home and asked for space, my head is frazzled. I do not know if I can continue in the relationship. The lies and deceit has hurt me so much I don’t know how I’ll ever trust him again. I feel like he’s starting to push me away because I’ve asked for space. Maybe it’ll make him worse but like you say I’ve got to put myself first. Hope you are okay xx

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