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  • in reply to: my boyfriend relapsed #27416

    Honestly the best advise really is to focus on you, it’s easier said than done because we care. I wish you all the best and stay strong xx

    in reply to: my boyfriend relapsed #27364

    It’s really hard for me to say if change is possible. Research says yes if they are really willing to change, they have to change so much, cut out “friends” cut out places and things, it’s a huge life change for them. We have a child and that still hasn’t been enough for her to change, she lost our family for months and that still wasn’t enough. Please always remember this is never your fault, not sure if you have been blamed yet, but nothing you do will ever be the cause of their decisions. Best thing I ever did was carried on with my life and let her do her thing, unfortunately that has led to crack use now but I have found it easier to leave due to focusing on my life. I’m not saying for you to leave, that ultimately is your decision but the best thing for you, as that is what this is about, YOU, is focus on your life and your time and mental health. I ended up on anti depressants from my relationship with my addict ex, and the best thing I did was doing things for me and therapy, lots of it! You are so young with so much life ahead of you and so many experiences to enjoy xx

    in reply to: my boyfriend relapsed #27361

    Hey, so sorry to hear you are going through this, you are not alone here tho. I am going through something similar but the relapse has actually turned into a much harder drug, the lies are constant and never stop, and the one thing I can advice is you can never fix it!

    Through groups I have been reminded of the three C’s. You didn’t cause it, you can’t control it and you can’t cure it. It helps me a lot to be able to step back and just focus on me. I know that feeling of worrying that if you leave they will get worse and all I can say from my experience is, it really doesn’t matter what we do, they will use if they want and will not if they are ready to change. So sorry you are going through this, here if you want to talk x

    in reply to: Advice needed #23930

    I have seen users ask for advice on here. I’m not sure what the terms are but it seems like it’s been ok. Good luck with everything

    in reply to: Advice needed #23928

    Well done on calling for help today, that is an incredibly brave step!

    in reply to: Advice needed #23926

    I am coming from being the partner of an addict and all I ever wanted was to be told the truth as the lie was always more painful than the slip ups I expected. Hope you work out what’s best for you

    in reply to: Can they use occasionally #23925

    Thank you for taking the time to respond x

    in reply to: Can they use occasionally #23923

    This was my gut instinct. Just wondered if anyone had an experience like this

    in reply to: If I was more supportive she wouldn’t have to lie #23916

    Yea I can imagine! So difficult

    in reply to: If I was more supportive she wouldn’t have to lie #23914

    Oh goodness, I am so so sorry. This must be so difficult. Wishing you all the best in your own recovery from the separation

    in reply to: If I was more supportive she wouldn’t have to lie #23911

    What ways have you ex’s manipulated you both?

    I’m so sorry you are bother going through what you are, it’s so painful

Viewing 11 posts - 16 through 26 (of 26 total)