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  • in reply to: I’m abusing cocaine and I want to stop #16650

    Hi Snuffy

    I hope your doing ok, try to keep your chin up keep strong, I wanted to say stay away from refined sugars and processed foods this all feeds the addiction too,

    Get your fruits clean n veg n clean protein going along with fitness, if you haven’t already, and don’t forget B12

    in reply to: Why can’t I walk away? #16649

    This is how I’m feeling, I’ve started to switch off I’m hoping he goes back to his mums once corona virus is over, he’s really hurting me mentally and as usual blaming me. I know it’s a disease he’s got but it’s horrible, I’ve told him I’ve left him to carry on with his drugs I don’t care for his denial and lies anymore, I need to stop focusing on him and start getting myself back to what I was before I met him. Zen hope you are doing the same.

    in reply to: I’m abusing cocaine and I want to stop #16648

    Hi Zen

    Hope you are feeling better today, I’m on here to get advice for my bf but I’ve got the answer I need, and that is he needs to want to stop.

    Right now he’s carching up on his sleep and is getting mood swings. Are you getting the right help ?

    in reply to: I’m abusing cocaine and I want to stop #16634

    He lost his job a year ago; he wS trying to set up his own business but because he was not thinking rationally it all fell under so he job went and his business,

    He said he gave up drugs before he met me but he was lying I didn’t realize a year later,

    He hasn’t admitted he’s taking anything but it’s clear from his actions he is, I’ve told him today no employer will take seriously when he is high on an interview he won’t hold a job down his health is up and down he has the same symptoms every month the now ache sniffles etc etc lack of sleep apatite is low then he’s sleeping it off and eating a lot he’s horrible negative then he’s is brilliant about 2 days just before he has his next hit, I understand it has to be him who agrees to have help; I’ve been blunt and said I’m here for you if you want my help and I have contact for professional help but he slams me down

    He hasn’t said he wants to stop he’s in denial

    in reply to: I’m abusing cocaine and I want to stop #16632

    Hi snuffy

    Thanks for the reply ,

    We live together , 2 years he’s been always taking it since he was in his 20s on and off he is 49 now. I’ve only known him 2 n half years , he’s lost his job he is distant from family and friends, he blames me for being paranoid and the same towards his mum, denies all, I’ve tried the soft approach but it didn’t last long, now I’ve just been blunt and said straight if you go out in next few days when he’s caught up on his sleep and comes back high again we are over, ( of course I don’t want to break up ) losing hope to get through to him, he’s had issues I feel he don’t want to face reality; he doesn’t it every 10 days to 2 weeks, what approach did your partner use, I would love to know, I will be over the moon if I can get through to him.

    in reply to: I’m abusing cocaine and I want to stop #16627

    Hi, I hope you are doing well and congratulations on seeking help I know it must of been hard: my question to you is how would I get through to my partner who is in denial has an excuse for every action that relates to his cocaine taking: I’ve come to a point that I can’t handle it anymore and asked him to leave if he takes it again: I’ve tried everything .

    in reply to: Boyfriend in denial, #16346


    It’s hard but if I had the chance to go back in my relationship and went with my gut feeling, I would of said no to the relationship then, I had the chance back then as I had a choice. You are only 3 months into the relationship, if you feel you can’t cope then you will need to make a choice, otherwise if you carry on with the relationship it will be a lot of strain and heart ache and being lonely.

    This is from my experience of 2 years of my relationship, only now i feel hope that even though my bf denies he’s into drugs he is talking about changing is ways and trying to be open. And he’s been blunt that he needs my help for his mental health so by that I have agreed to give him another chance.

    And please look after yourself dont lose yourself and stay healthy and don’t stop speaking to your family and friends it’s easily done when you become depressed over your bf’s situation.

    in reply to: Boyfriend in denial, #16345


    in reply to: Boyfriend in denial, #16334

    Hi Chris

    Thanks for the reply, I’ve never been on these things before myself, very 1st time.

    Your reply makes sense to me. I hope I’m doing the right thing by supporting him. But time will tell. His mother and myself are at the same stage in letting him open up. He is still in denial of drugs but I let him be and let him talk. He is currently sleeping it off catching up with his sleep as I reply to your message,

    The next couple of days is usually when he as his next fix, he will make an excuse to go out, so this is my test how I handle the situation, ( I hope he doesn’t go )by the way he is 49 years old I hope he is realizing he’s getting older and this isn’t good for him

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