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  • in reply to: Let down again #15849

    Even better if we could just hide the batteries x

    in reply to: Can’t cope and feel all alone. #15848

    Same boat as you tonight Yoga. Absolutely hellish few days caused by partner drinking. I try and try to bite my tongue …. but sometimes you cannot keep it in. There is only so much verbal abuse you can take before you snap.

    I’m at a crossroads tonight – any pain or financial loss caused by getting myself out of this misery would be a price worth paying.

    I’m sorry I cannot help you, but you have my support and 100% understanding x

    in reply to: Let down again #15845

    Lol, it’s definitely an art. I call it the moment the Duracel bunny runs out of battery.

    in reply to: I think my Partner is using again. #15844

    Hi Blom

    Every story I read here I can see parts of my own life.

    I knew nothing about drugs until a few years ago … now I feel like an expert. Having lived with it, I can also see the effects all around me. God, I must have been so naive.

    The hardest thing to deal with is the lies, deceit and broken promises.

    I try not to make threats I will not carry out. If I did, then it will have to impact. I am reaching the end of the line this time so it’s going to be a make or break over next few weeks.

    Stay strong x

    in reply to: Let down again #15841

    Thanks Holton

    With most things in life, there is usually an answer. This is different as it’s very personal and there is not a magic bullet.

    Your right, best thing is just to ignore the abuse, although I have picked him up a few times and told him ‘I don’t like being spoken to in that manner’. I’ve found the best way is to be firm, and point out his language is unacceptable. I usually walk away after that and don’t get drawn into a he said, she said scenario. Gives him time to think about it … although it only works when he’s not wired to the moon.

    in reply to: Let down again #15839

    Thanks nooneyouknow

    Ye, it’s tough. The reason I’m still here is that I keep telling myself it’s the effects of the drug and not the person.

    I think we all get into this downward spiral … he uses, I get more protective, which causes him to use again ….. and the cycle continues.

    Trying to stay calm and not get into a blame game. I know he will feel terrible inside …. but he would never admit it. Kinda guy that would rip off his nose to spite his face.

    I hope you manage to to work things out. I think we all just want our loved one back.

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