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  • in reply to: Cocaine Addiction #16783

    Thank you, definitely helped. Yeah especially when I do it in the eves around the misses, you always feel abit on edge. Just want to kick it out for good now, going to GP tomorrow but see a few people saying it can stay on records and go against you if you have kids etc and your work? I don’t have kids atm but it may affect my work as I drive to work at 8am every morning and do a .3 between 3-5 eves a week. Still asleep by midnight so doesn’t affect me next day but doctors may say different

    in reply to: My bf addiction #16781

    He needs to give up drinking or only have one beer and not 4 or 5. As if I have 1 or 2 I’m fine but 4 or more and it leads down that route.

    in reply to: Husband & Cocaine #16780

    Signs to show he’s addicted is by the amount he does and how often, ask him when he’s sober and try open up with him. I’m trying to recover at the moment as I was doing £30 worth 5 evenings a week. I’m going doctors tomorrow to get a plan and help written out etc as I’ve also put my relationship of 7yrs on the line. She notices when I’m on it and can tell, and I’ve been addicted for past year and half. But signs he’s on it is his mouth, probably jaw moving abit if he’s done a fair bit, sweating, gets hot quick, starts doing things he wouldn’t normally do i.e when Both watching film together he gets up does washing up or tidies up in a different room to you, blows his nose a lot etc it’s very hard to come clean off cocaine but tell him to go to his doctor to admit he’s an addict, that’s what I’m doing tomorrow so I can finally kick it out for good

    in reply to: Urgent cocaine advice needed #16779

    That’s cocaine, probably bashed with benzocaine which numbs people’s mouths (it’s what dentists use)

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