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  • in reply to: Unhappy #29661

    So I’ve got in this evening house untidy I have had to move rubbish do dishes put a wash on etc … I’m back in work tomorrow on a 13 hour shift

    He is sat there on his phone smirking claiming he’s messaging his nephew which we all know is a lie if only his girls he messaged knew exactly what he was like . He’s already been the bathroom 4 times in the last hour …. It’s draining

    in reply to: Unhappy #29653

    It’s awful he doesn’t do it in front of me but I’ve never known a man whom needs to wee so much … it’s pathetic he dosent work hasn’t for years yet tells me to leave my home well it dosent even feel like home anymore . I’m next door to the women he tried it on with and they still talk I constantly feel like they are laughing at me . I’m a nurse a professional and I have to deal with all this at home . He tells me we are over and I should just move out and move on but how do I give up on the person I still love after 23 years together it breaks my heart . I have thought of hurting myself and it’s only my children and dog that keep me going . I just wish he could see what he is doing to me but cocaine completely ruins the brain any emotion

    I’m going to have to be strong and either walk away with nothing but my dignity or get him to leave because this isn’t healthy

    in reply to: Unhappy #29647

    Thank you lovely ???? I’ve gone to work now and I’m in all weekend so won’t be in the house. He was awake when I left he told me he can do better than me and I need to get out the house . I’ve applied for two rented accommodation.

    Can’t get much worse so things can only get better xxx

    in reply to: Unhappy #29643

    I know it’s only bricks . It’s the way he’s making me look so stupid . He tried it on with the neighbour took cocaine with her he still talks to her I just feel she’s laughing at me all the time . Feel like such a fool a mug . We are married and I am getting to the point we’re I do not like him at all I love him I always will but I cannot even stand the thought of touching him because of how much hurt he has caused me .

    I’ve booked a few things just for me to try and start focusing on me and the boys but they are all grown up now .

    I’ve been looking at houses elsewhere aswell . I do know it’s time to move on but it hurts I’ve been with him since I was 15 but he treats me like im a nothing and that everyone else around him is more important including the horrible neighbour

    Thanks for listening to me rant xxx

    in reply to: Unhappy #29627

    I’ve literally had enough of having my life on hold ….I’m 40 years old in December alls I do is work come back to this house that isn’t a home . Him living his single free life and me being so unhappy it hurts . I try to be strong and give the right advice to everyone else when inside I’m dying . I hate my life and he’s got me hating myself .I don’t have nowhere to go I have no family I don’t even have many close friends I can turn to it’s awful I just want a happy life it’s not much to ask … every one deserves happiness

    in reply to: Unhappy #29623

    No he dosent do it in front of me I’d kill him if he did .

    It’s the lies the separate lives me wasting my life waiting for him to change .

    I have the money to leave and start again but I refuse to give him and his horrid family the satisfaction of my money and hard work in that house . It’s so hard I just wish he would get arrested or something just for a few months sort himself out xx

    in reply to: Unhappy #29619

    Hi lovely

    I’m drained . He keeps telling me he’s single and can do what he wants . Telling me to get out the house and find somewhere else to live .

    I know he messaging other girls and is taking cocaine every day . I can’t cope I just wish he would leave and go live his drug life somewhere else .

    I’m not a bad person I can’t understand why he is so nasty to me .

    I really do think about just getting up and leaving but I’ve put so much money into my home why should he have it ?

    But he’s ruining my life I want a man who treats me right that’s all I want

    I hope you are okay , I just wish we could have a quick fix solution xxx

    in reply to: Unhappy #29531

    Oh my lovely my heart breaks for you ! I know it’s hard I really do but it is not your fault it is his his choices !

    You are strong and if you feel you want to support him and stay you do that . At the end if the day we love them and it makes it harder

    I hope your okay but please remember none of this is your fault xxx

    in reply to: Unhappy #29485

    You are a strong lady !!

    I wish I could just leave but I really don’t want to leave my home . I wish he would just go and leave me and my boys to have a happy life . He’s going out tonight with his friend and family I’m hoping he cheats on me (not that he thinks it is cheating because he’s single ) . I just want a normal life with a man who treats me right and isn’t a cocaine addict

    I hope your okay today xxx

    in reply to: Unhappy #29479

    Hi lovely ,

    Please don’t feel bad ! This is him not you . It’s his choices his behaviour you cannot control how he behaves you can only control how you react . I spoke with the police a few months ago and they told me that addicts need to hit Rick bottom before they finally realise and act for themselves ! Only them can change their behaviour and habits , nothing you do or say will work o my he can decide to change . You are strong and you will get through this . He will realise in his time

    Hope this helps

    Take care lovely xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine #29472

    Mine is the same up all night snorting coke and drinking sleeps literally all day unless he has an opportunity to go out with his friends. They are pathetic and we really do deserve better . I tell myself everyday that I deserve someone who treats me right . Do not let him put you down you are worth so much more xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine #29466

    Mine is the same up all night snorting coke and drinking sleeps literally all day unless he has an opportunity to go out with his friends. They are pathetic and we really do deserve better . I tell myself everyday that I deserve someone who treats me right . Do not let him put you down you are worth so much more xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine #29462

    My husband tells me he can what he wants it’s nothing to do with me . I’ve found him messaging other women , dating sites , sex sites . I have got to the point now I do not sleep with him I won’t let him touch me . He does not have the right to touch you if he cannot treat you right ! If they choose to act single treat them like they are and you act like you are they cannot have there fake and eat it . I’ve told mine sort himself out or don’t bother me again ????‍♀️ . They are the addicts they are the weak ones we are strong and let’s face it who would want a cocaine addict xxx

    in reply to: Cocaine #29451

    I just live my own life now . I live like a single woman , he acts single tells me he is single so I choose to focus on myself and my children . Just make you and your kids happy . Leave him to it if that’s what he chooses let him you are stronger than him xxx

    in reply to: Unhappy #29349

    Hi lovely ,

    I struggle with the lies the secrecy . I hate it when people say it’s not him it’s the drugs because he can make a choice and clearly chooses that over me . He sleeps all day too . There’s no conversation there’s no nothing , I’d leave but why should I leave my home because he chooses drugs over his family

    I hope you get the answers you need

    Take care xxx

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