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  • in reply to: Partners cocaine habit #18844

    Hi Beth I’m ok bit of a mess iv got to the point I feel worthless , you are right it’s not our fault and it’s up to them to realise I guess I’m embarrassed and hurt feel completely stupid as I have already been here before but it’s hard when you love someone sometimes it’s the best for them to let go does your partner take drugs , never mind the drugs or alcohol it’s the name calling I would prefer to get hit as over time it brings you down to nothing I wouldn’t have it in me to say nasty things about him but now the more he says them it’s bringing it out on me In a loving relationship those lines should never be crossed as it takes away you as a person we aren’t any of the things they say that’s there problem there insecurities they just want you to feel as bad as they do and don’t listen to it no one deserves that how are you

    in reply to: Partners cocaine habit #18834

    Yes your right and that’s why he does it more and more I have one from previous relationship and I need to think of him because I can’t be the best I can be as a mother dealing with partner as well, I’m just soft hearted put other people in front of myself and it’s got me nowhere iv asked him to leave and he not making it easy but I have to do this for me and my child definately the hardest thing iv had to do when you love someone but it’s for the best Thankyou so much for talking to me I really hope that you stay on the right path and you can do it you are doing all the right things to help yourself keep going

    in reply to: Partners cocaine habit #18829

    It’s good tho that you recognise it and you do that routine to help yourself and you are doing a lot of looking into it that wouldn’t cross my partners mind it’s all about him he will always choose it over me and I know that I’m sitting in a&e because of something he done and still it’s about him and what he is going through shows a lot from talking to you all I can do is get him to admit he has a problem and if he wants help I will help but I think this will be the last his family gave up on him a long time ago I know he has no one which makes it even harder but iv just got to point as why should I put up with it anymore when it’s ruining me , I have been friends for years with him my previous relationship of 12 years was abusive mentally and physically as my ex was a heavy cannibis user which destroyed itself my now partner noes what I went through and he is now doing exact same thing to deal with it twice in your life it’s exhausting how long have to been on coke

    in reply to: Partners cocaine habit #18823

    Do you have a partner if so what would you expect them to do at this point are you getting any help

    in reply to: Partners cocaine habit #18822

    Lol we all do mines coffee , I’m unaware as to what he is spending but it would be a lot , he is with his friends all his friends take it iv hung in for so long he promised me two months ago he would come off it for a month two days later he was back on it apologised and done it two days later after that iv stuck it so long it’s hurting me bad it’s effecting me bad that I have no option but to give up or my life going to be ruined only because I love him and I know he has a problem iv held on and I can’t anymore just scared now he on his own what he will do and I will get the blame at least if he could admit I would hold on , he kicked me also never thought he would do that but drugs has ruined him all he says is he having fun with friends never mind fact I’m crying my eyes out because he constantly does this to me and completely dosent care about me and my feelings Thankyou so much for talking to me I just can’t talk to family about it I’m embarrassed

    in reply to: Partners cocaine habit #18819

    Thanks for replying it’s good to hear your side and everything you have said is exactly how it is and I know that this is how his head is working iv tried to help too many conversations to even meet him half way he has took it every week without fail now it’s twice to three times a week iv said I will help if he has problem he is adamant that he dosent and that he dosent need help it’s hard for me to watch him destroy himself it’s getting worse he is paranoid with me jealous calls me names everything’s my fault and it’s my fault he does it I have tried every way if he does it iv said nothing and he will pick an argument with me ,any approach isn’t working I guess it’s something he has to fix himself when he admits to himself it’s hard for me to understand as I have never taken it guess it hurts as he so selfish when taking it and dosent contact me is the worst why is that

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