Thank you so much for your reply.
I have taken a look at the Theresa thread. There is so much to read but from what I have seen I can totally relate.
I’m pleased to hear how your son is in recovery. Must be slightly relieving for you.
My son is very angry. He lets any little thing take over his mind and will not let it go.
He has already had a strong cider today and has told me he wants to just continue drinking today. He said he wants to sleep but cannot without alcohol (this is how he first became to be in this situation).
I’m at my wits end. I know I can’t physically stop him drinking i just feel like letting him get on with it. He says he wants to stop but is sitting on the fence at the moment.
His room is an absolute tip and he is living in squalor.
Is this all usual?
I actually don’t want to face him and want to hide in my bedroom.
Hope today is a good day for you.
Tishy x