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  • in reply to: Not sure i can forgive anymore #27193

    thank u for your reply it’s been very helpful . i’m not leaving my home and will fight him every step of the way . he’s been nice all week trying to cuddle me i’ve just avoided been near him he makes me feel sick how he acts like he’s doing nothing wrong

    in reply to: When u want closure #26897

    Sadly no they live to far away right now and if’s m not working the bills don’t get paid . i’m just so sad and angry that i’m going to though no fault of my own sell my home and move away from my older son which breaks my heart house prices are to expensive where i live and renting is mental money . he’s not bothered to come home tonight my sons tested positive for covid i feel like i’m in a nightmare right now . Thank u for all your messages there very much appreciated.x

    in reply to: When u want closure #26893

    i’m just so angry that i’ll lose my home because he’s so selfish and won’t leave . i refuse to live this way any more i’m at breaking point please help advice needed

    in reply to: When u want closure #26892

    I thought i was doing ok but anger is my feeling today i can feel it bubbling inside of me wanting to escape i need to get away asap

    in reply to: Husband and cocaine #26890

    sorry your going though this . This sounds like my life i’m in my 40s so tired of his lies and promises. i’ve refused to leave are home as i’m the only one paying the bills and mortgage . I don’t how much he’s taking but it’s normally over a three day period he will leave them turn up again early hours of saturday morning. i’m so tired of it all now and need to break lose xx

    in reply to: Can’t prove partner is doing drugs #26885

    I’ve not told my parents they live 5 hours away my younger brother knows . my best friends life is perfect her husband is great and always puts her and there kids first they live a completely different life to me sadly the life i crave normality if that’s what normality is sending hugs xxx

    in reply to: Can’t prove partner is doing drugs #26883

    I feel the same it’s so hard . i’ve lost most of my friends because i’m sure there just bored of listening to the same moans over and over again and i try not to but sometimes u just need to vent . i can even feel my best friend pulling away it’s gone from seeing her every day to maybe once aweek ???? but do i blame her no because who wants to listen to that negativity constantly sending u big hugs xx

    in reply to: feeling lost and alone #26879

    hi thank u for your reply . financially no i don’t depend on him i’ve been paying all the bills and mortgage But that’s the problem i can not kick him out as he’s on the mortgage and he knows it . His family have cut ties with him so unless he’s with his idiot mates he’s nowhere to go. I can not financially buy him out and he definitely can not buy me out so i’m kind of stuck but it’s mine and my children a home i’ll not leave . my eldest son lives with his girlfriend now which leaves a spare room but has he sorted it out and got himself a bed no he’s hogging the living room instead and i refuse to go buy one . If he has money for drugs he has money to buy a bed . i bet it’s so much nicer having that break from your partner and 6 months is more than fair i hope it works out for u thank u for your help x

    in reply to: Can’t prove partner is doing drugs #26876

    The test does not lie even if they try to deny it at least u would know .but your instinct is already telling u . With me i would never have have put it down to drugs i though he was cheating . He probably has but i’ve not got any proof of that we’re not married and if someone else wants to take him on good luck to them they can take him xx

    in reply to: Can’t prove partner is doing drugs #26874

    i’ve even waited for him to use the toilet and hoped he didn’t flush so i can test him but he still denied it even when it was positive xx

    in reply to: Can’t prove partner is doing drugs #26873

    I guess there all the same when taking drugs i personally have never done drugs i don’t even like drinking due to a bad experience. Its like having a extra child if he’s not told to wash he won’t and makes my room smell ???? . are daughter refuses to talk to him which is sad as they was once close . she helps me a lot with my younger son so i can work she’s 18 I find it hard to understand how someone can go from a great dad and partner to just not caring . i’ve blamed his friends a lot and yes this all started with them but actually he’s a grown man who knows right from wrong . I really hope u find the answers your looking for but don’t let it consume you or u will drive yourself crazy xxx

    in reply to: Can’t prove partner is doing drugs #26871

    I know how u feel i’ve been searching for the answer it’s so hard . I refuse to leave my home i’ve worked so hard at keeping it over are heads while he’s not cared . his family blamed me for a very long time till they found out the truth when my daughter told them the truth about what was really going on . I think u hide a lot from people i just don’t lie for him any more . u will find the truth hun and realise u was not going crazy . He’s asleep downstairs now taking over the front room while we’re sat upstairs away from him . look after u and your children first i’m always here to chat

    in reply to: Can’t prove partner is doing drugs #26869

    it’s a horrible feeling when your gut is screaming at u and u just don’t have the proof . i drove myself insane knowing there was something going on but i was not prepared for what it was when i found his stash i would drag my kids out late at night to look for him it was crazy . that was two years ago now if he leaves i don’t look for him the house is nicer when he’s not here . All he does is sleep when he is here anyway . I hope u get some answers i’m always here if u need to talk xx


    sorry your going though this as hard as it may be run get away from him u deserve so much better believe me i’m in the same situation and have been for 4+ years they don’t change i’m in the middle of finding away to escape because me and my kids deserve better i told him we was over just over a week ago and he’s not bothered because it’s not been a relationship for years just me keeping a roof over his head when he returns after his days on cocaine if u need to chat i’m here xx

    in reply to: Can’t prove partner is doing drugs #26859

    Im so sorry your going though this i’m in exactly the same situation i knew something was wrong but could not put my finger on it till one morning he got up and a voice inside me said check his pockets now!! and there they was two bags of cocaine i was fuming as i had been working two jobs looking after are children and he still stood there and claimed they was not his or the rolled up £5 note he used to take the stuff at that point i was done so he left for three weeks it was bliss but he came back with all the promises he would stop and help fast forwards 2 years and nothing has changed he leaves for three days at a time sneaks in when he know we’re asleep to sleep on the couch for days at a time . it’s hard the evidence will be there and your gut feeling is not normally wrong . if u need to chat i’m here sending hugs ????

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