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  • in reply to: My Codeine problem #12823

    You are both doing really well, and almost there. Think of how far you have come.

    Consider taking something to protect your liver:


    You can also get liver and kidney function testing via your GP. It might go a long way to putting your mind at rest.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #12814


    Its difficult to predict because codeine has a long half life in the body. You can feel fine one day and really terrible the next. I drop 60-30mg a day. Then 15mg when I am in the low dose range. That I can endure.

    I have had a terribly dangerous habit – taking vast quantities and now codeine gives me no pleasure, only nausea. But I still feel compelled to take it. How strange life is.

    The worst days I deal with by keeping warm, making sure I have comforting, small meals and try to get some exercise in. The exercise seems to break the cycle of fear and depression that are the worst aspects of withdrawal. I am sometimes sick if I withdraw too fast – I try to avoid this to maintain normal function (I still need to work and do domestic stuff). I generally try to keep busy too.

    If you are taking Nurofen plus or anything else with paracetamol or ibuprofen understand these tablets will kill you. slowly and horribly. Please try to get off them and stay off them. My grandad died of a stomach bleed caused by ibuprofen. If you are taking a lot of tablets a day – at least consider cold water extraction or GP consultation to get something that can help you.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #12810

    Ashamed29 and Sophie28 you are both doing great.

    The most important thing is the will to be free. I am not hypocritical enough to give the sage advice as someone who’ s life is free of codeine. I have addicted myself and tapered off 6 times now, which means at least i have had some practise.

    I have found that tapering off can be quite quick at first – I split my dose and take half at night and half in the morning to stop the evenings and mornings from being so terrible. Then I taper quite severely until I am down to just a few tablets per day. At some point, even on a very steady taper there will be a pinch point and things will be really hard – this is when its important to push through, but also understand just how awful it is, so you don’t relapse and have to go through it again.

    I have just come out the end of a really tough physical dependency, the pull to just go and by more is phenomenal, but the thought of having to taper off again is what is keeping me sober.

    The only thing I don’t recommend is cold turkey – it has worked for a few, but they have been lucky. I always recommend a taper, that gets more and more gradual towards the end to lessen the difficulty. Then one day you realise, you have money in your bank account, you don’t have this love hate relationship with the chemist and you don’t feel like you are poisoning your body anymore.

    Good luck to both of you.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #12378


    You must have a very forward thinking doctor. The world is only just waking up to the potential of CBD oil. Its not addictive and unless you have an allergy there are very few downsides – I personally don’t like the taste, but others do. It is not addictive – at least physically.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #12060

    Hi Bluesky,

    I’m not an expert – I can only tell you what happened to me. I once was like your husband – in the moment that you are in now.

    My wife waited until a quiet time, when the kids were asleep, there was a little time to ourselves and told me what she thought might be happening so it wasn’t an accusation. She told me that she was worried about me, with kindness and understanding. Seeing someone I loved and was supposed to protect, so upset over something I was doing was like being hit by a car. I changed that day.

    I’m not completely codeine free – its a long journey and I take an occasional tablet in a moment of weakness – but this is down from a gargantuan and frankly dangerous dose.

    I am no longer irritable and I like to think I am now a good dad.

    I wish you the best. You have everything to gain if you can find the right way to communicate your feelings without accusation. If he’s a moral man – his conscience will work on him and even if nothing changes straight away, it may in time.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #12030

    Hi Needachat,

    I can provide some reassurance on the physical side.

    Opiates are relatively safe for the body if you say within safe doses – they rarely cause long term damage unless mixed with something else. For most people the physical damage comes from ibruprofen or paracetamol that are in the tablets they take, or cosumption of alcohol.

    A lot of addiction websites, will state liver damage, kidney damage etc – but they are generic descriptions.

    Respiratory problems are not going to be a problem for you because of codeine withdrawal in my opinion. Respiratory depression is associated with codeine overdose, or cross contamination with other depressants like benzodiazepines (diazepam most commonly) and alcohol.

    If you are not of codeine right now, well done, try to keep it that way and get your life back.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #11927

    Hi Gerber,

    I feel your pain. I can’t compare my situation to yours, but it sounds like you are having a tough time.

    I think at this time the thing you need most is support. From a professional service would be best, but if not a friend and if not it can even be me if you like.

    It takes courage to admit we have a problem because it means facing the problem head on and realising that the problem is serious and will affect your life.

    Its not too late and you can still get yourself out of this situation, you will need to address the underlying problems as well as the habit itself eventually – but one step at a time is better in most cases.

    It sounds like you are still in contact with your friends so that’s good and having the support or at least shelter of your parents is also good. We all stumble in life and its nothing to be ashamed of.

    It is worth seeing a GP as they may be able to help with drugs that alleviate the symptoms of codiene withdrawal. With paracetamol and ibruprofen in your system constantly, you health will be affected eventually.

    Here’s what I would do – try to get some codeine phosphate, but only buy enough to taper of – not a tablet more. Put a tapering dose in separate boxes and take the contents of each box each day. Splitting the dose morning and evening worked better for me than one big dose.

    Exercise is really wonderful because it distracts you during it and dampens the withdrawals for some time after it. It also aids sleep.

    Long walks are as good as anything else, but if you can jog this is even better.

    Make a diary of your progress somewhere – here even – and try to stick with it. If you relapse, so be it, recognise its a process and begin again. Over time this builds the will to be codeine free.

    I got help with anxiety from the GP without talking about codeine. I take sertraline and this has helped a lot – especially with sleep.

    Make a plan and let us know how you get on. I’ve been round the wheel of codeine addiction many times and so have others here so there is knowledge to help you.

    Good luck and best wishes to you.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #11695

    Great advice.

    Today is my last day tapering. A couple of weeks of cravings and should be free again.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #11683


    I hear what you are saying. Unfortunately each person’s experience is dependent on the knowledge and prejudice of the GP. I have a mark on my file for drug seeking behavior for asking for tablets and help to taper off codeine. This means I can get nothing stronger that asprin now. I was sent to a counselling centre and treated appallingly. I took a year to get referral to a drug users anonymous group – and that’s how I am treated at my GP practice – a drug user – which I suppose I am.

    I have been told I am irresponsible, not fit to be a parent, the lot – all at the hands of my doctor. I am obviously not happy about that – my family have been kept isolated from my personal issues and I still give them everything I have to give, both time and financially. I support them totally financially and I am their main carer. My children are happy and healthy.

    If you can trust and find a good GP, that’s great – but I’m not sure with retrospect it was prudent to trust the system – at least as it is in the UK. Proceed with caution.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #11682

    Hi Roger,

    For me, 90-120mg is not a high dose at all.

    I’ve seen 800+ a day.

    Constipation: It happens.

    You body does adapt somewhat. Take your dose earlier in the day, prefereably after a visit to the toilet. That way you should have very little in your system overnight and should be able to visit the toilet the next day.

    As others have said, hydration, fruit and cereal will help. If things get really bad, you can try a laxative, but these don’t work if you are on codeine in my experience.

    From your dose, I would say coming off should be relatively easy. I would consider cold turkey from this, and have done so without health problems.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #11667

    Hi Diadict,

    I can’t not be functional for single day as I have 2 kids that I’m the main carer for and a full time, demanding, high stress job. Therefore I need a system that allows me to continue continuing – I walk the line between no discomfort long tapers and relatively short tapers. My ideal is to have a manageable amount of discomfort each day and be alert enough to function fully.

    I’m cutting down 60mg per day. Tomorrow, because of supply issues, I will need to make a drop of 120mg. I’m not going to enjoy that, but its less dangerous as that will be 2 x dose of 150mg – not an especially high amount (for me).

    I imagine a fair amount of suffering, but ultimately should be able to come out the other end – with a day shorter to taper.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #11644


    I agree with a lot of what you say.

    But in my opinion, from high doses 800mg+ – cold turkey can be dangerous. We have one story on this thread how cold turkey can cause dehydration and you can end up in hospital.

    But, I also agree for some people tapering does have a very high chance of relapse – so those with help can ask someone to aid in the process.

    I think you can cold turkey from under 300mg safely – and this will speed up the process – but those with high levels of resposibility, children, driving – this may not be possible. Only my opinion, based on my own responsibilities. In the end whatever works for you is what really matters.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #11636

    Hey Codeine free,

    That’s great to hear -sounds like your nearly there and on your way to a happy codeine free life. I’m right behind you (6 days behind actually).

    The trick is once you are off to stay off, and not be compulsive. I’m working on that.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #11635

    Hi Shift Addict,

    You are not alone. One of the many reasons people take opiates are feelings of being alone, isolation, stress, unhappiness.

    I would say I experience all of these, everyday. So we have a lot in common.

    Our codeine addiction is about the same level – around 600mg.

    My body will actually reject a higher dose – because this is really getting into dangerous territory.

    My advice – is find someone you can talk to, it can be us here. Or maybe a therapist or even, like me I have a personal trainer who has become a trusted confidant. Its really helped.

    I am naturally secretive so no-one knows the extent my addiction reached at its peak.

    Today, I hope I am tapering down for the last time. The reason to believe this is that codeine gives me no pleasure, and also now seems to cause profound nausea and I also have trouble going to toilet – its affecting my nervous system.

    For reasons of economy and speed. I have dropped my dose by half. I will now taper at 60mg/day. Today I am suffering because of that, but experience tells me this is transient, and 4 days for me is usually the worst period.

    Can you bring yourself to plan coming off? Having everything you need to hand will help a lot. 5-HTP tablets, diarrhea relief tablets and vitamin B will help. Try to stick out your plan and when you feel low – get straight into the fresh air.

    The bed way to taper is to try to keep your codeine level lower than normal but stable – for me this means splitting the usual dose over the course of the day – once morning, once evening. This helps with the rough wake ups that last 4-6 days.

    Exercise also prevents you taking more tablets to feel better and messing your taper up. Its possible you might relapse, everyone does, but each attempt will harden your will – and there will be a satisfying feeling of progress as each days goes by and you stuck to your plan.

    To to sort this out and hopefully everything else will fall into place. You have a job and a partner so there is much to be happy about – but working your way to a happy place is going to be easier opiate free.

    in reply to: My Codeine problem #11589

    Codeine free: You are doing great. How are things now?

    If you can stick to your plan you will be proud of yourself – you’ve got every reason to beat this and I’m sure you will.

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