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  • in reply to: I want my lovely son back! #7879

    I feel for you so much, it’s awful to go through this. You story sounds asthough I have written it although to my knowledge my son hasn’t been involved with the police. I’m sorry I can’t help you as I am also trying to get help but no one seems to want to know. I hope something changes for you for the better.
    From another desperate Mum x

    in reply to: Weed.. #7878

    My son sounds very much the same, he started at 15 and is now 22. He has become a selfish lying thief, stealing from me and denies it.its one thing after another with him I am so fed up. I love him and also hate him. People tell me to throw him out but I just can’t but I sure as hell don’t know what to do anymore, we cannot carry on like this. Have you had any help?

    in reply to: Should I make him homeless ? #7877

    Hi, I have just joined this site today and I totally feel the same. Although I love my son I also hate what he is doing to my family, I just want him to get out of my house and come back as he use to be. He is a big cannabis user and I’m sure he takes other drugs. I want to throw him out as he steals from me, lies, and we have to walk on eggshells when he is in one of his moods. Things are not good. I just can’t do it and I guess he knows that. I feel he will go from bad to worse. I feel if he’s at home he’s mainly safe and I kind of know what he’s doing. But how long I can carry on I’m not sure as things are just getting to much for me. How have you got on since writing this post? And do you get any help from anyone? I just need some advice. My son is 22

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