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  • in reply to: time to stop or drop #7876

    I’ve just read your story and have tears in my eyes, and I’d like to be able to look into yours and say ‘let go of it all and just breathe’.
    How amazing you were there and did what you did; how glad I am to hear you’ve got some time off work – please use it on yourself, on your own recovery from not only recent events, but your childhood as it was.
    Do you go to an Al Anon Family Group? (Or did you go to an Alateen Group?) If not, I recommend that you try going to a weekly meeting – give it 6 meetings so that you give it a chance. You need good things for you and Al Anon, although not perfect (nothing is in an ongoing sense) is hugely helpful and you’ll get very real, human support there.
    You’ve done your mum more than proud and I hope that she returns the committment and love you’re giving her.
    Take care of you.

    in reply to: Is it getting worse again? #7875

    thanks for your response.
    Well, of course I’m scared of knowing but I’d rather know the truth even so. I agree with your ‘trust in your instincts’ – I always seem to know when things are getting worse even when he denies the truth himself – and I’d much rather he was able to bear the truth himself (and his partner) as that’s the only opening for help, support, improvement and a better life.
    I try to be included in his/their lives, but I’m always told “of I’m too busy this weekend/not free that day/ etc.”
    I don’t let this stop me trying, and look on it as a good sign that my son stays in touch at all, however tenuously.
    Good luck with your children – we keep on keeping on because where there’s life there’s hope.

    in reply to: Is it getting worse again? #7867

    Alison here – typo above, it should read:
    “….and I’m not included in his life….”

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