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  • in reply to: feel so alone tonight …. #9406

    I am in the same situation my husband is an alcoholic he was ment to be doing a home detox a couple of months ago but the Drs were worried that because of the amount he drinks that it wouldn’t be safe as the risk of fits etc would be to high. So he is waiting to go into residential rehab as I sit here the 1st of September seems so far away and for my husband who says that he desperately wants to be free of alcohol as the time to go gets closer the more scared he is getting. His tipple is vodka but for a while he stopped drinking this and was drinking strong cider but as rehab is getting closer he is back on the vodka and as I write this he is drunk and has called in sick. At the moment he disgusts me and if at the last minute he chickens out of rehab my marriage will be over because I am sick and tired of the ups and downs of living with him the reason I haven’t kicked him out is that I know he would drink himself to death and I don’t want that on my conscience but rehab is his last chance why should me and my children have to watch the person we love slowly killl themselves I am fed up with having to look after him all the time he used to be so loving and strong but as the days go by I lose more and more respect for him. I want to go back to work but at the moment I have no energy to. So for now I sit and wait for the 1st and hope that it will be the start of getting my husband back and my children their father before its to late xx

    in reply to: Advice please- how to help my parents #9350

    I feel for you it so hard for us to put up with what we go through at this moment in time I feel like azombie just going through the motions my partner was a drug user but managed to kick that habbit now its drink after a 2 day binge he is led in bed he starts his detox next week and right now that seems like a life time away idont even know if it will work and if it doesn’t I have made the decision that we will be finished because I can’t be dragged down any more I am sick and tired of the front I have to put on in public with the fake smile..i wouldn’t wish my worst enemy to have to feel how I feel right now I hope that things get better for you sort for rambling but it so nice to be able to say how I feel and not be judged xx

    in reply to: The nightmare begins again #9342

    Hi thanks for replying and sorry for your loss. My husband has been fighting demons for so long but has wanted for a long time to get help but he never felt that he could do it he has been going to a alchol/drug place and has had about a month of counselling and he starts the detox in the 29th of this month which he is feeling positive about I really hope it works and the man I fell in love with returns because when he is drunk I hate him. It really is a horrible disease which affects everybody in the household I hope things work out fir you xxx

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