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    Im so sorry this is happening ti you same is happening to me and 4 months in

    The feeling is like no other

    Its like they are possesed

    I cut all contact

    Its been hard but it would never end

    Its heart breaking when all uve ever done is love them

    Ill never understand it


    Thank you so much Jamie i will take alook at your thread


    thank you for your reply and taking the time to read, its the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with.

    Shocking the way he has treat me and my son.

    in reply to: I can not cope anymore #23747

    Its best to leave if you can.

    I know the feelings you mean and im going through it now , but i always think back to life with him here , and i know where im better off.

    It will only continue and you will lose yourself more – disconnecting helps you reconnet with yourself.

    I could not of dreamed i could advise anyone say 8 weeks ago i was in an awful place, still have my bad days – but i know the distance is healtheir.

    I hope you find the strength , you deserve so much more and until someone wants to be helped theres not much we can do

    All the best

    in reply to: Healing and moving forward #23746

    My husband is a drinker and drug user hes totally changed and forged himself a new life away from me and my son ( i did leave ) but he didnt give much of a fight. I am too healing and getting better each day – however its the hardest thing ive ever had to deal with in my life .

    Lots of hugs to you

    in reply to: DOM – series about Cocaine addiction on Netflix #23745

    thanks for sharing

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