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  • in reply to: Advice please- how to help my parents #8832

    Hi Scanners, I just signed up today although the situation has existed for 3 or 4 years now. I also feel very weak and manipulated by my youngest daughters illness. I agree with “cant take no more” 100%. I love my children including my youngest beyond life itself and her addition to heroine has devastated to the core the family life we had had. I would bail her out, she would say all the right things get money for food (let me tell you it’s not food their getting) I tried to cut all ties wasn’t strong enough brought her in kept constant eyes on her with the family, good for 20 days then started to say how she needed to go out for some breathing space that didn’t last a week till most of her nephews & nieces electronics came up missing she pawned them that kind of was last straw she lost place to live was told to leave go to friends, mission we were done. she was caught stealing got jail time for that, been through rehab/withdraw 4 times or more I was their each and every time with her pleading which when I caved would only lead to more drug abuse for her and emotional abuse for family till last time I explained I’m done I told her I loved her with all my heart would not ever dis claim her as my daughter and am very glad in fact to have her as my daughter but I can’t say how much I hate HER life choices, I would not be there to bail her out, not to call me for money She sat in jail the last time for about 30 days she got bailed out not by me and is awaiting trial in Dec. She is reporting to her probation officer, has been clean sober for about 35 days now, did get a job and is sincerely trying. I do know that when I steeped away from enabling her and she seen so called friends weren’t there to help her and while she was in jail was attending a ministry there which genuinely did give her a new perspective. sorry i’m rambling be strong to this day I won’t forget how she was putting the blame for her addiction on me and during one of her pleading for money that it was my fault cause her exact words “your my dad your supposed to protect me” I cant ever explain how long and how much that hurt but it took about 6 months to accept the fact I can’t protect her from herself and maybe indeed that jail was the best protection. It’s been “my” experience that genuine heart felt prayer has helped the most but remember that even God gives us free will to choose. during all the drama times I came to tell myself that’s not my daughter talking it’s the drug influence Stay Strong, I will pray for you and your son

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