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  • in reply to: my journey with a crack addict #28970

    Where did your partner go to get help please?

    in reply to: Found Out My Boyfriend has been taking crack #28332

    Hopefully yours will get help in prison x

    Mine works full time but come the weekend he gets it and doesn’t say anything to me.

    It’s like we live separate lives. Today he was round his sisters drinking I went over for a bit to see them then I had to collect my kid.

    Then I get home and he’s out talking to my neighbour and I knew he’ was on it.

    £20 he reckons.

    I don’t know what to do really he says he will stop and just have a blow out once a month but it’s horrible as he’s fucked all weekend roaming around no sleep looking awful.

    My girl is 7 and as she gets older she will be working things out I don’t want her seeing him like that.

    He says before he moved in here he was doing £300-400 a week

    So he’s cut back but won’t stop and it’s ruining us.

    It’s been every weekend now he says £40-60 for the past few weeks not once a month sick of it but love him. When he’s not on it he’s good man works etc

    in reply to: Found Out My Boyfriend has been taking crack #28243

    I found out my partner does crack…. And I feel like a complete idiot for letting him into mine and my daughters lives.

    I had a feeling something wasn’t right and found out from messages on his phone that he was using £300-400 a week when he lived alone and was single.

    When we met he obviously never told me and I knew he did the odd line now and again but no clue of this crack habit.

    He eventually told me and said he was trying hard to stop it but was finding it tough as it’s so addictive.

    He has cut down I know when he’s done even the smallest amount but I don’t think he will ever stop.

    He has it every couple of weeks now but I have seen what it does to people and I’ve told him I’m worried he will end up like them.

    He works full time job and is so good with my daughter (she isn’t his) it breaks my heart the thought of me breaking her heart if I end up eventually throwing him out?

    I don’t want to live like this forever.

    I am sorry you are both going through this and it’s so unfair on the children too they are the innocent ones.


    in reply to: Suey #28149

    I’m so sorry xx

    It’s sad for your son but you have to look after yourself too.

    Maybe once he’s hit rock bottom he will wake up.

    It’s terrible as there isn’t enough help for people with addictions/mental health troubles.

    in reply to: Friday again #28148

    I think you need to look out for yourself and your son now.

    If he’s being horrible when he’s drunk and causing you that much upset and stress let him go. Otherwise you will be in an early grave.

    If you’re keeping a roof over his head then he is never going to change.

    But that’s all easier said than done as he’s still your child::: if only it was that easy to walk away?

    Does he want to change?

    in reply to: Friday again #28147

    I think you need to look out for yourself and your son now.

    If he’s being horrible when he’s drunk and causing you that much upset and stress let him go. Otherwise you will be in an early grave.

    If you’re keeping a roof over his head then he is never going to change.

    But that’s all easier said than done as he’s still your child::: if only it was that easy to walk away?

    Does he want to change?

    in reply to: Friday again #28082

    How often are your partners using?

    Of course we can’t talk to them , I have told nobody else about my partner as yet but I’m hoping his sister will knock some sense into him.

    They are stupid! Sad thing is they think they’re invincible but eventually it will catch up with them.

    My ex brother in law died almost a year ago from cocaine and drink aged 49. Leaving young children with no father. They are the ones suffering a year later.

    in reply to: Friday again #28069

    🙁 mine was on it last night. But apparently it’s ok it was only a little bit.

    Told him now I can’t take anymore and if he doesn’t change that will be the end.

    Bloody idiots! So frustrating!!

    in reply to: Two days #28049


    How often is he using ?

    My partner is taking crack and although he doesn’t bother me I just hate it. Every time he takes it he says he’s going to stop but then a week or two later he does it again.

    I’ve told him now I’m going to tell his family to see if they can help as he won’t listen to me.

    God knows why they do it but the drug comes before anything and anyone and they can’t see it destroying families/relationships x my sisters an addict too it’s awful ???? xx

    in reply to: Brother is a cocaine addict #28048

    My sister is also a cocaine addict and I’ve recently found out my partner is doing crack (not daily but a few times a month) and we sadly cannot help them unless they are willing to help themselves.

    It destroys families and relationships. I am coming to the realisation that my relationship is going to come to an end. I guess that will show what I mean to him.

    I have no advice as it’s like living in hell. But they need to start by getting the help before we can help.

    I’m exhausted and so sad by it all xx I wish you luck and hope your brother gets the help x

    in reply to: Signs they’re using coke in your house? #23166

    My sister is a cocaine addict and I can generally tell by her voice when she’s done coke, but other ways of noticing would be if they smoke they tend to smoke more than usual, won’t want to eat or very little as suppresses the appetite, drinks plenty of booze normally drink like a fish on coke , rambles, paranoid, jumpy. No eye contact, Bank/credit cards might have coke residue in the numbers of the card. Some people just use a car key to scoop it up and snort it.

    The next day sleeping a lot and v irritable and snappy xx

    in reply to: Hey #23165

    Hiya x

    Welcome !

    I’m happy to listen and so are many others. What’s up? Well done for joining something like this it really does help both addicts and the families too.

    in reply to: Feel like my husband is on borrowed time #23164

    Oh gosh what an incredibly sad post.xxx

    I am so sorry for you your husband and son.

    There really is not enough support available for mental health in this country and more now than ever it is needed.

    The root of most drinks and drugs is because people are masking or trying to forget for a while and get to their happy place.x

    It’s devastating.xxx

    Will he look into having a different anti depressant? Or is he on a strong dose already. ?

    Have you or your son tried talking to him at all?

    It’s heart breaking my nieces and nephews father died a couple of months ago in front of them he was only young. From drink mainly and possibly drugs.

    They don’t realise what these poor children are left to live with.

    I don’t know what to suggest it’s so bloody hard xxx

    in reply to: Really struggling #23163

    I’m sorry you are going through such a terrible time xxx

    I left my ex partner when my baby was 4 months old (not through drugs) but he was just a narcissist type.

    And you will manage on your own and how ever we do us women always find the strength to pull through the worst times.

    You gotta do it for ya kids and yourself.

    Just don’t be like me 7 years later find a new partner and then find out he’s an addict! Lol if I didn’t laugh I’d cry xxx

    You can do this xx

    in reply to: How’s my luck? Advice please! #23162

    Hi thank you.

    Yes… I’ve known him for years but we were both in relationships or one of us was or wasn’t. But there’s always been something there between us.

    And then we both ended up single and we are like soul mates (or that’s what it feels like and he said the same thing or maybe he’s just saying what I want to hear but I don’t think so..)

    It sounds as though he’s been on drugs for the past 2-3 years (weekends only.)

    But yes I definitely have taken a step back for now. I would normally visit over the weekend and I haven’t done.

    I am hoping he will talk to me or in mine and everyone’s worlds on here I hope he will see there’s more to life than this and stop doing it….but it’s prob not that easy.

    But only time will tell…. and I will for now try and stand by him as I love him.

    But he needs to want to change too so I will need to sit tight and see how it unfolds

    It’s difficult as we don’t live near by at the moment. But I know when he’s done it (last night) up all night messaging me and he’s now been asleep since some time this morning and prob won’t wake until tomorrow now. it’s sad really.


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