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  • in reply to: I’m done #16620

    I hope you get what you deserve in life and it’s not that kind of life anyone wants, I understand everything you are going through and wish I could wave a magic wand for you and all of us victims of being the ones to pick up the pieces and rebuild all the time, it’s a horrible situation and hope you stay strong for your kids. Society is slowly being destroyed by drugs as it’s not just the users that it affects it’s the loved ones around them, Devils Dust. Look after yourself and kids and hope you all the best for your future.

    in reply to: Living life with Heroin addicts #16619

    Hello there, Thank you and I appreciate your sentiment. I still try to have faith in humanity, years of hell destroys a person within, I was also almost murdered with a machete for protecting an attack on my brother and have been left with leg numbness, disfigurement and PTSD. I can’t escape this hell. I just hope at least one person can benefit from my poem I wrote when I was 19. I only want the best for people and never have felt more fragile in my life as I do now, I don’t know how long I can stay this strong it’s killing me. Thank you again

    in reply to: Cocaine, lies and resentment. #16617

    Hi there, I feel for you as I have and still have drug abuse in the family I’ve lived with it for the past 24 years at least, I have just put a post up actually. I feel the same as you and feel I don’t know how longer I can hold on. Everyone I have spoken to tells me the same thing, “look after yourself first”, I understand you are torn apart from the inside and its extremely hard to deal with, I am sorry for both of you, you are a caring person that’s why you are looking for help. Try and find out about any problems in his life if you have the strength and get to the root of the problem otherwise you have to put yourself first for your own sanity but get him help if you can but make it clear to him you are out if you see him under any influence and stick to your guns he needs to realise what’s happening. I hope you have a happy life and to your partner too.

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