
We’ve used our extensive experience and skills to create our own Adfam support services which you can access directly:


Being close to someone who has a gambling problem can be distressing and overwhelming. You may experience lots of different feelings including hurt, anger, mistrust, sadness and fear for the future. You may also be affected financially. Through Adfam@Home we provide free and confidential support and advice to the family members, loved ones and friends of someone who is gambling.
We offer 6 sessions of one-to-one support
These sessions allow you to explore how your loved one’s gambling is affecting you and to get support in making changes, if you wish. Our experienced worker listens to you. They may also introduce a range of topics which people affected by a loved one’s gambling have previously found helpful. Our worker will (metaphorically!) walk alongside you as you plan a way forward and may suggest further support or advice if appropriate. These sessions are offered via Zoom or by phone.
Apply below and we will be in touch to ensure that what we are offering is appropriate for you.

Information and guidance is also available on the NHS Inclusion Midlands Gambling Clinic website.

Request support free of charge

Adfam stores and uses personal data in line with the GDPR. We will never share your data with another organisation for any purpose. Data will be kept and used only for as long as is necessary to enable us to provide you with the support you request, and to fulfil legal and statutory obligations. For further details please see Adfam’s full privacy policy.