Reply To: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself


Hi Maria!

Thankyou for the kind words.Means alot.

Really sorry to hear you sttuggling atm,we are very similar when it comes to these things. I remember i took some dhc after a few months been clean,just like you i thought i would treat now an again wont hurt.How wrong was i! Like yourself,no withdrawals but shame guilt anxiety was just through the roof. Apparently opiates rewire the brain,  so when we slip up our brains remember the old ways which is soo destroying to us mentally. You are doing so well Maria,please dont beat yourself up! We ALL have these thoughts. Try an use it too your advantage. Try too remember them feelings when you get the urge again. I still get urges, sometimes really really strong,not quite sure how i cope in all honesty. However i do.

Stay strong Maria,just holla if you feeling down.I will keep checking in.

That goes for anyone else on this journey. Its one of the most addictive substances for a reason. The devil 👹

Take care all and stay strong!

Sending good wishes an vibes to all.
