Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself

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    • #5121

      Just thought I’d put up a post for anyone who’d like to comment or discuss their opiate withdrawal/addiction.

      As the title says I’m currently on day 18 and starting to feel more like my normal self. I won’t lie it has been fairly difficult but just so people know there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

      The early physical withdrawals are the easiest part believe it or not as it’s nothing compared to the lack of motivation and energy you feel thru out so basically a mild depression. In the first week I thought I’d never get better I couldn’t do anything at all, I couldn’t tend to my 2 children, I couldn’t do any housework, I couldn’t do my job properly, I basically couldn’t get off the settee to do anything and I just thought this sad no motivation low mood was never gunna end but it does guys ! For the last few days I’ve been slowly getting better, I can tend to my kids I can do the housework altho it does tire me out and my thoughts are much happier now i can see myself slowly becoming my normal self again.

      Don’t get me wrong it is only day 18 and I’m still not sleeping 100% and I do still lack motivation but compared to 1 week ago I am so much better and so could you be.

      All the best guys and I hope this post helps just 1 person battle thru.

      I visit this forum daily so I will reply to anyone that wants to chat or swap stories or ask questions etc.


    • #11797

      Well done keep going and remember take each day at a time I watched my brother go throu addiction and rehab the person he become was an amazing thing to watch keep going : ))

      • #27119

        Well done my husband is currently trying to quit cocaine I am a non user it’s been like hell but hopefully he will get there keep going and good luck

        • #32370

          I have just discovered this site and i,m also on day 18 oddly enough have been hooked on cocodomol 30/500 for about 14-15 yrs taking about 8 a day prescribed  for a severe leg injury and about 12 pharmacy bought a day dont need to tell yiu all about the shame and sneakiness ive felt you,ll probably have done similar but i have to say i am definately in the right frame of mind tobeat this and have started to see things clearly  good luck to everyone battling this n thanx for this site .x

          • #35067

            hi ive just found this site earlier.

            I’ve been on Co Codamol 30/500 for over 17yrs. I had back pain then was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I managed to get off the tablets for one year about ten years ago but slowly back on them

            I’m taking 4 to 6 tablets a day and since retiring feel I’m taking more and I want to come off them. What is the safest way of doing this? Before I just went cold turkey but I was only taking  two at night. I was thinking of cutting down to 4 a day for 2 weeks then two a day for 2 weeks. Amy advice ?

            • #35649

              Hi Jackmac,i hope you had the support to get clean.If you go to the bottom of the thread it will give more support ????

      • #36764

        Hi im on day 6 first time stopping codeine after 11 half years i haven’t eaten in 4 days im feeling so low, so ill and really whats the point as im doing this on my own thought i had someone but they arnt there to b honest. My hair is falling out i look a mess, Im also in recovery from coke and grass i thought that was difficult but was i so wrong i know i need to reach out but im finding it really hard. Im glad ive read some off ur posts give me that bit off light as ive lost hope

        • #36871

          Hi SB

          Sorry i never saw this,i hope you are ok and still continuing your journey. If you hold on the last person to reply to the thread, it should take you down to the bottom where you will find more up to date information.

          Good luck and stay strong! ????????????????????????????????????????????????

    • #11798

      Hi Mary, thank you

      I’m approaching 4 weeks on Friday and already feeling 100% better than day 18. I’m glad your brother came out the other side it is certainly worth the weeks of hell as for the rest of our lives we are better and healthier people 🙂

    • #19918

      I Have been a slave to Opiates now for many years, I’ve quit and relapsed so many times now over the last decade that I’ve lost count, a very emotional issue that occured in my life nearly 3 years ago now, got me back onto this drug. I was taking 480mg codeine a day, and on top of that towards the end I was taking the 480mg codeine plus 300mg dihydrocodeine a day.This was costing me upwards of £500 per month, and my usage has started showing signs in my job as a medical professional. They’ve noticed how tired and pale I always look, and are now concerned about my wellbeing. I fobbed it off as for the last 2 years I’ve been working 2 jobs and it’s just the tiredness etc.

      I have however seen this as a sign that i need to sort this out because I’ve been taking it for so long now I’ve been spending all my spare time in bed, i no longer see my son, and I’ve blocked all contact with all my family, and just spend all day taking these pills, before long if I don’t do something I’m gunna end up on heroin and to that is somewhere I dont want to be.

      I’ve tried to taper down I think. On day 4 now and I’m down to just 240mg codeine a day but I feel I’m tapering too fast as I feel absolutely awful, shivering, burning up and with absoloutely no energy or motivation to do anything. I’ve still got 2 jobs to work, and don’t feel like I can pull thru it. I’ve also started taking an anti depressant, a week in now too, and I do take slow release multi vits, and 1000mg vit c slow release supplement. I’m not really sure if they are helping. I’m just waiting on the terrible loose bowels to pop there head through the door as I know from previous quit attempts this is to be expected.

      I’m determined to quit again but just wanted to tell my story, and believe me when you are past the worst of it you will feel like you are full of life and energy. Unfortunately as with my story I last lasted 5 weeks b4 relapsing and as mentioned this is mostly to do with a break up with my partner , they felt like the longest 5 weeks of my life, but with help and support you can surpass that and go on to live a much improved life. I’ve waffled on a bit here but it’s probably because i don’t really feel like there is any1 else to talk to about this atm. But best of luck to all those that are trying to rid themselves of this horrible drug and to better there lives.

      Those interested in tapering plans my Dr once told me that a 30mg decrease per week is best, and ofc drinking plenty of water to.stay hydrated etc.

    • #19929

      Hi Wine

      Best of luck with your tapering the best thing I ever did was stop using codeine. I’m not about 20 months clean about 3 stone heavier, a better husband, father, work colleague and all round better human. I’d say from my experience of cold turkey it took me about 6 weeks to feel 95% right. I too tried anti depressants buy didn’t finish the course, personally I thought they made things worse. Keep us updated !

    • #20928

      Thanx for the reply, as luck would have it, I got down to 120mg a day, and I came down with the dreaded covid 19. Because of that I decided to stick at that amount until I overcome the disease. I still have bad cough and chesty lungs, but I am pleased to say that as of today I am almost 4 days completely clean.

      It’s been a rollercoaster of a month and the last few days have been hard, I’ve been so tempted to just take one more bump, for old times sake etc etc. But I’m strong minded and determine d this time to not fall victim to the drug anymore. Mentally I’m feeling a bit more positive, still lethargic, and still a little upset in the stomach dept.but that could just be remnants of the Covid 19 virus still in my system. Either way, 4 days and counting,

      and getting stronger and healthier every day, wish me luck.

    • #20929

      Oh and as for the anti depressants, I too haven’t finished the course, I know they do help, but I want my body to be completely clean of all drugs, so I decided to take the longer route. I will no doubtedly take a lot longer to heal, as I think the mental part is going to be more difficult than the physical. But in terms of being completely non-drug reliant, this I believe to be the best course of action for myself. Every 1 is different tho. I hope that one day I too can make it to 20 months, and I hope to spend or try and spend a lot more time and money on my 2 kids, instead of drugs.

    • #20931

      Well done!!! Keep going!!!

    • #22497

      I’m on day 8 after 20 years of codeine , I took 30g/ 500everssant with fizzy water about 15 times a day … prescribed from doctor … you can buy 8g/500 in UK so I dropped to them for 2 weeks then stopped they 2 weeks were torture , I’m 8 days without any but so tired no motivation … how long it last ?

    • #22787

      Hi what you wrote gives me hope thank you & glad your doing so well.

      Iv been weaning my self of for five months now & I still feel really bad like you said unmotivated & drained of Enagey. But I’m taking 80% less now & every hour of every day I still want more but I’m staying strong & resisting. Do you have any advise on how to stop completely? I just can’t seem to get there.

      • #31311

        How we all doing guys anyone who fancies subscribing to my new addictions etc channel please do with love Glasgow

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        From Glasgow With Love

    • #22793

      Hi Danny

      You’ve already done 5 month of hard work if I was in your shoes I would pick a date, make sure you’ve got some time to go thru the withdrawals after this date tho and just commit to it, you could go on tapering and feeling the way you are or in 4-6 weeks you could be completely clean and pretty much back to a fully functioning adult. It is hard but it will also be the best thing you’ve ever done for yourself and your friends and family. I’m over 2 years now and a completely changed man. Get yourself a hobby to take your mind from it and do some light excercise, walking for me was really good. I’d be happy to answer and specific questions. All the best mate and good luck

      • #22860

        Thanks your the first person Iv spoken to who seems to understand.

      • #24444

        Hi Dadict

        My name is Linda and I think I’m addicted to codeine . I took ill with a benign brain tumour in 2016 and had a full craniotomy in 2017 , since then they put me on 8/500 and I was taking 6 a day and neurofen plus at night for the pain 7 days a week , 52 weeks for the last 4 years . I had to have gamma knife surgery in October last year and when I came home I continued to take them as I was so unwell . In the last 6 months I have increased the strength to 15/500 which I continued to take as I was going through family trauma at the time and I just felt I needed something to relax my head , as I couldn’t take the pressure . Lately though I’ve been feeling really unwell and I’ve found out codeine can make headaches worse and I was convinced the tumour is still growing or something . I’ve been trying to wean of them now the past few days , due to a nurse telling me they can make headaches worse . I’m feeling really tired and my stomach is yuck and thinking off going cold turkey , would it get worse before it gets better . I really could do with a bit of advice , I just want it over and done with . Then when I go for my MRI scan I will no more . Thanks

    • #22794

      Hello im eva , im new here im day 2 of stopping codeine that i was taking after a 8 week stay in hospital , i was on oxycodne , gabapentin and codeine . I bust my pelvis . I have the shakes the cold extremities , anxiety , stomach problems , loss of appetite , does anyone know the timeline ? Is it 72 hours … i cant continue with these anxiety attacks and headfog, i cant tolerate noise and its not fair on my children .

    • #22807

      Hi Eva

      From my experience the physical withdrawals are about 1-2 weeks and the headfog and anxiety gets a lot easier from about 4 weeks I know that seems a long time but it’s 4 weeks vs the rest of your life. It isn’t fair on your kids but neither is you been dependant on this drug, fight thru it for the next few weeks and you will be a whole better person. I hope you manage it, good luck

    • #22808

      Hi Eva

      From my experience the physical withdrawals are about 1-2 weeks and the headfog and anxiety gets a lot easier from about 4 weeks I know that seems a long time but it’s 4 weeks vs the rest of your life. It isn’t fair on your kids but neither is you been dependant on this drug, fight thru it for the next few weeks and you will be a whole better person. I hope you manage it, good luck

    • #22809

      Hi Eva

      From my experience the physical withdrawals are about 1-2 weeks and the headfog and anxiety gets a lot easier from about 4 weeks I know that seems a long time but it’s 4 weeks vs the rest of your life. It isn’t fair on your kids but neither is you been dependant on this drug, fight thru it for the next few weeks and you will be a whole better person. I hope you manage it, good luck

      • #22810

        If you only took it for 8 weeks maybe your withdrawals won’t be as severe or long lasting, I was taking it for 10 years

    • #22852

      Im just scared i wont lie … i feel like a monster to my kids and the headfog is doing me in .. x

    • #22859

      The headfog and the fear is due to the lack of dopamine (feel good chemical) in your brain at the moment, you brain has conditioned itself to release dopamine when you take codeine and now you’ve stopped taking them your brain is trying to figure out how to release it again naturally. Try to get out of the house with the kids even if you don’t feel like it, exercise releases dopamine and it will take your mins off it and your kids will enjoy themselves spending time with Mammy. Don’t give up

    • #22898

      Can I ask a question i have been taking solphadine max for about 3 4 months I usually take about 20×12.5mg a day it dont seem alot but in 1 go I want to get off them everytime I try my belly hurts so much and have a yellow runny stool sorry for the detail and then my body hurts so much feel like I can’t carry on what can I do to help me get off these horrible things. Would it be good to try just take 2 when I start feeling the pain in my body and toilet troubles. Im tired of going out with my family knowing if I havnt had them then I am going start needing toilet then there is the chronic pains. I want to stop so much will lower dosage help me conqure these feelings

    • #22899

      Thank you dadict, im feeling a lot healthier today , sunshine is the best mood stabiliser . I will continue to go out with kids and enjoy them . Dopomine is possibly stabilising now i think as my mind a bit clearer . I will never take several opiate painkillers again i hope .. my bust pelvis is ok without any . C

      • #31178

        It’s been 10 years addicted to Codiene tried cold turkey last for a month and again relapse. I use to take 3 bottles of cough syrup. I want your support regarding tapering Codiene and the Success ##no one to share

    • #22900

      Hi everyone, So I have a strange one, basically i’m in the military and when I went out on tour my back went on me. So MRI scan, I found out that I ruptured a disc due to rapid weight loss in a foriegn country along with the heat, running and doing the job I was given.

      So rehab course for movement to get back at it blah,blah. Anyway, for the pain I was given naproxen, that messed my inside up and ended up with fissure and piles to which after 2 and a half years are now finally sorted recently (had proceedure 5 weeks ago). After the naproxen I was given codeine and it took the pain away. Made it painful to go toilet because of the dosage but it was better than the back pain I had. So been taking it on and off for over 3 years here and there when i’ve had a back problems or bad abdomen pain (all perscribed constantly by a military doctor).

      So I believe my body has become addicted to it, without me realising mentally in the slightest. I just thought i’ve been feeling like crap all the time and depressed when i’ve not had pain because i’m still stuck in a rutt and couldn’t work out due to my fissures getting worse when I exercised.

      I’ve recently been reading and all the symptoms add up to codeine addiction on the body. Now it’s strange, I think i’ve been that mentally aware to how addictive the drug is, i’ve never gotten mentally addicted to it. In fact I can’t stand it, I don’t like the feeling of it and never really have done. So i’m in it at sqaure one because I took some recently because i thought i wonder if its the codeine, if i take some now and feel better tomorrow then I know its that and I can knock it on the head.

      Highest I’ve gone, which to be honest isn’t as much as you guys/ladies at 30/500mg in with paracetamol 12 times a day for about 2-4 weeks (3 years ago at peak back pain). I had recently been thinking I always feel like crap and looked online because I had a thought that codeine is addictive for a reason, so I wonder if my body is having withdrawal symptoms on the drug. I will keep people updated on my cold turkey as of today if people ask 🙂 and if and when this damn depression and anxiety dies out.

      I don’t feel I can perform my job to a high standard that I should be doing even though i’m been told my work (non physical at the moment) is brilliant. I just don’t want to leave the accommodation or even interact with my partner or much to the kids, which I love to bits but I can’t bring myself around to be a good dad at the moment.

      I’m just constantly thinking about myself not sleeping and how bad I feel all the time. Having no mental addiction to it but a phsyical addiction i’m finding very strange to deal with. But I find it easy not to take them now I have my mind set that its them causing all this negativity in and around my life. The side effects are very real on the body though.

      Anyway, heres to day one and thanks for reading my story, apologise for the length.

      • #25806

        Hi MattEdwards how did you get on? Couldn’t see any other posts from you in the thread?

    • #23021

      Well I was doing quite well in coming off codeine around 2 months ago then i relapsed. Im now on day 6 of second attempt of being off codeine and the withdrawl seems to be worse than the first.

      Chronic headache. Lack of energy. Extreme tiredness. Nightmares and restless nights, fear when waking up in the morning, fear of the day ahead, aches and pains in joints, like a crazy heat feeling inside lower stomach and into back, anxiety through the roof. Im so annoyed with myself that im having to do this again. I feel so desperate and lost and cant face the day. I managed to get out yesterday on bicycle and keep positive but last night my blood pressure went through the roof and i think i was having a panic attack.

      Im assuming that im going to have these physical symptoms for a couple of weeks, can anybody reassure me that this is all normal. I had been doing cocodomol 30mg on and off for her a year, prescribed for nerve pain. I think im going to have a long haul getting off this devil drug. Thanks all.

      • #23022

        Hi fluffycat. I registered here to ask for reassurance too as I’m 13 days off and in bed wondering when it’ll all end. I stopped benzos 64 days ago and codeine 13. Currently in bed with aches and pains and no will to get anything done.

        One thing I can personally recommend – especially considering your high blood pressure/panic is propranolol. I was put on it a couple of weeks ago and it’s been an absolute godsend for anxiety. When it comes to the physical manifestations of panic (shortness of breath, racing heart etc) it’s been amazing.

        Suffering from anxiety and then going through withdrawals on top of that really messed me up – i kept briefly losing sight in one eye, had a psychogenic seizure, stopped breathing etc. Propranolol has taken that all away.

        If you’re in a position to contact your GP i really recommend it. It’s not abusable or addictive, it’s just a beta blocker, and it basically prevents adrenalin from being released into your bloodstream. It’s really helped me manage panic.

    • #23024

      I’m coming of cocodamole Iv been on it for ten years. I’m still taking a third of what I used to take but like you I have lots of aches & pains witch are very concerneing. It is hard & I think a long proses but you’ll get there your doing better than me so your strong keep being strong. Good luck it’s hard to fined people who understand.

      • #23030

        You’re strong too Danny, a third of what you used to take is a huge achievement, you should be really proud. Rome wasn’t built in a day and you’re making big progress. Remember to be kind to yourself, always.

    • #23119

      Hi, I’m glad i seen this post because i need some courage. Long story short i started with a codeine addiction when i was around 17 years old due to some bad things that happened in my life anyway i battled through it with the help of drug and alcohol service and took bupanorphine. A few years down the line i relapsed again and came off with help from the gp and came off really quick because i found out i was pregnant anyway i sailed through pregnancy and 10 months of breastfeeding without any cravings i think it was down to the fact that i knew i needed to protect my baby. Anyway the beginning of this year I’d had another baby 6 days before Christmas and it ended up a emergency c-section i was ok while i was in hospital for 4 days and then i got the Christmas day and boxing day rush out the way and then the pain hit so i started taking nurofen plus this was one of my issues i had before when the gp wouldn’t give me anything for pain I’d buy these… the first few weeks i stuck to 2 4 time a day then i escalated quickly to the point i was taking 6 at each time and could go through 32 a day it was costing me £10 a day so like £300 a month sometimes more because I’d buy them online and pay for next day delivery, we are getting married this coming august so I’ve been spending all my wedding fund too! I tried tapering with the gp but they only did 4 15mg codeine phosphate a day for a week then 3 then 2 weeks and well is wasn’t working i was withdrawing badly so i started buying more nurofen to top myself up. I’m on day 2 of going cold turkey and i had to tell my partner everything last night because i needed his support and to help with our children because the way i feel I can’t do much let alone get them all ready in the morning to take my eldest to school so he’s taken a few days off. My problem is that i have a physiological problem more than a addiction it always comes down to my mental health when my mental healths great I don’t even think about it then when my mental health gets bad it’s the my coping method. Lockdown hasn’t helped my mental health, then having a baby the day we went back into another lockdown so I’ve had no supporting network, my mums dying of cancer so I’m really struggling this time round and unsure how I’m going to cope. I’m trying to pretend to my children that I’m ok but they are noticing that I’m not because I’m not interacting with them like i did it was weird because it was like the codeine was giving me this massive burst of energy so i could get most things done. It’s just all a mess ????. I don’t remember well how long it will take for the symptoms to die down can someone give me some sort of rough idea? Well done to all of you who’s completed it and done so well and the ones who haven’t got there yet hang in there! you are never alone

    • #23159
    • #23170

      Hey, im looking to get of co codamol 30/500. I started taking these 7 years ago when i had my son and damaged my back. My lower back disc is wearing away and suffer from chronic migraines. I only take 6 tablets a day im not sure if this is an addiction but i feel as im used to them it would be worrying to stop. My gp isnt helpful. Any suggestions?

      • #35643

        Hi , I used to take 6 as you and thats the reason why you have a migraine. I used to have terrible headaches and with co co codamol just would get worse . You will see a huge change after a few weeks of withdrawal.don’t give up

    • #23259

      So glad to see this post is helping a lot of you guys out, keep strong this is going to be the hardest 4-6 weeks of your life but the best at the same time. I’m over 2 years sober now and doing great, best thing I ever done

    • #23260

      Hi, the anxiety and depression for me just went away without me realising too much it’s just your brain recovering really but been able to sleep will be helping loads just don’t keep taking those, excercise too.

    • #23284

      Hi LMA10

      I can’t relate to codeine making my anxiety worse while i was on it but it definitely stopped “fixing” all my problems, like anxiety and depression. I can only imagine how bad your anxiety is now after 5 days no codeine too.

      I mentioned in an earlier post that i was prescribed propranolol and it’s been helpful for exactly what you’re describing – overwhelming fear and anxiety, shaking, palpitations, shortness of breath etc. It’s not perfect and won’t magic you back to health but it’s put a limit on how much my body can go through (no freezing or panic attacks since i started it).

      Please be kind to yourself, you’re doing so well. Keep posting here. I found 5 days the hardest. They say 3 days but i gave in at 5 days twice. Try and get as much rest as you can and stay hydrated.

    • #23353

      Hi, I’ve never done anything like this either..

      I’m addicted to codeine, which took me a long time to admit. Even now I debate it with myself. I’ve dabbled in and out of NA but with COVID that’s been a no go.

      I can go a really long time without it even months but I somehow always fall back into it. The only problem is, you can’t buy codeine over the counter. Only cocodamol and I know with the paracetamol it will eventually do some damage.

      I can’t speak to anyone about it because the look of disappointment on their faces makes me want to do it even more!

      I’m pleased to hear your feeling better.

      It just seems like a never ending cycle

    • #23682

      Hi. I wonder how people are getting on here. I’ve been inadvertently been taking codeine for about 6 years regularly. Upto 360mg daily. I have only taken a week or so off by accident when I have been on holidays et and have felt awful. It didn’t occur to me at first that it was due to the codeine. I’ve currently reduced to 60mg daily for last few days and had been tapering down. its is difficult.

      I’ve been very impressed by people on here that have done cold turkey for weeks.

      • #23687

        I have been on Codeine now for about 5 years, recently at my worst taking Co-Codomal 25 x 30/500mg Paracetamol. I am now on day 4 clean, I thought I would be feeling worse than I am. Trying to stay positive eating well and drinking lots of water to flush the Toxins out. My Partner is having a baby in a couple of weeks, so it is a wake up call.

        I know that is it for me now, relying on these stupid pills that are damaging our insides. We can all fight through this!

    • #24380

      Hi ,firstly – well done !! I have been addicted to codeine for about 7 -8 years .Managed to come off it once ( cold Turkey ) but only lasted 2 months .I have decided to try again ,this time for good .I have been taking massive amounts ,a month’s worth would be gone within a week and then going different chemists to buy more . I can’t live like this anymore . I have taken the last dose 24 hrs ago and withdrawals are bad already ???? Unfortunately my mental health is not the best at the moment ,suffer depression and anxiety and am a bit worried that I won’t make it this time . I have to though !! It’s ruining my life . Just need someone to know what I’m going through as there are only 2 people in my life who know about it. I hope in few weeks time I’ll be able to post similar message as you to people out there who struggle with addictions . These meds should not be prescribed this easily . All the best for you and everyone else who’s trying to come off drugs xx

    • #24400

      Hi Maggie

      I hear you and hope you’re doing well. Your mental health will improve once you’re clean from these tablets just bare that in mind and stay strong. Funnily enough I went to the chemist the other day for my daughter and caught a glimpse of the nurophen plus and it made me think that how I am now mentally is better than how I was then and that I never needed them to feel good etc and neither will you soon. Keep us updated I’m happy to chat back and forth.

      Good luck

      • #24401

        Thank you for replying . Means a lot .the withdrawals are horrible ,my stomach is in bits and I have no energy to do anything . I think the first time I did cold Turkey felt easier ..I hope I can do it .I have booked whole week off work for this. You should be proud of yourself !!! I wish I could fast forward and wake up in a year’s time .please keep everything crossed for me .

      • #24621

        Hello ☺️ Today is 18th day for me ???? Still have runny nose and restless legs sometimes but I feel sooo much better !! I feel happier ???? i did it ! My brain is still learning how to cope without it but it’s heavens better to what it was in the first week .I never want to see those pills again .Thank you for the support and good word xx

    • #24403

      I’d say 6 weeks roughly I know it seems a lifetime away but what’s 6 weeks compared to the rest of your life ? About 2 weeks for the physical withdrawals abs then at about 4 weeks the mental side of it gets easier too just don’t give in. Warm baths for the aches and pains and go for walks, the sunshine helps boost your kids too so you’re doing this at the best time. If you need advice on anything specific just ask away

    • #24448

      Hi Linda.

      It will 100% get worse before it gets better but it is 100% worth the discomfort. The feeling from the tablets probably I imagine is making your anxiety towards the tumour worse aswell. It does get better it gets a whole lot better, I am living proof of that. I hope your MRI brings good news. I’m here if you need more advice. Good luck

    • #24622

      Brilliant Maggie well done !! ???? it will just keep getting better and better. Glad you messaged back I’m over the moon for you

      • #24623

        Thank you so much ☺️ It means a lot to know someone out there understands . Thanks to your original post i decided to go through with it and fight for better life . Xxx

    • #24624

      That’s great well done hope I can get there one day your so strong ????

      • #24626

        Of course you can ! And you will ! I never thought i could be where i am now and here I am ???? if you get to the point where you realize it’s either this addiction or the rest of your life you can do anything you set your mind at. The first week is the worse but you have to take one day at a time and don’t be afraid to ask for help ???? keeping everything crossed for you ????

    • #24680


      I’ve just joined this evening my husband has after a lot of lies he has a codeine addiction taking 10tablets a day for over 2yrs after alot of tears and talking he says he wants to quit cold turkey without and help from gp I’m petrified for him and our young family I suspected for a long time as he always tired uninterested in anything How can I help him?

    • #24731

      I asked my GP for stronger pain killers and he has put me on Tramadol.The Dihydrocodeine I was taking has been removed from my repeat meds order list,so I am withdrawing by default.

      I have no idea how things will go as I have had no tapering of the dihydrocodeine,I have tried to give it up countless times but the awful withdrawal symptoms drive me back.Hopefully the Tramadol will get me through.I know its addictive,but everything I have read says its not as addictive as codeine.

      I am shit scared of how this is going to go.This is day one and so far so good,Has anyone else used Tramadol to get off codeine ?

      I need all the help I can get, and you seem to be a very supportive bunch !

      • #24734

        Hi Dotty . Replacing one opioid with another is not the best idea . It will help you get through codeine withdrawals but it’s also addictive and side effects are a lot worse (that’s only my experience) .cold turkey is the hardest way but also the quickest. Once I’ve passed the forth or fifth day and had a good night sleep i was like a different person .it’s now just over a month since I’ve come off it and feeling stronger every day .My partner takes codeine so Its around me all the time but it doesn’t bother me at all . If cold turkey is too much for you ,ask the doctors to help you with tapering maybe ? I hope you can also come off them and wish you the best of luck .any questions or doubts we are here for you xx

      • #30143

        the tramadol wre just as bad trust em!! i could never get enough codine pills but could get tramadol easy

        when i ran out of cocodamol or dihydracodeine id use the tramadol

        just as addictive alot stronger and withdrawals just as bad

        • #30145

          I’m sure I’m lucky my doc originally went for codeine for my back pain – tramadol is so much stronger! I’ve only tried it after my wife got some for a different reason and left the remainder in the cupboard…I know I would have been worse if that was readily available to me!

          44 years and I’ve finally learned that I simply have the capacity to get addicted to anything. I’m going for running and vegetables as my next addictions…

          • #30147

            the tramadol are wild at first they make u feel sick and the after a few you get a mad high thats more powerful than codine – i think coming off thems just as bad but rhe withdrawals arent as long or maybe thats just because i had only been using them about a year, id been on codine for 3 years – im on day 12 now and most symptoms passed just absolutely shattered and really low energy, get agitated at bedtime aswel- its a warm day today and im sunbathing – comtemplating a beer – still have 40 odd dihydracidine tabs in my cupboard and im leaving them there – i want to probe ro myself even if there there i can resist tenptation as a few pals still dabble –

    • #24732

      I asked my GP for stronger pain killers and he has put me on Tramadol.The Dihydrocodeine I was taking has been removed from my repeat meds order list,so I am withdrawing by default.

      I have no idea how things will go as I have had no tapering of the dihydrocodeine,I have tried to give it up countless times but the awful withdrawal symptoms drive me back.Hopefully the Tramadol will get me through.I know its addictive,but everything I have read says its not as addictive as codeine.

      I am shit scared of how this is going to go.This is day one and so far so good,Has anyone else used Tramadol to get off codeine ?

      I need all the help I can get, and you seem to be a very supportive bunch !

    • #24735

      I do agree with you,and I have found myself in this position by default.I asked my GP for stronger pain relief(Just had a knee replacement) and he gave me Tramadol in place of the Dihydrocodeine I had been using.I have had no tapering of the codeine. I am just hoping with all my might that the Tramadol will take care of the withdrawal from the codeine.If/when I am over this enforced cold turkey I shall then be tapering the Tramadol.

      I have tried to quit the Dihydrocodeine many times and have failed miserably so hopefully the Tramadol will help me manage the dreadful withdrawal from the codeine.I must admit I am terrified right now,as past exoerience tells me that the withdrwal is dreadful.

      Thankyou for your kind words of support.

      • #24736

        Don’t be scared Dotty .At the moment you need the painkillers as you’ve had a major op. Few months ago my partner has asked to change codeine to tramadol (he’s awaiting knee replacement and currently in a lot of pain) .He only got 70 tablets which lasted him couple of weeks . The only withdrawals he had was a bit of runny nose and diarrhoea..but it was nowhere near what you’d get coming off cold turkey .You will be absolutely fine .it won’t affect you mentally and you shouldn’t have any cravings because you’re still taking other opioid. When you are ready to reduce tramadol just do it slowly .I’m here if you need to chat .Stay strong .Wishing you speedy recovery ????

    • #24777

      Hi ,

      My son is addicted to lean & he’s been taking high amounts , he now told me he’s weaning himself of it without any medical advice, I’m terrified don’t know how to get him help as it’s very difficult as he won’t ask for medical help . He’s very depressed and suicidal at times . Any advice would be appreciated

    • #24785

      Hi, I’m a mum of three n this is my second relapse…. I’m determined to do it this time because I don’t want to waste money anymore n I was taking two bottles of rikodeine a day since they took tablets off the counter, I’m on day 5 but I feel so useless I don’t want to do anything but sit on the couch but now that’s annoying me so I’m just chain smoking and sulking n my house is a mess. I haven’t spoken to anyone I’ve just done it on my own but I need some energy!!! Is there anything to possibly do to boost motivation? Every time I go back to it it’s cuz I can’t stand being a lazy lump n I just want to feel full of beans again, I can’t work out or do anything because I feel totally weak. I need some advice please it’s pay day tomorrow I don’t want to be tempted!!!

      • #24799

        Hi . You have already done great ! 5 days – the worst should be behind you .What has helped me in terms of energy was loud music in my earphones .I started listening to what i never used to before . And ever since i have been listening to it every morning while having my coffee .It helps a lot .but i understand the laziness as I’m the same ,could move mountains when I was on pills . All i can say , just hang in there and take one day at the time . It is going to get a lot better xx

    • #24791

      Thanks for your kind words Maggie 37.The weekend was horrendous for me.The Tramadol made me very ill, I felt so sick (Even with my usual cyclizine) and pretty ill.Today I have spoken with my GP,and he agreed that the codeine is my best option right now.However my dose has been reduced by 2 tablets a day .I am trying to see this as a good thing as ultimately I do not want to take it for ever.

      How long does it take for your body to adjust to Tramadol ? I am thinking that maybe I did not stick with it long enough.My prescription was for 2 capsule (50mg) and when.I took 2 for my first dose…huge mistake ! Next day I tried taking just 1 capsule but I still felt rough.Maybe I would have been better taking it before bed ? Any advice ? I still have almost a full pack of the Tramadol and am in 2 minds as to whether to give it another go.

      Best wishes to you.

    • #24792

      Thanks for your kind words Maggie 37.The weekend was horrendous for me.The Tramadol made me very ill, I felt so sick (Even with my usual cyclizine) and pretty ill.Today I have spoken with my GP,and he agreed that the codeine is my best option right now.However my dose has been reduced by 2 tablets a day .I am trying to see this as a good thing as ultimately I do not want to take it for ever.

      How long does it take for your body to adjust to Tramadol ? I am thinking that maybe I did not stick with it long enough.My prescription was for 2 capsule (50mg) and when.I took 2 for my first dose…huge mistake ! Next day I tried taking just 1 capsule but I still felt rough.Maybe I would have been better taking it before bed ? Any advice ? I still have almost a full pack of the Tramadol and am in 2 minds as to whether to give it another go.

      Best wishes to you.

      • #24800

        Hi Dotty . Unfortunately tramadol has bad side effects and not everyone can take it . My partner tried taking two in love be go for couple of days but he was absolutely out of it ,could barely speak ,so i told him to take one .it made a big difference .if you could try for one or two days taking just one at the time maybe you’ d feel better .. difficult to say .the most important thing is to get on top of the pain at the moment . If it makes you feel sick than maybe best to carry on with codeine and then reduce gradually ???? GP has already reduced it for you so it’s a good start .All the best Dotty xx

    • #25048


      How is everyone getting on?

      I am 5 days clean now, physical withdrawals have eased, just waiting for the depression and anxiety to start which I’m hoping they don’t,

      I have been taking zapains for about 5 years, but the last 12 months I have been taking around 30 a day. I was waking up and taking 9 of them to kick start of the day. constantly trying to hide everything from my partner, i don’t have the courage to tell her as we have just had a baby and i don’t think she needs the stress. I did finally manage to get some sleep last night for the first time in 4 days. just powering on, reading some of the comments have helped. due to the fact people are over coming this devil drug

      • #25050

        Hello Dodo and well done .!! 4 days is amazing . You should be proud of yourself . I was taking between 20-30 codeines a day for a long time and finally managed to stop . 2 months clean and to be honest,after the first week I felt so much better ,both physically and mentally . Am a different person now . I understand you don’t want to stress your partner but trust me ,it’s a lot easier to get through this with a support of our loved ones . I do t think I could do it without that support. If you don’t want to tell your partner than maybe a good friend ? Councillor ? Wishing you all the best ,keep us updated and if you need to talk ,we are here for you .

        • #25084

          Hi Maggie,

          well done to you 🙂 this will be day 7 now for me.

          feeling like I have got a bit more energy, and my concentration levels have risen.

          I don’t think I have what it takes to tell anyone about it yet, I do feel like I can battle this demon alone. The cravings are still there and the fact it is so easy to get from the doctor or even over the counter in a chemist.

          I watched a video of a guy on Youtube last night think he is called Dan Wheeler, which helped put things in to perspective. he was taking 25 tablets in the morning then another 25 in the evening and as a result he has now got really bad stomach problems and health conditions. Do you still get Cravings Maggie?

    • #25085

      7 days ,wow .you have gone through the worst I think .it’ll only get easier now . My partner takes codeine for his knees and it’s always within my eyesight but surprisingly it doesn’t bother me at all . I do crave the feeling I was getting from them but I don’t miss the person I was when I was taking them .I even dreamt few times about finding some in my purse and taking the lot for old times sake. Was glad when I woke up to realising it was just a dream . Once your brain learns how to feel and function without them ,you will never want to get back on them .I’ve been a grumpy and sad person for 8 years and it’s time to get my life back . And you’re right ,it’s too easy to get them nowadays .All the best to you ,keep going .It’ll be easier every day

      • #25086

        Thanks Maggie, I have just read some of your previous posts months ago…. I admire your strength.

        Far too easy, I know in Australia there completely banned over the counter, which they should be here. it’s to easy to fall in to the Codeine Trap. Yes, the 2nd day I was looking in pockets etc to see if I left any behind, it sounds pathetic but that’s just the reality of the addiction.

        Thanks for listening Maggie and I hope to message again in a week or 2 with good news…. Take care

        • #25089

          Thank you Dodo ,trust me ,if I could do it so can anybody ????

          Keep us updated on your progress ,please . Sending positive vibes your way ????

          • #25121

            Hi Maggie,

            How is your Tuesday :)?

            still going strong now, day 8, today I seem to be getting some Urges. As you have been through this, what is the best way to fight them?

            Hope you’re good 🙂

            • #25122

              Hello Dodo,

              My Tuesday is ok ish ????,thanks .

              I must say , music was my saviour .I would get up in the morning ,coffee and loud music in my earphones .I started listening to Tomorrowland mix ( never liked it before ) .it gave me so much energy,made me a lot happier . Everyone is different ,but it’s best to find something that you enjoy doing .On a bad days I would read other people’s stories of how they got through this and it would also help to stay motivated .You have gone so far ,think how it would make you feel if you relapsed now …Crap,right ? Stay strong my friend ????

              • #25125

                Hi Maggie,

                same :). just trying not to give in to the temptation.

                Yes, I have been drinking black coffees all day (I work in sales so I need them anyway). I didn’t have the best sleep in all honesty, my 3 month old daughter was tossing and turning all night, so i have been up since 3am now stuck in work 🙁

                I will need to have a listen to the tomorrowland Mixes when I am home or at the gym,

                Thanks Maggie.

              • #25126

                It’s horrible when you can’t sleep and then work all day ,I get that a lot . During the first week of detox I asked gp for some sleeping tablets and they helped . After the first good night sleep I felt like a newborn ???? Do you get restless legs at night ? I found this the worst and had it for couple of weeks .Make sure you eat regularly and drink plenty of water so you don’t get dehydrated . I’ve lost 4kilos in a week because I couldn’t force any food in me plus having upset stomach did not help . Hope you get a good night sleep tonight and have a better tomorrow ????

              • #25127

                Yes, that’s what I can’t stand is the lack of sleep, I have had 3 months of it to be fair though Maggie, so I am getting used to it :). Yes, the RLS has gone now for me thank god, I couldn’t of handled that for 2 weeks. I ordered some Valerian Root Extract yesterday of amazon which i heard helps, so I am going to try some of that tonight.

                The mornings are the worst for me, I have been so used to getting out of bed and taking 10 tablets to kick start the day. I would get up around 6am just so my partner wouldn’t catch me.

                how is your stomach now Maggie?

                This site is really helping me, and especially speaking to somebody like you who is caring and who has been through it and came out of the other side.

              • #25128

                Hi Dodo,

                I’m glad to hear you’re finding this site helpful ☺️ We are in this together ,and unfortunately only those who have gone be through this will understand what a horrible addiction this is. I was too embarrassed to admit I had a problem but now I just want to help as many people as I can to get their lives back .There’s so much more to life than popping pills just to feel normal .You have no idea how many people are in this situation ???? Whenever you feel like going back to pills, think about your family – that should keep you motivated ????

                I agree, mornings are the worst ,trying to get up and do things seems impossible at times but it gets easier every day ????

              • #25136

                Hi Maggie,

                Yes, it really is helpful, reading some of things on here as made me feel like my situation isn’t half as bad.

                It seems like this addiction is far too common though. Dr’s aren’t any help, as they just throw prescription after prescription at you.

                I feel so much better today though 🙂 I had a great night sleep. Day 9 now, i feel like I am about 90% of my old self. so we’re getting there 🙂

              • #25273

                Hi Maggie,

                Just thought I would give you a quick update 🙂

                Now on day 17 without anything, I feel completely healed, even the thought of taking a codeine makes me feel physically sick.

                I hope you’re doing well.


              • #25276

                Wow ,well done ???? It actually feels amazing to be free again ,doesn’t it ? I was going to message yesterday to see how you’re getting on but I forgot in the end ???? I am so happy for you ! You should be proud of yourself .

              • #25277

                Maggie words can’t even describe how nice it feels. I am so happy it’s all over. I feel like a completely new person 🙂

                Thanks for your support as well, I don’t think I could of done it without coming on this site,

              • #25278

                I am very happy I could help ???? If you ever feel like going back just think of how much you’ve gone through to get off them ???? All the best Dodo ????

              • #25279

                And you Maggie 🙂 Thanks for listening, really appreciate it,

                All the best x

    • #25280

      Hey guys wanted to say well done. So glad this post is alive and well it saved my life a year and a bit ago

      • #25281

        Thank you BT1978 ???? this forum has definitely helped quite a few of us and we all should be proud of ourselves ???? Well done to you too . Here’s hoping more people will join in ????

      • #25290

        Well done mate. Its definitely got me through the rough times. Fingers cross more people join

    • #25318

      Hi , I just wanted to introduce myself as Sophia . I am sorry to intrude on your privacy .I am trying to build an app that would hopefully support those suffering from any addiction and/or homelessness to find support from others going through the same thing , without stigma and judgement .

      A platform with videos and articles on : health and wellbeing, lifestyles tips ( diet, sleep & exercise) , money management and drug treatment advice, mental health tips, etc to help you when trying to transition back into normal life.

      A platform where you can access a LiveChat similar to FB messenger to safely discuss sensitive topics with other members/ health assistants/ advisors instantly

      A platform to share and compare experiences with others along the sobriety journey, and read and prepare for hat to expect at different stages.

      As well as many more features .

      I would love if any of you , would join in assisting me to gain insight in what is truly needed by those trying to recover, if this is something you would be comfortable with , please let me know and I will drop the link to confidential and quick survey. I hope you are not offended by this post and will be happy to delete if so . Thank you in advance x

      • #25321

        Hi ,I would be happy to help

        • #25354

          Hi Maggie , thank you so much for your response . So basically I have a few questions I would like to ask . When would you be available to do so ?

    • #25381

      Hi everyone. Ive been addicted to Paramol which is dihydracodiene and paracetamol bought over the counter for 8yrs now. Tried many times to stop but the withdrawals are bad. So i took the plunge once again 4 days ago, taking ibuprofen for the pain religiously every 4hrs, sleepless nights, sweats, body aches are extreme but already i have more energy and aches have subsided, determined to do this for my kids and myself. Im hoping for light at the end of the tunnel very soon!

      • #25385

        Hi cherron.

        Well done, that’s great. Keep fighting it. You’ve done the hard part. Im on day 25 now of cold turkey. Feel 100% my oldself again. If i can do it you can too. This site helps a lot, you’re not the only one going through this. Hope it all works out for you.

    • #25387

      Thanks dodo, joined yesterday and just reading through people’s posts is giving me some hope. No one close to me knows about my addiction and it feels good to get it out there even if it is just over the internet. Ive had a hard day today, stomach cramps are back and head fog not to mention blocked nose, luckily the body aches are gone. Determined to keep going, even walked past a pharmacy today and felt good not stopping for some paramol, had a little smile to myself, little things to some are huge to us x

      • #25404

        Hi Cherron,

        How are you getting on? Really hope you made it through 🙂

        Yes, I was the same, nobody knew about my addiction and coming on here really helped me let it all out.

        I am on day 28 now, still battling away.

        • #25418

          28 days Dodo !! Do you still get cravings ? I still get dreams at night where I’m a user ..wonder if they’ll ever pass ..The struggle is real sometimes ,especially when I’ve had a stressful day .Let’s keep going guys . It’s 3 months for me ,never thought I could get this far ????

          • #25436

            Hi Maggie,

            3 months – that’s amazing 🙂

            mmmmm I keep getting the odd ones, I have started to forget what the feeling is like on them though…which is good I suppose.

      • #25417

        Hi Cherron .Well done ???? I hope you’re feeling better now ,physical withdrawals should be easing now ☺️ Keep going ????

        • #25419

          Yes i feel great, onto day 9 now and no withdrawals at all and sleeping much better too however the mental side is really hard!

    • #25459

      Hi, I hope it’s ok to come on here and get some encouragement and advice. Ye are all so amazing! I’m off codeine 4 days( taking it for 6 years) and the restless legs are driving me crazy. Is there anything that helps with this? I have no urge to take any codeine. I’m adamant I’m done with it. But the restless legs are making sleep impossible!

      • #25466

        I bought a weighted blanket it cost around £30 on that well known online shop

        I had the restless legs after nerve damage from a major op and it was the surgeon who put me onto it.It works so wellt that I even take it on holiday ! Good luck .

        • #25467

          Hi, thanks so much for the advice! I will try one of those. It’s definitely my worst symptom! Thanks for the good luck wishes x

      • #35258

        I think it’s great that someone as well known as yourself can come on and admit it.

        and for anyone who doesn’t know Adam Ant  has not lived.

        I am a big fan.
        Keep up the good work.
        Stand & Deliver !

    • #25460

      Hi RachBN. Well done for getting this far, first week is the hardest! Im not sure what others have been doing but on the day i decided to stop codeine i started to take ibuprofen every 4 hours religiously, not good for the stomach but my god it helped alot with aches, headaches etc. I done this for a week and I can honestly say its been the easiest attempt to get clean from it, im now on day 11. x

    • #25461

      Hi guys, so glad to see my post has helped people beat the addiction I’m 2 years 7 month now and never looked back. Keep up the good work you’re all doing great !

    • #25462

      Thanks for the support to ye both.Dadict 2 years 7 months is amazing!! Cherron22 wow day 11 seems so far away when your on day 4. Well done!! Do you feel better on day 11? Have you any physical symptoms left? Thanks for replying. Knowing other people are doing the same is such a comfort x

      • #25463

        Hi Rach . Restless legs were my biggest nightmare so I called the doctors and asked to give me something to help me sleep .They literally gave me 5 sleeping tablets to help me get through the worst and they helped so much . After the first good night sleep I woke up feeling happy again ☺️ I know taking other meds isn’t ideal but after a few sleepless nights it was either that or going back to codeine . The first week is the worst I must admit but take one day at the time ,it gets easier xx good luck

    • #25465

      Hi Maggie, I was reading your previous posts and you’ve done so well. I hope I can say the same down the road. It just feels never ending at the moment. You want to feel ‘normal’ again but I know that feeling isn’t normal. The time is right for me. But god it’s hard. Thanks for the advice and well wishes. Xx

    • #25468

      When you first pick it up it will feel REALLY heavy and you will not believe you can bear the weight of it,Just remember that the weight of the blanket is distributed over a large area.I would not dare put it in the washing machine as I reckon it would put paid to the machine.I have put mine in a quilt cover in an efoort to keep it clean.

      Stay strong.

      • #25469

        Thank you DottyLotty. I’m going to invest in one! I’m determined to stay strong. It’s just hard at the moment. Trying to focus on the long term goal. My family deserve a better version of me! Thank you so much for your help 🙂

    • #25477

      RachBN I honestly feel like a new person, stood ironing at 19.45 with loads of energy, usually id be laid up on the settee waiting for bed time! You can do this, give it a few more days and it will get better. Xx

      • #25479

        Thank you! It is nice to hear it’s only a few more days of feeling like this. It’s day 5 today so hopefully nearly there. I’m delighted to hear you feel so well! xxx

        • #25480

          Hi Rach,

          well done, keep it up. I am day 32 now, Feel 100% myself again. Not even getting any cravings anymore.

          stay strong,

          • #25481

            Hi DODO,

            Thanks for the support. I hope I can get to day 32! That’s amazing. Well done!

            • #25482

              Well done everyone ???? Talking to people who have or are going through the same thing helps a lot .Stay strong and take one day at the time ☺️ I feel like I have lost 8 years of my life .I was time to wake up and fight for healthier future

              • #25484

                Thanks Maggie. Day 5 today and I think it’s a little better than yesterday? It kinda all moulds into the 1 day if that makes sense like you’re in a fog! Like you, I feel I’ve lost 6 years of my life to this. It’s the right time for me to fight this. Thanks for your support. It makes all the difference chatting with people who understand. My husband knows and is supportive but I don’t think he understands how horrible it feels. Anyway, thanks for listening x

              • #25488

                I completely understand how you’re feeling at the moment .And just like we said before ,it gets easier . I feel like a different person now ,I smile a lot more where before I was depressed all the time .I don’t even want to think how much money I’ve wasted on those pills over the years ..Music in my earphones has definitely helped me through the worst ,gave me happiness and energy especially in the mornings. Keep going as you’re doing great !

              • #25527

                Hi Maggie,

                On day 7 today and woke up this morning starting to feel human again as I got a nights sleep! Thank you again for all your support!

              • #25528

                Hi Rach . This is brilliant news ???? it’ll only get better now ,the worst is behind you .Well done ,you should be proud of yourself ????

              • #25529

                Thanks Maggie. You truly were a life saver on day 4 and 5. Things felt so desperate those days and only for here I think I’d have given up. What an amazing group of people on here x

              • #25531

                Hi Rach .You have no idea how much it means to hear that ,thank you . I can’t remember what day it was for me but I literally sat down and burst in tears .I didn’t thing I could get through another day like that so I do know how difficult it can get .

              • #25533

                That was day 4 for me Maggie. I sobbed on the floor in pure desperation. I simply didn’t think I could go any further. The support here makes you realise it is worth all the pain and it does end. It is only a temporary feeling. It feels never ending in the moment! I’m determined never to be in this position again! I’m so annoyed I’ve spent 6 years of my life on these tabs!

            • #25483

              Hi Rach,

              I am sure you can do it, Mind over Matter, just don’t give in to the temptation, things will get so much easier I promise.

              speak with Maggie she gives great advice and helped me through it.

              • #25485

                Thanks DODO. I think today is slightly better than yesterday so I’m hoping it only gets easier from here. Thank you 🙂

    • #25486

      Hi all, I’ve been reading through your thread and just wanted to congratulate you all . I realise every day is a battle for you guys and I admire you for your strength and determination ????

      My son is in early recovery from alcohol and cocaine addictions so I know how hard it is for you.

      Keep on doin what you’re doin!

      Stay strong ????

      Lx ❤

      • #25487

        Thanks Lindyloo. Best of luck to your son. He’s very lucky to have you ❤️

    • #25489

      Thanks Maggie. I read in one of your previous posts to listen to music and it’s been a life saver thank you. It definitely gives you a bit more energy. My energy is probably the worst thing today so I need it! Everything else has started to wane thankfully for the moment. Again, thank you for checking back into this forum to help other people. It’s so helpful to hear from someone who just ‘gets it’!

      • #37660

        This is my first post but have been reading all your experiences over and over and over for last month and trying to tell myself I can do this like all you have. I’ve been taking Codeine 30mg for  9 years, 8 tabs a day, so 240mg. I want to be free, I don’t want this drug to dictate every day and part of my life but my biggest worry is how I will function without it.

        I’ve just entered Day 2 of being codeine free and I feel awful. It’s Mother’s day tomorrow and I feel I’m the worst one in the world.

    • #25520

      Hi, i have been taking codein for 4 years now. I was taking around 120 pills a week of codein phosphate and solpadein once i ran out. Iv cut down to around 50 over the last couple months and i have now selected the day to quit cold turkey. Having booked 2 weeks off work to help with the first 2 weeks along with the support of my family i feel i am ready. After searching for a long time for help seeing this post this evening has put a smile on my face.! I am looking forward to having my life back and not having my whole life controlled by the drug. Its been a part of me for years now and i am sick of it. It wont be easy but thinking about the light at the end of the tunnell makes it worth it. I have a beautiful life with my future wife and 4 children so its time to say goodbye to this nasty addiction/habit as i like to call it.

      Well done to you and i hope your are doing well. Hope you get to read this.


      • #25525

        Hi Mac . Really happy to hear you’ll be joining in ☺️ That is the best decision you could make . It will be hard to start with but you will get through it .we are all here for you if you need to talk .When are you starting ? Good luck ???? Keep us updated

        • #25532

          Thankyou for your reply. I feel like stumbling across this forum last night was amazing and i was meant to find it especially as im about to start my new life drug free. I have chosen the 15th November as around that time there isn’t much going on so i can really conquer this in the comfort of my own home. Feeling grateful for your reply. I have bought a journal to write in each day how im feeling psychically and mentally plus getting together all my detox ingredients to help towards the healing of my body.

          I will keep you updated ????????

      • #25526

        Hi Mac,

        Well done you for deciding it’s time to give them up. They really do take over your life. I’m on day 7 today and I’ve woken up feeling so much better than the last few days. The first week is hard, just focus on the end goal and you’ll make it through! Chat on here those really hard days! This chat got me through day 4 and 5 when I was just so tired as everyone is so supportive. Anyway, best of luck 🙂

        • #25534

          Well done. So grateful finding this forum. Wish i found it sooner. Im really looking forward to it as sick as that sounds. I want to feel the discomfort and the withdrawals to show myself what i have been doing to my body. I dont know how i ended up here but 4 years down the line here i am. Embarking on a new life not controlled by codein. Thankyou for your reply, it’s hugely appreciated ????

          • #25535

            I’m the same. I can’t believe I ended up on these tabs for 6 years! What started out as me taking pain relief for back pain just spiralled out of control. You don’t see it happening. It starts off small and builds until you see no way out and keep taking more. But there seems to be a ‘lightbulb’ moment everyone gets and that determination gets you through! I wish you so much luck. Please let us know how you get on. I’m rooting for you 🙂

          • #25537

            Hello again ???? I have tried to contact me off them few times but it wasn’t the right time for me then . This time I also booked a week off work because I knew I wouldn’t be able to do anything .I was counting days pretty much like you are at the moment .Was looking forward to it .Make sure you drink and eat as it’s easy to get dehydrated .I am really happy to see so many people trying to quit and are successful .Good luck ???? I can see you’re determined and preparing well for it ????

            • #25542

              Hi Maggie, on day 8 but since I’ve woken up I’ve just been crying. I’m not sure why? Symptoms are definitely lessening. Maybe it’s the lack of sleep? I just feel really overwhelmed for some reason.

              • #25543

                Hi Rach . I think it absolutely normal ,your brain has to learn how to work on its own again and unfortunately psychological symptoms can last a lot longer than physical .I suffer anxiety and depression so my meds have probably made it a bit easier for me .Just hang in there and try to get through today .if you need to cry ,just cry – it helps sometimes to get it all out of your system .I still have days when I’m very low in mood but I know it’s only temporary .you can do this ????????????

              • #25544

                Hi Maggie, thanks for making me feel I’m not losing my mind! I must say today is the closest I’ve come to taking some tabs. You kinda convince yourself that you’ll just take 2 to take the edge off but sure that’s not how it works! Mind over matter now. I’ll keep going! Thank you Maggie ❤️

              • #25545

                Every time I feel like I could just take a couple and feel better I think of how difficult it’s been to get this far .Also ,I didn’t like the person those pills made me ,my life was making circles around that addiction . Could never go back to it .Stay strong

              • #25546

                Yeah I keep repeating 8 days you’ve done Rach! Don’t ruin all that now. Thanks Maggie, you truly are an angel x

              • #25556

                Hi Rach . I am just checking up on you ????Hope you’re feeling better today xx

        • #25707

          Hello rachbn

          Today is the 3rd day in and i feel surprisingly good. It was a hard first 2 days feeling ill and a really bad stomach and waking up with hot sweats and feeling sick but i feel a bit normal today. Sticking to my healthy eating is definitely seeing me through. Still feeling tired though and stomach is still cramping ect but taking each day as it comes..

          • #25708

            Hi Mac,

            That’s amazing! Healthy eating and plenty of water really does help. I think once you’ve decided it’s time to give these up, you find this strength from somewhere and you sound determined to do this. As you said, taking one day at a time is the best way. Each day is one closer to being free of that drug! I’m on day 17 and feeling really good. My sleeping is still a bit off but getting better daily also. I just feel happy to feel free for the first time in years! Wishing you all the best Mac and let us know how you’re doing ????

    • #25557

      Hi Maggie, thank you so much. Yes I feel a lot better today. Yesterday was tough, I’m so grateful to you for getting me through it. I feel more myself today as I had a better night sleep. I have a little more energy this morning too so that’s positive! On day 9 today and determined to keep going. The restless legs is still there but not as bad. Thanks for checking in. It makes all the difference. xx

      • #25560

        Hi, that’s good news ???? Just think how strong you are – you didn’t give up even though it was very hard ????

        • #25561

          Thanks Maggie. I’m hoping it can only get better from here. I’ll check back in tomorrow xx

    • #25563

      Hi everyone, I’ve been getting a few emails to say people are posting on this thread. I hope everyone’s ok and well done to everyone ????. Unfortunately for me I’ve relapsed ???? my gp stupidly prescribed me Zapains for pain due to me genuinely being in pain due to endometriosis flare up but it escalated quickly where I’ve been mixing zapains with nurofen plus so I’ve been taking like 100mg at one time, I’m so annoyed with myself but also really struggling mentally, my mum is near to end of life due to cancer so that’s causing my mental health huge issues at the moment and my OH isn’t being very supportive so i have nowhere to turn too so I thought I’d post here again, I’m not sure if I’m ready mentally just yet to go cold turkey again but i know I can’t carry on like this anymore I’ve become a really shit person and really unhappy one too, I’ve been on and off for years and a few years ago someone from the mental health team said it was down to PTSD and that i find something to help me cope when my MH is bad but I’ve just never found a replacement coping method, and the other problem i have is i am actually in pain and because my bodys been use to strong things nothing really works so then i have to suffer , i have called my health visitor and asked her to make me a referral to the mental health team though so i do feel like I’ve done the first step.

      • #25564

        Hello User . Firstly I am sorry to hear about your mum ,I lost mine due to cancer and I dont wish it on the worst enemy . If you’re in pain then it might be a good idea to ask your doctor for an alternative pain relief ? You are clearly not ready to come off it cold turkey ,so maybe tapering down would work for you ? I wish there was an easy way out but I’m afraid there isn’t one especially when you struggle mentally . If it wasn’t for my antidepressants ,I don’t think I could have done it myself . See what the mental health team can do or advise .Please don’t be too hard on yourself . When you’re ready you will come off these pills .I relapsed couple of times before but it just wasn’t my time and I wasn’t ready . Wishing you all the best . We are here for you if you need us xx

      • #25567

        Hi User95, I’m so sorry to hear about your mum. You’re having a really tough time at the moment so please don’t be hard on yourself. It sounds like cold turkey might not be the right thing for your mental health at the moment so perhaps start by cutting down how many your taking and gradually taper them off in a way your comfortable with. I know coming off these tabs takes so much energy and determination. You need to be ready to do it and believe me you’ll get there. The mental health team might have more suggestions to help you and it’s brave of you to take that first step. Be kind to yourself. If you ever need to talk, chat to us. The people on here are amazing. Maggie honestly saved me this last week as she’s so helpful so please don’t feel alone. Wishing you the very best xx

        • #25568

          Thank you Rach ???? Hearing this makes me really happy and fulfilled in a way .☺️ We can all do this !

          • #25576

            Hi Maggie, Day 10 and woke up feeling like me again if that makes sense. I feel 90% better and just so happy I’ve got this far! Everything I’ve said about you is true, you’re a special person to come back on here after your own journey to continue helping others. I truly appreciate it and I hope I can help people on here, like you have, in time. Thanks Maggie❤️

            • #25577

              Hi Rach . Thank you ???? I’m pleased to hear you feel yourself again ???? Now it can only get better and better ???? Well done ????

    • #25605

      Hi Steph, you’ve done amazing with tapering down. That takes so much self control! I think if you continue tapering the way you are, you shouldn’t get withdrawals to be honest. It’s hard when no one knows about what your going through but I get it’s hard to tell people. Anytime you want to chat, talk to us. We’ll help you along xx

    • #25606

      Hi, brilliant to read everybody’s strength. Day 1 here after a long taper. Family have to come first so sorting myself out. Thanks for previous messages.

    • #25620

      Hello everyone! I’ve been reading through all your messages and it’s given me some motivation, just what I needed today. Ive been a slave to codeine for 5 or 6 years. Every time I told myself I would come off them I would always start tomorrow and tomorrow never came. For most of the time I stuck to the prescribed amount until the last year where I was taking 24 per day. I was never strong enough to come off them, I’d always choose them until a couple of weeks ago when I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child (not planned). I feel like this baby was sent to save me. I would of never of had the strength to start day 1 if it wasn’t for this little growing baby of mine. I’m currently on day 5 and I feel awful. Restless legs, headache, body aches, feeling sick and no energy at all. The first 3 days I spent on the sofa. On the 4th day I managed to walk to my mums and lay on her sofa. Today which is day 5 I’ve managed to watch my kids at swimming and do a bit of cleaning, also managed to do my hair ???? I’ve noticed the days get slightly better after day 3. The restless legs are the worst, csnt wait till they go!! Anyone who’s been pregnant on here will know how bloody hard your first trimester is so I feel like ive been hit with both sides of the stick, i don’t know what’s withdrawal n what’s pregnancy. Anyway your posts gave me that bit of get up and go today so thank you all. I wish I could just sleep for the next month and wake up feeling myself but were got to go through it dont we. X

      • #25621

        Hello Betterlife . Congratulations on your pregnancy ???????? unfortunately I never had the privilege of becoming a mother so don’t know what it’s like . Restless legs were the worst for me too and lasted about a week I think .Once you have a good night sleep you will feel a lot better . Good luck and stay strong for the little one ☺️

      • #25622

        Hey Betterlife, well done for getting to day 5! Congratulations on baby number 3. It’s tough having withdrawal and first trimester symptoms combined! I know that feeling of wishing you could just wake up a month down the road and feel normal again. I’m on day 13 myself and the last few days have been so much easier. Once I past day 8, I felt a lot better and am feeling more myself daily. Your not far off that! As for the restless legs, they’re awful. My worst symptom without a doubt. Again, after day 8 they eased also. I did find a hot water bottle on the backs of my legs helped a little. I also made sure my legs were touching something so I could stretch my legs against it and it eased them for awhile! A proper night sleep will really help! Anyway, chat away if you ever need to. People on here are so supportive x

    • #25624

      Hi Better life and Rach, well done! Keep going! Thanks for posting your experiences, day 2 here and hanging but keeping occupied. I tapered from 600 to 60mg before quitting so I’m hoping I can go to work tomorrow. It will be the first day I’ve been outside without a pill strip in my handbag for 6 years! Love and hugs and positive vibes to everyone on this journey.

      • #25626

        Hi Steph, Well done! It’s hard going but so worth it. I know what you mean about leaving the house without those tablets in your bag. I was taking them 6 years also and it’s liberating to be honest not to have to think about it the last couple of weeks. Hopefully since you tapered down so much the withdrawal symptoms won’t be as bad. I’m on day 14 here cold turkey and I honestly feel so much better! Hope work goes ok tomorrow for you! Best of luck with everything. We’ve got this! xxxx

        • #25647

          Seems we’ve been taken the same amount for roughly the same amount of time. Let’s hope my body’s been as kind to me as yours has to you. ❤


          • #25648

            I’ll keep my fingers crossed. ❤️

    • #25628

      Hello Betterlife . It’s normal you are feeling this way ,we have all had that one day where we thought we could not carry on .It will get easier ,I promise xx Just hang in there a bit longer and you will start feeling yourself again .

    • #25632

      Yeah Betterlife, I was taking codeine with paracetamol and codeine with ibuprofen the whole 6 years so try not to worry. Easier said than done I know! I’m glad your feeling a bit better. It’s important to take one day at a time and celebrate each victory I think. Another day codeine free! Life is so hard and it’s difficult to keep going when things are feeling never ending but we will get there and ultimately, emerge stronger I’m sure x

    • #25639

      Hey Linds, this forum is just so inspiring! When you hear other peoples stories you just feel you can do it too and you can! I truly think once you get to that point where you just don’t want to live that life anymore you gain a strength from somewhere and get through it. I tried to give up in the past but I simply didn’t really want to. I liked the feeling those tablets gave me. However, this time I’d had enough of that life and I was ready. It really helped to keep going on the hard days knowing that life wasn’t for me anymore. Best of luck with it x

    • #25640

      You can do it linds.

      I’m on day 7 now and I’ve not had a good night but pain is part of recovery. I know at some point soon I will feel better, we all just have to keep going.

    • #25642

      Anyone else lose weight in withdrawal?

    • #25643

      I have been following your posts and I have nothing but admiration for .

      • #25665

        Hello Dotty ????

      • #25666

        Hi Dotty ???? How have you been ? Hope you’re doing alright ☺️

    • #25644

      I was so anxious Betterlife. To make matters worse, I work in a hospital laboratory so my colleagues were testing my bloods. I was convinced I was about to get caught out hence why I stopped taking tablets. I felt so blessed that my body was still ok and I wasn’t about to lose my job I knew it was time to stop for the sake of my family. It was just the wake up call I needed. I couldn’t live that life anymore. Everyone on here that gave them up has gone on to just feel amazing in themselves. No irreversible damage as you said. You’re going to be ok❤️

    • #25645

      I too work in a hospital. I’ve no idea how they’ve not caught on yet but you hide things well being an addict don’t you. Were you taking over the amount of paracetamol for a substantial amount of time like me? I read your liver only needs 2 weeks to fix harmful damage. I honestly won’t ever touch the stuff again, it’s robbed me of 5 years and i won’t let it Rob me of any more time.

    • #25646

      Yep same! First year stuck to it and then it spiralled. Seems we have been taking the same amount for roughly the same time. Let’s hope my body has been kind to me like yours has too you.

      Posative mental attitude… is what I keep telling myself today. Good bye co codomol and hello the rest or my life ❤

    • #25652

      I don’t know why but recently about 3-4 of my comments on here have been removed ???? The best of luck to you all

      • #25658

        Same here Maggie. Not sure why either as they’re no different to previous messages. Thanks again Maggie. I’m genuinely so grateful for your support as I know I would never have made it through that first week without you! Day 15 today and I’m feeling good. Still got bit of insomnia but hoping that goes soon too❤️

        • #25660

          Hi Rach .I had a look at the forum guidelines and it says it’s for people who are affected by someone else’s addiction . I didn’t know that ..that’s probably why they keep getting deleted ..I am so glad you have made it this far xx There is no way back now ,we did it ????

          • #25662

            Hi Maggie welcome to the forum. Don’t be put off for support here, as there are many people in recovery offering advice and support.

            My son has alcohol and cocaine addictions and I’ve had some good advice from them.

            Good luck and stay strong


            • #25678

              Thankyou. I should have looked for help a lot sooner. Good luck to you too x

          • #25663

            Oh I didn’t know that either! That explains the messages being deleted so. Yes we did it. I’m just so happy to be rid of them ❤️

            • #25664

              You guys won’t leave me will you. Your the only people that know what’s going on and the only people in the whole world I can talk too. My recovery seems to have taken a back step today. Ive felt sick to my stomach all day, diarrhoea and disabling anexity. Just as I thought I had turned a corner

              • #25667

                I’m going nowhere Betterlife. I’m here anytime you need to talk. That happened to me, I thought I was starting to get better around day 7 and then I just started crying on day 8. I was so anxious and overwhelmed. To be honest, my stomach wasn’t right until around day 10, I think the anxiety contributes to that though. So please don’t get disheartened. You’re just around the corner from feeling so much better I promise x

              • #25676

                I’m not going anywhere either ???? Just can’t guarantee my posts won’t get deleted ???? .you can do this ! Please stay strong and keep thinking a better future you are fighting for at the moment . It’ll get easier very soon I promise .sending virtual hugs your way

              • #25687

                Hey Betterlife, how are you feeling today? Hope things are a bit better x

    • #25655

      Can any of you guys help? I put a post up but I don’t think anyone’s seen it yet? Is it normal to deny that you’ve taken stuff even though it’s blatantly obvious to your partner? And what motivated you to want to stop. I don’t know what to do as I feel i’ve tried everything x

      • #25659

        Hey Sleeping Beauty, I can’t see another message belong to you so maybe it was deleted? It appears a lot do deny their addiction as to be honest they’re probably lying to themselves as much as anyone else. I know I was. Ultimately, I had to want to stop myself. I had got to the point where I knew if I kept going the way I was, I was risking my health and my job. Also, the addiction wasn’t fulfilling its purpose anymore. I hated the way I felt on them in the end. I wanted to feel me again. It’s a hard road. The first week of withdrawal is tough going and if you don’t really want to do it, you can lack the motivation necessary to keep going. X

        • #25679

          Thanks for the reply. I hope that she is as strong as you and can find her way out of this. She denies it so vehemently that I end up doubting myself but I know what I’m seeing. Well done to you and be proud of yourself x

          • #25681

            We become so good at lying to ourselves that we don’t really realise we’re lying to others so please don’t get disheartened by her denying things. I was totally able to justify every pill I took. I’m not sure how long she’s being doing this but I really didn’t know I had a problem until years into this as crazy as that sounds! Then, once I did realise, I tried to give up numerous times and just never lasted past the first couple of days as the withdrawal effects are tough. Hence, you really need to want to do it as it’s the only thing that can motivate you to keep going. The only advice I can give you is keep being there for her. I’m not sure how you’re approaching the subject with her but I know any form of confrontation on the matter and I got so defensive! The best way really is to tell her you are there for her when she’s ready to do something about this in a non judgmental understanding way. The hope being she’ll feel safe enough to talk to you about it eventually because I will say without my husband ( only real person who knew about this) and the people on here I would never have got to this point. She’s going to need you at some point I promise x

            • #25683

              Thankyou so much RachBN – this has helped a lot. Her son is an addict and her whole family is dysfunctional so I understand why she feels the need. I told her this morning that I will help in any way I can when she wants to stop taking it but I have to walk away each time I see her floating because I have to protect my mental health. Hopefully she’ll realise what she’s doing to herself. x

              • #25686

                That’s an amazing first step. She’ll realise at some stage and when she does she’s very lucky to have you support her through it. You’re right to protect your own mental health throughout it all. It’s tough watching someone you love do this. Best of luck Sleeping Beauty x

      • #25661

        Hi sleeping beauty . Sorry but haven’t seen your previous message. Just as Rach said , you really need to find that time when you’re ready to get your life back .I tried before but only lasted two months and went back to the pills . Have lied to myself and everyone around me about how big my problem was . I hope you can join us soon and feel yourself again.

        • #25677

          Hi and thanks for the reply. It’s a confusing forum lol I can’t find my original post. It’s my partner who’s addicted. I guess it’s just a waiting game until she realises what she’s doing. Not sure how much more I can take of the lies if I’m honest.

    • #25684

      Hi Sleeping Beauty, is she interested in any support groups, online or face to face? I don’t want to sound negative but until she’s ready she’s not going to quit. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you / family any less, she doesn’t see reality properly until she wants off/reality wakes her up.

      You are 100% right in protecting your own mental health. I wish you the best of luck. Steph.xx

      • #25685

        Hi StephTom, I don’t think that support group would be her thing, when she’s ready I think she will prefer to go it alone or at least with just my support. She has come off cocodamol before, many years ago, and wanted to do it her way but things with her family have overwhelmed her and she started up again and then some. We had words this morning and I think I saw a chink of light so fingers crossed.

        Thanks for caring enough to reply x

    • #25688

      Sleeping beauty I really hope your partner gets better soon, like the others have said it will only happen when she truly wants it. It took me 5 years.

      Thanks rach / Maggie for being there for me. I’m in bed still. No energy, diarrhoea even thought I’ve not been able to eat and feeling sick. Can’t wait to feel like I have some energy again.

      I just wana wake up and feel like my old self

    • #25689

      Sleeping beauty I really hope your partner gets better soon, like the others have said it will only happen when she truly wants it. It took me 5 years.

      Thanks rach / Maggie for being there for me. I’m in bed still. No energy, diarrhoea even thought I’ve not been able to eat and feeling sick. Can’t wait to feel like I have some energy again.

      I just wana wake up and feel like my old self

      • #25690

        I totally get wanting to wake up and feel like you again. After a week, you’re just ready for it all to be over. You are about to turn that corner and things will get easier. The lack of energy is hard and the fact you’re in your first trimester also makes it even worse on you. I kept telling myself it’s a couple weeks feeling awful for the rest of my life off these stupid pills! X

    • #25692

      I really can’t wait to turn that corner. Today is slightly better than yesterday. After this morning the sickness got a little better. Also listened to some music with gave me a little energy which was bloody lovley! Not much mind but I had enough to sing along to all the songs! Which is good as I’ve not been able to talk much due to the sickness ???? I’ve just been and had my bloods done (pray for me) now I’m waiting for the kids to come out of school, first time I’ve had enough energy to pick them up. I’ve also managed to drink a slimfast shake and eat half a protein yogurt which is more than I’ve had in a day in the last few days. The music improved my anexity and depression too.

      What day did you start to feel a lot better rach / Maggie.

      Thanks again for always being there for me through this. It means the world to me and i always look forward to your replies, keeps me going.

      • #25693

        Hello Betterlife . Always happy to help xx I’m glad you feel a bit better today . Music in my earphones was my saviour to be honest .I started cold turkey on Friday and I think on Wednesday/ Thursday after having a good night sleep I woke up feeling euphoric .it was ever so strange because the physical withdrawals were still there .I couldn’t remember the last time I felt this happy .I had a few low in mood days after that but they were nothing compare to miserable 8 years I had .I was given some sleeping tablets and all I needed was that one good night . You’re very close to feeling well and happy ,I promise xx

      • #25694

        Hey Betterlife, I thought I’d turned a corner on day 7, i’d slept better than I had been on the previous night and felt I had a bit more energy. On day 8, I bawled crying the whole day. I was so overwhelmed and done not feeling ‘normal’. Maggie reminded me to keep going it was going to get better. The next day, I felt so much better and I’ve only got better each day since. I’m on day 16 today and I feel the best I have in years!

        On Maggies advice, I listened to music pretty much all day. I focused on the words, singing along and it really got me through the tougher days. I promise you are so close to feeling better. And you’ll be elated you made it through x

    • #25711

      Well done for getting to day 3 mac! Amazing!! Im on day 9 and slowing feeling better.

      Insomnia is taking the absolute mic now, I just want to sleep! Tummy problems are improving very slightly, still feel sick and no energy but I managed to eat more yesterday and going to try and do the same today.

      I feel my worst in the night and morning. Im not leaving my bed till 11am due to sickness and anxiety, thank god for my mum taking the kids to school in a morning.

      I’m having my ups and downs. Trying to think posative then I somewhere go back to the dark side.

      I’m proud of me and us all though and this journey will only make us stronger.

      • #25713

        Hey Betterlife, day 9 is fantastic! Well done! It’s not an easy journey but You’re definitely through the worst now. The morning and nights are tough. It does get better shortly I promise. Also since you’re in the first trimester, you’re probably feeling a bit off from that too.

        Oh the insomnia is headwrecking! All you want to do is sleep and wake up feeling ok! I’m on day 17 and, although I still have trouble getting to sleep and seem to wake at 5.30am now, I can get 6/7 hours sleep so I can’t complain!

        I’m so proud of us all that we’ve managed to do this. ❤️

    • #25720

      Hi gang, it’s so good to hear your strength! Well done everyone, as hard as it is it’s worth the fight. I keep getting posts removed so sorry it looks like I’m not posting! Day 5 here, it’s getting a bit easier daily but I’ve got to remind myself that there will be harder days now and then as we all get them chucked in.

      Anybody that’s struggling to leave the bathroom plz keep drinking water, it’s far easier with water inside you. Take care folks, we can do this!

      • #25722

        Hey Steph, Well done! There is definitely ups and downs on this journey. I think it just gets overwhelming as the days go on and it feels never ending. But things do get easier daily. Really glad you’re doing well. Xx

    • #25721

      6 to 7 hours ???? can’t wait for that day to come for me. Before stopping the codeine ( I Don even like saying the word anymore) I was sleeping 9 hours a night and not im sleeping about 3 hours in small intervals during the night. It’s hard being awake all that time alone with your thoughts isn’t it.

      Today I managed to take some Xmas stuff down to my mums and pick the kids up from school again. Ive again managed to eat more, I was actually hungry too!! That was a nice feeling that I’d not felt in 9 days.

      • #25723

        Oh being awake on your own by night is awful. I was so angry at myself for getting myself into this position. The reality is codeine lures you in and before you know it, you’re in trouble and it’s hard to get out of it. But we’re doing it! I genuinely believe talking with people who understand helps massively.

        Glad you managed to eat a bit more. That’s a positive sign. I find I’m hungry in the mornings now when I wake. I never ate breakfast before this,I just popped some pills and was all set for the day. When I think what I’ve put my body through!

        I’m glad to have ye all to chat to x

        • #25752

          Hello ???? how is everyone doing ? I hope you all feel better now xx I went to London for a girls day out and you have no idea what a lovely feeling it was passing by all those chemists and not trying to stock up on pills . I realize how bad it sounds though ???? .I hope you’re all having a nice weekend ☺️

          • #25754

            Hey Maggie, Oh I love London! Glad you had a lovely weekend. I know that feeling of stockpiling! Think we’ve all been there!

            I’m feeling great thank you for checking in. It’s 3 weeks for me today. I can’t believe I’ve gotten here. On week 1, I never thought this day would come! I feel free for the first time in years! I can honestly say I don’t even crave them. I never again want to be doing this again!

            Thank you Maggie for being there. The reassurance from you got me through my hardest day. ❤️

            • #25771

              Hello ☺️ Im so glad to hear you’re doing better ladies xx Now , do you remember how hard it was in the first week ? You did this and should be mega proud of yourselves ???? I have actually opened up to one of my friends and told her about my addiction . Her reaction was nothing I expected tbh. She thinks people like us shouldn’t be ashamed and should speak out and raise awareness .My councillor told me the same . I don’t think I’d be able to tell the world about it but I start to believe there’s nothing to be ashamed of .we didn’t start those pills for a laugh ,we all needed them to start with ???? I do hope at some point you will find the strength to share your journey with someone close to you as it really feels amazing ???? All the best guys ,keep going ????

              • #25778

                Thanks for the continued support Maggie. It is crazy we feel ashamed about all this. There is a sense of people bring it on themselves but, in reality, It creeps up on you and before you know it, you’re in too deep to simply stop. You do wonder if GPs were more helpful when told you’ve a problem with meds, would more people get off them? There are so many medications that help with withdrawal symptoms and make it more bearable but must doctors don’t seem to know much about it. The advice is taper off but for most people they haven’t the strength to stick to that. I certainly didn’t!

                I’m so glad your friend was so supportive. It’s good to know who your true friends are. I haven’t told any friends yet but my husband is amazing. So understanding and has been incredible to me the last 3 weeks. I feel very grateful to have him.

                And yes, we all should be so proud of ourselves for breaking the cycle ❤️

              • #25787

                Hi RachBN

                I hope you don’t mind me asking, but was there any point at which your husband felt like walking away. I feel like I’m letting my partner down because I don’t think I can watch her destroy herself and listen to her lies and denials for much longer. I sit beside a zombie every evening and it’s wearing me down.

              • #25788

                Hi sleeping beauty . It is very difficult to watch your partner poison themselves. My partner was an alcoholic, I cried and begged him to stop for months and months . In the end I gave him an ultimatum, it’s me or the alcohol.he went to rehab and is now 5 years clean .I know it’s not the same ,but understand how you feel . He was very supportive about my addiction but he didn’t know how many I was taking every day .just like your wife I lied to him and myself for a long long time . I told him the truth in the first week of my cold turkey. I really don’t know what to suggest in this situation ..if she’s not ready she won’t stop but she needs to be aware of what it’s doing to your relationship and your feelings .

              • #25789

                Thanks for the reply Maggie. She’s been addicted to 500/30 cocodamol for around 7 seven years, maybe more, but just lately something has been added because she’s barely functioning. Her family are so dysfunctional that I’m not able to get any help there.

                I can cope with the problems they throw up but this is just too much. I have my own place and i stay at hers a few nights a week for reasons I won’t go into but every evening I sit with someone who isn’t able to even hold a conversation.

                I’ve told her best friend and showed her photos and videos i’ve taken and she was really shocked because she didn’t realise it was so bad. I’m thinking of the get help or I’m gone route because talking to her and telling her how I feel and everything else I can think of just hasn’t worked.

              • #25790

                Hi Sleeping Beauty, believe me you are not letting her down. It’s tough to watch the person you love do this to themselves. My mother was an alcoholic and I felt like walking away many a time! There is only so much you can cope with.

                My husband always knew I took them as it started with a serious back injury. Before I knew it, I was taking more than recommended and couldn’t stop. That part he didn’t know for awhile. However, he has known for the last few years and tried his best to help me. The only thing he asked of me was to be honest about how many I was taking which I was from then on. For the last couple of years, I was taking codeine to feel ‘normal’, I wasn’t getting any euphoric feeling really anymore. Have you any idea how many she’s taking to get into that zombie state every evening?

                As for my husband, we’ve been together since we were 17 and married for 10 years. I’m 39 now. We’ve 2 kids and I suppose it wasn’t easy to simply walk away. I’m absolutely certain though he struggled with it all at times. The thing with addiction is it’s all consuming. From the moment you wake, you’re thinking about pills. It can lead you to be irritable and frustrated with yourself and the person closest to you bares the brunt of it.

                You mentioned she has family issues which she struggles with. That’s a huge trigger and realistically she needs a coping mechanism for that or she’ll continue to use even if you get her to stop for awhile. Codeine dulls your feelings and it’s an escape from it all.

                If you could get her to go to GP and maybe talk through how she’s struggling emotionally and come up with a plan for that first? I know she probably won’t though if she’s in that much denial still.

                Finally, if she’s in too deep to go cold turkey there are many replacement therapies to substitute opioids that will prevent the withdrawal effects. This gives a person time to deal with their emotional need for the drug before eventually weaning off the replacement therapy in a controlled way. She wouldn’t be like a zombie or get any high feeling from replacement therapy but it sits in your opioid receptor so withdrawal doesn’t happen.

                Sorry for the long reply. I’m not really sure what you can do until she’s ready but these are options for you to try and talk to her about when she lets you. Please don’t be hard on yourself and mind your own mental health. x

              • #25791

                No, thankyou for the long reply.

                I know she takes (at least) 4 x2 doses of cocodamol but I suspect that she is either supplementing that with over the counter Neurofen which I believe has 12.5mg of codeine, I don’t know how many but I know in the past she has taken 32 in a day but I believe she is getting diazepam from somewhere and it’s this which is knocking her out.

                I can cope and support her with all the family problems but seeing her slowly kill herself is just too much. I know though, if I walk away she’ll totally collapse as a person because I’m her only real support.

                She has tried the doctor but they’ve just referred her to well woman clinic which hasn’t even got back to her. She came off cocodamol years ago but wouldn’t go to the doctor because then he wouldn’t prescribe them for her if she needed them so she was never prepared to close the door completely back then and certainly wouldn’t need.

                She’s a lot younger than me, I’m 63 and she’s 49. I don’t know how many good years I have left and selfishly I don’t want to live my last years crying every day and dealing with this. I feel like I’m running out of time to live and can’t wait for her to come to her senses.

                It’s all so so hard.

              • #25794

                My heart actually breaks reading this. We are just so unaware of the pain we cause to loved ones while we are in the midst of it all. However, you are not selfish to want to live your life!

                I’m sorry the GP wasn’t more helpful. Yes it’s the diazepam is what’s making her zombie like especially if she’s combining it with her codeine pills. They both have a sedation property which will conk her out.

                I think you have to be honest and put it to her that if she wants to tell the truth and get help you’ll support her all the way but you can’t stay and watch her destroy her life and ultimately yours too. You deserve to be happy so please don’t feel guilty for this. The fear of you leaving might just give her the motivation she needs. Just remember she has to want to do it herself or she won’t be able to get through it.

                You really have tried everything but the ultimatum. Addiction is so hard and it really impacts on everyone around the person. I really hope you can get through to her. And please, anytime you need to vent or have a question, message me. You need support too.

    • #25755

      Evening guys.

      Maggie glad you had an amazing time, I love London too. I’ve only been a few times for work but I’d love to go socially. I bet thay felt amazing not having to think about where to get tablets from, we’re free!!! It’s day 13 here for me and I’ve not had any cravings, I think that’s because I was just so done with the things! I’m still not feeling 100% but I have to put some of it down to pregnancy. Anexity and depression isn’t great but it’s not the worst its ever been. Tomorrow I’m challenging myself to get out of the house at least once a day. I cant hide here forever, there’s a life to be lived!

      Rach 3 weeks! Wow that’s amazing! We’re chuffing warriors arnt we! How long did it take for your bloods to come back? Had mine done Tuesday and not heard anything. I’m carrying that worry around with me which I think is fueling my anexity and depression.

      • #25756

        Hey Betterlife, day 13! That is amazing. Well done. It’s a hard road but we’re doing it! I actually think it was only around day 16/17 I started to feel really myself and as you said, pregnancy is contributing also which makes it so much harder! Like you, I think my lack of cravings stem from I was so done with it all! Leaving the house does help. It keeps your mind busy!

        As I worked in the lab, I had my results pretty much straight away but from experience it takes upto a week. And in general, if they’re is anything serious shows up, we contact the GP so I think it’s a good sign you’ve heard nothing. I totally get the anxiety about it but you’re going to be ok! ❤️

        • #25757

          Hello, I recently joined here as I am fighting my addiction to codeine and tramadol. I am on day 14 and still not sleeping well but I have hope. Unfortunately my anxiety has been flaring up a lot since withdrawing but I am telling myself that is due to withdrawal. Xx

          • #25759

            Hi! Well done on getting to day 14! It’s a tough few weeks.

            I’m 3 weeks in and my sleep is still probably the only thing affected at all. But it’s gotten easier to drift off last few days. And I’m sleeping 6/7 hours, I just wake earlier. I feel refreshed though in the mornings now!

            Anxiety definitely seems to be an issue for awhile with withdrawal. Your brain is trying to cope again but it will get there. Mine has eased massively now. So glad you’ve done this for yourself. Be proud. xx

    • #25766

      Hi guys!

      I’m not from Britain, but found your posts while searching for codein withdrawal symptoms. I read all the posts and got quite a lot strenght to start my journey towards better codein free life. I’ve been addicted 7 years and can’t tell anybody close to me about this. I’ve been together with my husband for 7,5 years and can’t bare to tell him that i’ve been myself only six months and rest of the time an addict. I took my last pills yesterday and we can’t by codein over the counter here, so it surely helps. I love London and been there at least ten times, last three times I’ve been also doing pharmacy shopping and refilled my stock with Nurofen Plus. Thank you for the strenght you’ve given me to cope with the next few weeks. Looking forward finding my true self and joy towarsds life. I’m sorry for any spelling errors, English is not my native language. And good luck to all of you, I hope I can get as far as you guys. XX

      • #25767

        Hi Terry,

        I’m so glad you’ve found our chats helpful. It really gives so much hope and strength to go for it yourself hearing other people talk about their journey. I’m certain you can do this, take one day at a time and focus on the end goal, freedom! The freedom you get from not needing them anymore is liberating. The not having to worry do you have enough pills, where can you get them is draining.

        I’m 3 weeks in now and I feel amazing. The first week was hard but you find the strength when you’ve had enough of pills controlling your life.

        Best of luck with it Terry and please come back to chat and support if you need it. It’s not easy doing it alone. I’m always happy to chat. People on this forum got me through the tough days ❤️

    • #25769

      Hi Terry.

      Keep going, it will be the best thing you’ll ever do. It’s hard (it’s still hard for me at the minute) but it’s so worth it!

      Pianoislife it’s day 14 for me today too. Same as you I’m not sleeping great but a lot better than previous days. I think I get about 6 or 7 hours now.

      It’s a week tomorrow since my bloods rach. I dont think my Dr calls if there all fine, I think they just put a note on them so possibly there all fine but do I dare call the drs to find out? Absolutely not ????

      • #25770

        Hey Betterlife, yeah most GPs don’t ring if results are clear. I think they must be fine at this stage but I get the being afraid to find out though. Glad to hear the sleep is at least improving. It helps so much to even get 6/7 hours especially being pregnant. Let me know if you hear anything back about your bloods. I’ve my fingers crossed all is good for you x

      • #25785

        Thank you so much Rach and Betterlife for your messages. I’m now in day 2. Yesterday was okay, worst symptoms are excessive sweating from my chest during night (have you had that?) and runny nose. I took some pseudoephedrine for the nose, which helped.

        Gravings are also present all the time. I’m a pharmacist and it doesn’t help that you are around the pills all the time.

        I never took more than 8 tablets (30mg/500mg paracetamol) per day, but I’m also nervous about blood work. I was thinking that after a month of not taking any pills I could check the blood works.

        Good luck to all of you! And Betterlife, I’m sute your blood results are okay. They should have called by now if something was wrong. But call them anyways so you get the results and you have less to stress about.

        • #25786

          Hey Terry, that must be hard to be around pills all the time. That takes some self control and strength so well done!

          The excessive sweating I had in general for the first week and then it went away. I was having a couple of baths a day to help with the aches and to stop feeling so clammy all the time.

          Best of luck Terry. We can only go one day at a time but we’re all getting there! x

        • #25849

          Hi Terry, just checking in to see how you’re feeling? X

          • #25975

            Hi Rach!

            Thank you for asking! This is day 11, it’s been hard. Sweating, runny nose, sneezing and sore throat and lack of motivation. Today I woke up with a bit more energy, so hopefully things start to go better now. Gravings are the worst, and seeing the medicines constantly in my work is awful. But hopefully soon I don’t give a thought to them at all.

            • #25977

              Hi Terry

              You sound similar to me. Streaming nose, sore throat and sneezing over and over. Not a good night couldn’t sleep. I’m day 5

            • #25978

              Hi Terry,

              Day 11! That’s amazing! You’re definitely over the worst now. It gets better gradually each day from here. I’m 4 weeks in now and honestly don’t give pills a second thought anymore since the first fortnight but being around them all day is tough Terry. You are so strong to resist that temptation. I hope you’re proud of yourself! X

    • #25772

      Hey Maggie that’s amazing that you’ve been able to open up and share with your friend. I have have thoughts about the same thing but I don’t think I have a friend that I’m confident won’t tell anyone else and I really don’t want to be spoken about. I wish I did have that kind of friend.

      Your friend is so right in the fact that we should be raising awareness. We all took these pills for genuine reasons and it’s spiralled. It really can happen to absolutely anyone which is scary. I really feel like codeine in any strength should be prescribed and not avaliable over the counter. What do you guys think?

      Rach I feel so annoyed with myself as most of my anexity and depression is due to not knowing if my bloods are OK but at the same time I’m scared to death to actually call them. My husband had some bloods done last month with the dr and the dr had his results the next day so I’m sure mine will be back, I’m such chicken shit!! I’ve I’ve myself I have to call on Thursday no matter what, I have to face the music.

      • #25773

        Hello Betterlife . I agree with you , these should not be available without prescription and when prescribed it should only be short term . I was getting them for headaches after a push bike accident ,no questions asked ,224 pills a month ???? . I got to the point where I don’t really care as much as I used to about what people will say or think about me…

        You need to stop worrying about those blood tests xx if something was wrong they would have called you by now . Can you check your results on the NHS app / doctor’s surgery website ? Unless the doctors request a drug test I don’t think it would show anything in your bloods ( I get mine twice a year and never had anything wrong) .stay positive lovely ,I’m sure it’s all fine xx

      • #25776

        I 100% agree with you Betterlife. They should be prescription only! They ruin lives and it’s well known by medics people can fall into a codeine trap so easily!

        Honestly, try working up to just calling and getting them! I genuinely think they’re ok. And then you can focus on you and baby with less stress and anxiety. I get the fear though but try and remain positive. ❤️

    • #25774

      My Dr gave me them for 6 months no questions asked then stopped. I then got them online, my mums prescription which like yours just went on and on for years and OTC. I wish they would review medication a lot more frequently than half a year.

      I know I’m obsessing over these bloods but I know what I’ve put my body through and it really scares me, did you tablets contain paracetamol Maggie xx

      • #25777

        Hi. Yes they did , my prescription would finish in a week or two and then I would be buying Nurofen plus and solpadeine max and take them at the same time . I took so many it scares me thinking about it . I’m sure your bloods are fine xx

    • #25792

      Sleeping beauty your are not selfish one bit so please please don’t ever think that. This is your life too! We all get one life and we have to put ourselves first. So many people spend their whole life putting people before them self’s and its got to stop. Your no 1 I your life and you have to do what’s right for you.

      Your partner has to want this and unfortunately if she’s not ready then it won’t Happen. That’s the hard truth. I would have a chat with her, tell her how you feel and your thoughts. Let her know you can’t go on like this and she want her response is.

      I really feel for you! It’s a very difficult and sad situation to be in ❤

      • #25793

        Thankyou. I’ll give it another go when I see a glimmer of the person I know.

        Thank you all for your help and support x

    • #25798

      Hi Ruby,

      It’s amazing that you’ve managed to cut down to just one tablet. You’ve done so much hard work already. I would cut that one tablet out, you will feel crap for a week but your so close already that I would just go for it. Maybe pick a time where you don’t have much on and go for it. You can do it.

      My tips would be drink loads and loads of water, have a hot water bottle for the restless legs, take vitamins and keep coming on here as talking helps loads. Theses guys have got me through it

    • #25799

      Thanks so much Betterlife

      I was thinking the same just cut it out

      It’s quite scary!

      Will definitely up the water intake

      Thank you for replying

    • #25800

      I shall hold that thought. My quality of life is rubbish so I’m determined to do this ????????

    • #25801

      Thank you so much RachBN

      I’m going to take your advice. And cut it out completely from Thursday. I did think I was dragging it out so nice to have confirmation. I will try the salt baths. Been lucky not to have the restless legs. I haven’t told my partner as tbh I’m embarrassed and been hiding it. So glad to find this chat Thanks for your support x

      • #25802

        You can do this! Once you decide that you really want to stop, you find the strength to keep going even when it’s the harder days. You are obviously very determined to have cut down by that much already.

        If you don’t want to tell your partner, I understand. It’s hard if the person has no idea at all what’s been going on but don’t be embarrassed. We find ourselves stuck in a cycle that’s so hard to get out of. Codeine lures you in and it can happen to anyone. Think of it more how strong you are to now overcome it despite how tough it is! We’re all here for support so chat anytime you need to x

        • #25803

          It sure is a cycle I’ve been stuck in for 30 years!

          Thank you for your encouragement and support x

    • #25805

      Hi Terry

      Thanks for the tips. Yes I use a Triptan. And I’ve started aimovig injections.

      I’m going to walk around with my migraine hat on hopefully that will help!

    • #25807

      Hi overlt123,

      Good luck on your journey, you’ve done it once and you can do it again. Amazing that you’ve managed managed get out. I’m on day 16 and it’s only been the last few days where I’ve been able to get up in a morning. Were all here to support you.

      Rach it’s day 8 with still no results, the anexity it’s blowing my mind ????

      • #25809

        Hi Betterlife,

        They must be ok honestly. Work up the courage and try and ring for them. It’s the last piece of your journey to know you’re ok. The anxiety will ease once you know everything is fine. I know it’s hard. We put our bodies through hell but someone would have contacted you if anything showed up. You can move on with your journey once this is sorted ❤️

        • #25810

          I’m going in today around half 12 to ask for the results. I cant let this go on another day longer. Wish me luck!

          • #25812

            Good luck! Sending you all the positive vibes and keeping my fingers crossed all is good! Let us know, I’ll be thinking of you x

            • #25814

              All clear!!!! Im shaking, I can’t quite believe it. There all fine! I can finally fully move on from the hell of the last 6 years. I’m so overwhelmed.

              • #25815

                Hi Betterlife . That’s great news but I knew you had nothing to worry about ???? Now you can focus on your future ,better life xx

              • #25816

                Ah that’s amazing!! That’s just the best news. You can now move on knowing you’re ok from all of this and get on with your life. I’m so happy for you x

              • #25825

                I’m glad your results were good 🙂

                I’m having a wobble today as I am very anxious about my partner who isn’t well, but I know that codeine is not the answer and never will be. We got this for a brighter future xx

              • #25827

                Sorry to hear your partner isn’t well. That makes this extremely tough. However as you know, Codeine only makes things seem better for a very short time. Staying strong is for your future and by being out the other side of all this you will be able to help your partner more. X

              • #25830

                Great news

              • #25832

                Hey I’m glad your tests are clear.

                You’re all doing fantastic. Be proud of yourselves for what you’re doing and also for giving people like me hope that things can be ok one day.

    • #25808

      Hi trouble,

      Your currently going through a really tough part but believe me you can do it. A tough couple of weeks is well worth a new, happier and healthier life! Drink loads and be kind to yourself. We are here to support you.

    • #25811

      Hi Trouble, we’ve all been where you are right now and if we can do this, I promise you can too! You deserve a better life. Life is much brighter without these tablets in your life. It’s honestly liberating!

      The first week is hard. It feels relentless and never ending. But it does! Take one day at a time and be proud for everyday you are fighting through the struggle!

      As Betterlife said, stay hydrated. Try eat if you can. Take magnesium salt baths for the legs it helps for some reprieve. And hot water bottle for backs of your legs when trying to sleep can really help too.

      You’ll do this and we’re all here to support you❤️

    • #25813

      Hi Trouble, it appears your message was deleted. As was my response. But the main point was it’s a hard couple of days for a better life. It’s liberating to be free of those pills. If we could do this, you can too. You’ve got your motivation! We’re all here for support ❤️

      • #25820

        Thank you both so much rach and Maggie for being there for me through this whole thing. Because of you two I’ve made it this far and il be forever grateful ❤

        • #25823

          I’m the same, forever grateful to the people on this forum( Maggie you were my saviour that first week). I’m really so happy for you Betterlife. The future is bright! We’ve done it ❤️

          • #25826

            Than you ladies for your kind words ❤️ you are doing exactly same thing now- helping and supporting others while you’re still going through withdrawals .so many people have opened up on here ❤️

    • #25838

      Afternoon gang! Hope everybody’s well. Great about the test results Better Life! I don’t know how many days it is for me now but today I feel good, I woke up(got 9 hours sleep) and walked the puppy smiling in the sun! It’s so worth it. I’ve finally thrown remaining pills. I know I don’t need the crutch anymore.

      Thanks for being here, I’m so grateful. My family have me back. Don’t give in; it’s robbed us of too much.xx

      • #25839

        Hey Steph, Glad to hear you’re feeling good! As you say, it’s hard but so worth it when you’re out the other side and finally free of those pills. I’m 3 weeks in now and feel great! We’ve done it and we have our lives back! xx

    • #25840

      That’s fabulous StephTom

      Hope for us all

      I’m feeling pretty rubbish today so have not bitten the bullet yet and gone from my one a day to none. Sore throat and sneezing I guess withdrawal? My plan is tomorrow with nothing planned for the weekend

    • #25841

      That’s fabulous StephTom

      Hope for us all

      I’m feeling pretty rubbish today so have not bitten the bullet yet and gone from my one a day to none. Sore throat and sneezing I guess withdrawal? My plan is tomorrow with nothing planned for the weekend

    • #25842

      Well done Rachel BN

      Gives us all hope you’ve both done it

      I’ve got to just go for it tomorrow

      With my migraines it worries me I will end up in a&e which has happened before

      I’ve got migraine meds so going to have to rely on them alone

      • #25843

        Hi Ruby, it’s hard to take the final step of stopping completely especially when you’ve ongoing issues with migraines. They’re awful things so I feel for you. I hope the meds you have work. I will say once you get over those initial few days you’ll be so happy to be free of it all. We’re here to chat to and support you through the harder moments. You can do this xx

        • #25844

          Thanks RachBN

          Totally agree I don’t want to be slave to this anymore

          I have got to kick it once and for all

          I will let you know how it’s going x

          • #25846

            Best of luck Ruby x

            • #25850

              Thank you ????

    • #25845

      You can do it ruby. Were all here for you!

    • #25847

      Good luck Ruby ????

      • #25851

        Thank you ????

    • #25848

      Hi Ruby, keep going, you’re doing great. It took me about 2 months to stop taking that one pill a day, I was terrified to let go. I’d reduced to 1 pill a day before but I didn’t dare quit and then I started to take more. It was a big yo-yo journey.

      Now I wish I’d quit before and not been so scared.

      Good luck.x

      • #25852

        I’m so glad to read your post. As that is what I’ve done About 3 weeks of 1 pill and scared to drop it. I could easily start taking more again if I get a migraine. Today is the day! Thanks for your good wishes x

    • #25860

      Hi guys, how’s everyone’s weekend going? I’m spent the day indoors due to the weather. Day 19 here for me. Feeling so so so much bigger than previous weeks. Hope everyone is doing OK.

      • #25863

        Hi Betterlife, delighted to hear you’re feeling so much better! Day 19, that’s amazing! It’s so freeing not to be worried about pills all the time! I’ll be 4 weeks tomorrow and am feeling pretty much back to my normal self now. Hope everyone is doing is ok x

      • #25864

        Hello ???? brilliant news Betterlife. So happy you have gone through the worst and feeling better now ????it’s going to be 4 months for me in a few days ???? I think about them still but not as often as I did before .and it’s going to be first Christmas in years when I don’t have to stock up ????

        • #25865

          Wow 4 months Maggie! That’s amazing! Yes I’m looking forward to a Christmas too where I’m not worrying about how many I need in the house to get me by! Everything just feels so brighter without those pills in your life????

          • #25868

            So inspiring reading your posts Rach Maggie Betterlife

            My stopping yesterday didn’t happen. Went all day with none and then a migraine in the night so had to take a tablet. Disappointing but I’m not going to beat myself up.

            Keep thinking I’ve come so far…

            Actually feel ok today. So no tablets so far This in itself is a miracle! The Plan is none today or tonight ????

            Rach you’re so right going round loads of different chemists for Christmas/holidays adding up how many packets I will need

            I want to be like you guys counting how many days I’ve been without You really are an inspiration Thank you x

            • #25869

              Hi Ruby .Thank you for you kind words ☺️

              You have already cut the pills down massively ,i was never able to cut them down . For me the only way was cold turkey. Don’t beat yourself up ,you will stop that last pill when ready . Maybe even today ☺️ Good luck ????

            • #25873

              Hi Ruby, glad you find our chats helpful. Hearing other people have gone through this and come out the other side is so motivating. It really got me through it.

              I think cutting down to 1 tablet is amazing! Don’t be hard on yourself. That in itself is a huge achievement! I just couldn’t taper. I wasn’t disciplined enough so be proud of yourself!

              Hopefully today will be day 1 for you since you’re feeling ok but if it’s not today, it will be soon when you’re ready. I really do wish you the best of luck. You’ve got this and we’re all here for you x

    • #25870

      I hope so Maggie x

    • #25874

      Yes it’s so helpful Rach I’ve never actually chatted with anyone who has been in the same situation x

    • #25875

      Your day will come ruby! Fingers crossed you don’t have a migraine tonight and you’ll be able to wake up in the morning on day 2! Keeping coming back to the site for support it was the only thing that kept me going at one point.

    • #25876

      Thanks Betterlife ❤️

    • #25881

      Hi everyone I’m so glad I stumbled across this post. I was researching codeine withdrawal and stumbled across this. I’ve been taking codeine for years. I’ve taken morphine tablets but not for years, codeine is what I always fall back too. Someone’s tramadol if I can’t get codeine as it stops the withdrawals. I have a strip of codeine left, that would usually last a day if that. I want to quit for good this time, I’m just scared. Reading all your posts is really helping me to feel stronger about it though. Thanks for sharing x

      • #25882

        Hi havehope,

        Please don’t be scared. You can do it, it will be a crap couple of weeks but as soon as you’ve got through them 2 weeks things will be so much better. You’ll get your life back. It’s hard but it’s so worth it. Im on day 20 now and I feel so so so much better, I’m living again for the first time in 5 years. Were here to support you.

      • #25884

        Hi Havehope,

        Everyone here has felt like you. It’s feels scary to take the step of quitting these pills but honestly it’s the most liberating feeling to be free of codeine. Yes it’s hard but it’s so worth it. It’s a crappy 2 weeks for a better life which you deserve! I’m a month in and feeling great. I feel like me for the first time in 6 years. You can do this and we’re here to support you x

        • #25888

          Thanks RachBN it feels good not feeling alone in this. It’s been a hard 2 years and I’ve used codeine as a crutch, it sounds like a lot of us have reading peoples stories. Thanks for the support, I hope I feel like you do soon x

    • #25889

      Good luck HaveHope

      I am day 2 of no pills

      Listening to Rach Maggie and Betterlife has really helped me x

      • #25892

        Well done Ruby! Day 2, that’s amazing! X

      • #25896

        Well done and good luck to you too. I have tapered down a lot these past couple of days, the sweats through the night were unreal. I’m just trying to taper down as much as I can and hope that will help before I quit completely. I’m already feeling emotional and irritable, I feel so quilty being like this, I’m trying to stay upbeat so I don’t take it out in my family. I wish I could fast forward the rough bit. It’s so inspiring hearing people say how good they are feeling now though. One day x

    • #25890

      Iine free am on day five codeine free.The nights are still horrendous as I am having restless leg in my entire body !! Even my mouth joined in.I phoned my GP who has given me a months worth of treatment to relax my muscles and to get some sleep.You are doing amazing .

      • #25894

        Oh Dotty, the restless legs are awful. I found those the worst. I can’t even imagine it in your whole body. It’s so ironic we need sleep to recover and it’s nearly impossible to get any when in withdrawals! I’m glad you’ve gotten something to help. Day 5 is amazing! You’re doing so well! x

    • #25891

      Well done Dotty

      Day 5 amazing!

    • #25893

      Thanks Rach! Super happy about it. Not feeling too bad x

      • #25895

        You’ve got this ❤️

    • #25897

      HaveHope That’s what I did tapered down. Take your time doing it and don’t beat yourself up if on some days you go backwards. I cut down by half a tablet every 1-2 weeks depending on how I was feeling. It’s normal to feel emotional and irritable From what I’ve been reading on the posts it takes about 2 weeks to start feeling better. I’m day 3 no tablets! I feel like I’ve a stinking cold but I’m not sure if it’s a cold or withdrawal? Anyone else keep sneezing over and over and snotty nose? Have a good day everyone x

      • #25898

        Hi Ruby, day 3! Well done! Yes, I was sneezing and had a runny nose for the first week too. The first week is definitely physically the hardest and you do start to improve after that little by little but as you get to the end of week 2, things just start to get better and better! I kept telling myself 2 weeks for the rest of my life to be free.

        Havehope, don’t feel guilty! It’s a hard process tapering and you’re bound to feel irritable. Take your time with it. Do it slow and steady and you’ll get there x

        • #25905

          Thanks Rach

          I did wonder if that’s what all the sneezing was about!

    • #25899

      Morning all, hope your all doing OK.

      I’m am unfortunately not ???? I’m having a miscarriage ???? I’m devastated and I feel like it’s karma. I’ve not felt pain like this, I’m absolutely broken.

      • #25900

        Oh no Betterlife ???? I am so so sorry .Don’t even know what to say ???? my heart breaks for you .Wish there was something I could do or say to make it better Sending warm hugs xxx

      • #25906


        I’m so so sorry. The worst pain imaginable. I have been there so I do know how you feel. Just cry and hug those dearest to you. Nothing will take the pain away apart from time. And it does get easier I promise. Sending hugs and love ❤️

      • #25908

        Oh Betterlife, I am so so sorry. You fought this battle with pills because of how much you wanted this baby so please don’t feel that this is karma. Nothing I can say will make you feel any better I know that but please know this is not your fault. We’re here for you. Sending so much love❤️

    • #25902

      Oh you poor poor ,this virtual hug is all I have.Of course its not Karma,its biology doing its thing .Time is the only thing of help as is being with those who love and care for you.

      I have been where you are now and I know how dark a place it is but eventually the sun will come out again .I promise.

    • #25903

      Oh you poor poor ,this virtual hug is all I have.Of course its not Karma,its biology doing its thing .Time is the only thing of help as is being with those who love and care for you.

      I have been where you are now and I know how dark a place it is but eventually the sun will come out again .I promise.

    • #25904

      Today is day 6 for me,and thanks to a little help from my GP I did manage to sleep some.

      This day is soooo hard and the Codeine is a calling.Today is the day I order my repeat meds,so the Codeine is literally there for the taking.

      Oh dear……

      • #25907

        Well done Dotty

        How are you feeling day 6?

      • #25909

        Hi Dotty . Day 6 ,well done ???? The next day or two might be very difficult but keep thinking about a better tablet free future and you will get through this . This chat has helped a few of us on our hardest days so please feel free to message us and we will support you xx

      • #25910

        Hi Dotty, well done on day 6. The cravings can intensify around now. Day 8 for me I struggled and so nearly took some except for Maggie giving such good support. By then, I was just done with being tired and I was so overwhelmed. But the following day, I felt so much brighter! Keep chatting to us. x

    • #25911

      Hi all.

      I’ve been taking codeine for almost a year.

      I started with just a couple to make me feel more relaxed and in the past few months it’s snowballed and I was taking 5 30mg and three solpadine 8/500mg three times a day.

      I’ve no 30mg left and not due my prescription yet. My two eldest kids are away and work isn’t that busy this week so I’ve decided I need to stop. I feel so depressed as I’m hooked on them. Everything revolves around when I can chill and take my codeine, but I’m finding I need more and more and it’s a slippery slope.

      I’ve stopped the 30mg completely yesterday morning. Instead I’ve had the 8mg x2 last night and then first thing. Just to ease off the heavy symptoms.

      Am I correct doing this? I’m scared of doing cold Turkey completely and my plan is to stay on 8mg x2 morning then night just to help, then the drop one 8mg every few days until none left.

      I feel very agitated and I’ve done nothing but sleep. I’ve zero motivation to do anything at all.

      So essentially I’m down from around 522mg a day to 32mg.

      I’m praying I can get off this horrible horrible drug. I want my life back. How has it come to this at all. It’s mental how they are just giving them out to people like sweets. I have no problem getting my prescription each month without question.

      • #25912

        Hi, well done on deciding you want to break the cycle. The thing with codeine is you’ll always need to up the dose to get the same effect that you’re looking for so it spirals as you say. Good for you realising this in the first year, it took me 6! The best way to give up is down to you and how you feel. Some taper, some go cold turkey. I went cold turkey as I simply wasn’t disciplined enough to taper honestly. However, you obviously do if you’ve cut down to 32mg! That’s a huge achievement!

        It’s normal to have no motivation and feel out of sorts when you’ve reduced your amount but I promise it gets easier. Take each day as it comes and be proud of yourself! This isn’t an easy journey but so worth it for a better life. You can do this!

        I agree there are too many of us left in this position. I was never even told at the beginning I could become dependant on these pills. None of us wanted to be in this position. But we can get out of it together. Best of luck with it. Keep chatting to us, it helps x

        • #25913

          Thanks for replying.

          I found this forum a few weeks ago. But I guess I wasn’t ready to admit defeat then.

          Well I am now. I can’t go on like this. I’ve been reading about people who are taking up to 60 a day! That just seems insane but I guess I’m realising more and more that it’s not that difficult to get there.

          Any idea how long this agitated feeling lasts for?

          I definitely don’t think I could do a complete cold Turkey. It’s making me feel better that I’ve got the safety blanket of 2 8mg morning and night. A measly amount that won’t do much but it’s better than absolutely nothing.

          God how have I got myself here at all.

          • #25914

            Hello and welcome to this forum . Most of us have taken years to admit we had a problem. And trust me ,none of us wanted to be in this situation …I was taking up to 30 a day (30mg ones) and when I run out I would take a box of Nurofen plus and solpadeine max in a day …shocking now when I think about it .If it’s easier for you to taper then do it as it’s definitely a safer and less painful way . We are here to support you .best of luck xx

          • #25915

            Hi Me12You12

            I think you are doing really well. You’ve cut right down and you’ve given yourself a plan. I’ve tapered my withdrawal as I suffer with migraine and couldn’t have done cold turkey. Everyone is different how they’ve gone about it. From the thread 2 weeks clean of tablets seems to be when you start feeling a bit more normal. I would say don’t reduce too quickly if you’re going to taper. Good luck sounds like you are well on the way. Let’s hope we will all be off codeine for a good Christmas!

          • #25916

            It spirals so quickly. It can happen to anyone so don’t think bad of yourself. I started taking codeine for a serious back injury 6 years ago. I stuck to the recommended amounts for awhile but to get that original feeling I had to keep taking more and more. That feeling lures you in and before you know it you just can’t stop. And honestly you don’t want to! Then something clicks and you realise the codeine is controlling your life.Getting your life back is a huge motivation.

            I’m not too sure about tapering as I went cold turkey but the fact you went from 522 to 32 so quickly you’re going to experience withdrawals even with the 8mg pills. To avoid withdrawals you’d need to taper really slowly. There are people here who tapered that might advise you better on that.

            Physical withdrawals last around a week and that agitated/overwhelmed feeling lasts around 2 weeks cold turkey. Once you pass the 2 week mark you start to feel so much better. Anxiety and insomnia can linger longer but nowhere like the initial couple of weeks.

            I promise it gets easier and it’s so worth it.

    • #25917

      Thank you all for replying so quickly. It’s definitely making me feel less alone.

      It’s like my insides are full of ants. I feel so out of sorts. It’s horrible.

      I can cope with the 4 8mg a day as opposed to 500 odd mg for nothing. I’m just praying these next couple of weeks away. I know I won’t give in. I’ve come too far already to get to the stage admitting I’ve got a problem.

      They were initially prescribed for headaches I was getting after covid. They were the only thing that worked. So that has been stressing me slightly that I might start with them again. I’m not bothered though. I’ll find something else.

      Thanks for the support you will never know what it means speaking to normal people who are in this cycle. I’ve just been speaking to my mum about it and it’s shocking how easily available they are for people.

      30, 30mg plus nurofen and solpadine. Jeez that is a lot. I’m glad you have managed to get off them. I bet you are too.

      Seems mental that many but I can totally understand how it can creep up and you’re there before you know it. Well done you for stopping.

      Once I’ve got off these I will never ever touch even the 8mg again. It’s not worth it. Life has been so shit these last twelve months. I feel so detached from life and everyone. I can’t wait to have my life back.

    • #25918

      Thank you all for replying so quickly. It’s definitely making me feel less alone.

      It’s like my insides are full of ants. I feel so out of sorts. It’s horrible.

      I can cope with the 4 8mg a day as opposed to 500 odd mg for nothing. I’m just praying these next couple of weeks away. I know I won’t give in. I’ve come too far already to get to the stage admitting I’ve got a problem.

      They were initially prescribed for headaches I was getting after covid. They were the only thing that worked. So that has been stressing me slightly that I might start with them again. I’m not bothered though. I’ll find something else.

      Thanks for the support you will never know what it means speaking to normal people who are in this cycle. I’ve just been speaking to my mum about it and it’s shocking how easily available they are for people.

      30, 30mg plus nurofen and solpadine. Jeez that is a lot. I’m glad you have managed to get off them. I bet you are too.

      Seems mental that many but I can totally understand how it can creep up and you’re there before you know it. Well done you for stopping.

      Once I’ve got off these I will never ever touch even the 8mg again. It’s not worth it. Life has been so rubbish these last twelve months. I feel so detached from life and everyone. I can’t wait to have my life back.

    • #25920

      Totally agree with you. I’m never taking them again I’ve been taking them for 30 years. I can’t wait to be free x

      • #25921

        Have you stopped yet? Where are you up too?

        I’ve just had the two 8mg ones but they’re doing nothing. I can’t tell you what my insides feel like. I can’t keep still it’s like my insides are crawling.

        • #25929

          This is my 3rd day no tablets

          I tapered mine over a few months so I haven’t had the symptoms you are describing. Some of the others on the forum can probably advise better

          I’ve got a really snotty nose and sneezing continually

        • #25931

          That crawling feeling is awful. It’s common for restless legs to happen during withdrawal. Some get it all over their body. Hot baths can help. Some people get prescribed meds from their GP to help. The quick drop in codeine is going to cause withdrawals nearly as severe as cold turkey. A slow taper like Ruby did can prevent the severe withdrawal symptoms from happening but it sounds like you’re determined to keep going now. I promise it gets easier. That feeling will go away. Take one day at a time x

    • #25933

      I’ve got the restless legs. Horrible. Two brufen have helped.

      Day three tomorrow. I’ve got to go to work in the afternoon and my mum knows I’m coming off them and she works for me so that is going to help surely.

      I’m actually glad I’m feeling the withdrawals in a weird way because I know for a fact I never want to feel this again.

      I don’t think the 8mg are doing anything but more a comfort thing. I’m going to ring my GP first thing in the morning and tell them that I’m addicted and I don’t want anymore ever again!

      I’m assuming that what I’m going through now is the worst and cutting the 8mg down should hopefully not have as much of an effect as it’s having now going from 500 odd mg to 32mg.

      I gave up alcohol last year due to using it daily to cope with lockdowns and my business being closed. I’ve done that so I’ve got to do this.

      Thanks so much, it’s definitely helping me reading all your stories. I’ve just read back from the beginning each persons story. You’re all so brave.

      Better life I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It’s very unfair. Sending you huge hugs. ????

    • #25943

      First bad night last night.

      The restless legs was just a complete restless body. It was awful. I ended up caving and having two 8mg because I needed to sleep and take that edge off that awful awful feeling.

      I’m not even sure they did much. I finally went off to sleep about 3am.

      I’m not beating myself up about taking the extra two. I’m still down a hell of a lot from the 30’s I was taking.

      I’m going to try and hold off taking the 8mg this morning. I’ll see how I get on with just paracetamol and ibuprofen as the restless feeling isn’t there at the moment.

      Day three today.

      • #25944

        You’ve achieved so much in such a short time so well done! The restless feeling is definitely worse by night. And it’s hard when you can’t sleep then. Nothing worse than being awake by night feeling like that. You start to get so annoyed with yourself. Taking each day as it comes is the best approach so you’re doing great! Hope work goes ok for you today!

    • #25946

      Thank you. ????

      Never again. I can’t wait for this to be over. I will never ever ever succumb to them again. They are truly horrible.

      Hope everyone else is ok ????

    • #25951

      I’ve managed to sleep a bit this morning.

      I felt very very restless.

      I’m dreaming of the day I no longer feel like this and I can have a normal life instead of being a prisoner in my own home, counting down the next hours to my dose.

      I’ve read loads of the timelines online and they say up to day five is the worst from a physical symptom aspect. So by Saturday I’m praying I feel better as I have a family meal to attend.

      I’m so glad I’ve decided to do this now. My original plan was january but I’m relieved I’ve chosen now as it will be over by jan.

    • #25952

      The crawling restlessness is hideous, I have fallen by the wayside so many times because I could not deal with the restlessness that going cold turkey lead to.This time I have a script for a low dose of Amitriptyline which hlps me get some sort of sleep.Yesterday was a tough one as my script for the codeine was due.The sensible part of me knew I should not have filled it,but I got it anyway.Its sat there unopened but knowing its there is some twisted weird way comforting.I guess we all get through the days in the best way we can.Don`t beat yourself up if you slip .

    • #25953

      Hi Me12you21,

      Well done! Keep going, it gets a lot better very quickly. I found activity helped a lot. Raising my heart rate even for short bursts got rid of the anxious voice in my head and stomach. Sleep deprivation makes everything harder so take naps whenever you can and kick the guilt out the door.

      Don’t give up!

      BettlerLife, I’m so sorry to read this. Nature serves us a rough hand sometimes but it isn’t because of anything you’ve done. You need to be kinder to yourself now than you’ve ever been before. Sending hugs, plz keep checking in.

    • #25956

      Thanks for the replies.

      My prescription is due Monday but I know 100% I will not get it.

      I need to ring my GP to tell them to knock it off and put a note on that I’m not to be prescribed it.

      I had two 8mg this morning to take that awful restless away. I’ve been out, just got home and feel ok. But I know as the night creeps in what’s coming. I’m dreading it ????

      The beauty of the 8mg is that they are mixed with paracetamol and I’m frightened to death of them. I’m so scared I’ll overdose so I would never abuse them. I suppose they are giving me a safety blanket somewhat.

      I cannot tell you how strong I feel about never ever being in this position again. Crazy how it’s crept up.

      I feel so guilty on my kids how much of a rubbish parent I am at the moment but I’m trying to remind myself that doing this now will make Christmas special for them as ill hopefully be more motivated and the same physical side of things will be over with.

      How many days are you now Dotty? It’s so hard isn’t it.

    • #25972

      Hi everyone. Just thought I’d post again with my experience. The restlessness is horrible but the restless legs do go away around day 10. For me the anxiety never went away which led to be slipping on day 40, but I’m back on track and on day 2 again now. I have anxious avoidant personality disorder which means I have constant “free floating anxiety” (psychologist words not mine!!), so I know that stopping the opiates won’t magically cure my anxiety but at least I’ll know I’m not an addict. One of my motivations is so I am of sound mind to progress as a pianist (aka name). I don’t want any children so don’t have that as motivation.

      Keep going x

      Keep going x

    • #25973

      Hi everyone. Just thought I’d post again with my experience. The restlessness is horrible but the restless legs do go away around day 10. For me the anxiety never went away which led to be slipping on day 40, but I’m back on track and on day 2 again now. I have anxious avoidant personality disorder which means I have constant “free floating anxiety” (psychologist words not mine!!), so I know that stopping the opiates won’t magically cure my anxiety but at least I’ll know I’m not an addict. One of my motivations is so I am of sound mind to progress as a pianist (aka name). I don’t want any children so don’t have that as motivation.

      Keep going x

      Keep going x

    • #25976


      Last night wasn’t too bad. Night three. I managed to get out yesterday for a bit. My stomach is so off though, I’ve got the runs.

      I only had the restless body feeling for about an hour or so as I tried to go to sleep last night. I had been waiting for it which is an awful feeling.

      Woke up and feel so unmotivated and down this morning but I suppose my brain still doesn’t know what to do with itself yet.

      Full day of work today. Day four and a step closer to being rid of these horror pills forever.

      Also, a friend of mine pointed me in the direction of the gabapentin threads online. Now that is an eye opener of a horrible drug people are struggling to get off.

      It’s actually made me appreciate that we are on a much less horrific drug to get off. I’ll take the small things right now ????

      Good luck today everyone. ????

      • #25980

        Hello Me12 ,you are doing great ????It does get better ,I promise . Music has helped me and I have been recommending it to everyone ???? It’s 4 months for me and tbh I still have the runs most of the days .Starting to think there’s something wrong with my stomach or bowel because it’s not normal …

        Sending positive vibes to all of you going through difficult time xx

        • #25981

          Thank you for all your positive vibes

          It’s much appreciated ????

    • #25979

      Hi Me12you21,

      You’re doing so well! Around Day 3 is usually when the stomach upset starts. Make sure and stay well hydrated!

      That lack of motivation takes awhile to go. Your brain is used to codeine triggering the release of endorphins so it’s learning how to do this again for itself. Light exercise etc can really help get those going and give you a little energy.

      Ruby, day 5. Well done!! The sleep takes awhile to settle but you’ll get there x

    • #25991

      Hi guys I’ve noticed posts are removed randomly for breaking guidelines saying this forum is for the families not the person. Has anyone else have there’s removed? Wondered if there’s another group/forum we could connect on. I’m so enjoying having someone else who understands and listening to each persons story and positivity x

      • #25992

        Hi Ruby. It’s happened to me a few times …I was wondering the same .it would be good to be able to chat somewhere else

        • #25993

          Maggie How do we find the right place?

    • #25995

      Hey guys, yes I’ve had posts removed a few times. Generally they only remove messages that give specific medical advice regarding withdrawal but My response to you Ruby was removed earlier and I was only saying how well you were doing? It would be great to chat somewhere freely? Any suggestions?

    • #25996

      What about a WhatsApp group?

      • #25997

        Hey Betterlife, how are you doing? You’ve been in my thoughts the last few days. ❤️ A what’s app group is a good idea!

      • #25998

        Hello Betterlife .How are you dear ? I have also been thinking about you xx

        WhatsApp group would be great and easy but don’t know how will be get away with sharing our numbers on here ????

        • #25999

          Yeah I was thinking the same Maggie. It would be hard to share our numbers on this? It’s a pity you can’t private message people on this forum.

          • #26004

            WhatsApp would have been great

    • #26000

      Hi Rach. I’m not great but times a healer and I know il be ok eventually. I’m grieving for my little one so bad and I wish things were different ????

      How are you? X

      • #26002

        Oh Betterlife, my heart breaks for you. It’s so unfair you must go through this. Just know we’re all here for you ❤️

        I’m doing good. I’m a month in now and feel pretty much normal. X

      • #26006

        It’s nice to hear from you. We are all thinking of you Sending love and hugs ????

    • #26001

      Yeah thats a point Maggie. Would of been loads better wouldn’t it. X

    • #26011

      Me too

    • #26022

      Oh I’ll send mine over now.

      I’ve literally just finished work and come on to see how everyone was getting on.

    • #26023

      I’ve just sent it over to you. ????

      I’ve had the best day at work that I’ve had in months. I keep thinking about how I feel, if that makes sense and that awful doom feeling is definitely lifting. It’s been so so worth doing this.

      Last night I had two 8mg when the restless legs kicked in, thinking it might take the edge off but it didn’t.

      So I’m not having any today. It doesn’t work for what I want which was just to ease any of the symptoms and 8mg is too low for me to feel anything from so it was never for that. But now I know it’s not working for the symptoms I may as well stop.

      It’s mad that having those there as a safety blanket have helped. I rang my dr today and said I’d been abusing them and to knock me off ever being prescribed them again. So they’ve made a large note on the system.

      I feel really fortunate to be coming away from this relatively unscathed.

      I’ve been heavily researching prescription drug epidemic and it’s so so bad. In America it is awful! Always the same story, back injury, sports injury, headaches. Then the abuse starts. It’s awful.

      I hope you’ve all had a good day. It’s the weekend. Fingers crossed we can all try and enjoy some normality and be getting ready to have a lovely Christmas ????

    • #26026

      Hi Me12you21, I’m glad you had a good day at work! It’s an amazing feeling once the doom starts to lift and you can see the way out of this cycle finally.

      Well done on telling the GP not to prescribe them anymore. They give them out so easy!

      I know there is such a huge prescription drug problem in America! The programme dopesick that’s been shown at the moment is all about how Oxycontin became widespread prescribed during the 90s. It’s a really good watch!

      Glad you’ll be joining us on what’s app. It’s great to have a support network ❤️

    • #26169

      Hi Clab well done for taking the steps to give up. I did it reducing weekly. 1/2 a tablet per week or 2 weeks. (Depending how I was feeling) Just don’t rush it I’m 3 weeks no tablets ???? Good luck

    • #26172

      Hi guys!

      Wow seeing all these comments has made me feel so much better.

      I’ve been taking zapain 30/500mg now for 7 months. Basically in a bad relationship with a narcissist. I was taking the odd one here and there and I’ll be honest I loved the warm and boost of energy feel it gave me, blocked everything out. I gradually started taking more & more to the point I was on 15 a day, 3 at a time. They wasn’t giving me that feeling anymore so I was taking more & more. Instead of that warm feeling it became a not with it feeling, they had taken over me. Wasn’t living my normal life. Im now 15 days cold turkey. The withdrawals have been horrendous for me. Which led me to open up to my family about this as I couldn’t go through the withdrawals on my own and take care of my toddler. so

      Opening to get help was my only option and the support from family has been amazing. Regret opening up to the narcissist partner as now he’s using it against me that the relationship is bad cause I’ve been a secret junkie for 7 months, chucking it in my face constantly, anyway!!! ???? I’m over the worst. Currently still got loose bowels, restless legs & anxiety but each day I feel stronger. I’ve booked to start having therapy working on making myself happy again & get my strength back to do what I need to do.

      • #26173

        Hello Alicia . Firstly, well done on coming off the pills .15 days is amazing and you are through the worst now xx you should be very proud of yourself. It took you only 7 months where some of us have lived in denial for years and years . It is bad that your partner is not supportive but using it against you .it shouldn’t be this way and I really feel for you ???? You have to focus on getting better and stronger and I’m afraid he will not let you get there .If you ever need to chat I am here to support you xx keep going ,you’ve got this ????

    • #26174

      Well done Alicia you’ve done it and hopefully over the worst! I too was with a partner who was unsupportive Get your therapy in the new year and your self esteem will be so much better x

    • #26183

      Hi Alicia, well done for recognising you needed to get off these pills. 15 days is amazing and you are definitely through the worst if it now. It only gets better from here on in. You should be so proud of yourself for doing this! I’m glad you are getting therapy to work on yourself and gaining your strength back. You deserve to be happy and with someone who supports you through life. I’m here if you ever need to chat. ❤️

    • #26184

      Hi Clab, well done on deciding it’s time to stop! That’s the main first step, Tapering or cold turkey really comes down to how much self discipline you have. I never stuck to the taper plan I made so I just had to go cold turkey. Tapering will definitely reduce the severity of the withdrawals once done gradually and it sounds like you are motivated enough to do it. If you need support, we’re all here❤️

    • #26194

      Thanks for the support x

    • #26222

      Hey all first want to say well done ???? now im taking 20 a day I keep saying I don’t want this no more but. I hate the cramps and sleepless nights not to say always needing the toilet. Sorry to say its not nice getting up 4 to 5 tines a night to go to toilet has anyone had this problem and how long does it last for. Hope to hear from someone but I need off this horrible stuff but scared of the side effects.

      • #26224

        Hi Change9693, well done for recognising you don’t want to be on these tablets anymore. So the intense withdrawals you’re talking about last about a week. After that it gets a little better every day. Once you hit the 2 week mark it gets so much easier! Stomach issues are common with withdrawal but you can take Imodium to help. Toilet issues are worse that first few days but after the first 5/6 days it eases off. You’ll still have slight stomach upset for awhile but not as bad. I’m 2 months into this journey and honestly, every withdrawal was worth it. Yes, it was hard at the time but my life is so much better now. I’m genuinely happy. I’m not living my life worrying about pills anymore. I promise you can do this. Focus on the end goal of the life you want. You deserve that life! I’m here if you want to chat ❤️

    • #26301

      Hi all, it’s so enlightening to hear all of your stories. It’s given me the courage to do what i have to do. I am on my last 25 30mg tabs and I am tapering off. Ive been taking them for the last 4 years. I didnt realise how detached from life i am until I started reading these comments and it got me thinking about my life before pills. I have to do this. I have to for my little one. I will probably be coming here quite a bit in the next week or so. Its amazing to know there are people here who understand.

      • #26305

        Hello Shazza .Very happy to hear another person is joining us ???? The most important thing is ,you understand what these pills do to you and your loved ones. It will be difficult for the first 10 days or so but it’s doable and once you’re free from them you will feel like there’s nothing you can’t do . Wishing you the best of luck .I’m here for support if you need it xx

      • #26311

        Hi Shazza, well done for taking the first step on recognising it’s time to get these pills out of your life! Honestly, it’s a tough couple of weeks but you can do this. I think once you get to the point where you really want these pills out of your life, you find a strength from within and get through it. Please keep chatting to us. Talking really helps especially with people who get what you’re feeling xx

    • #26306

      Hi everyone, I’ve had an opioid addiction on and off for a couple of years. The reason I got stuck in the first place is the feeling of euphoria and excitment that I felt when I first took codeine and it is not a feeling that comes easily to me. I am generally a very mellow and stable person so it was nice to have something that excited me. I had to quit them due to not finding ways to buy them but after being off them for about a year and suffering a mild depression I got stuck again, this time on oxycodone. It’s harder to stop now since I know that I will have nothing to look forward to when I don’t have the pills. But I am at a low point when it comes to feeling like a horrible human being and lying to my wife and family who I cannot bear to tell of my relapse (which has gone on for 8 months now). Sorry for this long essay but I just would like to hear if any of you are similar to me but have found other meaning in your lives after the detox.

      • #26308

        Hello ???? it is very difficult to replace that feeling of euphoria that opioid gives you .the thing is ,the longer you are taking them for ,the more you need as your body gets used to them .in the end you get to the point where you take 20+ a day just to feel normal .The constant worry about where to get tomorrow’s pills from is not worth it . I’ve been there for 8 years and I hope I will never find myself in that dark place again. You just need to find those little things that make you feel happy and take one day at a time . I suffer anxiety and depression and i know that antidepressants have helped me a lot in the last few months . I hope you find strength to come off them again ????

        • #26316

          Hi guys. Just thought I’d check in and say I’m on day 31 today. I’m still struggling with stomach issues like diaherr, I guess I would have thought that would have passed by now. I eat quite healthily, don’t have fried or high fat foods. I think it’s because the opiates were slowing my system down for so long- I had chronic constipation and now it has gone the opposite. I’m not going to give up, just wondering whether this is normal at this point.

          Thank you,


          • #26321

            Hi Emma, I’m so happy to hear from you. Day 31 is just amazing. Sorry to hear you still have some stomach issues. I think that symptom can linger a bit due to the chronic constipation opiates cause as you say. My stomach probably wasn’t 100% right until 6 weeks in. Well done for getting through it, the end result is so worth it! X

          • #26323

            Hello Emma ,well done ???? a whole month already !! To be honest ,my stomach has only settled in the last few days .Up until now I was hardly keeping any food in (since first week of August) . It will get better xx

      • #26310

        Hey, don’t beat yourself up so much! You’ve had a blip, and that’s ok. The main thing is that u want to get back on track and plan on doing so. Next step is to make it happen. I’ll be honest I’m planning to cut down and eventually come off but seem to be putting it off…… waiting til New Year’s Day, or my birthday a few days after. It’s taking that step!

      • #26312

        Hi anderaugust, it’s hard isn’t it? The struggle of liking the euphoric feeling versus knowing the destruction these pills can cause. We’ve all been there so don’t be hard on yourself! It’s so easy to get caught in the trap again. I find the longer you’re off the pills, the happier you become and the less you think of that euphoric feeling. Depression is quite common after coming off opioids and maybe it’s worth looking into anti depressants to help with that? I’ve been off them over 2 months now and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I had gotten to the point where I despised those pills and how they made me feel. I hated the constant having to try and source enough tablets to keep me going and the way it made me behave. Now i just feel free if that makes sense. You’ve done this once and you can do it again when you’re ready x

    • #26314

      Thank you everyone for the encouraging words. It does help even if it’s a just a little help. I’m currently not able to get enough pills as I’m used to so having pretty bad restless legs along with the usual bad stomach etc. Anyone have any advice on how to deal with restless legs? Sharing a bed with my wife and a dog doesn’t make it easy at the moment. Again, thank you all for taking the time to answer, it’s good to know that people care. Dealing with it alone is definitely worse than me telling my friends and family the first time around.

      • #26315

        Dealing with it alone must be difficult. I had the support of my husband who was amazing but I told no one else. That’s why I found this forum so helpful. The support of people who understand what I was feeling really encouraged me to keep going on the harder days. And believe me, we do care! The restless legs are a nightmare. By far, my worst symptom of withdrawal. Warm baths, light exercise, a hot water bottle on the backs of your legs, magnesium spray or a weighted blanket are all options to try and ease it. My restless legs lasted for 2 weeks and then eased off with cold turkey. Also, Your wife would prob want to help you if you told her what’s going on. I know I’d want to know. I totally get you don’t want to do this to her again but her support might really help. You know the situation best though x

    • #26318

      Hi everyone I spoke not so long ago and was trying to taper off, that didn’t work so well. I’m too greedy. I fluttered with stopping by switching to tramadol but I was replacing one with the other and then using both together. I knew I had to stop which is what I’ve admitted and I’m on day 3. I feel awful, I have no energy and the sweats and shivers are awful. I feel down and I keep getting these weird brain zaps as I call them. Little electric currents almost in my brain. I’m fighting on though, these posts give me a little lift today, thanks x

      • #26324

        Hi Havehope ,

        The withdrawals will get worse over the next few days but you have to stay strong and take one day at a time .Try to eat and drink well so you have energy to beat this . We are here for you xx you can do this . Those brain zaps will pass .I had them when I stopped taking sertraline and it’s a horrible feeling . Sending hugs and positive thoughts your way

    • #26319

      Hi everyone I spoke not so long ago and was trying to taper off, that didn’t work so well. I’m too greedy. I fluttered with stopping by switching to tramadol but I was replacing one with the other and then using both together. I knew I had to stop which is what I’ve admitted and I’m on day 3. I feel awful, I have no energy and the sweats and shivers are awful. I feel down and I keep getting these weird brain zaps as I call them. Like electric jolts. Roll on day 365! X

      • #26322

        Hi Havehope, great to hear from you. This is the reason I had to go cold turkey also. I simply couldn’t taper as I didn’t have the discipline to do it. Day 3 is amazing! I know how you’re feeling right now and it’s hard. However, I promise it’s all worth it once you’re out the other side. If you want to talk, I’m here for support. Talking csn really help. You’ve got this ❤️

      • #26334

        Hey, your doing really well. You have made it this far. Take each moment at a time. You won’t feel like this forever. Keep going x

    • #26320

      Sorry for the repeated posts I thought there was a reason it wasn’t submitting so tried to shorten the post and submit again!

    • #26325

      Thanks everyone I just keep reading your messages urging myself to keep going. I keep reasoning with myself saying that maybe the taper was the right thing to do and I should try again. I know I’m kidding myself but I hate feeling like this. I feel not too bad one minute then my skin starts burning again and I feel like my insides are itchy. I’m so tired, I really hate this. I hope there’s not too many days of this left. I don’t want to give up x

      • #26326

        Hey Havehope, I really know how you’re feeling. I was you 8 weeks ago reading other peoples posts trying to get through it all. I thought I’d never manage as I felt horrendous. I just wanted to be the person who was 4 or 6 weeks in feeling normal again! I nearly gave up so many times but this forum saved me. Reading how other people did it made me realise I could do it too and so can you! The most important thing is take one day at a time. Focus on your present and deal with that. And remember this is temporary! The feeling of freedom from not being on pills will last a lot longer than those withdrawals. Keep talking to us ❤️

    • #26327

      Thank you, I’m in tears reading this, I’m so grateful for all of your support. My partner and kids think I have flu, only my sister knows what’s going on. It’s just horrible feeling like a crap human being as well as all the physical symptoms. I’m off work until Monday so I’m praying I can manage a little by then. But like you are saying a day at a time. I hope I can help others and look back at this in 8 weeks time, I really do. I am never, ever going through this again x

    • #26328

      Thank you, I’m in tears reading this, I’m so grateful for all of your support. My partner and kids think I have flu, only my sister knows what’s going on. It’s just horrible feeling like a crap human being as well as all the physical symptoms. I’m off work until Monday so I’m praying I can manage a little by then. But like you are saying a day at a time. I hope I can help others and look back at this in 8 weeks time, I really do. I am never, ever going through this again x

      • #26329

        Havehope dear ,you can do this . Only few more days .If I could do it I think anyone can ! I know it’s overwhelming and you feel like you can’t carry on but i promise you ,it gets better xx stay strong

      • #26330

        I know that feeling of thinking I’m a crappy person who can’t do anything with my children or husband because I’m too tired and feel horrendous. But this will end and you’ll be the best version of you without those pills in your life. Your family deserve that but more importantly, you do! I’m a different person now even in 8 weeks. Im happy and I laugh more. I’m finally free and it’s liberating honestly.

        It’s good you’re off work until Monday. You need that first week off. It’s a hard week but you can do this. None of us are any different to you. You are obviously determined to do this and that’s the main thing you need. That’s the strength that gets you through xx

    • #26331

      Thank you xx

    • #26340

      Thank you Maggie and RachBN. You are so supportive of everyone here. Bless you. And everyone else here sharing their experiences. I am currently in a London hotel with my 4 year old having a girlie spa day. I wanted to have some quality time with her before the pills run out and the crap begins. My hubbs is aware of the issue but isn’t too supportive but as long as he takes care of little one im not too concerned with chores and other stuff. Luckily i have been told to work from home again today as I work in a London hospital and covid is rife. Its a weight off my mind knowing i wont have to face people at my worst. I will deffo be checking in with you guys. I havent actually started yet, still tapering a little. But when the 30mg tabs run out, all i’ll have left is the nurofen plus. They wont touch the withdrawals. So glad to know i can talk here xxx

      • #26345

        That’s such a lovely thing to do with your daughter for some quality time! I think other people find it hard to understand why we can’t just stop taking these pills. Unless you’ve been in this position, you’ve no idea how hard it all is. I’m glad your husband will help out with minding your daughter though so you can focus on yourself for those few days. It’s a tough time but so worth it! The tapering will hopefully make things a bit easier for you once you stop. This space is such a great place to talk cause you know we all understand. We’ve all been where you are now so just want to help. X

    • #26346

      Hi to everyone starting their journey. Its going to be a real tough couple of weeks but believe me it’s worth every moment. The freedom you feel after is overwhelming! We’re finally free. I have better connections with my while family now, I finally feel present and I love it. Before I was just existing but now I’m living, I living gor the first time in 5 years.

      I too didn’t have the support from my husband or family as no one knew about my secret addiction. I blamed my awful two weeks on being poorly, none of my family still to this day don’t know what I’ve been doing for the last 5 years and they never will. Everyone on here got me through the hardest time of my life and I see them all as true friends now. Please keep coming back to this site and talking, we are here to see you through the hardest of times.

    • #26347

      Hi to everyone starting their journey. Its going to be a real tough couple of weeks but believe me it’s worth every moment. The freedom you feel after is overwhelming! We’re finally free. I have better connections with my whole family now, I finally feel present and I love it. Before I was just existing but now I’m living, I living for the first time in 5 years.

      I too didn’t have the support from my husband or family as no one knew about my secret addiction. I blamed my awful two weeks on being poorly, none of my family still to this day don’t know what I’ve been doing for the last 5 years and they never will. Everyone on here got me through the hardest time of my life and I see them all as true friends now. Please keep coming back to this site and talking, we are here to see you through the hardest of times.

    • #26348

      Morning everyone, I’ve woke feeling a little better this morning. I know it’s a rollercoaster, but I’m glad I don’t feel as horrible right now. I’m proud I didn’t cave because I was so close to throwing in the towel yesterday. Your messages got me through, thanks. I’m here fighting today. No alcohol for me today as that’s a trigger for me. Hope you all have a happy new year x

      • #26349

        So glad to hear you’re feeling a little better this morning. Well done for not taking pills yesterday. This isn’t an easy journey but so worth it! Happy New Year to you also. You’re going into 2022 pill free so you should be so proud of yourself x

      • #26350

        So glad your feeling better x

    • #26353

      Thank you, definitely would not say better but not quite as horrendous as yesterday. My tummy is upset, still going hot and cold and feel tired. Can’t wait to get through to the other side though x

      • #26375

        How are you feeling today? Even if it’s slightly better it’s something. X

    • #26364

      As I sit here at home watching the new years eve celebrations start off the new year, all i can think of is how exciting it all used to be to me. I dont feel anything right now, I just wanna crawl back into bed and watch TV. I really hope after i quit this thing I can start to feel the things i used to feel again. I wish everyone here a healthy, happier new year. Bless you all for your continued support. xx

      • #26369

        Hi Shazza, That’s the thing with codeine, you feel numb and get no joy out of anything but pills in the end. Once you’re off them and your brain recalibrates without the codeine, you’ll find you get happy from the little things again. You’ll enjoy things that you did before and want to do them. Happy New Year and I really hope 2022 is good to you xx

        • #26418

          Thank you Rach! Can i ask a question to all here? Most people refer to their use of codeine. My tablets are dihydracodeine, is there any difference? Will my withdrawal be any easier/harder with dihydracodeine? I do notice a difference in the tabs themselves as 60mg of codeine doesn’t tend to give me the same effect as 60mg of dihydracodeine. Just want to know before i go cold turkey. I start day 1 tomorrow after a rushed taper….

          • #26423

            Hi Shazza ,

            I was on cocodamols for couple of years and then on dihydrocodeine ,it’s just pure codeine . i was overdosing on paracetamol as well while on cocodamol ,that’s why I asked to get it changed .If it’s 30mg I would say the withdrawals will be the same for both .I’m sure you can do this .Just stay focused and keep talking to us xx Best of luck

          • #26428

            Hi Shazza,dihydrocodeine is just pure codeine so the withdrawals will be the same. Those pills just have no paracetamol or ibuprofen with the codeine. Best of luck starting day 1 tomorrow. I know you can do this. Just focus on one day at a time. We’re all here to chat x

            • #27945

              Hello, I suppose you guessed it didn’t work out for me. I was planning on checking in everyday to help me through but without the support of my husband and the strongest willpower, I found myself back to square one but it’s worse now. I’m getting my monthly script every two weeks. Thats 120 x 30mg dihydracodeine in 12 days because I find myself out of them even before two weeks. Im down to 6 x 30mg now and once these are gone I’m not getting anymore. Ive had 4 x 30mg today and I plan on having 3 tomorrow, 2 the next day etc. Im going to call the doc on Tuesday. He may suggest tapering as its been discussed before but we’ll see. Ive just had enough of this crap. All I want to do is sleep, and when I’m not sleeping I’m pacing up and down and jerking about like a mad patient. I cant bare it but it has to be done. Im at my wits end. Should I kick it after the tabs run out or taper on my next script? I dunno what to do for the best.

              • #27946

                Hi Shazza, it can take numerous attempts to give up before it all works out so I totally understand. It’s extremely hard to do with no support at home also but well done for wanting to try again!

                You’re tapering quite fast so you’re going to experience some withdrawals straight away which is what you’re experiencing with the restlessness. Once you completely stop after the next days, you’ll be feeling physically rough for a week and without support, this might be hard on you. A taper would allow the withdrawals to be less severe. With a taper, you have to be committed to the plan and I just couldn’t ever stick to it so I went cold turkey. A taper is definitely a less harsh way of stopping though, it may take slightly longer but that doesn’t matter as the end result is still you’re pill free.

                You sound like you’ve reached the point where you really don’t want these pills anymore and that’s where you need to be when you start the process of stopping. You can do this I promise. It’s crap and it all seems unbeatable but it’s so worth it on the other end. Every withdrawal is temporary and what you gain once you’re pill free is just amazing. You deserve your life back.

                Only you can decide which way is best for you but I’ll be here rooting for you either way! And as always for anyone reading this, there is a WhatsApp group for anyone that wants additional support.

                Best of luck Shazza xxx

              • #27956

                Hi RachBN,

                Feeling awful today and I’m still taking the tablets (only got 4 x 30mg for the day) so I just cant imagine how it will be without any. I’m climbing the walls. I feel for my little girl as all she wants to do is play. Cant even take her to the Easter egg hunt today. Feeling like a proper failure. I cant even tell my husband I’m stopping. He uses words like junkie and pathetic and says how could I not have known what was happening as I’ve had family members in trouble with other drugs in the past. He seems to think I should have known better, I guess I should have but he doesn’t understand how it creeps up on you. I’m at my lowest ebb with no one to talk to about it and arguments in the house are regular. I doubt our relationship could handle me stopping these tabs right now but if not now, when? I think tapering is the best way forward. I have to be disciplined. Its my relationship and my health on the line. I have to push through. Once again thank you for your help. I will join the whatsapp group. xx

              • #27957

                My very bad perspective as far as you’re relationship goes is that spite can be a great motivator. I’m almost certain any relationship expert would not advise that mentality! I however am very childish and stubborn on the inside! Shazza, I’m quite ok with you using it as a motivator ????????. I’m also of the opinion that behind a lot of inconsiderate narrow minded attitudes like that of your husband is fear. You can do this. I used diahorrea tablets, maximum dose, dropping one tablet a day for the first 8 days in divided doses. It definately helped me. I’m not there yet but I’m so motivated by the ladies on this thread I’m determined this time to stick it out. Luckily my oldest child planned and did all the work for my other 3 for Easter or they wouldn’t have had much fun ????. Magnesium helps heaps for that climbing the walls feeling and restless legs. Apparently it’s a common deficiency in modern society. High doses of vitamin C are helpful too. Meanwhile I’m still reaching out here at day 15 because it’s not easy but trust me you can do it. I found a song called Burn the Ships on you. tube. by for King and Country and I’ve played it multiple times a day. (Kids think I’ve gone mad). It’s actually written by one of the guys about his wife who was…just like us. Hang on tight Shazza, you’ve got this, stay calm and don’t argue with hubby (even if you’re right and he’s wrong just know that in your head and keep the peace for your own sake for now), we can work that part out once you get thru this bit.

              • #27970

                Hi SoWeary, just checking in to see how you’re feeling today? X

              • #27972

                Hi Rach, thanks so much for checking on me! I am still holding on and haven’t given in. I drove my kids to school this morning for the first time in over 2 weeks! It felt weird like I’ve been away but I did it! I still struggled with the fatigue but I also did half the dishes and cleaned the toilet. I am still so unmotivated and weak but I’m starting to think more about things I’d like to do…still putting off things I really should be doing but it’s a start. I’ve had my codeine issue for over a decade so I’m thinking it will take more time maybe? I’m actually still sneezing quite frequently. I’m still reading all through the pages of this thread every day to keep me on track and playing music all day which I never do normally but I do feel it is awakening something. Thankyou again ☺️

              • #27973

                You’re doing so well!! Well done! That’s a major victory taking the kids to school!

                I was on them 6 years and it definitely varies from person to person as there are so many factors in play with withdrawals such as how many you were taking, duration of use etc as you say. I felt like you at this point and although I got so much better from day 18 on, I struggled with motivation for awhile longer. I just accepted it and went with it. Music can honestly help so much with energy levels.

                Those glimpses of normality you’re seeing is the starting point to feeling like you again. Cling to those moments when you feel overwhelmed by it all and repeat to yourself, this is temporary! The house will be here to clean in a few weeks. I’m doing this for a better life that I deserve and so do my family. At this point, it really is a mental battle more than anything else but you’ve got this!!

                Here if you need to chat xx

              • #27974

                xoxo ????????

              • #27977

                Hi SoWeary, you are doing great ! I couldn’t motivate myself to do anything for a while .I said it before and I’ll say again- I don’t know how you guys with kids do it …it’s just my partner ,dog and I and it was hard enough to get through . I stopped in August last year ( sounds so good saying the words last year ????) and I still sneeze quite often .I have good and bad days and motivation still low …I’m even wondering if my old hard working self will ever come back ? Well done to you and everyone else coming off these evil pills ,you’ve got this ????

                P.s The music is still a big part of my life ,listen to it pretty much every day as it makes me feel good ????

              • #27981

                OMG MAGGIE! You’re there too!!?? I feel so privileged to hear from you! ???????????? All you ladies are my heros (even the ones who’ve recently joined in getting ready to leap). I’m day 17 and compared to yesterday I’m better again!!!!! I do see a light at the end of this tunnel…yesterday I thought it was my imagination but it’s real I see a faint glow and a pinprick of light! I drove my kids to school again! And I’ve been out with my husband to run errands and felt almost kinda normal ????. The thing is I was taking around 300mg of codeine a day for over a decade. At first it was for serious head pain but pretty quickly every tiny niggle became worthy of codeine… It gave me energy and motivation but pretty soon, now that I look back I wasn’t much more effective on it than before I started on it. I lapsed back into good days and bad days just like life before codeine but I had to take it to feel normal and to prompt the motivation I could no longer manufacture within myself. Except now I had the problem of constantly having to justify and continue getting prescriptions just to function. The guilt of justifying it all is a terrible burden to bear. The fear of withdrawal has held me back for soooo long! I haven’t liked withdrawal, not one little bit but your journey and honesty inspired me! I worship you ????.

              • #27982

                Thank you so much for your kind words xx ❤️ Day 17 is a massive achievement!! Well done ???? it can only get better and easier every day . You should be proud of yourself . Take one day at a time and keep us updated on your journey ????

              • #27984

                Glad to hear you’re feeling a little better again today SoWeary! Day 17 is such an achievement! You should be so proud xxx

              • #28005

                I’m DAY 18!!!! I drove the kids to school. I helped wrangle our 5 year old having a tantrum about school. I’ve put more laundry in to wash. It’s true. It does seem to be that at this point there’s a ‘click’ up to the next level towards normality in this whole withdrawing thing! I’m far from cured but I see and feel progress! I even called my mum which is serious test of endurance if you knew my mum ????. I do still think about codeine every day. I have this weird hollow feeling quite inside like something’s missing at all times and brain fog is still an issue but I’m having moments of clarity. I have a feeling almost like I’m a bit detached from reality and observing life from afar? I must see this through.

              • #28006

                Day 18! Oh well done SoWeary! That is just fantastic to hear. So glad you’re beginning to see progress, It definitely takes another while to feel perfect again but from here on in, it just gets better and better.

                Thinking about pills is quite normal. Your brain is still craving them. People dream about pills even! Your brain is used to codeine for such a long time it just takes time for everything to go back into place but it does.

                Well done SoWeary! You’ve got this now!


              • #27959

                Hi Shazza, oh I feel for you! It’s so hard. Tapering definitely seems the best option for you. Without your husbands full support, a full withdrawal is going to be too much to handle and sustain. To avoid withdrawals, you can taper a little slower than you are doing. It may take longer but that doesn’t matter. It’s the end goal that counts. Please do join the group and you can get better support as you taper. It will help you stay on track talking to us.

                I’m so sorry your husband doesn’t understand. I’m glad he’s been fortunate enough not to find himself in the position we have. My own parents were alcoholics. I watched addiction destroy lives and it happened to me. I saw them as pain meds for my back. I never thought I’d end up addicted. They lure you in and it’s too late once you realise.

                Please don’t feel like a failure. You are trying your best and you will succeed. You just need time and support xx

              • #27962

                Hello RachBN,

                Thank you so much. And thank you to you all. And FLO1981, I will take you up on that offer. Everyone here are amazing. And we’ll done to all who have achieved their goal Xx

              • #27960

                Hi Shazza

                I am new here myself and do not have the pearls of wisdom that Rach, Maggie, Ruby and the others do, but I do know I would not have the strength mentally or physically to attempt cutting the pills out of my life without the support of this group as confiding in someone is not something I can do. That isolation has been awful but i have been so comforted by the people on here who have taken the time to reply to me with encouragement, advice and everything in between. I know there are not that many people that chose the tapering method but that is what i am about to do starting in the next few days once i am back to myself, I currently have covid and am up and down physically so one battle at a time. Ruby did this and managed it successfully in 8 weeks after 30 years taking them! How amazing is that! We CAN do it. I personally would not be in a position to do cold turkey, my job would not allow me the down time i would need. If you want a tapering buddy I am here for you. The OG’s on here obviously have the best advice but when starting out its nice to have someone at that point also. Like starting school haha! I am sorry you cannot confide in your partner but keeping the end goal im sight imagine how proud he will be when you get there.

                Wishing you all the luck in the world xx

              • #28068

                Hi Flo1981,

                I tapered from 600 to 60mg and jumped off from there. I didn’t suffer through the taper which was odd as I only had 3 weeks to reduce. Tapering will help you with less effects when you stop but you have to be very disciplined through the process.

                Good luck.


              • #28087

                Hi Steph

                Thanks so much for the reply. I am so psyched to get started, I had planned to start this week but unfortunately covid and its effects have been lingering and i still feel rough. Today though i feel brighter and a little more energised so i plan to start on Monday with a 10% taper per week on the advice of the lovely posters here. You tapered very quickly though so this gives me hope i might be able to speed it up! Everybody is different though so i eill see how i feel. U must feel amazing to have made it. Well done to you. I can’t wait for the day this is my story too. Now that i know i CAN do it. Thank you xx

      • #26372

        Hi Shazza . It will get better once you’re codeine free . I was the same before I came off them …Was talking to my partner about this last night and he said I’m a different person now . he’s not scared to talk to me anymore ( I was always angry or sad before ) . He’s right ,I feel calmer now ,not on the edge like before and little things make me happy . You can do this too xx Happy new year to you too xx

        • #26419

          Hello Maggie. Happy New year! Yes your absolutely right! My husband says the same thing. He cant talk to me anymore cos im just rotten all the time. I used to blame him but now I know its me. I start day 1 tomorrow. I cant wait until its over. Thank you for your kind words x

    • #26368

      Hello all I’ve stumbled across this forum as I’m worried about my increasing addiction I have to solpodol 30mg/500mg codeine/para it started last year when I had a disc removed from my spine but I’m fine now and I’ve been continuously taking these tablets for around 7 month now and I’m taking roughly 15 -20 a day and I’m worrying about how hard the withdrawal will be from al 7 month period

      • #26370

        Hi Stem12, well done for recognising you need to get off these pills now. 7 months is a relatively short time to be taking codeine. Your withdrawal is usually based on how much codeine you were taking and for how long. However, Your body will be dependant on this drug so it will still be an uncomfortable process but hopefully it won’t take as long for your brain to recalibrate from it all. If you want to try and make the withdrawal easier, maybe try tapering down first if you think you can do that? I was taking codeine 6 years and I just had to do it cold turkey. I lost so many years of my life to codeine and I regret not giving them up sooner. I promise you can do this and you’ll be glad once you’ve done it! Every withdrawal is worth it to be free! Best of luck with it and we’re all here if you need support x

    • #26376

      Todays the first day of tapering for me. I did for a moment think, I’ll just take my usual 3/4 to get me started for the day but I haven’t.I’m reducing 25% at a time. I think it’s going to be the most successful way for me to come off. It will be interesting to see how my life improves over the next few months. Some how I had convinced myself that they actually made my day to day life better, suppose everything feels better when your floating through life! However I can’t wait to wake up and not feel like death, or to not have that “clucking” feeling after a few hours because I need my next fix! Any advice on time frames with tapering? I was planning on doing 25% less each week……I also suffer with an and depression and have found that they help with my anxiety. I think that’s what I’m most worried about how I’m going to cope with the anxiety.

      • #26379

        Hi Clab, well done on taking that first step! So advice varies on tapering. Some medics say to reduce by 10% a week, others 25% but in general, do whatever you feel comfortable with.And if you’re struggling with the reduction by the end of the week, keep at that dose until your feeling ok to move onto the next reduction. This will avoid the worst of the withdrawals and help limit the anxiety for you hopefully. I’m not sure if you’re already taking antidepressants but they can help too.

        The thing about codeine is you feel it’s helping you cope but in reality it’s not. Once you’re off it for a couple of months, you feel so much brighter and happier in yourself. You realise how the codeine wasn’t helping you at all. It just lures you into that way of thinking because if you don’t take it, you feel awful so you keep on going. You can do this and your life will be so much better without codeine. Best of luck xx

    • #26381

      Thank you for taking the time to reply rach after reading how some of you have came through the other side after such hard times I’m feeling more than confident about I start back at work on the 4th and I’m going to begin tapering of then as I think it will help keep my mind occupied

      • #26382

        That’s great you have a plan of action! Taper at a pace you’re comfortable with and it will make the process a lot easier on you. Best of luck x

    • #26420

      Hi shazza25, them tablets are pretty much the same but a little stronger. I imagine the withdrawal will be pretty much the same though. Good luck, you can do it!!

    • #26494

      Hi everyone. Day 2 and I’m lying in bed shivering one minute and hot sweats the next. Watering eyes and runny nose. Can’t get up….zero motivation. Last night was horrendous! The feelings from the restless legs are indescribable, never felt anything like it. Running to the toilet every 5 minutes didn’t help either. I am currently prescribed 4x30mg of codeine daily as part of a tapering regime. I was taking 8x30mg daily for over a year after suffering a shoulder injury. The tapering regime is not working, I’m still looking for that euphoria that I used to feel so end up taking the full weeks prescription in a few days.

      So have decided to go cold turkey. Sick of being a slave to the drug and worrying about getting my next hit. I want to feel normal again.

      I was just about to go to the local chemist to get a box of cocodamol and give up until I came across this forum.

      What an inspiration you guys are. It is great to know that there are people out there that are going through exactly what you are.

      I’m going to try and be strong and have enough will power to make it to day 3.

      Take care guys and we can do it! Xx

      • #26501

        Hi Tjools, well done on deciding to get your life back. It’s hard to taper if you still want that euphoric feeling. I could never taper either so I had to go cold turkey. I’m now over 2 months codeine free and honestly it’s a revelation! Life is so much brighter without codeine. The RLS is awful. As Dotty suggested a weighted blanket can help. I bought one on her suggestion also and it definitely provides relief. Warm baths, light exercise, a hot water bottle on the back of your legs can all really provide relief also. Remember all these feelings are temporary. It will get easier. Take one day at a time. Talk to us if you’re struggling! You can do this xx

    • #26495

      Have you tried a weighted blanket for the restless legs ? I got mine from that well known online shop,it cost around £30 and it did the job brilliantly.I even take it on holiday with me now.

      You can do this but in order to do it,you need to be kind to yourself.I realise that this is much easier said than done.

      Best wishes to you.

    • #26497

      Thanks for the advice. The weighted blanket definitely sounds like the way forward. Suffered from RLS for years but never as bad as this.

      Thanks again x

      • #26505

        Hello Tjools,

        Tapering wasn’t for me either ,tried but didn’t work for me and I knew cold turkey would be the only way .it sounds like you’re ready and determined to stop .Just stay focused ,it’ll be difficult for a few days but you can do it . The feeling of freedom once you’re off them is amazing and well worth the withdrawals .I had some Kemadrin tablets for restless legs and couple of sleeping tablets from gp . Once I had a good night sleep I felt so much better .people also recommend hot baths ,it’s worth a try . Keep us updated .wishing you best of luck xx

    • #26499

      I’m so chuffed for you guys who have made it through the withdrawals and “keep going” to you who are in the midst of it. Your brave and strong don’t ever ever forget that! X

      • #26502

        Hey Clab, how are you feeling? X

        • #26522

          Hey, I’m actually doing ok. I’m still craving them but the tapering technique seems to be keeping the edge off the symptoms. I have told my partner, who iv only been seeing for a short smog time, luckily he’s really understanding and supportive. The key for me was definitely telling someone. If I mess up I’ll feel bad that iv disappointed them…… and I can’t lie. Thanks for asking. How are you doing?

          • #26525

            Glad to hear you’re doing ok. I’m so happy your partner is supportive. It really makes such a difference if they’re understanding about it all. I’m 9 weeks in now and feel like a new person. I’m so much happier and just nicer to be around to be honest! It has been life changing. x

      • #26527

        Thank you Clab ???? Means so much to hear that from someone who understands xx

    • #26518

      Hi all so today was my first day of tapering down i was taking upto 20xco codomol 30/500 a day and I’ve decided to take 2 on arriving at work at 8am and then 8pm on a night before bed so I dont suffer from restless legs ect which has happened in the past and put me off I’ve felt ok all day but that’s mainly down to me being busy at work and keeping my mind off the only issue I’m finding is round about the 7pm my stomach begins to play up a bit but I’ll hold off until 8pm and hopefully get myself in a routine before tapering further x

      • #26520

        Hi Stem12, well done! That’s an amazing start! Getting yourself to a point where you’re comfortable taking just those 4 a day and then tapering further is definitely the best way to go to minimise the withdrawal symptoms. Take one day at a time. Let’s me know how it goes. Best of luck x

    • #26654

      Hi, can anyone recommend any rehabs that is good to help with this? I don’t think my family member is able to cope to do it on his own.

    • #26674

      Hi, is anyone still out there on this thread?

      I have been addicted to codeine for 5 years, and I am on day 2 cold Turkey and the lack of energy is such a struggle. At my worst I was taking 4 packs of Nurofen Plus a day (by rights I shouldn’t even be alive). My health is in the toilet because of this addiction, but the withdrawal is so hard.

      Reading all of your stories got me through the worst of yesterdays cravings so just wanted to see if anyone was still out there.

      • #26675

        Hi ,yes we are still here ????. 4 packs of Nurofen plus a day ???? Your stomach must have been in bits ???? well done on your day 2 ! You can get through this and get your life back ,just take one day at a time. We are here if you need to talk xx Best of luck

        • #26692

          Thank you so much to everyone that replied with their support. I think I am only replying to one of you but didn’t want to spam the post.

          Unfortunately I had a set back on day 2, it always seems to be day 2 or 3 that trips me up. It sounds like an excuse, but I work in a very high-powered, busy job and have just been given our biggest client (household name) and I simply didn’t have the space for the lack of energy to happen.

          HOWEVER yesterday was day 1 again, and I got called in to interview new candidates ALL DAY, and I didn’t have time to think about codeine once. Any time I try this days 3 and 4 are usually quite bad so I am determined not to be set back today, so I can get days 3 and 4 out of the way of a weekend when I have nothing to do. Thank you again for all of your replies. I’ve never told another soul about this is my entire life.

          • #26699

            Take a couple of days off. Thats what I did. My first day going cold turkey was right before I had a 4 day weekend, but I had been tappering for a few days so i was in withdrawal on that day.

            Kratom really helped for these few days in terms of the physical symptoms. For me days 2 and 3 tend to be the worst. And yeah day 4 aint not picknick at all, but once I am over that 4 day hump, I think the actute withdrawal symptoms are over.

            • #26707

              Thank you, it’s actually not going too badly. I get prescribed AD’s and sleeping tablets in general, and I think I have been ever so lucky that I haven’t had to deal with lack of sleep through withdrawal. The issue is, I can do weeks here and there and then I fall off the wagon again. But I am very determined this time. I worked out yesterday when I was having cravings I have spent around £12k on codeine in the last 5 years. £12k! Good luck to everyone else going through this, having this forum has helped so much and I’m always here if anyone needs to chat.

      • #26678

        Hi5yrsofhell, well done on day 2! That’s amazing! Withdrawal is tough but once you have the motivation to want to be free of this drug, you find a strength to keep going. Take one day at a time and it gradually gets easier I promise. It’s all worth it as Your health and your life will be so much better once you get through it. The lack of motivation is hard. Your brain is trying to figure out what’s happening and needs to recalibrate but it’s all temporary. Keep talking to us as it really does help. You can do this ❤️

      • #26786

        How are things going with you now ?

        • #26806

          I’m not doing great to be honest. The physical withdrawals aren’t too bad, it’s the psychological side of things. I just can’t seem to concentrate or get on with my day until I have got codeine. Even if I don’t necessarily take it straight away, I feel like I just cannot start my day or start work until I have it. Does anyone have any tips please? I am going for a huge promotion at work and I really want to beat this so I am well and motivated. I just seem to get to day 3/4 and fail. I’ve managed weeks here and there where I have done a full 7 days, being away places etc, but in the back of my mind I am always planning my next buy. I’ve been referred to a consultant because I am anaemic and I am pretty sure it is the pills, and I do feel so physically well off of them when I manage long stretches, but as soon as I get money or see a new pharmacy I am triggered. I don’t drink alcohol either so I really don’t have a lot to use to “relax”. It’s so hard.

          • #26807

            Hi 5yearsofhell, be proud of yourself for knowing you need to get off these pills. It can take multiple attempts to actually get off them for good. I don’t drink alcohol either so I found this really hard. I had no way of unwinding without codeine in my life.

            The physical part is definitely easier in the sense after the first 4-7 days they’ve eased off. What’s left is this psychological yearning for something to fulfill the calming effect codeine gave you. The thing is your brain is used to codeine. So you feel awful and cannot kickstart your day without it. You feel you need it to be productive. I felt the exact same. I can promise you once you are off codeine a couple weeks you realise you don’t need the pills to do that. The pills make you feel crap to get you into a never ending cycle of having to take more to feel good. Once your brain recalibrates, you feel good all the time so you don’t need pills to get you started. You have your own natural motivation back.

            This can take a good few weeks, if not a month, to fully happen so it’s a tough road. It’s hard if you must function for your job as your doing this too. Just know these are all temporary feelings and you do overcome them in time.

            Maybe try a different habit in the morning to start your day like exercise? Something to break the usual taking pills routine. Your GP might be able to prescribe something if you have no motivation/depressed without the pills also?

            The anemia is most likely due to the pills but you can overcome all this I promise. We’ve all been where you are and felt we couldn’t do it. You find the strength to keep going once you have the end goal in sight. Take it one day at a time x

          • #26809

            Just keep trying…… I’m still wobbling here at Day 15…..

            Struggling emotionally and still no settled sleep and muscle aches…..

            and last night when I finally got an couple of hrs kip….. I actually dreamt about going into a certain chemist for Nurofen Plus…..

            The mind is a strange thing especially when messed up…..

            Keep going….

            • #26810

              Hi Retro , unfortunately I know the feeling .in the first couple of months I was dreaming of finding pills in my bag and popping them for old times sake ???? I was glad when I woke up and realized it was just a dream . Now these tablets are on the table all the time as my partner takes them for his knees and they really don’t by bother me at all . What I’m trying to say is that it does get a lot easier and at some point you just stop thinking about it . Stay focused on seeing a bigger picture and getting your life back. When I thought I couldn’t do it I kept thinking of how bad the physical withdrawals were and I wouldn’t put myself through it ever again. We are all stronger than we think .You’ve got this ????

              • #26811

                Yep….. here’s hoping….

                Trying to fill my time up as much as I can…. creeping up to my longest abstinance of 18 Days…… 1 day at a time…. xx

            • #26815

              Hey Retroaddic, You’ve done so well to get to day 15. You should be proud you’ve kept resisting the pills cause it is tough. I was still really struggling with sleep at that point too which feeds into the emotional struggles also. You’re tired and you’re fed up of not feeling “normal” so it’s a constant battle fighting the urge to just take some pills. Day 18 will be a huge milestone for you as your conscious of your previous relapse at that time. Take each day as it comes and slowly you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel and be so glad you stuck with it x

              • #26822


                Day 16 and counting…… last night was terrible though….

                I’m sitting at my desk in work after getting about 1,maybe 2 hours sleep last night.

                Ended up on the couch….

                Brain going into overdrive, over everything, workload, stuff needing done to the house, my whole last 10 years of addiction….. you name it, I thought about it…

                So, I have phoned GP this morning to try and get something organised to help me get over to sleep……

                Here’s hoping……. Big test will be picking up script at Chemist later……xx

              • #26824

                Quick question, I’ve been doing a bit of ‘google’ research…..

                Specifically on the sleeping issues with codeine withdrawal…

                I’ve seen a few posts about a short quick course of either Ziplocone or Tamazepam to counteract the ‘insomnia’….. up to 7 days

                I’m with GP later today and will likely bring this up… anybody have any experience of this… xx

              • #26826

                Hi Retroaddic, at your point I was sleeping maybe 5/6 hours a night but I would have trouble falling asleep and would wake at 5am. That was bearable but the fact you’re still only getting a hour sleep I agree with getting some help for the insomnia. Your body needs rest to recover. After a good night sleep, you’ll honestly feel so much better mentally.

                Lack of sleep is tough on the body. I’ve heard Ziplocone is good and works really well if that’s any help but I’ve no personal experience with it. I’m really glad you’re going to the GP cause without sleep it’s hard to stay motivated as you’re just too tired to deal with it all.

                My mind also went into overdrive I must admit. I think any issues we were using codeine to ‘deal’ or ‘cope’ with come to the surface. Sleep helps with that as does time honestly.

                I hope things go well with the GP. Best of luck and I’m rooting for you! You’ve got this x

              • #26827

                Thanks RachBN.

                I thought I had to back this attempt up with a few third parties.

                Hard as it was , I told my parents and later today the GP…..

                More failsafes ‘in my mind’ in order to make this attempt count….

                Thanks again xx

              • #26828

                Honestly, having support is really beneficial so I’m glad you spoke with them. I’m so proud of you for taking that step cause I know how hard it can be. You’re doing everything you can to make this work for you. That takes strength! I hope you get some sleep tonight. And remember I’m here if you ever want to chat. X

              • #26829

                Thanks Rach,

                You’ve been a great help xx.

                Truth be told, I’ve had a very lazy day in work, because I’m knackered :).

                Been a bit of bluffing done on the laptop today……


              • #26831

                I think you’re amazing for going to work in the first place with hardly no sleep! A good nights sleep will really benefit you so hopefully you will sleep better tonight! X

              • #26830

                Hi Retro. I think talking to your family will help you get through this . The more people I told ,the more determined I was to quit . You should be proud of yourself ! You keep going even though it’s very difficult . Once you have a good night sleep you will notice a big difference in the way you feel so fingers crossed tonight is the night ????

              • #26835

                Thanks Maggie and Rach,

                Not long up, went to GP after work and had a fairly frank discussion with him…

                He told me I should have went earlier but that now that the physical symptons seemed to had lessened we could hope that I’d get through the next few weeks.

                He gave me a fairly strong sleeping tablet which I tried last night for the first time….. (short dose of two weeks and only to take for a few days and then maybe every other day until the sleeping regulates itself).

                Boom….. slept from 10 right through to 5 and then got up to let the dog out!!

                Went back and had another 2 hours….. so really happy with that. A few nights of better sleep should hopefully make a big difference…

                Anyways, Day 17 awaits…… thanks again xx

              • #26836

                One thing I’m noticing a lot is motivation…. especially in work.

                I’m a Financial Para Planner, so most of my work involves putting together paperwork for various ‘financial’ thingys…. and as soon as I get into work my levels of motivation plummet…….

                I guess ‘work’ has been a huge trigger for me as normally when I got into the office I would take a sneaky hit of codeine to push me through the morning, then again at lunchtime using the high to push through a busy day. (not unknown for me to use again in the afternoon before leaving office).

                My workload can be a nightmare at times…. (unfortunately as it is now because over the last few weeks I’ve let it slide big time).

                I’m hoping that this again will get better with time, I’m very fortunate that I’ve worked for my employer for 25-26 years and classed as ‘part of the furniture’ now and unlikely to lose my position. (thank goodness).

                Right, I may go and actually try and do some work….. speak soon xx

              • #26843

                and here we are Day 18…….

                Another night of fairly good sleep…. bit groggy this morning but nothing to worry about…..

                Getting past today is a biggy……

                speak later xx

              • #26844

                I know day 18 is important to you. You can do this. I’ll be thinking of you x

              • #26845

                I hope your day is going ok x Glad to hear you’ve started getting some more sleep

              • #26848

                Hi Maggie / Rach,

                Yep , Day 18 coming to an end. Still in work ,but no issues today, other than a heavy workload.

                Coming up to 5pm and it looks like I’m going to be here for another couple of hours so looks like today is gonna be a good day in the sense that I’ve passed my last re-lapse.

                Sleep definitely helping, and today for the first, real time , felt good periods of clarity.

                Hopefully sleep tonight, and on from that will only help……

                Really pleased with myself by getting to Day 18…….

                Speak soon… xx

                p.s. forgot to mention how weird it felt, picking up my script from the GP for the sleeping aid and finding my eyes immediately drawn to the Nurofen Plus on the shelf….. 🙂

              • #26850

                Hi Retroaddic, I’m so happy you are getting moments where you feel good. It helps to keep you focused when you see glimpses of normality. Sleep definitely helps. It’s hard to be motivated etc when your exhausted especially when you work long hours!

                Seeing Nurofen plus is so strange at first. Your instincts are to start thinking of an excuse in your head as to why you need it for when your questioned! Now I just feel liberated that I can walk into a chemist and not even think about those pills. It’s life changing!

                You should be so proud of yourself for doing this! You’ve made it to day 18 which is amazing! Tomorrow is day 19 and you can put your previous relapse behind you and look to the future!

                Hope you get another good night sleep x

              • #26853

                You did it ! You’ve come this far ,it will only get easier now xx I work in aerospace company as a quality inspector and busy all the time as I am the only one there .Have struggled massively without the pills with both doing long hours as well as trying to stay focused at all times . I have recently tried a new coffee skull crusher nootropic at work .I’ve never experienced this much euphoria and energy before ( high caffeine content ) .it was the most productive day for me since I’ve been off the pills .it’s expensive but if it helps me get through the bad days I’ll invest ????

              • #26855

                Oh Maggie, that sounds amazing! Must try that myself! Thank you!

              • #26837

                Hi Retroaddic, your GP sounds nice and helpful! Im so glad that the sleeping tablets worked last night. A few nights sleep will really help you.

                Motivation is a big issue I must admit. Like you, I was taking pills in the morning to kickstart my work day( work in busy lab). I then took more at my 11am coffee break, my lunch break and to be honest in the afternoon too! Those pills were getting me through the day. So when I stopped I struggled with no energy or motivation in work too.

                This lack of motivation lasted a few weeks and it’s tough to battle through. I think we expect the physical symptoms that first week but the emotional aspect continues way past that. Sleep will definitely help with this. Unfortunately, it just takes time and I understand how frustrating that can be. I promise you though once it all clicks back into place, you’ll be more productive than you ever were. It’s only when you stop codeine and get back to your normal self that you realise the codeine was making you slump in the first place during the day to need more codeine. It wasn’t motivating you as such. You just needed it to function. It was just a neverending cycle. Once this cycle is broken and your brain recovers, you don’t get those slumps anymore.

                Best of luck for day 17. I know you can do this x

              • #26838

                Thanks Rach xx

                I’ll keep you posted…..

              • #26857

                Yes!!!! Day 19….

                Another night with sleep….. solid 5 hours last night……

                Waking up bit groggy but I think thats the sleeping tablet……

                Thanks Maggie and Rach, your advice and concern have been instrumental in me getting this far…….. its amazing how a simple google search of ’18 day codeine withdrawal’ can lead to this…..

                Definitely think I’m getting somewhere……. but it’s one day at a time…

                Speak soon….xx

              • #26860

                Day 19! You did it! I’m so happy for you. It will get easier from here. As you say, take it one day at a time!

                The grogginess is most likely from the sleeping tablet but it’s worth it for the sleep! Sleep is so important in this!

                This forum is an amazing place. Talking to people who actually understand how you’re feeling is so beneficial. I’m glad chatting to us helped a little.

                Hope work goes ok today x

              • #26861

                How long does it normally take for ‘full recovery’ from withdrawal ?

                I understand that it will differ from person to person, length/type of addiction and how much etc

                I also appreciate that once clean you can’t go back and that we are all addicts, however some would be classed as a recovering addict……

                Whilst most of the physical symptoms are gone, and with sleep, the emotional end of things seems to be improving, I still dont feel 100%.

                Just something not 100% which I can’t put my finger on. It’s just a general feeling of’ ‘Blahhhh’….. , i’m not finished here…., not 100%’.

                I’m feeling so much better, but every now and again……… this feeling comes back.


              • #26862

                I totally get what you mean by the ‘Blahhh’ feeling. I felt like that for probably a month. I just wasn’t 100%! The original poster said it was 4-6 weeks for him but I do think it depends on how long you were using them and the amount you were taking.

                I think there’s an element of what do I do now? Your brain is still figuring it all out. These pills have been a defining part of your life for so long so you kinda need to learn how to enjoy life again without them.

                What I can say is I am now going into my 4th month and I feel great. I promise you it gets better. I feel normal again and I’m a way happier person. My husband actually only said last night he’s never heard me laugh so much as he has in the last month. I feel like me again after 6 years. It’s all so worth it.

                Keep on going. You’re doing great x

              • #26864

                “My husband actually only said last night he’s never heard me laugh so much as he has in the last month….”

                Love it….. what a great quote…..

                You’ve done so well…..:)

                Thanks xx

              • #26865

                Hi Retroaddic, you’re doing great ! Just like you said ,it’s different for everyone. But you have gone through the worst now and it can only get better now. You will still have days when you feel blahh..I have had a few people including my partner tell me I’m a changed person .Used to be grumpy all the time ,unhappy .Now I laugh and smile a lot more and feel I’m a better person . Motivation is slowly picking up . I keep asking myself – why has it taken me so long to come off those pills ? Wasted 8 years …

              • #26867

                Funnily enough, driving into work this morning, I was feeling great and couldn’t believe that I’d wasted so much time, money, heartache on taking the pills.

                I just hope this time is the one……

                I’m sure I’ve been a nightmare to live with at times, but fingers crossed a corner has been turned….

                Day 19 slowly coming to an end….. 🙂

                Thanks again, so much for your help and kind words xx

              • #26888

                Hey Retroaddic, just checking into see how you’re feeling today? I hope you got some sleep again last night! X

              • #26900


                Yep all good…… sleep not too bad last night…. took longer than normal to get over , even with sleeping tablet. I’m putting that down to a busy day in work though, came home with a bit of a headache…

                But up this morning, no issues….. quiet, chilled weekend planned. At the ripe old age of 47 , I’m still into gaming and I used to read quite a lot, huge Stephen King fan. Both of these pastimes seemed to drift away over the past few years but intending to enjoy both this weekend……

                Day 21……. let’s go….


              • #26902

                Hey, Day 21! What an achievement! I’m so happy for you. You’ve worked so hard to get to this point. Be proud of yourself.

                My husband is 40 and still loves gaming also! It’s a great way to unwind and keep your mind occupied!

                Funnily enough, I used to love to read too but I stopped over the years as I just didn’t really want to do anything. In the past month I’ve started again and it’s a great way to relax.

                It’s crazy what we’ve missed out on for these pills. Such a waste but the future is looking very bright!

                Have a great weekend! I’m here if you need anything x

    • #26676

      I’m here 5yrsofhell. Day 2 is amazing, so many times in them 3 days you could of given up but you didn’t! Take it one day at a time and you’ll soon be on 2 weeks and feeling so so so much better. We’ve all put our bodies through hell but we can recover! The lack of motivation is so hard to deal with but i promise you it’s worth it. Once them 2 weeks are over you’ll so glad you didn’t turn back. Keep going, I am here for you.

    • #26677

      I’m here 5yrsofhell. Day 2 is amazing, so many times in them 2 days you could of given up but you didn’t! Take it one day at a time and you’ll soon be on 2 weeks and feeling so so so much better. We’ve all put our bodies through hell but we can recover! The lack of motivation is so hard to deal with but i promise you it’s worth it. Once them 2 weeks are over you’ll so glad you didn’t turn back. Keep going, I am here for you.

    • #26681


      I’m so relieved that i’ve found this forum. i’m day 5 of stopping codeine completely and i feel awful and although i have been googling codeine withdrawal symptoms it didn’t really make me feel that’s what i was suffering from. but this forum does and its a huge relief.

      I feel so stupid – i’ve been in recovery from alcohol for 12 years and do a lot in AA. I nearly died and i feel i’ve got real recovery. I don’t go to NA as i never took drugs but i know a lot of people in it and i’d feel so stupid going along to NA and admitting i’ve been using codeine. I should though!

      Anyway, i started taking it (over the counter, nurofen plus) a year ago and i loved the buzzy, relaxing feeling. I knew what was happening but by last week i was taking 20 tabs a day. Using laxatives to deal with the constipation it brings. It went from maybe 4 tablets to 20 a day in what feels like no time.

      Been clean for 5 days and while i suspected I was going to feel anxious I had no idea it would make me feel so lethargic, painful in joints, depressed, tense, all of it. I’m so relieved to see that seems to be common. I think if i was taking more i’d ask for help with a detox but think i can get by given what people have said. Thank you all and god bless.

      • #26682

        Hi Jay, well done for getting to day 5! That is such an achievement. Please don’t feel stupid. Codeine lures you in and the addiction creeps up on you. Before you know it, you’re increasing your pills for the same euphoria and it becomes a cycle that’s hard to get out of. It took me 6 years to realise this! As you know from AA, take one day at a time and be proud of every day codeine free. The withdrawals are tough but you’re not far off beginning to feel better. Stay hydrated, take baths for the aches and pains and the anxious feeling will gradually go away after a couple weeks. Your brain is just trying to recalibrate and learn how to cope without codeine. You’ve done this with alcohol and will do it again with codeine. You’ve got this. I’m here to chat if you need support x

        • #26683

          Thank you so much RachBN, very kind. I’ll try the baths. It reminds me how important sharing experience is in recovery, I had a huge wave of relief when i saw what people have posted on here, it makes me feel that there’s hope of feeling better, and it makes me realise how sneaky addiction is, and if you’ve got one type you’re quite vulnerable to others. Great place this x

          • #26685

            Well down to you! I’m on day ten of trailering off, iv gone from 10/15 a day to 2/3. I’m feeling lethargic and feeling a bit down if I’m honest. But I know it will pass. The forum is great, makes you feel normal! No one gasping at how long or how many tablets you take! I think we are all amazing!

            • #26686

              Hey Clab, glad to hear the tapering is going good. Getting down to only 2/3 pills is amazing, well done! Honestly, once those feelings do pass you’ll feel great x

          • #26687

            Definitely sharing with other people who understand is so important. I wouldn’t have got through it without the support of people on here. X

      • #26787

        How’s things with you now?

    • #26693

      Hi 5yrsofhell, set backs happen. We’ve all tried to give up more than once believe me! The important thing is you’re not giving up and you realise codeine is affecting your health. To be honest, I couldn’t have worked the first week of withdrawal as I was all consumed by it so I can see why you find day 3/4 hard at work. I’m assuming taking a weeks holidays isn’t an option for you as you’re so busy but even the weekend at home should help you get past the worst days. I promise you can do this. When the time is right it all clicks into place and you get through it. Don’t be hard on yourself and just keep trying your best. Best of luck x

    • #26701

      Hi all, hope we are doing well! I had a bit of a set back the last few days. I’d got down to 2/3 a day but went back up to 6 ???????? Noticed it the last few mornings, woke up feeling groggy until I took my morning dose. I’m working my way back to one every 3/4 hours so I’ll get back on track in a few days

      • #26708

        You will get there, I completely understand how you feel, sometimes it just isn’t “convenient” to be going through withdrawal. I’m sure you will do fine once you are back on track.

      • #26805

        How are you guys doing ? Hope you all feel better ????sending positive vibes x

    • #26785

      Hi, The last time I ever commented on one of these addiction forums I was 18 days into withdrawal, that was about 2 years ago, feeling like I had got the better of it, and I now find myself on another forum….

      I’ve been addicted to Codeine for about 10-11 years, at worst 2 x 32 Packs of NPlus each day, but supplementing them with 30/500 Co-Codamols taken from a family member who genuinely needs them.

      I have spent £1,000’s over the addiction, and think just recently hit rock bottom. My wedding anniversary was in Dec 21, and my wife was excitedly arranging a night out as you do…… ( She is aware that I had issues with Codeine , I told her a couple of years ago, when I thought I had it beaten. It broke her heart…… ). She doesn’t know that I relapsed after 18 days….

      We were out for the evening, and as always I had taken my ‘fix’ to get me through the night…. For some reason that evening, my body just rebelled against me….. Maybe it was a few drinks with the tablets, but within an hour of going out, I was sweating, freezing, had a excrutiating headache and thought I was going keel over…. I just looked at my wife and thought, I can’t do this anymore.

      I don’t know how but I managed to hide this from my other half and struggled through the evening, but I think it was a turning point…… in the run up to Christmas I decided to quit…… Didn’t make it for the New Year but I am now on Day 13 going Cold Turkey……

      TBH, It was ****ing horrendous, shakes, shivers, the runs, couldn’t eat, sleep was completely out of the question. Sneezing, coughing , headaches…. RLS, irritable, you know the drill.

      My wife, she’s a nurse thought I was getting Covid….. so insisted that I tested etc etc I took a few days off work and pretended that it was a very bad flu.

      and now I find myself here….simply trawling through the net googling ‘Codeine Withdrawal Symptoms’. I think I am through the worst of the physical withdrawal, however, my head is all over the place emotionally, find myself close to tears at least once or twice a day, still not sleeping correctly but struggling on.

      Finding a great deal of benefit however from reading through this post….

      Hope everyone keeps at it….. cheers.

      • #26788

        Hi Retroaddic and we’ll done on getting this far . Psychological withdrawals are quite bad when you’ve been taking the pills for a long time . I have a very addictive personality and recently realised I have been replacing pills with alcoholic drinks ,almost every night ..I don’t drink much but definitely too often .I stopped taking codeine in the first week of August and never looked back but still try to numb myself .I have mentioned this few times before on here but listening to music has helped me through the worst and I still do it every morning and evening .I think if I could quit then anyone can … I wish you strength and determination to stay off those pills for good .once you feel happier in yourself ,you won’t need them anymore . If you feel low ,might be worth trying mood stabilizer from a gp ? Best of luck ,you can do this ! X

        • #26790

          Funnily enough, I’ve been watching a lot music vids….

          Went through our Wedding DVD’s music list….:)

          I’m getting small periods what I’m calling ‘clarity’…. but seem to be few and far between..

          Thanks for replying. x

        • #27460

          Hi Maggie, i hope your well. I’m in a mess again. How can i get the email?

      • #26789

        Hi Retroaddic19, well done on getting to day 13! The worst of the physical withdrawals are definitely over by now. It’s a hard couple of weeks so be proud of yourself for doing it! It really does only get better and better once your past the first 2 weeks.

        So the mental side is hard. Once the physical symptoms subside, a kind of depression/anxiety sets in as your brain tries to find joy in the world again without codeine. It’s hard but it does get easier I promise. Try and exercise to release some endorphins as this does help a little. I found sleep took the longest to settle but by week 4 I was back to pretty much normal.

        Life is so much brighter without codeine in it once you’ve got through the withdrawals. I’m a way happier person now. I enjoy doing things and the sense of freedom not relying on those pills is liberating!

        I’m here to chat if you want. Keep going, you’re nearly there. X

        • #26791

          Thanks for replying Rach…

          So glad to be through the worst of the physical….. for me I think the hardest part is now….

          Sleep for me to is a problem….. but I’ll keep going. x

          • #26793

            You’re not on your own. A lot of people feel the mental side is so much harder. It takes awhile to feel ‘normal’ again but it will be so worth it once you’re out the other side. Music does help. I also listened to music constantly( on Maggies great advice!). It’s hard on you when your sleep is affected too. Your brain will eventually start releasing its own endorphins again and you’ll slowly start to feel happiness in things again. Your brain will realise it doesn’t need codeine. Be proud of yourself for doing this. It’s not easy but you’ve kept going x

            • #26794

              Well that’s day 13 over……

              Hot bath and bed…. searching for some Zzzzzz…

              Thanks again x

    • #26814

      Hi there,

      Just wanted to say thank you to everyone on this forum. It feels so good to know I am not alone going through this.

      I have been on codeine for 10 years and I didnt even realise it. It became the norm for me and I could not operate without taking heaps of tabs throughout the day.

      I have tried and relapsed so many times that its embarrassing.

      Just something that has helped me as I am now on day 15 and not feeling that many withdrawals, I purchased some vitamin tabs from amazon and they are working so well with the brain fog albeit its still very hard but I can cope better.

      You lot are all amazing and thank you again as it was reading this forum I had the motivation to quit!!

      • #26816

        Hi Hriaz, day 15! That’s amazing. I’m glad this forum helped you. The people on here got me through my first couple of weeks last November. Wishing you all the best x

    • #26817

      Thanks RachBN 🙂

    • #26825

      Nitrazepan helped my friend.

    • #26904

      Hi Pauline, firstly I’m so sorry to hear about your father. And your mom too. That’s a lot to deal with in the space of 2 years. Be proud of yourself for taking the first step in acknowledging you need to give these up for your health and for yourself in general but also, give yourself grace. It’s been a tough time for you.

      It’s the morning I found most difficult too. I had Nurofen plus next to my bed and would take them to start my day. I would wait for them to kick in before getting up as I needed that motivation to get up. I totally understand how you found that difficult.

      The most important thing now is you realise your trigger going in to it this time. When you’re ready to give up, maybe you could try and get into a routine in the morning of exercise or something else you enjoy so that when the pills are gone, you have something else to motivate you to get up for. Or perhaps listen to some music when you wake to help your mood. Music definitely can help as Maggie has said along the way. I still take that advice and music is on in my kitchen now every morning.

      I’d suggest having a chat with your GP too as you’ve been through a lot recently. Without these pills, you can suffer anxiety and lack of motivation after the physical symptoms dissipate and a doctor can prescribe something or perhaps recommend things for you to try. Counselling might be an idea too for all you’ve been through.

      I’m not sure if anyone around you knows about this but it’s helpful to have some emotional support. However, what I can say is you are not alone in this. This forum has become a little community of people who really care so you can chat to us. We’ll help anyway we can x

      • #26942

        Thanks RachBN, I really appreciate it 🙂

      • #26945

        Im thinking about the a Health Service Executive office worker, its the Irish version of the health board, and there is free counselling for a total of 5 sessions i think with a HSE therapist. Youre right about the mornings, i need to find something better to motivate me and just replace my unhealthy routine. It should focus more on health and wellbeing, like the music in the kitchen or exercise. Its gotten so ridiculous for me, i just care about using first thing, i get coffee later at work and plenty of times i leave the house without breakfast. Then when i get a cramp or feel a little nauseous, i know its the pills and its only then that i think of the harm they are probably doing, and i get scared. But once that fear goes away and i feel ok, im back to not thinking about it and using again straight after work. Ive stopped short of using at work; there have been only a few occasions where I’ve brought them in but apart from the nurofen plus, its not as easy to take effervescent Solpadine’s inconspicuously. I just want to feel stronger and that ive achieved this great thing; to quit using. When i quit last year i remember feeling proud of myself. Then making this conscious decision to just go back on them, it was the worst mistake. I fooled myself by giving myself terms and conditions; i wouldn’t use every day, id only use once a day, the packets would have to last three weeks or that was it; i had to quit again. I actually fooled myself into thinking i could stick to that. Such bs..went back on them and was worse than ever, using everyday, addicted again, packets not even lasting a week. Anyway..i will do it, and this time i hope to never look back..thanks for your support RachBN 🙂

        • #26946

          Hi Pauline, I’m from Ireland too and I work in a hospital. You can get those free counselling sessions under the employee assistance programme. A few of my colleagues have used it in the past for a variety of reasons and found it really helpful.

          I totally get the going into different chemists thing. It’s a lot harder to get them here than the U.K. also since the new laws a few years back. They’re hidden behind counters and you must nearly plead your case as to why you need them and beg in some pharmacies. It used to frustrate me no end until I realised it was people like myself they were trying to protect. Unfortunately it’s not enough as when you want those pills, you’ll get them! I used be so happy when they believed my story. It was an awful way to live.

          Don’t be hard on yourself for going back on them. It’s so easy to trick your mind into thinking you can control your usage. One time I tried to give up a few years ago and I thought I could take them as a treat on a Saturday night like some people drink( I don’t drink at all). Sure obviously I couldn’t. Once I took some I wanted more. They lure you in so quickly and your in this cycle where you feel awful without them so you keep taking them.

          I took them for 6 years. I’ve had bloods done and they’re all perfect. Luckily I didn’t do any long term physical damage which I’m very grateful for as I know it could have been so different. Maybe to ease those fears, you could book a routine blood test appointment when you feel ready?

          You seem so determined so I know you’ll do this. You know your triggers. You know you can’t take them and control your usage so you’re more prepared this time. Definitely try and find a morning routine that gives you a structure with no pills involved. Be kind to yourself also as you’ve had a lot going on this past while.

          Best of luck Pauline. If you need any support, talk to us x

    • #26907

      Hi Pauline,

      Finding this forum, was the biggest help to me…. I was addicted to NP for about 10/11 years and have tried to stop so many times….

      Sorry to hear about your mum and dad, there’s no words that can describe the pain you must be going through. I agree with Maggie in that having some emotional support and a visit to the gp would be a great starting point. I felt that when starting this withdrawal attempt I needed to put a few failsafes/barriers between me and the tablets…. so i told my parents and went to the GP…

      I’ve made it to Day 22…. which is my longest period without NP…. I’ve felt physically destroyed at the start, first 10days, and still I’m having emotional issues/sleeping etc.

      I’ve listened to a lot of music, which funnily enough helps (i’m not a huge music lover!!)…. cried over various things, including my wedding DVD a number of times….

      But I felt that I was flushing out my system if that makes sense…..

      Decide on a date to begin a taper, or go cold turkey (which I did) and move from there…. one day at a time. The fact you ended up on this forum is a huge step. You are admitting you have a problem and want to do something about it….

      Maggie and Rach on this forum have been a blessing for me and really helped me to get to Day 22….

      All the best and just shout if you need anything….xx

      • #26943

        Thank you 🙂 thats great you have three weeks free, it can only get better after that. I feel like that too about music, i go through phases with it but would not describe myself as a music lover either, but doing these breathing techniques with that therapy type spa music i got off YouTube. I feel like im making steps to quit at both the best and worst possible time..i could easily use to ease the pain but i know that the pills dont really ease anything, they’re just adding to my problems. Anyway, there will never be a ‘good’ time to quit, i just have to do it.

    • #26908

      Hi Pauline,

      Firstly ,I’m very sorry to hear about your parents . I understand what you’re going through xx The most important thing is, you admit you have a problem and you want to put a stop to it . When you’re ready to come off them we will be here to help you through it xx This forum has helped so many of us already and it can help you too . Speaking to your gp could help too .They might offer some meds or therapy xx wishing you best of luck ,you’ve got this ????

      • #26944

        Thanks Maggie 🙂 just talking about it here with people who completely understand is comforting. I think the GP is something i have to do as its basically making a reality of things..just having to admit it will make me confront something that ive normalized. Its only when you admit it to someone you realise that its a bigger deal than i ever wanted to make it. It has become such a routine that i use without thinking twice about it; its just something i do thats as compulsory to me as my morning cup of coffee or brushing my teeth. I remember when i first started, it was so illicit to me; i would think: what are you doing, using painkillers when you have no pain? this is so wrong! then i got a little thrill out of buying them and leaving the pharmacy thinking i got away with something, that they had no idea what i was really up to. Now, its just pure shame buying them..every pharmacy in town and the little village pharmacies where i live (Im from Ireland) all know full well that i must have an addiction. I can barely look them in the eye when i go in as they know what im going to ask for before i open my mouth. A pharmacist in one of them recently just gave me this little smirk and said: ‘Im sorry, we’re out of them’. I knew i couldn’t go back to there again after that. That was her way of saying: ‘Im sick of you coming in here and I’m not selling you nurofen plus anymore’. So thats another reason to quit as well, top of the list being my health, but the shame of buying them is another good reason. Thanks for the support 🙂

    • #26913

      Hi Havehope, good to hear from you. I attempted to give up these pills a few times before I managed to do it So don’t beat yourself up. It’s not an easy process and can take time but you’ll get there!

      There are a couple of people on here who have tapered. The most important thing with tapering is to ensure you are lowering the dose at a level you’re not experiencing bad withdrawals on. Some people try and do it too quickly and it simply prolongs the withdrawals and then they give up as it’s nearly as hard on the body when tapering is not done correctly. They recommend lowering your dose by 10% a week. Some people can do 25% and not experience bad withdrawals so it depends on you really. Just lower the dose by an amount you don’t feel too bad on. And it’s important you feel ok on this dose before lowering it again.

      I think to stick to a taper plan it would help if you were doing it with a GP maybe? It’s hard to stick to by yourself but it’s totally possible if you really want it and do it a rate you’re comfortable with. To give the taper a structure, maybe pick how many times a day and what time you’ll take the pills at. Make a plan so you know what your doing.

      If you do decide you can’t taper and to go cold turkey, talk to your GP. They can help with sleep and there is short term medication that can help reduce symptoms to get you past that first forthright. You don’t have to do this alone.

      A support network really helps for any withdrawals but for a taper having someone to talk to that knows what you’re doing is beneficial. It gives you emotional support and also you are less inclined to slip when someone else knows your taper plan. I think you said your sister knows so perhaps talk through your plan with her?

      You can do this. We were all where you were. I was only there 4 months ago. It’s hell I know but it’s so worth it for your life back. Take one day a time whether it’s tapering or cold turkey and focus on the end goal. Im here to chat! Good luck x

    • #26916

      I understand your fear with the GP but honestly that’s not how they think about this stuff. You aren’t a bad mom for this and I know how well your kids are looked after and loved. The thing with pain meds is you can continue as normal and be a good worker, parent etc. That’s why we stay on them so long as it’s so easy to hide but I do appreciate your anxiety over it. However, just know if it you end up ever having to say this to your GP, you’ll be ok. I’m glad you have your sister to talk to though. Once you have someone, it’s helpful.

      Have you considered just speaking to your GP about anxiety in general and getting something to help with that? I think everyone who gives these pills up ends up anxious and lacking motivation for awhile so it might help you to have meds for that while you withdraw.

      I know you can do this. You have your plan made. Take the lowest amount as you say that you don’t feel terrible on. Stick to that until you feel ok on it and then gradually lower. If done like that you shouldn’t experience withdrawals too severe. I know how scary it is when you’re aware of how bad the withdrawals feel but take it slowly and you’ll get there.

      I also know the feeling of wishing I was past those first few weeks. I thought I’d never do it. That first week felt like a lifetime. I’m no different to you I promise. I struggled. I was scared. I cried and I was anxious so don’t feel alone please.

      You’ve got this. You want it so much and that’s the first step to doing it. You’ll get through this x

    • #26917

      I have spoken to the gp and I have been prescribed various things for anxiety but nothing really helped. I’m still prescribed propanol so I could try those again is need be. It makes me feel better knowing I can contact the GP if need be. Im really going to give this a good go. I have a plan, thanks again x

      • #26918

        Anxiety is a hard one even without going through withdrawals. It can take so long to find a medication that works for you. It’s tough. At least you know you have options!

        Be proud of yourself for giving this another go. You have your plan. You’ve got this!

        If you need to just chat at any point, you know you can come here x

    • #26924

      Hi Stevie and we’ll done ???? You have made that hardest first step and should be proud of yourself. I bet telling your wife made you feel relieved and I’m sure she will support you all the way . The next few days/ weeks will be very difficult but you sound like you’re ready for it ???? .Be kind to yourself ,eat and drink well to help with the withdrawals and if you struggle don’t be afraid to ask for help . This is all just temporary and will pass .We are here for you xx Best of luck

    • #26925

      Thank you rachbn, she is an amazing woman and is my rock, but I also feel worried for putting this on her, I had been thinking about it for so long but when she asked me on that morning, everything came and within 10 mins I’m onto the doctor! Roll on the next week x

      • #26926

        If it’s any help, my husband was happy he knew and just wanted to be there for me. Your wife sounds the same. He was worried when he saw me so distressed during the withdrawals but he was glad to knew what was really going on.Sometimes we need that support to spur us on when times are tough. Ye will come out the other side stronger than ever. X

    • #26934

      Can’t believe you’re on day 23 now. You’ve done so well! X

    • #26935

      Wow day 23?? That’s a massive pat on the back because they are the devil pill! Today I’m struggling with a really cloudy head!! Yesterday was better but I just keep saying ” if not now when” and I need keep believing this feeling isn’t forever.. I’m proud of where you’ve got to buddy! Keep positive and if you need to just stop have 5 mins and breathe x

      • #26937

        I promise that feeling isn’t forever. It’s all temporary although I totally understand how it’s all consuming and you just want it to be over. Withdrawal is a process with ups and downs, some days are better than others, which is why we take each day as it comes but it’s all worth it. The feeling of being free from those pills is liberating. Focus on how amazing that will feel. I hope today goes ok for you x

    • #26957

      Well done for coming on here to talk it through. This happens. Random moments of craving the pills. In our minds it helps us get through those moments of stress. But we know it really doesn’t. It causes more harm than good in the end. But cravings are part of the process and can happen.

      By this stage, you’ve gotten through the worst of the withdrawal symptoms and just want something to take the edge off the stress etc. We can convince ourselves that sure one dose won’t hurt at this stage but it does. It leads us back down a path until we’re back to square one again. Funnily enough, looking at statistics the biggest relapses happen 3 weeks in. I think this is why. We think we’ve beaten it so can be like other people and take them occasionally. We can’t as we don’t take these pills for pain like most, we take them as an emotional crutch.

      You sound determined not to take them though. That’s the main thing. Be proud of yourself, that takes strength! And when you feel tempted, think of how far you’ve come. It would be such a shame to go back now. You’ve got this!

      Keep chatting to us when you need xx

      • #26958

        Thanks Rach,

        Yep , its a nightmare….. 🙁

        Purposely left the office at 1.10pm, knowing that all the local chemists are closed. I’m from N.Ireland and for some reason in my area they all shut for an hour at 1….

        Craving slowly faded, but it’s scary how strong the implusion to go and get some tablets was….

        I’ll be glad when home later and can forget about today….

        Speak soon. xx

        • #26962

          Well done! Just think how strong that impulse was and you still didn’t give in to the temptation. That’s amazing!

          Hope rest of your day goes ok x

        • #27003

          Hey Retroaddic, just checking in to see how you’re doing? My posts are being deleted for breaking guidelines ( giving out specific information and the email for anyone that wants to join the WhatsApp group – this forum is technically for the families of people affected by addiction). So just know I am still here if you need anything x

          • #27006

            Yep, still here…. Day 27..

            For the first time in a long while, I’m feeling pretty good…. maybe it’s because it’s Friday, work’s been a nightmare this week.

            Anyways , still hanging in there. I had posted a longer email this morning, but it seems to have been taken off the site as well ????

            Speak soon xx

            • #27007

              This site goes through phases and removes comments. I’m so happy you’re feeling good. Day 27, nearly a month in now! You should be so proud!

              Just know if you ever need something and can’t get through to anyone here, the email to get onto our WhatsApp group is back along a few pages. No pressure but just know you’re never alone.

              Have a great weekend xx

            • #27035

              Hey Retroaddic, day 30 today I think! How are you feeling? Xx

              • #27038

                Yep… Day 30….

                Still hanging in there, feeling a lot better. Slept last night for first time with no help from any Sleeping Tablets.

                In work at minute, would love a holiday !!! Work is a nightmare at minute…..

                But definitely on the right track now…… Payday this week, was thinking that I’d never made it from one pay day to another without buying NP tablets…. (Another little victory)…..

                Speak soon, xx

              • #27039

                That’s amazing!!! The worst is over. It just gets better from here. I’m not saying there won’t be moments of cravings etc but you’re stronger now to deal with it. The fact you got sleep last night with no meds is a great sign that your brain is starting to function again without those pills.

                I would love a holiday myself! Work being stressful can be a trigger( it’s been one of my own struggles) so just remember if you get any cravings for a pill to help you get through the bad days, those pills don’t actually make anything better. We just think they do. Remind yourself how far you’ve come and how you don’t want to go back now. That’s what I do and the moment always passes. You’re on the right track and seem determined to keep going!

                Well done on getting from payday to payday with no pills. Each victory counts and is so important! Think of all the money saved! Try and get something you want out of all that saved pill money. It’s a great motivator.

                I’m genuinely so happy for you. You’ve got this. Talk soon xx

    • #26959

      Well guys yesterday was a mental battle!! But I’m still here fighting it! Went into the chemist today to pick up my wife’s prescription and mines was sitting too, asked them to take them away and in no circumstances give them to me or any member of my family! That felt difficult but good! So as I write this, decided to thank solpadiene max and the money I’ve saved this we’ve got an overnight in a hotel looking over loch Lomond in Scotland!! It’s only an hour from home but it’s a different view… Keep fighting guys and gals it’s a continuous battle but we can do this! I’m only in day six but feel so much better, I know bad days are ahead but they make the good days better. If I can be of any help, please please message away as without this group! The struggle would definitely have been harder! Stay strong and love from Scotland xx

      • #26961

        Wow that was such a huge step to tell the chemist not to give your prescription out. Well done, you should be so proud of yourself!

        Booking a night away with the money you’ve saved is a great motivator! It’s great to use that money for a nice experience you and your wife can enjoy. The amount of money I have saved since I gave them up is staggering!

        You are doing so well. Yes some days are hard but it’s all worth the battle as you say for a better life.

        As Betterlife said, if anyone wants to join the WhatsApp group just email that address she left. This forum will remove any very specific advice relating to withdrawal so WhatsApp can allow people an opportunity to ask more questions privately and have support on hand.

        Hope rest of your day goes well Stevie x

    • #26968

      Hello Retro and well done ???? You’ve come so far already !!

      I do agree ,these pills do mask problems we have and might not even know about . Ever since I’ve given up I have been having pelvic pains i haven’t experienced before .Headaches are back too (reason I started them for) .it’s weird to feel pain again but good in a strange way not feel numb anymore if you know what I mean ☺️

    • #26983

      Thank you Rach. I set out to the charity shop so I had a purpose to the walk – it was next door to the pharmacy – I did stop outside but then focused on my next task Of returning clothes before my lunch break was over. Now back and just had a hot bath. The pain / weight in my back and body is still there but I feel a bit more motivated. Thank you so much for replying and so quickly – it really helps not feeling so alone and I’ve been to a few support groups but they have had all been difficult in one way or another – this forum is so supportive and helpful. Thank you again so much.

      I have give up with the GP as I can’t get through however when I got through to 111 last week the Dr prescriped Naproxen and get things worse (heart burn, chest pain). I would like to ask for sleeping tablets – just for the next few days at least and some sort of anxiety tablet – just to get through the rough of it. Do you have any thoughts or suggestions?

      Have been doing yoga freq throughout day, hot bath before bed every night and even managed getting back in my spin bike yesterday but when I dip into the sun again I find it unbearable And that’s when the urge for codeine becomes supper strong.

      • #26984

        Well done for resisting the temptation today! That’s amazing!

        Naproxen can definitely be harsh on the stomach so that might explain your reaction to it.

        I’d definitely keep trying with the GP for sleeping tablets ( just for a few days) and something for anxiety for awhile then. Maggie has experience with that so her

        recommendations are great!

        Sleep will definitely help you a lot. It’s hard to recover when you can’t sleep. And anxiety and depression is so common with withdrawals, you need help when you’re suffering so much. I promise codeine isn’t the answer.

        You can do this. You’re determined and motivated. You’ve come so far. I’m here to chat x

        • #26987

          Thank you Rach really appreciate getting a reply and for being so nice and encouraging. Getting better support on here than with my counsellor – thank you. Xx

          • #26988

            No problem Nima. Please don’t ever feel alone or ashamed! These pills lure you in. This is not your fault. You are fighting this and be proud of that! And you’re not alone. We’re all here for you now!

            This group saved me. I’ll always do anything I can to help as I’ve been there. It’s so bloody hard! I’ve looked at the NA stuff but it never helped me! Sometimes all the tools aren’t enough and you need help and people who just get it!

            Here if you need us x

            • #26989

              I’m really pleased I have found this group- you have got me through another day. Thank you xxxx

              So pleased you are keeping strong- gives me a lot of hope and motivation. Also thank you for replying and helping others – so kind of you. Hope you have a wonderful amazing evening xxx

    • #26986

      Thank you Maggie!! A HUGE THANK YOU. I tried GP but again can’t hey appointment for 2 weeks,so I have tried the e-consult route hoping to hear tomorrow.

      Currently having a Gin and lying on an acupuncture mat with some loud music on. My mum has kids tonight so now I have got over guilt and anxiety of not being able to have my kids for the night am starting to feel a bit better plus actually taking to people that know what’s it’s like is amazingly helpful- I’ve always felt so alone and ashamed.

      Is it just me or do some of the groups that constantly go on about how to deal with low mood and anxiety become really frustrating when you have a toolkit and are trying every day but the trying and doing of them is so hard? Apart from this forum has anyone tried things like SMART recovery or NA?

      Thank you for the suggestions hopefully GP goes back or even better I start to feel better and get some sleep before that!! Fingers crossed! X

      • #26990

        Hi Nima ,

        Well done on getting through another day xx we have all gone through what you are at the moment and understand how difficult it is .Talking to other does help .You are not alone and we are here for you xx Maybe try calling the GP and asking for an emergency appointment? That’s what I did when I was at my lowest ,I literally burst in tears and told them I needed to speak to someone .

        As Rach said earlier , we have a WhatsApp group and you’re more than welcome to come and join us xx

        • #26992

          Thank you so much Maggie for still replying, it is such a comfort. I have tried but honestly my GP is a nightmare – causes more stress and then I just feel like I’m being too needy and just need to get on with it. Always been like that. I feel like I’m turning a page with you guys, thank you so much. Xxxx

          • #26999

            You are not being to needy . You genuinely need help and you need it now . I can’t complain about my doctors ,it’s hard to get through to them in the morning but once you do they will try and get you to speak to someone . I hope you can get some help xx

    • #26991

      Oh god yes please! I have tried adding a new contact & then the deets as email instead of phone number .. is that how I do it? Xxx

      • #26994

        Hey, so you’d email that address from your own email with your phone number and then you can be added to the group! We’re a nice group who have all been where you are so it’s really helpful x

        • #26997

          Thanks Rach – done it now. Bloody brain is like a wonky screwdriver right now! Look forward to hearing from you and CANT THANK YOU ENOUGH x

          • #26998

            Great!!! We’ll get through this, we’ll do it together x

    • #26993

      Day 8- go you ! How you feeling? X

    • #26996

      So glad the physical side is getting better. Gives me hope … everyone is different – I’m 14 days and back and neck pain is constant and now moods are starting but just feel so grateful that there are people I can talk too. Thank you all so much xxx

    • #27001

      Hey Retroaddic, just checking in to see how you’re doing? X

    • #27004

      Guys please can i ask..when you are trying to come off the opiates/ doing cold turkey is it normal to want to ignore/ blank out your loved ones for a few days/ isolate yourself?

      • #27005

        Hey Jayjay, everyone is different! People must do whatever they need to in order to get through this. Other than my husband, i didn’t want to talk to anyone. I was in too much turmoil to try and engage with anyone. I did speak to the people on here and knowing these people understood what I was going through really helped. But I spent my first week at home in bed to be honest x

    • #27030

      Hey guys,

      How are you all doing? As you all know I had a few setbacks due to the complete lack of motivation. Well, I had a few tests and I am shocked. My stomach is in pieces. I have multiple stomach ulcers, gastritis, anaemia, low potassium levels and I have lost a stone in around a month.

      The good news is, this has shocked me into making it to day 5 today. I don’t know why, something has just clicked. I’ve looked up what stomach ulcers actually look like and I can’t believe I’ve been doing that to my body. Thank you so much for all of the support on here. I’m determined to keep going now. I just wanted to swing by and write this to let anyone struggling know what they could potentially be doing to their body 🙁

      • #27033

        Hey 5yrsofhell,

        I’m so sorry to hear what all your tests revealed. The pills definitely can cause havoc on your body. The good thing is you can help sort all those things out by quitting the pills. Sometimes we need a shock to motivate us into giving them up.

        When you get that ‘click’ moment and realise you don’t want those pills anymore, you find the strength from somewhere and you get through it. I’m so proud of you, 5 days is amazing! And you got past your day 3/4 which I know you found tough!! I hope you’re feeling ok? Withdrawals can be tough on the body. I expect with all those things wrong, especially with the anaemia, you were feeling pretty rotten anyway.

        Thank you for letting people know the damage these pills can cause. It can be a great motivator for anyone struggling to know these pills are dangerous.

        Best of luck with it all. If you need any support chat to us x

    • #27031

      Hey guys,

      How are you all doing? As you all know I had a few setbacks due to the complete lack of motivation. Well, I had a few tests and I am shocked. My stomach is in pieces. I have multiple stomach ulcers, gastritis, anaemia, low potassium levels and I have lost a stone in around a month.

      The good news is, this has shocked me into making it to day 5 today. I don’t know why, something has just clicked. I’ve looked up what stomach ulcers actually look like and I can’t believe I’ve been doing that to my body. Thank you so much for all of the support on here. I’m determined to keep going now. I just wanted to swing by and write this to let anyone struggling know what they could potentially be doing to their body 🙁

    • #27032

      Hi I’m trying to come off Codeine 30mg and absolutely rattling this morning. Any help appreciated. xx

      • #27034

        Hi Net70, well done for taking the first step, that’s the hardest part! What day are you on? I know how you’re feeling right now and it’s tough. Try and distract yourself by watching tv, stay well hydrated and hot baths with Epsom salts/hot water bottle help with the aches. Any stomach issues, try Imodium. Focus on the fact this is all temporary. The withdrawals will not last and you’ll be free from those pills at the end of this. It’s hard but I promise it’s so worth it! Take one day at a time. We’re here for you! If you want more support, we have a whats app group for more chat and advice than this forum will allow. The email to join this is just a few posts back. Best of luck. We’re here to chat if you need us x

    • #27041

      Hi, I’m new on this forum, I’m Polish but live in UK so apologies for possible mistakes ???? I have been reading you for a few days and decided to register today. I’m on 3rd day co codamol withdrawal and I feel terrible, headache and pain all over my body and restless legs. I’ve been taking co codamol for nearly 2 years for my lower back pain, first year occasionally only but for the last 14 months da 9 tablets 30/500 mg daily as I discovered it helps me not only for my back but also Fibromialgia pains that I suffer for nearly 12 years. I was on Amitryptyline for most of the years for my Fibro but nothing worked as good as Co codamol. So now I’m about to fail and take co codamol because it seems like it’s getting worse and worse. I’m feeling down and tearful. My partner is doing night shifts Monday – Wednesday so he is sleeping most of the day and we have 3 children school age so I can’t have a rest at all. Then I’m working Thursday to Sunday day time and when I come home he sometimes goes to do overtime too. I’m feeling like I will never be able to come off Co codamol as my lower back is really bad after 2 pregnancies (first with twins and second with 4.5 kg baby) and also my Fibromyalgia which is hell! Taking co codamol I feel trapped but it helps me to deal with pain. I’m very worried and anxious and want to quit taking them pills but I can’t manage the pain. Please, any advice how to stay strong and come off them…?

      • #27042

        Hi Anja, it seems like you genuinely need pain management as you’re still suffering badly. Have you spoke with your GP for other possible medications you could possibly take for your fibromyalgia?

        As far as quitting codeine, it’s hard especially if you’re trying to mind your children and work. For that first week, you’re not able to function properly so be kind to yourself. You’ve gotten to day 3 which is amazing! Take each day as it comes and remember all the withdrawals are temporary! You can do this if you want! However, if you take another pill, that is not failing! It’s tough giving these up and can take a few attempts. I really think you need something else in place for your pain too.

        Talking can really help. Not sure if your partner knows but having someone who knows can help! We’re here to chat and have a group outside this on WhatsApp if you want more support. I’m here on this forum too if you want to talk xx

        • #27096

          Hi thank you to such a kind words! I have read your reply last night but felt so bad so I went to bed as soon as I sent kids to sleep. I passed the day 4 of my co codamol withdrawal , I don’t feel better at all or even worse than yesterday, pain literally everywhere, even my feet hurt, my jaw, not sure if it’s normal? Did anyone experience anything like this? My mood is so low, I feel like I wanna cry, I’m so frustrated, no energy at all and zero motivation to do anything.

          I was on a few Antidepressants for years to treat my Fibromyalgia and I found Amitryptyline working the best on me but since I discovered that co codamol stops all the pain I stared relying on it every day. I know I need to speak to my GP so hopefully he’ll try to find me something instead but from my experience nothing was as good for pain as this evil pain killer… I was going to ring surgery today and arrange some appointment or at least phone call consultantation but I felt no motivation to do it, all I wanted to do was stay on the sofa and sleep… i feel like I’m failing my family, my children as I’m not able to look after them at the moment like I should. I was also on a few medication to help my back pain and some gels to rub but it never worked miracles.

          I want to stop, I want to free myself from co codamol but I have no idea how to cope with pain as nothing seemed to work for me in past. That’s why I ended up with co codamol.

          It’s so hard to go through withdrawal having a job, children, housework and working partner who can’t help much… i know what this drug is doing to me, I know I feel “normal” when I’m on it but in fact it only causes me damage… I hope I stay strong, tomorrow day 5, hopefully will be better than today. Sorry for chaotic post, I can’t even think properly now.

          • #27097

            Hi Anja, I think you’re amazing! You got through day 4 with all you’ve got going on. I’m proud of you!!

            Pain everywhere, low mood, no energy or motivation is all normal withdrawal. It’s horrible but day 3/4 are the worst. The physical symptoms from withdrawal will start to ease. You might feel very low then for awhile as you’re brain learns to cope with no codeine.

            You are not failing your family! You are doing this for them! This is all temporary and it will pass. Be kind to yourself!

            Getting pain management for your fibromyalgia is important to stay off codeine so once you get the energy, make that GP appointment. They will find something else. They can try different meds until they get the one for you.

            As you say, the pills make you think you feel good but the fact it causes such distress when we stop taking them, shows how much damage those pills are doing to us. You can do this. I’m rooting for you and I hope tomorrow will be better!

            Talk to us if you need anything. You are not alone xxx

            • #27098

              Thank you, I surely will! I’m very happy I found this forum and feel understood. This means a lot and reading people’s stories gives me hope that I can do it too!

      • #27043

        Hi Anja .I’m polish too and it took a while for me to open up on here . Just as Rach has said , you need something else in place for the pain . Perhaps the GP could refer you to a pain management clinic ? ( My partner has just been referred for his knees as codeine is not helping anymore ) . I don’t even want to try and imagine how difficult it must be for a parent to try and come off these cold turkey . I spent whole week doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself ???? If you carry on, the next few days will be hard but you can do this .Getting to day 3 on the first attempt is amazing ???? .we are here for you xx

    • #27044

      Hi im a newbie here, iv been tapering down my co codamol and i was only take one 15mg late afternoon and one 15mg before bed but iv decided just to stop as i was addicted and need to feel normal again, im just going into day 2 of no co codamol and i cant sleep and getting tingly feeling and so restless and horrendous headache, anyone got any advice i really dont want to take any more.

      • #27047

        Hi Midnightvamp, well done on deciding to give them up. That is the hardest part. I know right now it feels awful but I promise you these feelings are all temporary. The codeine lures you into a cycle where you you need more pills to feel ‘normal’. But these pills do not make anything better in the long run. It’s a week of feeling bad for being free of pills. Believe me that feels incredible!

        In my moments of temptation, I would think what are these pills doing to me if when I come off them I feel like this with headaches, restless legs, bad stomach, insomnia etc. These pills are affecting your body in everyway. It’s rewired your brain to produce dopamine for codeine so now you don’t really produce natural dopamine anymore. The withdrawals are your brain recalibrating to get back to normal. It’s tough I know but you can get through it. Focus on that end goal of being pill free. Take one day a time. Each day with no pills is a victory!

        As for the withdrawal symptoms, stay well hydrated, eat well if you can manage food, take hot baths and use a hot water bottle on your legs for the restless legs, fresh air and light exercise such as a walk can really help clear your head. Try and distract yourself with tv or something you’re interested in. If at all possible, talk to someone close to you as support is nice during this! We’re here for you anyway so chat to us if you want to!

        You can do this. I promise you we’ve all been where you are. I’m nearly 4 months in now and every withdrawal was worth it for the life I have gotten back. Think of your future. You’ve got this! I just saw your last message, don’t be worried about what that person said. You know these pills aren’t good for you and you’re trying your best to give them up the way you want to. Focus on yourself. You don’t need negativity at the moment. Obviously if you need medical advice, please go to your GP. They can advise you too about loads of options. We are just speaking from experience. Best of luck and we are here if you need us x

    • #27045

      Hey guys,

      I can see a few of you are new, I am on day 6 and feeling so much better. It DOES get better I promise you. My first two days, oh my word, horrific, but I got there and I just wanted to share some tips that have worked for me:

      – Pukka herbs night time tea for sleep. It isn’t always realistic to speak to the doctor I know, but this helped me get a couple of hours here and there.

      – cold cold bedroom. For some reason, the restless legs seem a bit better if the room is nice and cold.

      – laying on the floor. This helped the restless legs as well, just spread my quilt out on living room floor with a blanket.

      – eat well if you can. I was very lucky during my withdrawal because absolutely NOTHING puts me off my appetite. I ate lots of salmon, eggs and leafy greens and I honestly think it helped so much. I also supplemented with some protein shakes.

      – Baths for cramps/pain (I’ve done so much damage to my tummy I was too scared to take paracetamol or ibuprofen for the aches).

      – a good book. I re-read my favourite book, my comfort book, and it really helped.

      – a good box set. I watched that new Korean thing All of Us Are Dead.

      – avoid temptation. Just until you are strong enough to get over that “excited” feeling when you see a pharmacy. I went into town to send a parcel yesterday next to Boots and the thought didn’t cross my mind.

      But the main main thing, is even though you feel like these pills are giving you energy and motivation, they are slowly killing you and reducing your quality of life. Yes, you will feel awful for a few days coming off of them, but as I mentioned in a previous post I have done serious damage to my stomach and have many health problems that will be solved stopping the pills. They are not “a treat” and they don’t help you “relax”. That is a trick, your addiction makes you believe this. One week of pain is worth it to never again feel sick, or worry about money, or literally spending every day sourcing pills.

      Good luck to you all, please chat here if you need it x

    • #27046

      Thank you so much for the brilliant info, someone just messaged me and said what i was doing is dangerous and i shouldn’t being doing it now im really worried

    • #27048

      Hey Midnightvamp1984,

      Completely understand your concerns. Obviously, none of us are medical professionals and everyone’s body is different so if you feel the need, speak to the doctor, but from my own experience home withdrawal is achievable. I was taking 96 n+ a day and went cold Turkey. As I say, everyone is different though so please do speak to a medical professional if you feel the need, the last thing you need is added anxiety.

    • #27049

      I was only on two 15s a day so not alot, i. Hoping it wont last as i wasn’t taking much.

      • #27051

        How many pills you take and for how long definitely affects your withdrawal severity. Hopefully if you were only taking that much, it won’t be as bad as some of ours. But I promise you, you can do it xx

    • #27050

      Morning guys day 13 for me after 20 years of 30/500 topped up with solpadiene max!! Just got the dodgy belly stage but I’ll take that… Take back control as mentally it’s empowering!! Different levels of different stages of withdrawal on here so ask away but remember these are chapters in the book of recovery and you’ve nearly completed the first, stay strong and if you feel crap, reach out to us xx

    • #27052

      For a long time originally 60s then cut to 30 4 x a day the just 15 twice a day. My last ones were sunday.

      • #27053

        Tapering is the best way to reduce the withdrawal severity. A lot of us just couldn’t taper as we couldn’t stick to it so we had to go cold turkey. Honestly, the feeling of not being on pills is liberating. I feel so much better and happier. I remember thinking I couldn’t do this but you do get through it. Day by day you struggle on because you want a better life. You can do it xx

    • #27054

      Did anyone experience fast heartbeat while withdrawing, my partner says its not withdrawing as i was only down to 15s and im just making it up, i do have a awful cold and cough which i think is making it worse

      • #27055

        Hi Midnightvamp1984, If your last tablet of 15mg (?) was Sunday then you will def be in withdrawal state by today. I have noticed a difference in my breathing – especially when I walk outside, exercise, experience pain or anxiety. I’m using deep yoga breathing and some other techniques to help that. Well done on making it to day 2- you are doing it. I am on day 19 now and feel like I have gotten through the worst of it so there is light at the end of a not so long tunnel. You’ve got this! And if you ever need support or have a question – come here – the gang on here are amazing! Xx

      • #27056

        You can definitely experience a fast heartbeat during withdrawal. I did anyway but we’re all different. I think the anxiety of it all contributes to the fast heartbeat. I used to listen to music really loud and it helped to calm me. Walking in the fresh air can also help. And you will definitely experience withdrawals even with being on 15mg codeine so you are not making it up x

    • #27057

      Did anyone experience sickness with there withdrawals too

      • #27058

        Yeah that’s also normal. Sickness, diarrhoea, headaches, restless legs ( body even!), body aches, foggy head where you feel you just can’t think straight, low mood. Honestly, withdrawals can cause a lot of symptoms. But only because the pills have been conditioning your body for so long, it’s going into overdrive trying to figure out how to cope with no codeine now. Once your brain recovers it will get back to normal slowly. Just remember It’s all temporary and after the first week, it gets easier. Imodium for the tummy issues can help x

    • #27059

      Thank you so much i thought i was making it all up, my brain is so foggy but im only on day 2, i just want to sleep but cant due to all those symptoms , iv had to take today off as i couldn’t face being like this there. Im trying to stay hydrated as i cant face food. So sorry for all the questions im just feeling awful today

      • #27061

        Ask as many questions as you want! That’s what we’re here for! I took a week off to be honest so I get it! It’s tough! Once you stay well hydrated that’s the main thing! Try distracting yourself with tv or music. Remember it gets better! It’s temporary and it’s worth it for the end result xx

    • #27060

      Hey Midnightvamp1984,

      Day 2 was awful for me as well, it will be better tomorrow. I think the worst thing about the no sleep is the sheer boredom. Try and distract yourself, I know that’s easier said then done. I also found helpful making a list of reasons I want to stop.

    • #27062

      Im just worried about this fast heart rate and pounding heart sensation that im going keel over any second and im on my own as my partner is at work, i dont want to end up calling a ambulance

      • #27063

        That sounds like you’re really anxious which is common with withdrawal but perhaps you should ring your GP for advice? It sounds like you need some reassurance and to make sure you’re ok. A prolonged very high heart rate isn’t something to ignore either. Doctors can really help with withdrawals. You should talk to them x

    • #27064

      Well iv been in contact with doctors they are going to ring me back. Is there anything they could give do you reckon, id be alright if my heart rate would slow down

      • #27065

        I’m so glad you contacted them. There is loads they can do, lots of potential medications to help with withdrawal symptoms like that. It’s best to figure out is it anxiety you’re experiencing( this can cause high heart rate and palpitations) or is the rapid heart beat due to the detox of the withdrawal as your heart is under a little pressure.A doctor will be able to determine this but I promise you, doctors can help with all symptoms. Tell him everything. They can prescribe sleeping tablets ( for short period) to help with the sleeping too. Sleep really helps in all this. Try not to worry in the meantime. Let me know what your doctor says. Xxx

    • #27066

      Im so glad i come across this forum, i didn’t realise it would be this bad from only taking two 15s, i think my mind is in overdrive and i super bad health anxiety so it making me think lots of things, a long long time i was on morphine for a severe back injury and they stopped that and had to go cold turkey then and that was awful. I just want to be calm and slow this heart rate down xxx

      • #27067

        I understand, the anxiety is hard! Can I ask how slowly you reduced from the 60mg to 15mg? Also, how long were you taking only the 2 15mg before you stopped? If tapering isn’t done slowly you can still experience withdrawals quite badly. Your body needs to adjust to each reduced dose before attempting to reduce again and then stop. Once you speak with the GP, I think it will help with your anxiety. Some people can just go cold turkey and cope with the withdrawals but there are options that can help with them so ask your doctor. Don’t be afraid to tell him everything xxxx

    • #27068

      I stopped the 60s along time ago then on 30s for about 8 months then 15s for 3 weeks, i dont have cravings for any just withdrawal but im just so tempted to take one to ease it

      • #27070

        Please do not take any. You’re doing so well. This will pass. Wait and talk to your GP. Taking pills just puts you back to the start. You want to be off them and you can do this!!! xxx

      • #27071

        A couple of us from this forum have a what’s app group where we chat and support each other. This forum can delete any messages that gives specific advice so we wanted a place to talk freely. It really helps talking to people who understand. We can help get you through this. If you’d like to be part of it, I can send you the details? We’d love to support you in this Xxx

    • #27069

      Don’t as you know you’ll feel worse again and back to the start, nearly through the worst of it, hang on in there xx

    • #27073

      Iv just rang a ambulance due to this heart rate and me feeling weird and feeling like im going to faint.

      • #27075

        And If you want to chat this is the place to mail: Betterlife090 @ outlook dot com

        You’d have access to a group of people if you need support, no pressure! Hope you’ll be ok xxxx

    • #27074

      Ok keep us updated please! Hope all will be ok xxx

    • #27076

      I feel like im wasting the ambulances time i cant this severe anxiety and fast heart rate.

      • #27077

        You’re not wasting the ambulances time. You need to be checked over. The pills weren’t the answer to this so you did the right thing. They can help you. Xxx

    • #27078

      I just want some help with severe anxiety but no one is helping they just give me antidepressants which iv been on for years but nothing to calm me down i have to wait 8 weeks for talking threapy and they just said theres nothing they do

      • #27079

        They’re are anti anxiety meds that are different to anti depressants. Have you been given anything like that? You shouldn’t be left like this. Certain medications don’t work for some people so you keep trying until you find the right one. Talking therapy will be good too but you deserve more than being fobbed off until that’s available. Keep telling them how you’re feeling, please don’t let them push you aside if you’re not coping. xxx

    • #27080

      Only propanlol but they said i cant take it anymore due it making my chest bad. They just keep saying the same thing,

      • #27081

        I’m sorry you’re feeling like this. Please let me know what the ambulance says x

    • #27082

      They have cancelled the ambulance and waiting on mental health crisis team to ring as they werent that worried they think its all down to anxiety and withdrawal

      • #27083

        I felt anxious and awful during withdrawals. It is most likely down to the withdrawal symptoms combined with anxiety but you need your voice heard. When the mental health crisis team rings, tell them you cannot cope like this. You need help right now. Not in 8 weeks. I feel for you, sending hugs xxx

    • #27084

      Does anyone know of any herbal or nautral stuff i can buy from the shop to help

    • #27085

      Some say valerian root can help with anxiety. It’s available in most health shops/chemists. They’re are OTC sleep aids available also such as nytol/sominex for short term use. You should check with them what’s safe to take with anything else you might be taking X

    • #27086

      Sominex is excellent.I use it regularly and really rate it BE WARNED ,it does what it says on the packet and makes you sleepy !!

      • #27087

        Hi dotty, hope you’re well!! X

    • #27088

      Im still really anxious and racing heart please tell me it gets better

      • #27089

        I promise it gets better. There are many of us who have been on this forum and have felt like you do right now. But we all got through it and you can too!! I think your anxiety in general is making your symptoms even worse so you really need support. We are here for you! Hopefully, the mental health crisis team can help too xx

    • #27090

      I do think its my anxiety i have a panic disorder quite severe and its set it off quite bad

      • #27091

        That’s understandable! It’s a huge thing your doing and it’s scary. Your body is screaming for more pills. Just tell yourself I am in control of these pills. I am choosing not to take them. I’m going to be ok. Which you will be xx

    • #27092

      Hi, I have a question for the ladies on here, did you notice a change in your menstrual cycle once you stopped the codine? ????

      • #27093

        Hey Clab, I definitely did anyway. My periods had become so irregular and were all over the place when I was on ibuprofen+codeine. Once I stopped, my cycle has started to become regular again. My period was also lighter on the pills than now. I know we are all different but those pills can definitely affect your cycle in different ways! X

        • #27094

          Thank you so much for your response! I was starting to worry that I had a immaculate conception brewing ????

          • #27095

            No problem! It’s crazy what codeine does to your body!! So no immaculate conception brewing ???? Glad to help x

    • #27100

      Good morning, I’m starting day 5, couldn’t sleep last night, got only 3 hours sleep and feel awful today but I’m sure the big part of how I feel plays lack of sleep. I’m definitely getting a nap after I’m back from a school run and I promised myself that after that I’m taking my dog for a nice walk so he can enjoy and I can get a fresh air. My back hurts this morning but I won’t be taking anything, the symptoms don’t ease yet but maybe I need more time than others to heal. Have a lovely day everyone!

      • #27101

        Hi Anja, it can take up to 7 days for the physical symptoms, everyone is different, but the worst of the physical symptoms will gradually get better from here!

        Could you ask your GP for some sleeping tablets to help you get some sleep? Some people find that helpful but only for a few to get you through the worst as everything is worse without sleep. Especially with all you have going on! A walk and fresh air is exactly what you need after a nice nap.

        I’m so proud of you. You’re doing amazing. Look at your strength to not take the pills despite how bad you feel. Just make sure to get that GP appointment to try and sort out your pain management as that will be crucial for you staying off these pills.

        Your body is healing and honestly, you will feel so much better after this. Those pills are never the answer. You’ve got this!! Keep chatting, it helps xxx

    • #27102

      Hi guys thank you for yesterday im not as anxious today plus i feel weird as my head feels clear and i seem more alert, i did sleep 4 hours lol but thats because i couldn’t stop coughing.

      • #27104

        Hi Midnightvamp, that’s amazing. Look at the strength you had yesterday to get through that! You did it despite how hard it was. Be proud of yourself!

        So glad you feel a bit better today. Being off pills def makes you more alert! Honestly, once you get over these few days, life will be so much brighter I promise you. Take one day at a time and stay strong! Those pills fix nothing! Make sure you continue to get help for your anxiety as it’s important! You deserve the help!

        You’ve got this and we’re all rooting for you. xxx

    • #27105

      Thank you so much, iv decided to go private for some help with my panic disorder as the waiting lists are so long i don’t mind paying if they are good and get to see me quicker. My heart rate has gone down i think i had so much adrenaline going through me yesterday it just went into over drive the sleep helped i didnt want to get up lol im back to work tomorrow as it takes my mind off things, i am really tired today though think im a bit exhausted xxx

      • #27107

        I totally understand how the anxiety would go into overdrive. The withdrawals are hard going on the body. I’m glad you’ve decided to go private, you need help sooner then later!

        You’re bound to be tired after all that adrenaline yesterday. Work will keep your mind occupied. Take it easy too though. Mind yourself as rest is needed for the body to recover. Stay well hydrated also.

        I’m so proud of you. Look at you today, you’re so much more positive than yesterday. If you can get through all that yesterday, I have no doubt you’re going to do this. Sure some days will be hard but you now know it passes. It’s temporary. You deserve a pill free life. I can promise you brighter days are ahead. Well done xx

    • #27115

      Hi Guys,

      Just a quick update …. slowly working through Day 33….. sitting at my desk , reading through the recent posts. I see there are a few new people on here.

      All I can say is keep going and try to struggle through….. I have tried to stop countless times over the past 10/11 years. At worst I was using 2 Packs of NPlus along with maybe 10, 30/500 Cocodamols….. daily…

      This has been my longest abstinance….. and I feel this may be the one…..

      Tips on how I got here…. I went Cold Turkey…

      Try and focus on one day at a time….

      Tell someone you trust….. get them to keep an eye on you, check in hourly, daily..

      Go to the GP and own up…… (he provided me with a short dose of sleeping tablets), really helped as for the first 10-11 days my sleep was non-existent

      Plenty of hot baths, try and get out and about…. go for walks if able..

      Watch TV Shows, back to back, try and relax as much as you can.

      I listened to a lot of music (I’m not a huge music lover either !!)

      When able, eat plenty of fresh fruit and veg…. I know you won’t want to at outset, but I’m finding the further I get through the more I’m enjoying my food again.

      I also have started to take a Multivitamin Supplement….

      Plenty of fluids, especially at the start…..

      Try and accept that the first week is going to be hell…… but then, I promise you, physically it does improve….

      I’m still dealing with the emotional side of things, can get cravings, feel down in the dumps….. but they also seem to be fading….

      A huge trigger for me is work, whenever I’m stressed I feel myself thinking about the tablets……. So telling myself , that work will sort itself and not bringing it home with me every night has also helped…

      My sleep has returned which has been a huge help, it’s not perfect yet, still a bit unbroken but I’m getting 6-7 hours a night now…..

      And this forum for me was the bonus ball…. I checked in regularly at the start and the help that came from here was priceless…. It really pushed me through the worst of it…

      That’s it, I’m away to finish the rest of today at work….

      Keep going everyone xx

      • #27116

        Hey Retroaddic, just look at how far you’ve come! I’m genuinely so happy for you. You’ve done the hardest bit, now it’s just making sure you keep going and never look back.

        Work is a trigger for myself too but I’ve learned the pills don’t make it better. We just think they do cause they mask the stress but without the pills, you learn how to deal with that stress in a productive way.

        Glad the sleep is getting better. That’s when I started feeling myself again. Cravings can happen but as time goes on you stop thinking about them. I think you realise the destruction these pills cause!

        Well done Retroaddic xxxx

        • #27117

          Thanks Rach….

          You have been a great help throughout….


          • #27470

            Hi Retroaddic, I just wanted to check in and see how you’re doing? I hope things are still going well xxx

            • #27604

              Hi Rach,

              Sorry I haven’t replied in a while, work has been really busy and the last few times I logged in I seen that posts where being deleted etc…

              Good news is that i’m still clean and off the tablets….. Day 76 to be exact.

              Feeling so much better…… sleeping fine and things definitely on the up. Hardle ever think about the tablets anymore, however it still creeps in on the odd occasion. This weekend for instance , I had a banging headache after working on Sat and the thought came into my head, but managed to stave it off…

              So keep the faith everyone…. if I can do it anyone can….

              Speak soon xx

              • #27610

                Hi Retroaddic,

                I’m so happy to hear how well you’re doing. Well done, I hope your proud of yourself! Day 76 is just amazing!

                The thought that a pill could fix something does creep in sometimes but we know it’s never going to be one pill for us and noone wants to go back to that life! Well done for not taking any. That’s such an achievement!

                Look after yourself cause I know you work a lot and it’s busy. I’m always here if you ever need a chat!

                Talk to you soon xx

      • #27120

        Hi Retroaddic,

        You should be so proud of yourself ! You did it ! It’ll only get easier from here .yes,mental side unfortunately takes longer to settle but with every day it gets better .You sound so much better ☺️

        • #27123

          Thanks Maggie,

          Yep…. feeling a lot better….

          Again your help and advice has been so important….

          Day 34 awaits…..

          Speak soon xx

    • #27125

      Hi Net70 . Admitting you have a problem is a big step already so well done . You will have to find the way that suits you and you’re comfortable with . If you’re determined and disciplined enough ,tapering would be the best and safest option . Cold turkey is a quickest way but definitely more painful . I personally couldn’t do the tapering so cold turkey was the only way for me . The withdrawals will depend on how many you take and the time you’ve been taking them for . Do you have anyone close you can talk to about it ? Having support is very important xx I’m here for you if have any questions .

    • #27127

      Hi Net,you have absolutely no reason to feel ashamed . I know it’s easier said than done as i felt the same for years . It’s good you have your husband and a friend that you can talk to ,but you’re right , people don’t fully understand unless they’ve gone though this ..You could try tapering to start with but have to do it slowly ,just so your body can get used to smaller amounts gradually. With a cold turkey ,it differs from person to person but the first week is the worst for physical withdrawals. You can expect an upset stomach, pains and aches ,runny nose ,restless legs ,insomnia ..Mental withdrawals however last a lot longer for some people as your brain is learning how to work on its own again . It’s a horrible drug and available too easily . If you decide to go cold turkey i would suggest having that first week off work, being kind to yourself by eating and drinking well, hot baths with Epsom salts have helped quite a few people on here for aches and restless legs . Here if you need me xx and please do not feel ashamed ❤️

    • #27128

      Your message has made me cry because you understand so much. Thank you so much. Your right it’s a nasty drug that I actually hate now. I’m going to do cold turkey starting Monday so I’m sure I’ll be on here if that’s okay. I’ll take time off work and ask someone to take my daughter out in half term so she doesn’t have to watch me like that as know already I’m going to be in a lot of pain physically and mentally but will be worth it. A life free from codeine. I want to be on the other side now but just been selfish. My friend say’s I shouldn’t be ashamed either but I can’t help it. Every time I take it now I regret it and hate myself. Thank you for helping me. ❤️❤️

      • #27130

        Hello again ☺️ It looks like you’re really determined to do this and have a plan as well which is really good . It’ll be difficult but so worth it once you’re on the other side stronger and healthier ???? . Remember you’re not only doing it for yourself but for your family too who deserve a happier version of you xx Best wishes xx you’ve got this

    • #27129

      Does anyone here have a panic disorder im having panic attack over taking another medication and i cant even think of taking it.

    • #27152

      Has some of the posts been removed? I’m 18 hour’s without any codeine 30mg atm and the struggle is real.

      • #27153

        Hi Net, yes it looks like they keep removing the posts ???? it’s going to be a difficult few days but you can do this ???? if you need any extra support ,a few of us have a WhatsApp group where we can talk freely and support each other . If you’re interested in joining us ,let us know and we will give you the details xx

    • #27154

      Yes please as already struggling and it’s only been since 3 pm yesterday xx

      • #27157

        How are you feeling Net ?

        • #27168

          Feeling even worse today Maggie. Is this normal? Heart racing and palpitations. Body crying out but head saying no constantly xx

          • #27169

            Hi Net, it is normal to feel this way but if you’re concerned about the palpitations maybe get in touch with a doctor? The physical withdrawals are painful so take one day at a time xx take a relaxing bath ,put some music on ,be kind to yourself xx

            • #27180

              Hi Maggie, took buscopan to help with stomach pains and sickness and got through the day. Keep crying ???? today for some reason and the pain in my back and everywhere is excruciating but I’m not going to do it. Day 3. It’s hour by hour atm. Feel like all of my emotions are coming back that I’ve been numbing with codeine 30mg for year’s now. Another day done. Roll on tomorrow xx

              • #27181

                Hey, I’ve not commented before but have been reading whilst stopping codeine myself. I’m on day 9 today, and I was where you are on day 3, but by day 5/6, it all got easier. I use buscapan still to keep the stomach in check, 3 times a day, more if needed, but take regularly, not just when it hurts. Well done for getting so far already, you’ve got this

              • #27185

                Thank you. Last night was absolutely terrible with everything. But still haven’t been tempted to go back. Thank you to this excellent forum. Day 4 is here. Feeling rough but it will pass xx

              • #27182

                Hi and well done on staying strong ???? couple more days and you will start feeling better xx

              • #27197

                Hi Maggie, thank you. Couldn’t have done it without this forum and you especially thank you xx

              • #27198

                Hi,it looks like our posts keep being removed ???? Hope you’re keeping well xx

              • #27205

                I’ve seen that this morning. Why do they do that? ????. Day 6 today well in the afternoon. Didn’t think I’d get here. Thank you

    • #27155

      Hi. I’ve been addicted to codiene phosphate for around 4 year now. Taking 56 30mg a day. I’m desperate to get off these devil tablets and just want to be myself again. So… after reading all this thread I’ve decided I’m going to give it my all and start to try and cold turkey from tomorrow. Please wish me luck. As I really need to do this. Thanks x

      • #27156

        Hi Natalie . Would you consider cutting it down before you go cold turkey ? 56 pills a day is a lot and it might be too much of a shock for your body … I struggled after taking 20-30 a day ..of course if you can’t do tapering than cold turkey is the quickest way to get your life back . Here if you need support xx Best of luck

        • #27166

          I’m thinking that I may have to do that for a while as I’ve woke with a big bloody tooth abscess ???? I’ve also been thinking about getting a bit prepared first. Like ordering some CBD tablets. Vitamins etc. and I don’t get paid until Friday. Also my children break up for half term Friday so don’t want to be ill the week there off. I want them to have fun ?? X

      • #27158

        I’ve cut down from 30 a day down to 20 down to 15 and then 10 and now cold turkey. My body is crying out for it but my head isn’t because I have had enough of this drug and the hold it has on me. Wishing you luck. Everyone on here is lovely and understands. xx

    • #27170

      Okay I’ll do that and take some herbal Kalms to try and relax. Thank you xx

    • #27172

      I had the heart thing last week it really freaked me out, i had huge anxiety after too xx

      • #27173

        How are you feeling now ? I hope much better now xx

    • #27195

      Hi, I’m on day 5 and feel rough. After no sleep again last night I contacted my dr via email this morning to explain what I’ve done and could I have a couple of sleeping tablets to get me through. He got his receptionist to ring me and said I should never have withdrawn from them like that and advised I take 2 now and tonight. I have to laugh which shows my sense of humour is still there and said task him and tell him I’ll never touch that medication ever again and I’ve thrown them out in the refuse bin. Needless to say thankfully I was strong because before I would have thought all my luck had come at once. Well done to you and I can’t wait until day 41. xx

    • #27206

      They removed my story about how I got here for some reason! Hope all are doing well

    • #27207

      Hi both .This forum is for people who are affected by someone else’s addiction ,that’s why they keep removing the posts ..A few of us have a WhatsApp group chat where we support each other and can talk freely . If any of you feels like you need the support there are details of where to email your phone number few pages earlier . If you can’t find it ,let me know

      • #27208

        Thanks Maggie I’ll do that now as I really want and need the support. Well done awaterman. They’ve removed mine too and some of my other comments. That makes sense now Maggie. Didn’t realise it was for other’s xx

      • #27212

        My comment was removed but I’ve sent my phone number. Looking forward to hearing from you guy’s. And I’ll visit here too xx

    • #27456

      Hi Everyone, I’m back 🙁 I’ve relapsed and it’s a mess. I recently lost my mum and that’s been such a big pressure that i just needed something to deal with. I feel lost and unsure what to do, I’m scared to talk to people because I’m scared to admit that I’ve failed again. It’s such a dark hole to be in.

    • #27457

      Hi Everyone, I’m back, I’ve lost my self again and it’s a mess. I recently lost my mum and that’s been such a big pressure that i just needed something to deal with. I feel lost and unsure what to do, I’m scared to talk to people because I’m scared to admit that I’ve failed again. It’s such a dark hole to be in.

    • #27458

      Hi I’m looking for a bit of help, wheres the e m a i l address? I could do with talking to people

    • #27459

      Betterlife090 at outlook dot com

      • #27461

        Thank you! My posts kept saying they weren’t getting uploaded and now they all seem to be there I don’t understand

    • #27655

      Hi everyone what a great help you all are.I’m on day 4 and still not sleeping and craving but this time get through it and become a better person for’s be on and off for 22 years after a bike accident. my worst ever be I can take 40 co codamol 30/500 in one day but easy then tried 30mg codeine tablet have 112 of doctor they be gone in 2 days then running round chemist get 7 box’s of 8/500 ad get codeine out out of them and Convincing myself because I was Taken the paracetamol away it was alright to do I’m just a codeine of them and the could be 2 twice a day one Wright in front of u it horrendous my wife’s know the full extent of the addiction now she’s back me all the way it’s been a real help just the shame of it the fear of not having them I’m not Fix well it’s not even Fix it’s just because you need to take it and the mental to abuse in your head of get it.I’m not very good with writing thinks so I hope this make’s sense

      • #27656

        Hi Chris,

        4 days is just amazing!! What an achievement after 22 years to do this. You should be so proud of yourself because I know how hard it is.

        You sound determined to do this and that’s the key to getting off the pills. You find the strength to get past the withdrawals when you’ve had enough of that life. I’m glad your wife knows and is supportive. That really helps in this journey.

        In another day or 2, the worst of the physical symptoms will be over. The next few weeks are hard mentally as you feel a bit low without these pills as your brain learns to function again but take it your by hour, day by day and it gets easier! Sleep takes awhile to settle but honestly it’s all worth it for a better life. It’s so liberating not having to worry about pills all the time.

        I’m here to chat if you ever need to talk x

    • #27750

      Well done ParisJune. You’re through the worst, keep going. I needed a week off but could have struggled through work a day earlier. It’s tough but getting better is a lot faster past day 4/5. Steph.x

    • #27751

      Thank you so much Steph!

      The nights are awful. I just want this to end honestly. I just don’t know what to do with myself I’m so restless 🙁

      Thank you so much for ur support xxx

    • #27752

      Thank you so much Steph!

      nights are awful. I just want this to stop honestly. I just don’t know what to do with myself I’m so restless 🙁

      Thank you so much for ur support xxx

    • #27753

      Hi ParisJune, firstly well done for taking the plunge and deciding to stop taking pills. So days 3-5 are the works honestly. After day 7/8, the worst of the physical symptoms have past but your mood is quite low as your brain learns to cope for another few weeks. Sleep takes a good while to settle but after that first week it gets better and better. You’re nearly there!

      I took the full week off. Stopped on a Sunday and went back the following Monday. I definitely needed that time and by the Monday, being at work actually helped to keep me busy. I honestly thought I wouldn’t manage at work but I did and I promise you will too!

      The nights are hard. Take hot baths before bed to help your aches and restless legs, drink lots water and try to eat when you can. Exercise is great too if you can manage a walk. Listen to music to get your natural endorphins going too!

      I’m glad you have such supportive parents! It helps to have an emotional support around you! And you have us if you need to chat! You’ve got this!! Xx

      • #27754

        Thank you so much!! I was hoping you were still active on here and praying you would be

        It’s the nights which are awful and the mornings. I’ll try having a hot bath tonight thanks!

        • #27755

          Im always around to chat if you’re struggling! The nights are hard. You can feel lonely and desperate during the night when you can’t sleep and your legs are restless. It feels it will never end but it does. And th