Reply To: Day 18 cold turkey from codeine and starting to feel like myself


Hello everyone! I’ve been reading through all your messages and it’s given me some motivation, just what I needed today. Ive been a slave to codeine for 5 or 6 years. Every time I told myself I would come off them I would always start tomorrow and tomorrow never came. For most of the time I stuck to the prescribed amount until the last year where I was taking 24 per day. I was never strong enough to come off them, I’d always choose them until a couple of weeks ago when I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd child (not planned). I feel like this baby was sent to save me. I would of never of had the strength to start day 1 if it wasn’t for this little growing baby of mine. I’m currently on day 5 and I feel awful. Restless legs, headache, body aches, feeling sick and no energy at all. The first 3 days I spent on the sofa. On the 4th day I managed to walk to my mums and lay on her sofa. Today which is day 5 I’ve managed to watch my kids at swimming and do a bit of cleaning, also managed to do my hair ???? I’ve noticed the days get slightly better after day 3. The restless legs are the worst, csnt wait till they go!! Anyone who’s been pregnant on here will know how bloody hard your first trimester is so I feel like ive been hit with both sides of the stick, i don’t know what’s withdrawal n what’s pregnancy. Anyway your posts gave me that bit of get up and go today so thank you all. I wish I could just sleep for the next month and wake up feeling myself but were got to go through it dont we. X